We show you a way to get some hot Credit Card offers which makes us feel so dirty inside, show you how to register for the excellent Club Carlson Hotel promotion and the sucky Starwood SPG hotels promotion, learn more about the new Delta Skymiles award booking system, bookmark a site about visas for US Citizens and then travel to some stunning heritage sites in India.
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The blogosphere was abuzz with the CardMatch tool at the CreditCards.com site where you can see if you were targeted for several lucrative card offers, such as the Personal Amex Platinum for 100k points, the Amex Premier Rewards Card for 50k and the Amex EveryDay Preferred card for 30k points. You could get to them if you click on the Credit Cards tab on the top, then the CreditCards.com link or banner and then the “Offers Matched For You” on the top left corner. See what you were targeted for. I am assuming you are a responsible credit card user who never pays a penny of interest as that would be a crying shame. Oh, I am assuming you never had these cards before but since you are reading my site you are probably not a newbie and you likely had all these personal Amex cards. I recently advised a friend pondering about starting a blog to focus on the newbies to sell them these cards for the first time. And then keep hunting for more. Sometimes I wonder why I keep doing this…Do you have a therapist to refer me?
There was another super low fare round, more details from the Flight Deal. I get their tweets on my phone. If I had no job, no family, no obligations, not anything…I would be booking me trips and traveling year round. And then I woke up 🙂 Seriously, you should probably following them and getting their tweets on your phone. I almost took the familia to Russia. Always looking for bargains #rublesinthedirt.
Register for the Club Carlson hotel promotion titled “Extend Your Stay, Earn 30k”. Easily the best hotel promotion currently, especially if you have the Club Carlson credit card (enter imaginary link). I have so many of these points and the balances keep going up and can’t find a way to use them #goodproblem. Also check your email for an additional 10k Club Carlson points if you register by January 12 and proceed with the qualifying stays if you can swing some cheapo stays or moving around some stays for work. You can read more details about the promotion in this post by Loyalty Traveler.
You can now register for Starwood’s “Double Pay” promotion. It should probably be renamed “Double Suck”! Watch out for the non-participating hotels (sneaky!).
Delta SkyMiles 2015: Agonized, Tantalized and Analyzed — Part Three: SkyPesos and Stopovers – The Lazy Traveler’s Handbook Final piece in the series. Interesting stuff, especially on the stopovers on Delta flights vs partners. It is obvious the Skypesos have not become Skyrubles 🙂
Good site to bookmark: Visa requirements for United States citizens (thanks to reader Dave for sending it in!)
17 of the coolest heritage sites in India – Matador Network Some phenomenal pictures here.

This Tiny Private Jet Has Room For 7 — And Its Own Parachute This tiny jet can be yours for just $2 million, love the parachute!

7 Retirement Savings Accounts You Should Consider – Kiplinger A great basic summary of these accounts!
I get questions like “Can I rollover my SEP IRA to my Regular IRA” and other combinations. Well here is your answer with this totally awesome Rollover Chart link (HT to Kiplinger)
I am holding on the phone with American Airlines AAdvantage, we are in 1 hour and minute 22 mark already and still holding, Wow! Or more like WTF!!!!!
Bloggers mocking me for bringing in $2.04 over the weekend? #socruel

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Hate the cardmatch pimping. No offer for me. 🙁
Me too, it blows.
My AA phone hold ordeal ended at 1 hour and 59 minutes! Wanted to charge me phone res fee. When I said I could not book it online she wanted to transfer me to the Web dept. Hell Noooooooo I said, I don’t have 2 more hours to waste I need to get to sleep!!!
Anyways, I put it on hold for now 🙂
Trying to get to Greece in mid to late June. Crazy routings…
Ha — I was trying to book a LAN trip with AAdvantage yesterday. At least they offer the callback feature now (it does actually work) so you don’t actually have to stay “on hold” for an hour. But the first time I got an agent whose computer froze and — surprise — there was no way for her to transfer me to another agent. So I had to start over in the queue again! With agent access so difficult to get (so much for HUCA!), you really want to know what you’re looking for. While I was waiting, I went to ba.com to see what the likely inventory was.
Today in the mail I received a 75,000 promo for the Amex card, but nothing on cardmatch! Whoa is me!
For a long time I was jealous of these mailed in offers as I was getting nada consistently. Recently I got a 100k Amex Busines Platinum and wife got a 75k PRG offer so….it is weird. Totally unpredictable, not done anything different…So good luck to you!
Your comment on not being able to jump on these flight deals due to having a job + obligations rings all too true. Sigh.
I am down until April 15 for sure. But I am almost done with booking an award trip to Greece in mid to late June for the whole familia to see grandma. Well, half way done after holding for 2 long hours on the phone to speak to AA agent! Now I need to find me a way back and we may go UA…
and so it goes
Thanks for the mention and trust me, you do NOT want to be either in Moscow or SP in winter. Actually, you wouldn’t want to be in either city even if they paid you to fly in J. So it’s for the best that you have a job, family, and obligations. 🙂
i briefly thought about it and decided to stay put. There will be another one…they never stop
FU Cardmatch, I got jack.
Apparently, you are not the only one!
CardMatch 150,000 Amex Plat offer……Suh,Suh good.
I’m eligible for the First Premier Bank Classic Credit Card.
150k Amex Plat = Heaven
First Premier Bank Classic = Hell
Huh, Card Match suggests the Kardashian Kard.
Card Match, what an ass!
It’s been at least a year since I got anything good from cardmatch.
I don’t think I ever saw anything good for me on it but I sure hope some readers find something and apply with it! #weallwin
Buzz, how much are you paying Al Sharpton?
Perfect timing, today broke the losing streak since December 21 with a cc sale, woohoo! I ‘ll take care of Al 🙂