We share our depressing thoughts about the Club Carlson devaluation massacre, get entertained about the Citibank retail Cards, learn of the new ResellingDO, barf at the balls of the Big Crumbs people to come up with a new scheme (my opinion only!), visit Mt Fuji, Iran, Michigan and the oh so pretty look at me and click my links to travel to Maldives for free zzzzzz….
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Dear readers, I have been saving all these links below to feature here and I am leaning towards more making TBB a once or twice a week must read post that will keep you busy…until the next weekly post that is. In the meantime I may be bringing you filler posts haha. Just kidding but not really. I am amidst of an incredible busy stretch in my real job and I just need to get my act together so the quality of what I do does not diminish…It’s a work in progress, evolving non stop. Thanks for all the support.
Club Carlson Visa dumping Bonus Award Nights – Frequent Miler This blog broke this story with one of the most anticipated and still horrific devaluations in recent times. Frankly, I have no idea how this benefit lasted so long! The streak of mega devaluations and deals being killed continues at a frenetic pace and I must admit I wonder how much longer this hobby can be, how shall I put this, umm, “worth it”. After this benefit is gone, it exposes Club Carlson to what it really is…a mediocre program a class above Wyndham…oh wait, not sure about that too lately. Dang it, all these Club Carlson points I have, along with many others just sitting there getting devalued #facepalm
Citibank retail credit cards: a brief guide – Personal Finance Digest Interesting run down of the Citibank retail cards…Most of these don’t get a lot of play from the plastic selling “travel” bloggers who prefer to sell cards that pay them the most commissions. And these are not it of course!
Another Do appropriately titled ResellingDO. Hey it ends with beer at a brewery, hooray! TBB endorses it because he can tell who is a true hobbyist and who is masquerading as an “expert” while smoothly pumping credit cards at their sites (think FTU and Titan speakers, cough).
My Retention Bonus Offers & Lessons Learned – Doctor of Credit Great feedback on retention offers, schedule some time to chat on the phone with a hopefully nice agent. I would do that too if I spent less time bringing you this amazing blog with my Alexa flirting spectacular content lol.
BigCrumbs/MainStreetShares’ CEO Posts Comment on this Blog – Will Run For Miles After the Big Crumbs MLM ponzi scheme like (my opinion!) “sudden” death, the same people have the balls to start another MLMish scheme (my opinion!) to get you to keep bugging your friends to sign them up under your wing. I mean, suckers are born every minute I guess and at the end the ones really smiling are the ones running the scheme and the few early entrants into it. Barf! I apologize to all for having this in my referral links (now gone). You should read HikerT’s comments.
Mt. Fuji in Timelapse – The Adventure Blog Incredible video, speechless!
BLUE ANGELS – Insane Footage Takes You Inside the Cockpit For the aviation geek TBB readers!
Epic: Brave duo navigates Iran’s longest river source to sea – Matador Network Yes, epic indeed!
Historic BASE Jump from Mount Kilimanjaro These guys are nuts but this one is just beyond any charts…
15 breathtaking winners from Sony’s annual photo contest Words do not begin to describe the pure awesomeness. Hey, if you have nothing good to say troll my comments to whine some more because it is about responsibility lol.
![During practice at the Basketball World Cup in Madrid, a Hungarian basketball player attempts a dunk. "I haven't seen the guy in the picture again, but if I see him, I'm afraid I will have to invite him [to] dinner," photographer Jaime Massieu says.](http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/551446706da811290d0228a1-1200/jaime-massieuspainwinneropensplit-second2015.jpg)
13 spots in Michigan that any local should be proud of – Matador Network Let the pictures prove the fact that Michigan is just beautiful and so lucky to be living here…
37 incredible drone photos from across the globe that would be totally illegal today If you are going to click on just one link today in my blog, make it THIS one. You are welcome!
!["As a result, most aerial shots [are] blue, bright, sunny, and boring,” he says. “My best shots have been in unusual weather, but it’s taken several flights to achieve. That kind of experimentation would have been impossibly expensive with a helicopter."](http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/5512ce4b69bedd9c7955b7ef-1200/as-a-result-most-aerial-shots-are-blue-bright-sunny-and-boring-he-says-my-best-shots-have-been-in-unusual-weather-but-its-taken-several-flights-to-achieve-that-kind-of-experimentation-would-have-been-impossibly-expensive-with-a-helicopter.jpg)

Awesome Castle near Kiev – English Russia A weird site and an awesome looking castle indeed.
Pictures of Iran before the revolution Wow pretty amazing to see these pictures and ponder what the hell happened there with the fanatic mullahs.

23 maps that will teach you something new about the world – Matador Network We like to educate around here. And the maps here will educate you for sure. Or you can waste your time reading another blog post about how a (insert affiliate credit card) will give you free travel zzzzzz.

The Maldives is a tropical human-rights hell – Quartz Next time you read another glorious trip report about this place that is a thinly disguised attempt to sell more credit cards remember the facts in this article. Deal?
122 Things Everyone Should Know About Investing and the Economy – Motley Fool This is a brilliant post.
A Guide for Young People: What to Do With Your Life – zen habits May have shared this post before too but it is that good. Forwarded to son who is searching to find himself…
401(k) Tips for Job Hoppers – US News & World Report This is one of the best articles written on the subject that happens all too often. Lately, it is because people are getting better job offers!
TBB staff member after visiting the Hash Bash in Ann Arbor, woohoo!

