We go on another wild ride with AA standby, beat our heads with yet more problems with IHG Rewards Into The Abyss promotion, cry together with even more Delta Award changes, visit Banff and Ireland, get smarter learning about the US Savings Rate and European Crisis, shake our heads with horrid Halloween parenting fails, and make fun to yet another plastic promotion…the super amazing Chase Freedom credit card!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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American Adds Same Day Standby Feature to Website – The Forward Cabin Well, this is new to me and so great to see! Or maybe I had missed it. Maybe, just maybe, American is doing it right…Let’s just wait to hear about the “New” AAdvantage first…oh oh.
MORE ISSUES: IHG Rewards Club Into The Nights-Promotion Dashboard Stops Updating – Loyalty Lobby Whaaaaat? Even more issues? Like all the problems to date have not been enough? Unbelievable!
Complete list of 2015 Delta award chart changes – Points With A Crew Death with a thousand cuts…Give a few decreases and stick with three dozen increases…Is Delta evil?
What an Astronaut Sees From Space – The Adventure Blog This may be a repeat I am sensing but what can you say about these stunning views!!!
Speed Dating Banff National Park: How to Make the Most Out of a 3 Day Road Trip – World Meets Girl You know I love this area!
15 Reasons Everyone Should Visit Ireland – On my list but definitely no rush.
Photos: The people who thought their lives couldn’t get any worse—until Russia invaded – Quartz Drug addicts and gays in…Crimea. Awful situation all around.
You’re not rich. But you should be saving more anyway. – Vox This is such a great article!
All The Ways The Euro Crisis Is Actually Much Worse Than The Great Depression So depressing…Well done…Europe! 🙁

20 Worst Halloween (and not only) Parenting FAILS of All-Time – Seriously For Real? Some people are just, well, fill in your favorite word——–>Here!…Shaking my head…Hitler, suicide bombers, KKK…Unbelievable!
Have you had enough Chase Freedom pump posts yet?
I would like to know who is this Alan H. passing links to View From The Wing all the time!
I was going to say something about Million Mile Secrets and the posts there now days (like the TWO blog posts about the amazing Chase Freedom card in just one day) but I won’t…I must Ignore, Ignore, Ignore while they Sell, Sell, Sell! Like this: Always Be Closing – Glengarry Glen Ross It’s all about the conversions. Don’t let them win!
Ok I can’t help it. There were 20 Chase Freedom affiliate links in the body of the posts on November 18 at MMS. I am not even counting all the others! Twenty! Got it? Because, ya know, you may just miss one…Enjoy being pumped Titanium style! Barf. Another blog post was about the earth shattering news of the Chase Sapphire Preferred minimum spend going up by just $1,000…and guess what went with it? Riiiiiight! Ok…breathe breathe breathe TBB!

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I would be excited too!
And 2nd
Let Freedom ring!
Coffee is for closers! Love the Glengarry leads… this is still used as sales inspiration to this day.
Hope you are not serious about still being used as sales inspiration….but I am afraid you are 🙁
Oh it is, along with the Vin Diesel Boiler Room scene, and most recently the Leo “Just pick up the phone and dial” scene from Wolf of Wall Street. The last being my personal favorite.
Loved the Boiler Room and Wolf of Wall Street movies. Portrayed all the filth so well 🙂
This is big:
Dad guessed Dubai!!! Oh man, I was just sure he would pick Antartica.
I slept in today, but I am still one of the first.
He is a likeable fellow. I bet you he does not have a single credit card as good old German fiscally responsible conservative person he probably is. Wonder if he knows his son has transformed into a mega plastic pusher which is paying for this trip…
Likable mugshot too.
Yay! I finally made it into TBB! I wonder if I can get TBB to follow me on Twitter or add me to his master Feedly list…. 😛
You are being followed by me @FlyerTalkerinA2 for a long time now.
And you were on the Feedly list for a long time as well.
Oh, the invoice is in the mail by the way hehe
Yay!!!! 😛
Ok to pay with Chase Freedom if you like lol
Personally I like Scott from Hack My Trip, but not only is the site’s name changing but the content too. I thought I was reading VFTW’s (If I WERE KING) author for a second, as Scott wastes our time with a piece on how he has to wait at the luggage carousel with the rest of the peons for 15 minutes to get his bag. Attention Pretentious Bloggers, be grateful for the gig you have selling credit cards for EZ MONEY, whining about the stuff we all go through in life everyday on your blog is petty. Ramsey Out.
B T W my Mcdonald’s drive thru is really slow lately and my fries yesterday were not very hot. Now THIS IS IMPORTANT and should be fixed IMMEDIATELY!! Ramsey in an out.
Ramsey: The voice of reason!
Ribs 🙂
Canceled all my IHG reservations this morning and rebooked Dublin and London. Two nights, $230, and earn two free nights.
I’ll jump through the IHG hoops.
Tomorrow I will be in Ireland boglands.
Turns out Bus Eireann has a loyalty program.
I got 5 EUR off first ticket. 12 EUR round trip between Dublin airport and Athlone where I have a $37 per night Radisson Blu hotel stay,
If I had trips scheduled that I could do a few reasonable stays for this promo I would jump through the hoops too 🙂
$37 per night at a Radisson…impressive. Hope the property is not worth it 🙂
I know I’m pretty awesome, but jeez, this Chase Freedom promotion has me doubting myself.
I only see you in the Credit Card Hall of Fame Hawaiian!
Got in a non- work excursion and went to see the Athenian marbles saved graciously by Lord Elgin. They said they’re safer where they are now. Greetings from Kennedy.
Clooney’s new wife now has taken up the cause to return these marbles back to where they belong…for a fee I assume.