We bring you even more Amex Points, visit Bhutan, learn about LGBT Personal Finance issues, bring you the latest in the Miles & Points Blog Buzz, latest on the Citi Prestige card and possibly a new high end Chase Sapphire Reserve card, news about the Cristiano Ronaldo hotels, survive the Darien Gap, laugh at a Bar Exam joke post, barf at the strangest Japanese foods, visit colorful destinations, bring you a new credit card that no pumping blogger promotes since they don’t get any dinero for selling it and lots more! Thanks for the kind words and the support!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
The latest wrap up about the Citi Prestige card and where it stands right now…
If you have an SPG Amex card, you could get 2,500 SPG points by adding an authorized user.
Premium Chase “Sapphire Reserve” credit card coming? With 100k bonus. But if you had more than 5 of ANY credit cards in the past 24 months, forgetabbouit. This eliminates 99.99% of you, I sure know how you feel and weep with you!
21 Things to Know Before You Go to Bhutan. Every time I see a pic of the Tiger’s Nest I say “Wow!”.
Oh no…A new hotel brand CR7 is coming that mirrors Cristiano Ronaldo’s lifestyle. “”I enjoy trendy atmospheres, with vibrant social life and a cool vibe.” Please stab me right now! I could make a separate post about this but I am not a Titan.
Ultra cool timelapse video watching an F/A 18 Super Hornet plane get built from the ground up.
Don’t do this with gift cards, WTF!
This is an incredible find. Ok, I am biased I guess because I find this stuff! “A Terrifying Journey Through the World’s Most Dangerous Jungle“. The Darién Gap on the border of Colombia and Panama…Brace yourselves. You are welcome.
For laughs, especially if you are an attorney: The Six People You Meet at the Bar Exam Here is an excerpt:
1. The Perennial Failure
This person has failed the bar exam five times in the last three years, but, without changing study habits at all, thinks this the one time things will go differently. Even some smart people fail the first time. Law of large numbers, it happens. But, if you fail your second and third attempts, you really should consider whether you’re cut out to be an attorney. Not that being an attorney is particularly hard; you’re just particularly stupid.
Time to start finding alternative uses for that law degree. For instance, if you roll it up, you can swat flies with it. Have you considered a career as an exterminator?
Good personal finance checklist with all the latest changes in the laws after the Supreme Court decision to constitutionalize same-sex marriages.
5 of the strangest Japanese foods ever. Check the dancing squid bowl dish below. I guess I will skip the “Shirako”, which is sperm for fish, WTF!
18 Most Colorful Destinations in the World. Provence Village of Menton, Provence-Alpes Cote d’Azur, France

Picture of the day at Twisted Sifter: British Columbia. So serene, unlike every day when I scream “serenity now”, especially when they do not refill the coffee at Panera on time!
Note: This section is geared to more advanced travel hacking enthusiasts!
I guess I could have made a separate post about the IHG Rewards Pointbreaks list like so many other bloggers so I can make money off more page views…oh wait, I don’t have any ads here! Besides, where is the originality in doing anything like that? Here are the picks of Stefan at Rapid Travel Chai.
There is an Ameriprise branded Amex card I did not know existed, easy 25k Membership Rewards points. Thanks for this gem to reader ABC.
We discuss some blogs in FlyerTalk. The discussion came around the Prestige card in the thread for One Mile Prestige Card at a Time and when someone pointed how finally View from the Wing posted about the changes I had to point out the juicy $$$ details for…completeness. It’s about education!
I had the horrible thought to checkout the former Delta Points blog when he also updated his readers with the Prestige card changes. Stupid me, nothing has changed. Apparently, just because you are running a business you have the green light to not properly inform your readers. Nice job Boarding Area for going along with such practices. Even Million Mile Secrets at least linked to the non affiliate 50k Prestige card link!
It appears, officially, that Ingy and Howie are both out at Frugal Travel Guy. The credit card selling in that site has missed a bit but I am sure they are working on selling more plastic as usual. And guess which one of them went to Award Wallet? Enjoy your emails and “in your face” must click ads from them, smh. Love the PM feature in FlyerTalk and DM in Twitter, feel free to use it with any inside info, blog’s title contains BUZZ #hint.
Ok, not blog related, just a funny family picture!
And I leave you with this…Just when I thought I found an affiliate link strategy to join Titanhood…LOL!
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If you ain’t FIRST…
Good mix of news, pictures and links today, Buzz.
Award Wallet, eh? Reminds me of an old Dorothy Parker saying. Actually all her sayings are old, not sirprising since she died in 1967.
Good one Sam.
fourth of firth or is it firth of forth? Too jetlagged to know. So, Bhutan is all that. Went in 2010 when there were no ATMs. Hiked to the Tiger’s Nest. I love spicy food but food there is out and out the spiciest anywhere I’ve been. Totally worth a trip!
Slow day in the miles points land today…
After seeing the kid disrespectfully kick his toy basketball hoop, I was happy to see him get knocked down by it. Karma…..it’s a bitch!
