This may be perceived to be an angry ride. I don’t know about you but I feel dazed and confused by the gazillion Chase Ink card links my poor eyes have seen. And I am doing it all for YOU lol! Okay, I am not angry, even though I do get pissed off momentarily at times. Ok, enough intro. We will ride wildly again and learn how to still get a good bang with our AA miles, then go off on philosophizing a bit what ticks some bloggers who pump and those who do not pump daily, make some entertaining reference to whore islands, read some more about blogger ethical deficiencies, learn about a new tool The Suitest, get into a bit with some MS basics, visit Iceland, Paricutin, North Korea and watch an awesome panorama video around the world.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order
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Travel is Free continues to rock on! “The New Best Use of AA Miles (why you don’t need the explorer chart). Required reading I think by all. Two things:
1) Any ideas on our next TBB family trip (for 4) next February or April? I think it is time to focus on burning some AA miles before the massacre devaluation happens!
2) Drew says “ Why is it that I’m okay with linking to cards that don’t make me money, but I’m scared to link to cards that do pay me because someone will start calling me a pimp? … Even though I spend a lot of time working on here creating original content, just to maintain being broke. Calling it how I see it. Continuing on…” I have the same thoughts all the time man! I feel so awful even thinking that some reader will be put off by my attempt to gain a monetary gain for myself by intruding to his/her space with yet another affiliate/referral link! I think this issue deserves its own post but I can’t wait…I had to say something, it’s my blog and no banks control what I say here (up to this date at least!). Ok, what was my point?
So, here are many of us who try hard to produce a quality product and add value and not come off as pumping cheerleading salesmen. And then we have others who don’t blink dropping 30 or 50 affiliate credit card links in just ONE blog post or a day! You can literally feel the pain they are experiencing when they go a post without a credit card affiliate link. Think about this for a moment: Bloggers who spend time to produce quality and original content versus bloggers who spend most of their time producing/massaging/pumping/SEOing the same affiliate credit card links over and over making the same arguments over and over to sell the same damn credit cards over and over. Some are running out of ways to sell the cards and resort to unbelievably ridiculous arguments (grandmother’s funeral, WTF!). I always thought the first group are a heck of a lot more experts than the second group, work harder, respect and add value to their readers while the second group are just experts in online marketing who just pump pump pump. Please support the first group and shun the second group. This was a PSA by TBB, please click on our Amazon link 🙂 Here we go again…I can’t insert the affiliate link again…I am just not a whore and hell no, I won’t go to whore island lol!

Hack My Trip featured a new site: The Suitest which is a pretty interesting addition to the arsenal of weapons we deploy! So, when you see another moronic desperate post about the amazing Chase Ink Bold or the Arrival card click.the.phuck.away! Ohhh, now that felt good 🙂
Frequent Miler: “Don’t Do It“. The Evolve “trick”. The comments are entertaining too.
View from the Wing (after a long absence due to a series of very sub par and overly credit card salesy posts) wrote a pretty good comprehensive blog post: The 10 Airline Frequent Flyer Programs That You Should Know About.
I guess there are more “angrys” out there who can’t stand the credit card pumping party going on all around us. You Went Where wrote “Of US Airways Credit Cards and a Serious Ethical Deficiency in the Points Blogosphere“. Of which I agree of course!
According to Delta Points, time is running out on 60,000 Chase Ink you guys! I am sure you never heard of this before, thank you! And then everyone else pretty much followed to post their links with this breaking earth shattering news. It’s only May 20th, will we get a daily pump now? Another epic rundown until…June 1st? Until we do it again the next time this occurs, it just never ends.
Is it just me or is Ben of One Mile at a Time pumping more credit cards? Maybe it is getting kind of expensive doing this full time traveler gig? “Best credit card for paying rent”, really? Ludicrous!
Apparently IHG Rewards is now limiting you to just two Pointbreaks reservations at a time. And a bunch of other irrelevant changes. Yawn.
Travel Summary has the most clearly written guide how to do MS Spend. For the newbies who read my blog (yes there are some!). ” How to Use Gift Cards and Money Orders to Manufacture Spend“. Unfortunately, he invited the wrath of Marathon Man. I see both points of view, this can get complicated guys! Would I post something like this? Nope, i just don’t run this type of blog. I just link to the stuff I find worthy while injecting my colorful and deeply insightful commentary to “entertain, educate and inspire” 🙂
As I said, I see both views here. Where were you all who are taking the side of MM (with who I agree on principle) when some bloggers he gets to present with at the Chicago Seminars were and are still doing arrows and having pictures in front of kiosks showing off the cards used for MS? Or when many co presenter bloggers have made credit card affiliate link bombing an art form? So, it is okay to present with them in the same conference and then jump on Travel Summary with his small blog in a well written article with no arrows and no smiling humans in front of kiosks holding cards and, most importantly, not using the blog post to bomb readers with affiliate links? I must admit I love this hobby, it can get so heated sometimes. It’s all good. Debates are entertaining AND educational 🙂
Iceland: Most Beautiful Place on Earth? By Bored Daddy.

