Things really slow way down in the blogoshpere over the weekend, especially this one! We have just a few items that we felt worthy of including and commenting here in our little blog. Our blog’s size, compared to the big time bloggers, is a rounding error. Do we care about that? Absolutely not! We like having a […]
December 9, 2012 – My notes from Frequent Flyer University FTU
Source: RODRIGO ARANGUA/AFP/GettyImages Yo quiero Taco Bell Today it is December 9th and it marks my one month anniversary being a blogger! If you had told me that I will still be doing this AND sticking to daily posting I would have said you are a lunatic! It is true and I am proud of […]
December 8, 2012 – AA-US Merger & stuff
Trip to Moorea Island, Tahiti/French Polynesia 2004 Yeah, 2004!Daraius & Emily were in High School:-) Yesterday, in my totally uninformed, increasingly irrelevant and sometimes humble opinion, was one of the slowest days in the miles/points blogosphere! Therefore, I am taking the opportunity to go over my notes from Frequent Traveler University FTU in […]
December 7,2012 – Slow day after end of Southwest Cards & Chris Elliott
Buy? You mean it is not Free?? It must be a slow day in the blogosphere. I wonder why? Me thinks it is because bloggers are too busy counting all the app money rolling in from the alarming Southwest credit card expiring links! Bad guess? Who cares, it is my blog and I can […]
December 6, 2012 – The end is near…if you forgo the Southwest Cards!
Vanilla We are still trying to get over that award we won the other day. That was a day that will live in infamy! Especially when we have the thankless task of reviewing all the other travel blogs. What was the main theme yesterday? Well, what else…yet another day that yet another credit card’s affiliate […]
December 5, 2012 – We won an Award & feel depressed about it!
Not impressed by this award! We can not believe it! We were so sure that our fans will help us win the “Best Blog” category in the first annual “If Chris Elliott Can Do IT Anyone Can” contest. The results were announced yesterday by Points Envy. Incredibly, we won the “Best Pusher of Credit […]
December 4, 2012 – Mega Fog travel day & mega catchup day too!
Fog over Detroit River My travel back from FTU was quite an adventure! I redeemed 12,500 United miles for the red eye LAX to IAD and then was going to catch a short flight to DTW. After waiting on the plane for almost an hour, we returned to the gate. Cause=Fog in Detroit. The […]
December 3, 2012 – Catching up…
Frequent Flyer University is over in Los Angeles! A crazy weekend surrounded by a bunch of miles/points obsessed lunatics! We feel so at home being surrounded by lunatics, woohoo! As a veteran I realized going in that there would not be too many new things to learn. The best part about these conferences is the […]
December 2, 2012 – Announcing FRU in 2013
FTU LAX: Million Miles Secrets at In n Out The breakfast using my cert at the Radisson LAX was excellent. I must admit if all the Radissons were like this property, this chain could be mentioned in the same breath as, say, the Sheratons or the Doubletrees. Hey bloggers, can you do a blog about […]
December 1, 2012 – FTU & Miles/Points: Is it a cult?
Room 1209, suite upgrade at Radisson LAX It was a fantastic yesterday here in Los Angeles! The dinner on Thursday night, the Friday breakfast and lunches at the FairmontMiramar have all been wonderful! I absolutely adore my FairmontLifetimePlatinum status, I call it the status that keeps on giving! Thanks to Angelina, who writes Just Another […]