Everyone is saying “America is Great” last night…………..let’s ask the people living all around the Portland area without a place to call home. In the last few years Homelessness around here has risen exponentially. Shanty towns and camps have popped up in so many places it makes me think that I am seeing a snapshot of The Great Depression in the 1920’s. You cannot travel very far without seeing someone with a sign standing on the corner asking for money (for Meth). I saw something on the ethernet that said the homeless rate in PDX is higher than Detroit in the last recession. Sure there are jobs here, shitty low wage service jobs with no future to get ahead with. Litter and graffiti, rise in gang violence, grid lock traffic that is creating road rage and an explosion of asshole drivers. Portland, until recently was the hidden crown jewel of The Pacific Northwest, the BEST place to raise a family, a place where people always did the right thing. Now it is inevitable that it will eventually become SoCal North. Thank your new neighbor from California for ruining this place!
I focus on the positive…
Portland is still in the Top 25 here:
I fail to see how Trump will cure what you talk about. On the contrary, my gut feeling is that he will make everything worse. Same thing happened in Greece…yeah, I know, US is not Greece blah blah blah. Finally almost about leaving the recession behind and the idiots voted in a a young dude with an insane agenda full of lies to appeal to their anger. Endless stupid negotiations for months only to relent to sign another bailout with terms almost 4 times more severe than the previous govt, banks closed and capital controls in place more than a year later allowing everyone only 420 euros withdrawal per week…What I mean is….be careful what you wish/vote for.
Vote your conscience 🙂
read the healthiest cities article you referenced above……those were not joggers but people running away from the beggars and muggers…….
First thing is…make sure the cock is completely leveled…
gets me every time LOLing
What were they smoking?
Lol…yeah really!
its a really bad problem that is gonna take a lot of effort and attention to solve. But I dont know who will have the fortitude to champion that cause
Yeah, the corners with meth addicts…we have them around here too.
I say it starts with legalizing marijuana and start treating them as addicts and not as criminals for a change…
There was one normal guy used to come to Panera…then he disappeared for a while…saw him at the corner with a sign begging for money…he looked awful, lost at least half of his weight…So tragic to watch. Addiction is a disease…I lost my cousin to drugs, talk about wounds that never heal across familias.
Who’s gonna pay for the drug addicts rehab? The friendly taxpayer? Good luck floating that trash out there.
You should watch this, I think it is excellent:
I am willing to work on a compromise with you, we need to work together, we both want what is best for the country. I do not identify with a party, I see myself more as an independent. You know, like I don’t want to be identified with Boarding Area as I despise some of the blogging practices of some of its blogs. I just vote for the party that scares me…less 🙂
And the Republican party has been hijacked by some really extremists, wow! I put in that category the Sanders followers too. Actually, it would be nice if all extremists did not exist but sadly we are not…Turkey lol.
If the money that goes to law enforcement and incarceration went to drug addiction treatment I think it would be a better outcome. And if meth was replaced by marijuana we would have a bunch of peace loving high people bothering Ramsey instead of some that make you afraid for your safety…
Anyways, TPG is going to speak at Facebook Headquarters? Why would an HR invite this salesman to sell his credit card is beyond me, shameful!
Oh Im definitely for getting people caught w personal consumption amts of weed out of prison. But we got a huge yuuuuuuuuuuuuge drug problem in this country. Im for going after the dealers not consumers.
See we agree. If I could get away with it I would love to pull the trigger/flip the switch on these scum after waterboarding them every day for a year.
Many of the young homeless people you see are transients form other states that come to Portland every summer. It is why downtown turns into a shit hole every summer.
Now that you mention it, we have the same problem in Ann Arbor in the summer. There is one who has a sign “Spare some change to buy weed?”..I think he does well!
Nada happening in the miles/points land today, wow! I am so bored I may even go for that Ameriprise branded Amex card for 25k lol.
So, have some laughs with Colbert crashing the Democratic National Convention in Philly, bwahahahahaha:
In case you missed this article on Trumps new supporter.
apparently he is a CFP just like you Buzz.
Oh yeah…Malik….he is a piece of work!
Hope the dude is not a CFP, that would be embarrassing!
Every family has a black sheep, beeeeeeeh 🙂
I’m hoping Chase will Make the new card immune to 5/24 like Citi is doing with AA Exec cards, otherwise it will be useless for anyone in this game.
I was considering going to Bhutan to see the Tiger’s Nest. Friends went for 10 days and were bored out of their minds so I was hoping to arrange for a three day tour after trekking in Nepal. Nope, Blue Poppy can only do five day min so the cost would be $1100 plus another $600 in flights (from Kathmandu and then onto Bangkok!). So it’s a no-go for me. Maybe I’ll go another time when I won’t be jaded by Nepal tracking and actually enjoy the scenery again.
I’m guessing the Ronaldo hotel will be like those restaurants where everyone is purposely rude and abnoxious to you?
I would be shocked if the Chase Reserve was not subject to 5/24.
Yeah, I hear Bhutan is not cheap, it can wait.
Would you go to the Ronaldo hotel if it was free with points? 🙂
What’s with FTG and all the new AWARD WINNING writers? No more Howie and the “retired” mortgage banker. I wonder what awards those folks won? Most links for cards in one article maybe.