39 natural wonders of the world. At Matador Network.

The photos North Korea does not want you to see. You know I dig this!

This Guy Rode Over 200,000 km and Took a 360 Panorama Everywhere He Went. Incredible video. At Twisted Sifter.
Personal Finance article: “Some of you must fail“. At Motley Fool. Please avoid the sleek affiliate ad at the bottom of the article, I hate them ads! But this article is too good not to pass on here to educate!

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Good evening! Having read Marathon Man’s comments, I found them very self-centered: “Don’t tell anyone about our secret club without the code words!” I didn’t like them very much at first, or at second.
Ok, thanks for taking the time to comment. If you attended the CLT Milemadness event you may have thought differently.
The CLT event was capacity capped at a small number, 125 if I recall. Planners for the next event want things to be smaller. Those sizes are exactly what I mean by self-centeredness, secret clubs that are hard to break into. If I was inside the secret club, of course I’d think differently!
Well, nothing is secret. You did not need a secret password or handshake to sign up. Several total newbies signed up and participated! Apparently you prefer the wide open 400 to 600 crowds at FTUs and Chicago. I respect your opinion and preferences. We disagree, no big deal really.
Secret club? Could have paid a lousy $100 bucks, got your sorry backside to CLT and you could have learned all the “secrets” too. Nope, you’re too lazy – you’d rather be spoon fed.
F me.
No I couldn’t! The event was capacity capped! That’s what I mean by secret controlled-access club. Plus, thank you for demonstrating main points of the Internet: being rude and offering sex.
Just FYI it wasn’t hard to break into. The entire purpose of the event was to bring people into this world, and allow access to the ‘secret club’, what we did was actually change what you are highlighting by allowing new folk in.
Yes, it was relatively small, but it was open to the public (barring a few notable exceptions), and tickets were on sale for about 2 weeks before selling out.
You were more than welcome to attend, as you will be the next.
Though of course there is a supply/demand issue here as it is super value and everyone wants to come, so they will sell fast but we would rather keep the group small again, means that if you are part of it and a noob I still get to hang out with you and share a pint vs it being so big that everyone comes but nobody gets to know one another.
Offering sex would go very well with the title that includes: “Whore Island” 😉
The first two rules of fight club applies to our secret community as well!
I LOVED that movie!
I have a lot of respect for Marathon Man but I feel like Travel Summary really took the high road on that debate. I really don’t think that what TS wrote hasn’t been written in some form or fashion before. There are a ton of “what do I do with gift cards” posts out there. I have more respect for TS for not sharing the store in question. The whole subject is tricky.
Teach a man to fish… Well, how much do you teach? When you learned to fish (presuming you know how to fish), did someone (father/grandfather) say, “there’s a pole. Fish.” Probably not. They probably taught you enough to get started such as when to use which pole, how to choose bait, the best times/places to fish, how to clean your fish, etc. I think it’s pretty relevant.
Absolutely zero need to give blow by blow description – been done before so why repeat it again? Just so a few lazy noobs can become potential affiliate link fodder? MM was right to rip TS. And shame on those who think exposing everything in such detailed fashion is good for the hobby.
P: I hear you , see my response to Nurse Traveler. Before we get all mad at TS, shouldn’t we all be royally pissed off at the big pumpers? I mean, look at how many credit cards Emily is holding today? Why are you all attending conferences with these guys? THEY are the problem of the hobby…not small blogs like TS (until they get big lol).
This subject is VERY tricky.
You basically have two camps: The blogger who, let’s face it, is interested in developing a following and eventually find a way to monetize at some point to get compensated for all the hard work that goes in the blog VS the true hobbyist who despises any wide open very detailed instruction blog posts to the masses that threatens the hobby. The more I do this blogging thingie, the more this difference becomes apparent. You add the pressure on some bloggers who are now doing this full time, the easy money that can be scored with credit card pumping and the need to attract more newbies (fresh meat for credit cards) and pretty soon this whole field becomes as murky as ….damn it, nothing comes to mind right NOW, you know what I mean!
I wholly agree with your statement about teaching a man to fish. I LOVE doing it…in person or via email. I can’t do this at TBB, I am just not that type of blog. As I was told by a fan some time ago, I should have changed focus of my blog and started targeting newbies with personal financea and “objective” travel credit cards to make lots of money. Which would be great advice if I WAS after lots of money doing this. But this would NOT be ME! Thank God I make enough in my other job to continue messing around here and entertain ya ‘ all:-)
Thanks again!
Never heard of this Drew guy before but he writes some good !$&@.
Yeah really 🙂
Who’s Drew? (Blocking face for shoes to be thrown)
I should really stop looking at photos of North Korean, whenever I do look at them I get the urge to organize a visit. In my mind I can’t rationalize it due to the current regime, but at the same time I’ve visited a lot of countries where I don’t agree with those currently in power and it didn’t affect me in this way.
