We visit the 2014 Hotel Black Friday Guide, look at resources of 75+ Travel Tools, watch some videos about travel in the 2014 Skift Global Forum, visit Afghanistan and Albania, look at the giant demographic clustersomething that is Japan, and please do not compare investment portfolio sizes!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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The Ultimate Guide to 2014 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Hotel Deals – Hotel Chatter This is a great resource for all you hotel Black Friday Cyber Monday shopping addicts. To this day I have never participated in this madness. Lets see in how many blogs this link will show up next…
75+ Travel Tools, Websites, and Resources that I Personally Use – Travel Is Free A good selection of resources in one place.
2014 Skift Global Forum Videos Videos of interviews from people representing the biggest travel brands. Scan to see if there is one you are particularly interested in.
Truck Makes Record Breaking 83 ft Jump Over a Moving F1 Car – Twisted Sifter So cool!
Astonishing Pictures Of Afghanistan From Before The Wars – We featured these before but this post has additional photographs. So sad to see what they managed to do to this country!

Albania Opens Top Secret Cold War Nuclear Bunker To Public Well, this will surely become a must see tourist attraction! The guy running this country for forty years was the North Korean Kim of Europe!
Portfolio envy: The other guy’s size doesn’t matter – MarketWatch Very sensible advice. Don’t get into comparing, it can totally screw you up…in the head!
One picture is a thousand hacks…or however that thing goes…Japan needs immigrants or they are ____ (self censored OMG lol)
Entering Blog Buzz territory, grab your helmets! This section is intended to be satire and is mainly targeted to long time miles/points hobbyists. New readers of my blog may not “get” the jokes and digs, etc.
~33% Bonus When You Transfer Citi ThankYou Points to Hilton Hotels – Million Mile Secrets Why even pretend this blog is not in the business of selling plastic? And please don’t do this! Not even one comment. Count your dinero. Do these people even care about what they produce anymore?
What’s Next for the Frugal Travel Guy? – Frugal Travel Guy The founder of this site, a devoted loyal reader troll of my tiny site, mailed in yet another post asking about what to do in his situation instead of helping readers for a change. It’s again about me me me. Never responds to readers the few times they comment but always finds time to teach us all here online civility. Here is what I think is next…More trolling perhaps? Oh wait, maybe Internet Brands has put into the contract the Founder is not allowed to participate in the comments…for obvious reasons?
How to Earn and Spend 146,000 American Airlines Miles – Milevalue How many times is this going to be posted? 19 different credit card links of the three cards folks! You know that is not going to happen if the post revolved around a non paying credit card. THINK about that for a moment. Bwahahahahahahahhaahahaha!
Southwest Companion Pass: 16 Things Every Flyer Should Know – The Points Guy SO SICK OF READING ENDLESS POSTS ABOUT THE SOUTHWEST COMPANION PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The biggest problem with the SPG elite program – is this a deal breaker for you? – Delta Points Ummm, No. Blah blah blah, just wasted a week of my life in a Delta mileage run and can’t wait to share with you the full reviews of some Sheratons or Four Points somewhere, wow! Oh, I never forget: Buy SPG Amex and SPG Business credit cards from me!
Grow Your AAdvantage Mileage Balance – Frugal Travel SalesGuys Selling the Citibank AA 50k cards, one commission at a time. Deep!
Frequent Miler in a post about the Southwest Companion Pass (like we haven’t had enough) did a HT to, please sit down, Million Mile Secrets. Shaking my head…

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Buzzing first.
3rd place!
I’m trying to think of something witty to say but I’m so disappointed in today’s news.
(that would be news as in national news, not anything represented here)
also, apparently now am a parrot.
someone called out MMS for not hat-tipping on his post.
eh, I just feel sad for our nation. There’s always hope that tomorrow will bring more smiles than frowns.
Sad for our Nation? Why?
Thanks to all who are playing along…It’s silly but fun watching it. It’s more fun when I think how it drives FTG nuts 🙂
Looting & destroying others’ properties is never excusable…Sad!
Hey George. You are so silly. Internet brands has nothing to say about how I comment on your blog. It is all me my friend. And having a blast each and every day thinking of you spending 3-6 hours on this blog, first on disclosure, then blue links. Don’t forget the Siskel and Ebert era or the vulgarity phase. I get a great laugh not “with” but “at” you watching you morph into your latest attempt. And now that we’ve entered the hypocrisy era offering substandard credit card (secured ones) and payday loans it’s even more comical. And I’m starting to think after two years, that MBA of your stands for More Bashing Ahead? Seems to be your only consistent attribute.
Keep it up buddy. I love it thinking of you one minutes swearing you are done and the next minute watching your massive ego and inferiority complex coming back for more at the highly successful conversion rate you are getting.
the sad part is buzz, you only made two mistakes but are too bullheaded to admit it. Your timing sucked. The blogs that were successful weren’t all that special. they just existed or started when the affiliate links programs got started. Those bloggers didn’t sit around and “think” about it for a couple years. they acted and it paid off for them. In short George, you and many others missed the boat not because of quality, there are thousands of experts in the hobby. You are one of them. You were just late for the game and watching your envy of those that timed it right is a real study in human behavior.
the second error is you went negative. The only ones successful by going negative are politicians. Isn’t that a great group to associate with? and you had so much to offer to masses. but 99.2% will have nothing to do with repeated negativity. so how’s that working for ya?
