TBB gets attacked and a few haters come out, TBB clarifies Twitter practices, Bank of America gets the new Amtrak Card, Glamp Guide, Travel Blogging could be so sexy, travel to see an Indonesia Chicken Church, and shake our heads about the last article regarding octopus orgies…wow, I am sure some blogger could think of a way to pass an Amex SPG card link about how to do that too lol.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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First, some inspiration….WOW! Thank you Twisted Sifterย again!

I woke up to a very surprising post attack by Matt at Saverocity Travel, one of the blogs in the TBB I Like list and a network of bloggers who I hold in such high regard. I think it was an extreme over reaction and I could not pin down the reason for the over reaction. I finally got it and I updated my post by adding a paragraph in bold font AND a link back to said post. Hey, I love criticism and I learn from it. And thank you Matt for taking the time to bust my bollocks, you show you care! And some of it is sure warranted, I do like to whine, it is part of my personality but I also like to make fun of it too.
At the end of the day, we all have a choice: to read what we like! Take what you read from me with a giant dose of snark because, well, it is a part of my TBBness lol. Anyways, you can read my comments there, not going to repeat myself. If you are bored and you care that is. I think the comments will contribute to your entertainment factor, we got some doozy ones. Even the resident blog troll Rick I. did not take long to repeat the same delusional arguments he keeps repeating. I just wished he stays commenting in Matt’s blog and leave us alone, can’t take so much yawning anymore! I have not been to Frugal Travel Guy blog in months and sure do not comment there. And this guy keeps reading, keeps trolling, keeps commenting, keeps insulting left and right while also saying to be positive…I mean, WTF really! There is a certain aspect to this hobby that is addictive, you know, the crack. You get to know the characters in person, it gets personal and then you also get the angry person who comments and comes out of nowhere to say crap that make you shake your head and think “hey, there are others more disturbed than you out there lol”. Anyways, enjoy the show and bring popcorn! Or just move on, this is not important stuff anyway! I sure wished there was a link back to my blog, it’s not like TBB is a Titan and pops up first in google searches ha!
One more clarification: I love Twitter. I use it a lot. I tweet sometimes too much and not thinking too much FIRST! THAT’s what Twitter IS! I also use Buffer (awesome app) and like to schedule tweets with links back to my blog. That IS all the marketing I do pretty much. I should probably learn how to do SEO stuff and cross link my articles to blue death, I hear they drive more traffic to it like the Titan bloggers have staff doing that for them. I don’t have any staff and sure don’t have the time to learn all this online marketing SEO stuff. So I use…Twitter to drive some traffic to my blog. And it works as I see where the hits are coming from and I think “it is so neat!”. Anyways, what was my point? Oh yeah. So, here it is: If you see a tweet from my account near the top of the hour it is very likely a repeat tweet leading to a TBB blog post. Skip it and I apologize for the intrusion. If you are tired by it, unfollow me, it’s a FREE country! But you will miss some spontaneous hilarious mayhem that usually happens NOT on the top of the hour #hint. That’s all. This is my little corner and my voice to make the world a better place and have fun doing it. I have fun when you have fun!
At the roots of this blog is bringing you the best and eclectic blog posts out there. We used to bring you the worst but got too tired as the BS emanating from them just buried us. And some selective commentary here and there. And some trip reports to be a place for kids and grandkids to read about their legendary TBB father and awesome family trips. So here we go again…
Doctor of Credit has some information about how the new Amtrak Guest Rewards card is going to be issued by Bank of America. I should probably transfer some points from Chase and book another trip with the cabins…but I don’t trust the program so here we go again eating another devaluation because I am bringing this blog for YOU ๐
Glamp Around the World. Another great AFAR Guide.

Another guy who quit 9 to 5 job, started a travel blog and makes $1 million while traveling the world. You can do it too ๐

There is a giant church in Indonesia that looks like chicken. Not joking. Wow!

Incredible natural phenomena around the world. Wow, some of these are amazing, very educational! I love goats. I like to whine too. Coincidence?

Waiting for Normal. Short and great personal finance post at the Irrelevant Investor.
This newly-discovered octopus species likes to shack up for multi-day orgies. Say whaaaaat? Hey Ramsey, I bet Sylvio was an octopus before reincarnated lol ๐
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I slept in, so-second.
God, you are such a whiny asshole. Removing you from my feedly as we speak.
I hope this isn’t little c from MP
Thank you little C!
It is obvious now that TBB readers are not morning persons.
C: Thank you for taking the time to comment. Good luck to you. You will miss reading about octopus having orgies I am sure. Or maybe not.
Anyone else notice that people who use the phrase “whiny asshole” are usually:
Whiny Assholes.
Perhaps they should preface their remarks with “Speaking from experience”. Or end them by saying “And trust me, I know what I am taking about”.
Nailed it!
A brief history of the word “asshole”: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/videos/the-origin-of-a-hole/
I wonder if there are Greek references oh oh bad bad TBB ๐
He appears to have made $1m in 3 years from NOT writing a travel blog if you look at his com
…. pany site. The fact that Google whacked him in the Panda update tells you what you need to know!
Are you referring to the dude with the hot girlfriend? I am signing up:-)
No I am not.
All bloggers are ass clowns. Including Matt. They are all frauds. Have yet to meet one that isnt a jackass once you know who they really are.
TBB can be such a jackass sometimes…Oh wait, do all the bank salespeople pumping away…can they say jackass? If not, well, I don’t know how can you be more jackassish…wait, is that a real word? Sounds like Jack with hashish!
The Chicken Church is not too far from where I’m living in Indonesia at the moment, I’ve been meaning to go for awhile. Maybe this weekend if I have time!
How come we never get any trip reports from places like that huh? I bet you all there would be some if a Hyatt was nearby ๐
we need a trip report with hookers and chicken churches from William Charles the 3rd. That would make him slightly less jackassish in my book. but only slightly. bloggers suck. end of story