I would love to go. But I am concerned how this will be perceived by some readers (it should not keep me anyway but I still think about it…am I being hypocritical by giving that state my money?) and, more importantly, I am afraid these guys will figure out who I am and bust me and throw me in some jail cell without wifi and then have to wait for Bill Clinton to come rescue me! And what about TBB blog in the meantime, who is going to entertain YOU guys? 🙂
going to north korea to gawk at the people who are brainwashed and basically slaves is the equivalent to going to a human zoo, where the admission fee goes to help sustain the brutal regime that enslaves them.
going on that trip is NOT a badge of honor
Yep, I know, I will definitely get that push back, I understand. I am not going because I can’t get there with miles lol.
We only live once. I have been fascinated by that place for many years. Rapid Travel Chai has been there TWICE and his blog is still in my “Blogs I Like” list!
I may never have the opportunity before it collapses….it will one day. Hope I get to to see it.
Or maybe I can go there and help them start a revolution cough.
How would you think if I went to Cuba. I LOVE Cuban music.
Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.
no worries, i still love your blog even if you go!
but for me it would be just to morally wrong. like gawking at a circus freak show at people who are physically deformed. idk, its just something i couldn’t do
cuban would be a little better just because it isn’t AS bad. just my two cents!
The problem with that argument is that it really breaks down. Would you not go to Dubai? Read about the labor conditions there. Check out “Overbooked: The exploding business of travel and tourism”, by Elizabeth Becker. If you take the moral high ground on where not to go for ethical and moral reasons, almost everywhere there is something. Indeed if you are going to go down that road, why fly at all? Carbon footprint doesn’t disturb you? And seriously, you are going to compare regimes? Cuba passes, but North Korea doesn’t? And if you want to theorize about going to certain countries as being like going to a zoo, why not take apart the entire notion of tourism? Read something like “Touring Cultures: Transformations of Travel and Theory” by Chris Rojek & John Urry or “The Tourist” by Dean MacCannell. This idea could be applied to any place on the planet as well. Or for a quick read, how about Zygmunt Bauman’s essay about vagabonds and tourists? OK, end of rant…
Excellent points, thank you! I should try to arrange a Pyongyang TBB DO 🙂
Excuse my ignorance but how exactly do you know all citizens of North Korea are brainwashed? How can you or anyone else who has not been there and talked to people there know HOW and WHAT they think? Isn’t that the point of travel- to travel somewhere new and most likely have illusions smashed?
Valid point. But North Korea is just plain weird. I have read enough and seen enough about the country that I can conclude in my mind that the people appear to be brainwashed. I remember an interview of the North Korean ambassador in Australia. During the interview the previous leader died and the ambassador was informed. The interviewer said he just turned all white and had to excuse himself and returned after a long time to the interview visibly distraught and having cried rivers. The interviewer was stunned himself…these people really HAVE BEEN brainwashed. Why do you think they have not been invaded yet after all the shenanigans they continue to unleash? Because other powers are scared of what they may do. Oh, they have some nukes too and this is proven. Unlike Iraq’s you know. If I go I know what I am going to face. An amazingly bizarre controlled society centered on personal cult and the, forget the word now, self reliance. It is amazing that they have managed to stay in power for so long!
I should shut up and go there but I can’t use my miles to get there 😉
I made through the first 5-6 of Marathon Man’s diatribes, and it agree with Buzz-if he wants to support discretion, why is he offering himself as a key draw at a conclave centered around deal revealing/credit card pumping bloggers?
If MM does all he says, and I think he does, then he’s certainly a big winner in this game. But in my view, that gives his opinions on who else should do or reveal what no greater wisdom or weight than anyone elses.
Maybe in Chicago he’ll call out Rick from the stage and ask him why he put card churning on Nightline.
Good points, hope MM reads these comments. We all can learn…every day!
I really don’t mind the blogs that have affiliate credit card links on a separate page or even silently sitting their in the sidebar. As long as TBB, Drew, or anyone else is writing content that I enjoy and is relevant to me, I have no problem supporting the blog by clicking a link when I need a new card. I think a blog crosses into pimpdom when the same newsworthy item (Chase Ink bonus increase to 60K, for example) is endlessly recycled in multiple posts that have the same message (apply now, get the bonus while you can) but with a contrived twist or phantom added value to make it seem different. Tell me once…but not again (maybe a brief reminder on the last day is OK but that’s it). Also, when more than 50% of a blog’s posts are oriented towards credit card bonus stories, I think that earns a nomination for pimpdaddy. It’s all about balance.
I agree. When I intend to apply for a new credit card, the first places I check are on my favorite bloggers’ (Drew, FM) link pages. I don’t need to be reminded of the links every 2 seconds, but I find it nice to have an easy way to support the bloggers who I like and care about.
Erik: Such a fabulous comment, looks like a gem 😉 And I so agree with it. I wished the world was different and all readers reading these blogs acted like you! Maybe they don’t know so spread the word. Maybe some will click on my Amazon link lol.