I suggested two years ago that you could have been a great addition to the blog world with your humor, ability to find interesting thing on the web and your expertise in the world of personal finance. But instead you stayed negative and spent the second half of your blog on Anger and Envy.
We are only competing for conversions for another month and then you’ll be the only one of us “pimping for profits”
but don’t worry, I’ll still stop in to show you the love buddy. I think it actually does motivate you to keep going. and the idea of you spending that much time for so little return, brings a real smile to my face.
stay ANGRY my friend and keep up with that degree. More Bashing Ahead.
Happy thanksgiving
>>>>>”It is all me”
Sure is!
>>>>>”we’ve entered the hypocrisy era offering substandard credit card (secured ones) and payday loans it’s even more comical.”
Lol. There is NOTHING more comical reading your trolling comments, NOTHING! This is the BEST entertainment and it is for FREE! Thank you! The most comical thing is…you believe what you type!
>>>>>>that MBA of your
There you go hallucinating again…
>>>>>>The blogs that were successful weren’t all that special.
>>>>>>is a real study in human behavior.
Get out!
>>>>>>so how’s that working for ya?
Actually, it’s been working out great, thanks for asking. And this blog will turn out a profit this year gasp! I am obviously not doing it for the money, that’s for sure. I am doing it for the entertainment you silly!
>>>>>>>I suggested two years ago that you could have been a great addition to the blog world with your humor, ability to find interesting thing on the web and your expertise in the world of personal finance.
You suggested to me ways to make lots of money blogging. You always put money first. I don’t. It’s been working out all right amigo.
>>>>>>>I’ll still stop in to show you the love buddy
Please do, thanks!
>>>>>>> I think it actually does motivate you to keep going. and the idea of you spending that much time for so little return, brings a real smile to my face.
Thank you, it brings smiles to our faces too!
>>>>>>>stay ANGRY my friend and keep up with that degree.
It must be my MBA lol.
This is good armchair psychology, and not at all missing the point.
The “North Korean Kim of Europe”? Please. Hoxha was an amateur.
And Seth Rogen did not make a film about Hoxha either.
Can’t wait to see that film, Seth Rogen is awesome!
I think it’s very generous of Rick to stop here and give some advice. I read his post last week giving advice-it outlined the three qualities you need to succeed in traveling frugally: Flexibility, organization, and good credit. Words to live by.
It’s not often a world expert will take the time to tell you how it’s done. But once in a while:
Sorry I was busy pimping the secured cards and payday loans 🙂
Albania looks a lot like a shipping container.
To ship drugs out no doubt 🙂
Remember when Jason Steele came around to tell us that it was well-known and old news that TPG is owned by BankRate?
The word still hasn’t gotten around.
Nice find, thanks. What gets me is that so much staff TPG is the last to post on the Pointbreaks deals when the best properties are sold out. Because, you know, priorities…had to tell us about the Companion Pass or fashionable cities to fly to for free 🙂
Last post at FTG is about the Southwest cards….only the one that pays the site is offered! Signed by “admin” because, FTG Staff, has become too much of a dead giveaway it is a pissy sell job on unsuspecting readers who are clearly so irresponsible if they click the only link offered LOL.
I will not start shaking my head 🙂
That SW Companion Pass shit is pretty funny – I have yet to see any of these guys write anything about actually FLYING on SWA, oh sure you should get the card and work for that companion pass, cause that thing is AWESOME, did you know you can both have your significant other fly FREE (saving you TENS of dollars!) with you and impress them by flying in style on a newly painted 737 to exciting destinations such as Love Field, Midway and John Wayne international airport?
Who the eff would freaking fly SW anyway? Great employees no doubt, but I wouldn’t even use them for a positioning flight – if I wanted to fly in a cramped coach seat without a seat assignment, with a possibly hilarious crew, I could just hop on a United express flight (and watch old Seinfeld episodes for the laughs).
The banks will eventually stop the churning, and most of these humps will have to return to the real world and actually work for a living.
But I’m not bitter.
Why not fly on SWA for free whether for short domestic hops or to the Caribbean? Are the seats so much worse than other domestic coach? Doubt it. The only reason I haven’t gotten the Pass yet is that I always want something else from Chase that’s higher on my list of priorities.
I ‘ll take a SW coach seat than Delta or United anyday. Add to that an AA seat because I can’t stand the reaction of the people sitting in F having to endure such hardship dealing with the phucking cookie 😉
I love southwest and I think the companion pass is awesome. I’m not really sure why people here bash it.
Of course it is awesome. I don’t bash it…I bash it because it is blogged to death….I mean really! When a blog blogs about it so many times in the recent past and sell the same cards again and again….you treat your readers like meat.
Good point about posting about the SW Companion Pass when many of these bloggers don’t even fly Southwest.
Hey, I enjoy flying Southwest. As long as I get an A boarding pass I am good. Love the seats! Plus…they are free lol. First two times the boarding process was kind of weird but now off I line up in the As 🙂
Hope Amazon does not do it before the banks LOL.
Carol was at BACon, as was I. I didn’t hear any talk of this sale from any of the other 70 bloggers present and clearly Carol didn’t either. Perhaps it was so well known to everyone except Carol and myself that they all thought it was old news and not worth bringing up …..