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Welcome back first.
First is the worst, second is the best!
Happy Easter George!
Third. Not a great start to my week. But a start nonetheless.
What’s the problem with Carlson?! The new triple points promo means you get over 50 per cent of spend back if you value points at $7.50 per 1000.
What is worse? Being fifth in your own blog or slipping in the most devastating hotel awards devaluation in the last page of a credit card statement? 🙂
Club Carlson has been giving away points like eggs in an Easter Egg hunt. But it remains that when you compare it to the other main hotel chains it is a far inferior product with a plethora of crappy properties, wildly inconsistent in delivering of elite benefits (Gold is a joke, come on and who gets Conscierge!), the Blu properties being so few out there. Other than Europe, they almost never came to be practical option compared to SPG, IHG, Hyatt and HIlton…
And still waiting for the annual renewal bonus to post before canceling the cards…Slipping in the change in the last page of a credit card statement is criminal.
So there 🙂
My eyesite is going…..on the Thrillest Map of America, for California, does it say MOST BREASTED BABES? No wonder they have an area called Silicon Valley?……I wish they were the ones moving in mass up here to Portland instead of all the Fruits and Nuts and Hipsters looking to retire at age 25………….Buzz I have gone cold turkey on this whole Mileage/Point/Credit Card addiction. We are selling our home and leaving Portland (too much traffic, #7 in USA) and moving up to the Great White North. Wanna make sure we don’t have hassels with the new morgage explaining all the credit card apps. It has been so refreshing not running to Walmart everyday or reading VFTW (did you know he is the selp proclaimed THOUGHT LEADER ON TRAVEL)? Whatanass. Try some modesty and humility Gleff…..I digress, Buzz you and your family are still invited to stay with us in out new home anytime, maybe Mrs. TBB can teach Mrs. Ramsey her world famous recipe for Curry Soup?…..We are moving to VANCOUVER…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Wa. So feel to bunk with us anytime…………………………… ps. Friends have been asking me recently if I was ever concerned about flying with pilot in the cockpit when I was still an F/A. YES, 4 pilots come to mind…..One I mentioned before was the transexual Captain who went from man (had 3 grown kids) to a Woman. Cut off his junk, ouch. I believe it took him 4 years of evaluations and lawsuits after his operation to get his job back. Other pilots always traded out of working with himher. I admit the time I flew with her i was thinkng about him committing suicide the whole time (it was just after the Egypt Air suicide pilot)………….. Another Nut Pilot I worked with looked exactly like Abraham Lincoln, he wanted to depart STL ASAP when I told him the Gate Agent told me to evacuate the PAX into the Main Terminal as a tornado was in the area. He declared he was going to beat it out of STL (somehow he got permission to leave gate) we taxied for a while, and then Holy Hell broke loose. Weather was so severe people were loudly crying and screaming. We lived, flight cancelled due to dents from the hail…………………….. There were two other Pilots that I am glad I only flew with only as flight engeneers and not behind the stick yet. One looked and acted like Denis Hopper in Easy Rider, used a hand sewn leather saddle bag over his shoulder instead of the typical black pilot bag. This was at a time when all the pilots looked straight out of a Johm Wayne WWll movie. He quit to instead promote Rock Concerts from the wealth he made on buying in on the patent for what is now known as Rogaine. True story…………………………Another Flight Engineer who I was glad that he was not flying yet was a loud outspoken wild and crazy Latin Gigilo who I worked with dozens of times on the JFK- SJU (Puerto Rico) run with a nice layover there. He always traveled with his saxaphone (pilots are very very unlikely to be musicians), he took out the hot F/A’s bar hopping all night partying. Yes, yes I was jealous, but I was glad he was never flying the plane, he was just up there sitting sideways looking at the curcuit breakers and fuel guages (watta a job). But here is the kicker, one day on a return flight from SJU-JFK (I was not working this one, thank God) where the Captain was working his final leg before retiring. The JFK firetrucks were waiting to give the Capt. his traditional water canon salute for his final flight. But apparently Gigilo Flight Engineer pursuaded the retiring Captain to let him land the Lockeed L-1011. He must of gotten the Captain banged in SJU the night before…Although he was going through simulator training to be moved up to F/O, Saxman F/E was not licensed fly that bird. The landing I was told by co-workers was so hard they feared for their lives. HE BROKE THE FREAKING PLANE!!!! Broke it, it never flew again. Lockeed L-1011, one the best made wide-body jets ever with the most advanced technology of its time, Broken by a bad landing. WTF!………….Captain retired, F/O was suspended until union got him reinstated with back pay and Gigilo F/E was fired. …Probably in a band somewhere in SJU and flying for an inter island commuter…..this was all covered up by TWA and happened well before social media, they would of had a field day with it.
ht to Kumar
Your stories are wild. Can’t believe the last one, what an idiot, wow!
About Rogaine, I prefer Bosley when they give away 20k miles a pop lol.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
George, You are so funny!!!!
One of the latest TBB Twitter tweets:
“While Titans pump their readers silly with plastic, TBB brings you real news “Delta considers future hub in Shanghai”
Shouldn’t it say that “TBB COPIED AND PASTED somebody else’s work”????
Now go tweet that I posted on your blog again 🙂
“Breaking News: Founder of @FrugalTravelGuy Rick I did respond to a reader comment.” from the TBB twitter
George. Love you man and glad to see you are still reading the ftg blog although its on your ignore list????
I was also thinking about the Maldives how this hobby is so Carbon Footprint heavy and how the Maldives may not be around as we know it much longer…George you are the greatest!
Thanks. Maldives posts sell lots of credit cards, especially when you extend them to 38 parts 🙂