Adam K: Kewl. I need to get on that and get these and stick them at a different page like Drew and FM does. But got no time to dealing with this credit card stuff! One day (been saying that for many months now!).
completely agree with this comment. Only suggested edit would be to include pimpmommy as well.
I agree with your thoughts on MM and Chicago DO. In CLT he was predominantly preaching to the choir. Most were experienced MSer and knew the ins and out. It’s great to be reminded about the craft and how to cultivate and build a more sustainable environment. I expect a very different audience in Chicago (partly why I won’t attend) and MMs presence gives a lot of credibility to the session. If I were a newbie, I’ld put one and one together (but probably not much more) and use a few CC affiliate links to get myself a few 5x cards and sign up bonuses and get cracking at this MS think. Apparently you can get a free pajamas in 1st class. No need to sleep au naturel any longer.
Free pajamas in 1st class? For real? Great comments, thank you!
Didn’t Travel Summary recently quit his job to blog full-time? If so, it is a little disingenuous for him to say that he won’t benefit from his MS post. Indeed, he announced his plan to “write about AP because I haven’t before. There are other prepaid cards I haven’t written about. There’s grocery/gas rewards that I haven’t written about. All these seem like fair game to me.” It certainly sounds like he is selecting topics that may draw additional traffic to his site, an appropriate goal for someone who is now blogging full-time.
But are these topics the best way for him to do that? I am still somewhat new at MSing, but TS does not seem knowledgeable about all the intricacies. I have loaded BBs for 1K in one transaction, using three separate cards, but not all cashiers know how to do it – TS didn’t think it was possible. I was also surprised he’d never heard of paying the MO fee separately – lots of people do that.
The first posts I ever read by TS had titles like “Everything you want to know about XXX.” I’d traveled extensively in the country he was writing about, and knew that his info was by no means complete, and in some cases his suggestions were very debatable. This makes me uneasy that not only has he drawn more attention to MSing, but his advice on MS, AP, etc. may just mislead/misdirect the newbies he reels in.
I do not read his stuff very often. But TTB’s link got me there, mainly to see what MM had to say 😉 . With all the new private groups cropping up, it seems we probably do not need yet another blogger offering step-by-step instructions.
Maybe what we do need is some posts on how to develop relationships with others who share a passion of points ‘n miles collecting….
FYI, I’ve never written anything titled “Everything you want to know about XXX.”
I stand corrected; my apologies. I had you mixed up with Points Summary. I am sorry.
But I still think that we’d be better teaching newbies how to develop relationships and be good stewards, than more posts on how to do things that have already been blogged about extensively. I think those of us who read the blogs yearn for new and original content. That’s the best way to gain the respect of current readers and bring on new ones.
Been doing more thinking about this lately…
See my reply comment to Nurse Traveler above.
The two camps (bloggers vs hobbyists) and their interests are mutually exclusive…it is becoming more apparent to me every day.
This is why you see events like milemadness and private forums popping up all over…
Just read YWW – great post. I am now following him on Twitter. First I’d heard of YWW, so thanks TBB – and you can check off “educate” as a goal reached today!
Welcome! You’ve given me an added push to catch up on blogging over the holiday weekend!
It’s always a great day at TBB headquarters when our mission is accomplished!
Oh god, even more Adams!
I’m the original :p
Just a thought after reading YWW (good blog, BTW). Has anyone thought about creating a travel blogger code of ethics? Maybe this could be done by a group of people who have a legal background, with appropriate training material created and a certification process. Then get the “branding” of the certification out there so that normal joes are aware of what it means. Those of us who work in the corporate world are used to compliance policies, but someone who has not been exposed to that type of environment may not be aware of the potential harm they are doing. What I mean is that some of these credit card shills might not know when their practices are crossing established ethical or legal boundaries – because they have no awareness that the boundaries exist. Something to ponder.
Some time ago I started a draft blog post titled “Best blogging practices”. Well, I never got around to finishing that post! This has come up before actually. I just do not have the resources/capacity to pull this off.
The credit card shills do not know or care if their practices cross any boundaries. In order to make money they need to pump. Pumping works SADLY! So, it is a phucking treadmill once you get on it…you need to keep pumping to keep them. Bloggers are not wholly at fault, it is the whole phucking system involved! I mean, look at what Amex did. Basically kept around ONLY the MEGA pumpers…It’s just rotten.
If I did not have a day job I would certainly look to get something like this done. I think it is worth the effort!
MMS top article today – “My Favorite Current Credit card Sign-up Bonuses”
Of course, that required it’s own post, since the answer to that post couldn’t have been found by clicking on the link at the top of the MMS site titled “My Travel Credit Cards”
My pic referencing Whore Island comes to mind 🙁
Come on guys. Time is running out for a great noble cause of applying for more chase ink cards. If you miss the June 1st due date, you are literally screwed… Oh, forget about the silly cause of adoption which is stuck at absurd $1508 against targeted 25k. This guy Drew is just one silly guy. Doesnt know how to market and suck money from people. His family is behind adopting some hopeless kids from another country and trying to help the humanity in a way of its own. Who cares about that as long as we get two or even three ink cards through some credit card links of our favorite bloggers and add to their travel and personal needs? We should be focused on our effort to generate more income for these bloggers so that we are all happy. After all are they not adding value to our goals of having more credit cards? Long live this “sensational” country and let God bless the humanity.
