We ponder about the Amex Old Blue Cash Limits and some dates around it, have the first feedback on the new Delta SkyMiles Changes, we cry together of the 2014 MS losses, register for all the Cash Back promos without having your eyes gouged by $$ links repeatedly, visit Tajikistan and Vietnam and learn of some 2015 tax changes.
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Evaluating the old Blue Cash $50K limit – Frequent Miler Good info on the card some of you stil have (me too!). I left this commment: “I always thought my card reset on 12/31. I was alerted on Twitter that it is based on anniversary date, which was new to me. So I called Amex. It appears that there are versions of the card (based on when you applied) that reset in either one of these dates. Luckily, I confirmed my card resets on 12/31 so I need to make a visit to my local mall to get the $6.5k out of the way pronto! I made a note of the csr and date/time of the phone call just in case this issue comes up again.
Delta SkyMiles 2015: Agonized, Tantalized and Analyzed Part One — What You Really Need to Know! – The Lazy Traveler’s Handbook Well, well, well. After promising to fix the award calendar back in 2008 (or was it 2010?), they finally got around to it. Welcome nevertheless but of course the price to pay is high with the loss of stopovers. And we don’t know all the shenanigans yet…
A Look Back at the Manufactured Spending Methods We Lost This Year – FrugalHack.Me Nice list but oh so depressing!
Reminder: register for first quarter cash back categories and hotel promotions – The Free-quent Flyer Good info to have. Yes we prefer blog in the TBB Love and Like lists and we highly recommend you ignore the ones in the Ignore list (except for Blog Buzz!) and you should too!
Top Ten Things to Do in The No-Mans Land Between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan – Yomadic Do you prefer these trip reports or multi part “Emily eating airline meal smiling click all my links” trip reports at Million Mile Secrets? What did you say? Oh, okay then, you are cool.

The Best Travel Photos of 2014 – World Meets Girl Great looking collection here!

7 Big Tax Changes in 2015 – USA Today This is a good list you should be aware of.
Get used to these short posts… I think. I should fold but can’t leave you all…what would I do without you? (don’t answer that lol)
Reader Neil sent in this pic. Really Hilton, really?
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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Pour one out for VR 1st
Second, for those doing 5% categories I gave some spending tips on the 1st as well as the activation links.
I’ll always be first in Georgies eyes.
Well, at least the Waldorf managed to spell their own name correctly…
A lousy bottle of still water as a Diamond amenity? And you have to put that misspelled note in the fridge or they’ll charge you? Are they so effin lame they can’t keep track automatically? And they make the Diamond member responsible for not getting charged for something that they are entitled to? Fire that hotel manager for letting such crappy hospitality exist, let alone for their supposed most valued guests…
Yep, no breakfast for Golds at this property. I have never received any kind of upgrade at check-in though they always manage to have a slightly nicer room I can buy up to. Add obnoxious resort fee plus obnoxious valet charge for complete rip off feeling. Property is nice, but hold your wallet tight!
A sad day for TBBers, as Donna Douglas, who played buxom Elly May Clampett on the Beverly Hillbillies, passed away:
Condolences to Jed and all his kin.
Yes this is a sad day.
“Probably she does not have a future in sales :-)” Excellent. Period.
@ Spencer F.: WOW, you are First! So used to seeing you in 2nd place, how does it feel? Golden? I miss VRs so much.
@ William Charles: It’s okay to insert the link, you are in the Like list now #hint
@ Erik: Bronze. Medal. Yes.
@ Paul: Yeah, really. Couldn’t believe this pic…I still don’t actually.
@ Sam: We are in mourning here, may give the staff the whole day off. RIP Elly.
@ Andrew: Thanks. I write what comes to my mind. And to maximize readers’ clicking of my links. I need to improve 🙂
My comment has probably gotten swallowed by Aksimet. Anyway, just wanted to thank you for the mention and I agree: it remains to be seen whether or nor SkyMiles will be honest with us or get back to the old days of sneakery. For now I like what I see. By the way, stopovers are SUPPOSEDLY working. I’m writing about it as we speak (well, as I speak).
I did not see a comment of yours caught by Askimet. I need to take a look at your Part 2 when I get around to it. Too much Blog Buzzing 🙂