We get a nice wrap up of the latest Business Class deals, learn how to use Amex MR points to the Caribbean, show 9 ways to get hotel room upgrades, learn how to burn hotel points in Mauritius, travel to Cuba, watch Alex Honnold in amazement, learn all about Dim Sum and more!<——fake cheerful exclamation mark 🙂
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Incredible Business Class Flight Deals: American, United, and Delta Miles TRIFECTA! – The Lazy Travelers Handbook   Good summary of what has been going on lately with Business Class awards. Very welcome suprrise!
Pro Tip – Using AMEX MR to the Caribbean – Extremely Low Award Pricing and Multiple Island Stops Allowed! – Point Me To The Plane   Too much snow here so I am dreaming of the Caribbean. And this may be a way to do it, check it out. Darn taxes!
My Week in Points: Delta Hates Us, I Don’t – Rapid Travel Chai   Always a few nuggets of info I may have missed during the week. And I usually don’t miss much 🙂
9 Ways to Get Free Hotel Room Upgrades Without Elite Status – Points Summary   Pretty good list, especially for new in the hobby.
Using Points To Stay In Mauritius – Miles To The Wild   Nice summary of hotel point burning options.
Go Cuba! – The Adventure Blog   I think we will be seeing more of this. I hear an airline will fly you to Havana from JFK for $850 round trip. Still a ludicrous prices but hey, it is Cuba!
Alex Honnold’s Birthday Challenge – The Adventure Blog   This kid is just amazing, never fails to go WOW!
The Beginner’s Field Guide to Dim Sum – Lucky Peach   This is great! And this is when View From The Wing debates whether to link to me for the first time lol.
Is Your Broker Double-Crossing You? – Forbes   Good article. Beware of salesmen selling investments and credit cards 🙂
For the record, I think Delta execs are a bunch of evil assholes. Bloggers faking their displeasure while selling Delta cards are _______ (fill in the blank).
Life has caught up with me and Blog Buzz is temporarily off. New client owner of tech company with 100 employees, client’s mother death who left a mess of an estate, my other writing is reaching obscene levels of popularity, tax data flooding in…I am blessed to be doing something for a living that I truly enjoy. When time allows I am back at it in my usual entertaining style. Vote with your clicks, encourage good blogging practices by NOT clicking on these bloggers, Lord knows they get a lot of newbie click by victims! And my soccer team “Gasping For Air” is in first place with 3 games left and aiming for the second trophy! We have only won the championship once, it was definitely the highlight of my 40s LOL!
This is what I was going to comment on, a never ending fest of plastic selling mayhem to the masses…It is a sad state of affairs indeed. I mean, look at this crap that would have never seen the light of the day if it was not for the selling of the credit cards. “Expert” advice, cough. When I get kicked out of creditcards dot com I am turning this into a Blog Buzz only blog LOL.

Thank you for reading and supporting my blog by clicking the crap out of my $$$ links! By doing this YOU are taking a stand against endless plastic pimping. The power is in YOUR hands. YOU can do this! You can respond to the TBB blog troll and tell him you proudly clicked on my links hehe. I am out of wine on purpose #taxbeastmode
First pic of TBB posted here as a kid, looking up at my dad…
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This might be 1st but Delta hid the TBB rankings policy
Cute kid photo!
Who cares about delta? They are so evil after they killed NWA I’ve only flew them twice and that was coz a client made me!
Good luck w the new client!
The Point Me to the Plane article says there are no surcharges redeeming ANA miles on Copa (not true), and they deleted my comment pointing that out?! PSA: United flights only for ANA miles to the Caribbean!
I take that back – my comment is there on one of the two identical blog posts. A little confusing!
I think that out of all the numerous posts written by all the bloggers in the past 2 days about Delta, analysis by FQF is closer to reality. I made an award booking even after the award chart was pulled out and the search engine returns similar results that i have experienced in the past. Delta is undeniably the most “arrogant” airline that i have to deal with almost on a bi-weekly basis but other US based airlines are just “stupid”. They just are incapable to capitalize on this weakness of Delta. Is there any possibility of excellent service oriented airline like Singapore or Cathay or Emirates are given permission to operate local fleet? I dont think so but that would be great for US based travellers, according to me.
You look a lot like your dad!
Been busy, will try to get a short blog post tomorrow!