Only $1,508? How truly sad, come on!
And this guy Drew has been selflessly turning out articles after articles to improve the quality of travel for all of us in the most responsible way i have ever seen in the blogging world and even if every reader who must have used or planning to use his content and suggestions donate even 50 or 100 just for the content alone and not even for the noble cause, i am sure Drew would have managed 25k by now. He has even offered counselling and web sessions based on the donated amount. Most of the readers also seem to be beggers for more content without paying any money for it and they are just as greedy as those pimping bloggers out there. No way different. I think the entire travelling community must raise up to the occassion to suppor this blog and the cause. This must definitely equal if not beat the other kickstarter project if sanity is still alive. If not, the loss is for the travel community only.
Kumar: I would love them to raise more than the other Kickstarter project but I doubt it. And that is kind of sad. But that’s life sometimes, it’s not fair.
Agree, George. It has gone up to 1719 now. Let us see how much it makes in the next week or so. By the way, another gem on IHG from Drew today. At this rate you are going to lose space just to cover his posts in your blog. By the way, this wonderful couple runs a sister blog too which is also quite interesting. Take a look when you find time.
Are you serious? Who cares about some stupid babies!
I can’t sleep because I’m still not sure where Kim is getting married!!!
I thought it was Paris, now Italy, OMG Kim, make up your mind, save me
from my misery! Poor hungry babies???? Seriously?
I need to book my Etihad chauffeur for LAX, that’s important. And I’m still
SO down OMG! no more balik salmon in Cathay, I was SO looking forward to tasting it 🙁
Babies??? Are you crazy???
love it. more snark please!!!
Is this the new Kanye song? Because it totally could be.
Love this comment. Please give us more.:)
Andrew, great TR on the StRegis NYC! Lovely to see a TR with good photographs for a change. I live in the same neighborhood and think it is absolutely top-notch as a location (love the location of the LPM as well).
Did you make that reservation on points or cash? I only ask because of the suite upgrade.
He probably paid for the upgrade since he does not like flying economy 🙂
I tried to present my approach to hotel bookings somewhere earlier in my blog,
but briefly what I do – I look at the rooms and try to book one with the best “potential”
for a great upgrade. I always contact the manager, get friendly with him, tell him
I really really want to make this stay special etc. It works EVERY time.
I always try to use a special offer, like the current St Regis NY offer – every 2nd night free.
Yeah, I do pay but the $ value of my upgrades is so much higher than anything I could get
on regular point stays. This time we got, not sure a 4, 5 category upgrade?
A few months ago in Bora Bora I got some incredible upgrades the very same way,
including the Royal Villa at the St Regis selling for $10,000/night. Fifth Ave suite at ST Regis NY
is not much cheaper BTW and believe me I didn’t pay anything close to that price.
So yes I admit, I don’t book hotels on points anymore, but I “save” much more than anyone else.
And our experiences are always incredible – that’s what I live for.
I did book the flagship AA flight fully using miles – the trick is to book 2 flights leaving 1 hour
after each other (they only release 1 first class seat per flight) and change it at the checkin.
It works. I already have several NY trips booked that way in the future.
Book it now for 50,000 US Airmiles before it’s 62,000 after the merge.
Thanks Andrew – that is very helpful.
Like I said, we all burn the way it pleases us 🙂
I like to get the suites with my charm and pay nothing for them. If I don’t get them it is perfectly fine 🙂
A travel blogger code of ethics. How’s this: Leave the gun, take the cannoli.
Are you angry? 🙂
I do not think that we are going to see the end of this MS debate anytime soon. As I get older, I accept the fact that “people do what they want to do;” however, we also have a choice of what to read and what to skip. So, it is not worth the effort of being angry 🙂 By the way, the picture of Iceland is absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing.
Good points, about being angry and all!
i had a hard time picking which picture. Maybe that is where we should go next year. But too much snow then!
Am I the only one that read the news about Chase points transferring to Singapore and thought to themselves – Great! Another excuse for the bloggers to pimp their Chase links!
Kind of sad how they have taken a lot of joy out of the hobby.
Nope, that was my first thought actually. And how their panties got wet when the news came out! Oh boy….just brace yourselves!
Although …. hands up if you honestly didn’t learn at least one thing from TPG’s SQ vs United piece. Hands down the most useful one I read.
Ok, I got two fingers up….ok, I confess, two and a half 🙂
I’m beginning to think that there may be a generational thing going on with a lot of the Newbies. By that I think, and I can be 100% wrong here, that a lot of these noobs are millennials and have had everything handed to them. I’m not sure if it’s laziness or they are just use to everything being spoon fed to them and MS is no exception. Some of the questions I see on some of the blogs just make me shake my head. Common sense anyone? Maybe common sense doesn’t exist anymore.
Hmm, interesting thought. It had crossed my mind some time ago and wanted to say something but I was afraid they will jump on me 🙂
I think it must be a factor!
You two make me feel old.
what is the best credit card to get me to whore island?
Sure it is not the Disney card lol
Great question. Maybe Howie at FTG can help with this travel challenge?
I have a feeling that Bank of America is trying to get into this niche market with their recent credit card offer to “Lisa Is a Slut McIntire””
some of the comments are hilarious.
The comments are hilarious indeed! Thanks for the laughs!
can the ink card help me go to whore island?
Sure. And now you can get there on a Singapore Airlines suite! So, hurrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
Go big and get 2 suite class awards. Perfect way to impress your favorite prostitute (I wouldn’t recommend bringing your significant other to that island). Get the bubbly out and you’ll join the mile high club in no time.
Singapore Airline Suites. Mile High Club. Sounds like heaven to me. Oh wait, Etihad Residence sounds better LOL
Big news!!!! Big news!!!! Chase adds Singapore to it’s UR program!!!!
Of course, this isn’t big news at all, as Singapore was already one of the easiest currencies to rack up quickly, has no particularly great uses for the 99.9% of us whose mileage usage patterns don’t center around “How can I impress my blog readers the most” and not “how can I use my miles and points to maximize personal value”, and tacks on hefty fuel surcharges
That being said, this is Chase we’re talking about it, so expect to see the entire blogosphere pretend the addition of Singapore is manna from heaven, and cover the program endlessly even though they don’t know the first thing about it even though they’ve never once actually redeemed a SQ mile
And you can expect SQ suites class to now become trip reviewed to death, much like the LH FCT was back when you could affordably redeem UR points for it
The onslaught has already started. Mommy Points already had the “top 5 reasons” post ready!
TPG even got the staff ready to finally get something out that is not a day or two late!
And notice how all the Chicago Seminar Speakers now give filler content to our friend over at the Frugal Travel Guy (the blog). To all the presenters there who get featured, enjoy the clicks I guess. Let’s not pretend what this blogging thing is about now!
This crap makes me really angry…the ridiculous pumpiness of it all!
I already have a SQ suites booked for July, booked the old fashioned way (Amex) into FRA from JFK.
Biggest pain reward I ever booked, wanted the day flight TO JFK but I hesitated 24 hours and it went. I then decided to book FROM JFK and, amazingly, it was there at suoer cheap 52k. I sit on it overnight and it goes! Ended up with a 110k one way ….. but I do have 6m Amex points …..
How do you survive in the UK without Chase blessing your lives with INK (and lucrative affiliate commissions)?
as if bombarding unsuspecting viewers with “laviator” pics wasnt enough, turns out gleff creeps up on business class passengers during the flight to check on whether or not people are able to sleep and how comfortable they are. WTF!
Not much better, but it’s his award booking partner beaubo that does that. Kind of creepy, but that dude’s a hero in our community!!!
You are right – my apologies for the oversight. Beaubo might be a hero (and I do admire his miles earning savvy and he seems like a nice guy) but I am sick of hearing about the disabled rice farmers and the college students that flew to Europe.
I have always agreed with vbeaubo’s outlook of where the game is going…But the Thai rice farmers are starting to get to me as much as the phucking duckies in the Frankfurt Lufthansa Frist Class Terminal.
Does anyone know if Whore Island is near Credit Card Whore Island (also known to the locals as Blogs I Ignore Island)? … GL would make a good TATOO (Da Plane, Da Plane Boss)
All I want to know is if there is a CVS and a Wal Mart in Whore Island lol
Top 5 reasons I love Chase:
1) It cured cancer
2) It solved world hunger
3) It brought about world peace
4) It brought about the coming of the messiah
5) 3x dining on the first Friday of the month
What is the difference between Whore Island and Credit Card Whore Island?
They leave family members out of it on whore island
Really? 3x dining on the First Friday? Incredible!
Yeah, that really is the killer feature of the card
The other 4 reasons are just gravy.
Oh my.. This comment and the follow up comments alone made my day. Still cant stop laughing. What a brilliant bunch of readers with so much of humour this blog has? No other blog out there has it. Come on George, forget your amazon links. Your readers and their individual comments are your biggest assets in my opinion.
No, no, no….Please do not forget my Amazon links. It helps continue running this as a “business” and cover my costs while I continue to make 0.0025 dollars per hour…heck, per day.
But I agree that the comments and you guys are a big part of TBB. It’s entertainment. We are all so busy these days we are forgetting to take some time off to unwind and relax and make some fun of others and, most importantly, ourselves. I never had any problem others making fun of me unlike some others.
Yeah, we don’t mind as long as you and “your team” continue to post breaking news by the hour:). By the way, what if all those in the blogs you ignore list join hand to create a 24×7 news channel with flashing breaking news about MS and credit cards with live interviews with their family members. Wow, how will that be? Good competition to CNN? Fellow readers, any thoughts?
Sound like a cable show to me. Reality tv “How to travel for free?” or, heaven forbid, a version of Travel Challenge?
Hah, hah. Cant stop My laughter. Even Rick couldn’t control his laughter in certain parts of the video, i think. Oh my.. Just imagine 50 such wonderful interviews every day on just one card a day with all credit card commercials only in between. That would be just mind spinning.
Now DD is at it. He lost his Amex links so how does he lead his story about the greatness of Chase?
“Even as AMEX Membership Rewards has lost valuable transfer partners over the years seemingly without any effort to replace them, Chase has continued to beef up their Ultimate Rewards transfer options.”
Amex hasn’t replaced transfer partners? BA and Iberia weren’t always partners. Cathay and Emirates were just added. The Virgin America program itself is still new.
Dan just loved American Express points until they stopped paying him. And if anything American Express points grew in relative value to Chase points with the United devaluation.
Remind us, TBB, why he makes your Like list?
As someone who usually defends Dan, I agree with you 100%
Just pathetic. United points have devalued over the last year far more than Amex points have
To the point where bloggers are being forced to pretend that Korean and Singapore are more than just niche programs for a very miniscule subset of redemptions
Amex points are just as valuable as Chase, and just as easy to rack up in bunches (imagine how much the manufacturing spend potential of the Amex everyday cards would be covered if it paid affiliate commission).
2 things Dan conveniently didn’t mention:
1) While Chase hasn’t been “losing partners”, they’re existing partners have become much less valuable
2) Neither MR nor UR are even remotely as valuable as SPG points. Remind me again which credit card company produces the SPG card?
This has come up before. Let me remind you.
These are MY own lists. Nothing more, nothing less. I do read all reader comments and certainly try to respond to all of them. So, what this means, I do take what you say into consideration!
Nothing is set in stone here. We all evolve and grow and (hopefully) continue to have fun and do our best to improve the people and world around us, you know humanity and all.
DD has always been pumpy. Nothing new there. Has the pumpiness increased since the Amex links went down? Yes.
Here is what I say about his blog:
A Jewish guy from Cleveland who has developed a fantastic resource and community around deals. Almost always adds value to his posts which, bizarrely, do not feel like pure marketing pitches. Nice discussion forums too.
He’s been at it for over 10 years I believe. What he has built is remarkable. And the dude knows his stuff! The discussion forum is full of big gamers (and a bunch of big newbies too!) and have spent some time and learned there. Plus, he was a great help when we went for the Fairmont Lifetime Platinum Deal. Lastly, I like the guy.
But I certainly see your point…
So, we all go on. At some point something may hit me and make me take action! Not sure what will be the triggers. It’s a cumulative thing I think.
I have certain blogs in my mind that are in the “yellow card” (soccer term for warning) territory: Mommy Points come to mind. And I expect more from the Boarding Area. What makes this fascinating is that the Blogs in the Ignore list are very likely not coming out of it….those are so far long gone it is hopeless.
Which, at the end of the day, what matters is this: This is my blog and I use it for self-expression. It has a mission to entertain, educate and inspire. And I am doing it because I have a passion for this hobby. If the passion was not there I would not be doing it. I would love to make some money at it at some point but I am not seeing without me turning into a pumping machine. And I would rather crucify myself than to become another pumper pumping the same credit cards over and over using the most ridiculous reasons over and over. And on and on…
I need a drink. And shoot, need to work on the next Buzz post for YOUR entertainment.
One more thing: Do NOT buy watermelons from phucking WalMart. It was awful.
Thanks again for taking the time to comment. I agree with your main points by the way. I think we are not in yellow card category…yet 😉
1st of all I was the guy who recommended (and did) to transfer everything out of AMEX the day before CO left:
Cathay is a valuable addition? I generated over a million CX miles from ebay anything points as a teenager in the early 2000s but had a hard time burning them because I couldn’t afford the YQ.
Emirates has insane YQ when Alaska can book Emirates with zero YQ. Pointless.
BA/Iberia is valuable IMHO because of the change to Avios, which happened after AMEX added them, so AMEX lucked out there.
Either way I’d be happy to trade out my 800K AMEX for 800K Chase.
Is SPG better? Arguably it is, but I wasn’t comparing it to SPG in the post. When SPG starts instant transfers it will become the undisputed king, but until then it depends on how comfortable you are waiting the slow transfer speeds. No idea why they can’t figure it out after all these years, they really could capture a huge percentage of the market with that.
At any rate Chase has built a very nice program over the past few years while continually adding meaningful new partners.
As for their program devaluing, did Hyatt really devalue? I used 12.5K+$100 for an Ocean Suite at the Andaz Wailea 3 months ago. Previously that would’ve been 33K.
United devaluing? Shame you didn’t spend more time browsing DDF and less time being angry, then you might know the old chart workaround 😉
Korean is the only airline where you can get multiple F seats on a pane almost any day you want them.
Those are meaningful additions. I thought AMEX would surely add something more meaningful post-CO but it never materialized. And now DL has AMEX right where they want them, they have all the leverage because of that. That’s how they were able to cut out club guests without AMEX being able to say a word.
Cheers guys.
“United devaluing?”
Like I said, those who know, know.
And that’s all I will say because I do not own a bow-tie and despite my very best efforts, my wife refuses to model Ink cards.
Yes, those who know know
And even those folks know it’s been devalued
Given how easy it is to work around the YQ, Aeroplan has now surpassed (or rather, has not sunk as fast to the bottom) as United when it comes to premium cabin *A redemptions not involving Avianca Lifemiles
Erm, no. Those who know aren’t playing with the new award chart. But yes, big deval for the masses.
At any rate Aeroplan is great for Europe, but TLV rates are just brutal. Anyway care to wager how long before AP YQ dumps are killed?
No need to discuss hotel options with these two programs. There are much better options and returns for this. Hyatt is such a small international player, barely worth mentioning outside of the US.
Perhaps not in secondary cities, but using Hyatt points at PH hotels in major cities around the world is pretty awesome. CDG, EZE, MLE, MXP, NRT, SYD, those are the stuff dreams are made of.
OTOH AMEX points for hotels is a wasteland. You’d think they’d at least throw a bone to Plat/Cent cardholders by making the SPG transfer 1:1. Bizarre.
One post after you ask whether Hyatt really devalued, you respond citing 6 Hyatt’s, 4 of which had huge devaluations
And a 5th hotel costs a $500 flight and $350-500 upcharge just to have that “stuff dreams are made of”
Chase had 3 relevant programs. 2 had huge devaluations and the 3rd is also earnable with AMEX.
Truth is, one of the things I respected about you was that at least you were forthright on this blog about your motives. Not sure why now all of the sudden you are trying to spin your post as something other than driven by motivation of Chase lining your pockets and Amex no longer doing so. Leave the pretending we’re gullible suckers to Ingy
Scorned wife syndrome? Perhaps.
Actually it’s just nice not being censored though like in the good old days. Not that I can afford a return to teenage blogging, but not weighing every word worrying about the next audit coming in that I was “found hosting editorial content that American Express considers to be disparaging remarks about their products.”
Obviously the Hyatt deval was bad. I sugarcoated nothing in the original post:
But I felt they made up for it by adding cash and points and more importantly allowing DSUs and systemwide promos on those nights.
Take the PH CDG. If I go with my 2 kids I need a suite. Sure the C&P is optimal for 2-6 and is rough for 7, but I’d shell out the 15K+$300 because I can use the DSU and get back some of those points thanks to promotions. $300 isn’t easy to swallow, but the value is still there. They buy me kosher breakfast and a nice bottle of kosher champagne, I really can’t complain about getting a suite for that price.
Zidell knew what he was doing coming out with that program a week after the deval. Sure, it was devalued it many ways. But it was also improved a lot, especially if you value getting a suite. Not a big deal on your own or on business, a but a huge deal when traveling with family.
Bigger question for AMEX MR is if BA promos have gone the way of DL promos and when they will ever address the lack of a decent hotel option.
Thanks for the civilized non angry debate guys. And I so dread the day this blog gets the ““found hosting editorial content that American Express considers to be disparaging remarks about their products” notice which may happen lightning fast 🙂
I am trying to refrain from making comments involving my favorite ex troll (therapist’s orders) 😉
I love the TBB comments!
Padding the number. If each comment was a dollar this blog would not be bitching about monetization once in a while lol.
Other than the entertainment, we all learn here.
I must admit I miss ingy 🙂
Can you honestly say that your emphasis hasn’t changed since Amex pulled your links?
Thanks for your candid reply.
I think you know the answer to that just fine by reading any of the BA blogs. Blogging may have been a hobby for me when I started in 2004 and the only blog I read was Gary’s, but that’s not what it is today. My guess is that within a few years it goes back to being a hobby, but now it’s a rat race for now to make sure you’re not the next one cut off.
FTG, MMS, and TPG survived the AMEX cuts because they successfully pushed the hardest, good for them. Nobody complains when any other business tries too hard to churn out profits.
Regardless, that doesn’t mean you can’t have an honest discussion regarding which currency is more valuable.
Now which currency is easier to obtain isn’t even a question, only one has “new rules” and only one has 5x-5.5x.
I’ve got a flight with the fam to MCI in 6 hours. Let me go to sleep please 😀
A good, honest answer. Have a great flight (or as good as possible).
Individuals should complain when businesses give out bad advice while posing as “experts” while cramming credit cards 24/7 to “churn out profits”. It is the right thing to do imho.
At least Dan is more of an expert than all them other guys and his advice is not too shabby (and yes it has been biased lately as it has been with, well, all of them). Would the others admit it? Ok, please laugh.
TBB Editorial Director
Last. Great batch of comments. Good night!