Here is the first edition of the Annual Best of Lists I traditionally do every year over the holidays, so come back here for at least the next three Tuesdays. The Friday posts will appear as well. The first edition has the best podcasts, best inventions, best memes, best TV shows and many more, enjoy and see you Friday!
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
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Welcome to my quirky original authentic blog. It all started back in 2012 focusing on my crazy hobby addiction of frequent flyer miles along with hotel and bank points. It has since evolved to a curated weekly post of the best web content I find along with my commentary. Here to Educate primarily, sometimes Entertain and if I get to Inspire you, well, that is a bonus.
This blog publishes on Fridays. This is a one man labor of love operation, enjoy it white it lasts. I may post on another day too, next three Tuesdays for sure too.
Some email subscribers may not have received emails of recent posts, I apologize. Best way to read my blog is to just surf here and not rely on the emails. If you do that and still subscribe and never click on the emails to get here, please unsubscribe. This “venture” here does things differently as you may have noticed.
See you on Friday!
Let me leave you with this:
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Thank you for reading my blog. If you enjoy it please pass it on to a family member or friend. Or Buy Me a Coffee, thank you!
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Hey Buzz…say it ain’t so…
Gold for Southern Arizona, where it’s only been about 15 degrees warmer than usual for the last ten days or so.
Thank you for the links!
Good morning!
Links to study! Thanks so much.
Love the sheep photo! Reminds me of being stuck on a bus in rural Sicily behind a very large number of the same critters! Thanks for all the lists!!
Pretty amazing inventions. Thanks.
@ David: The first conversion for the month came through, your US Bank Altitude card. The 20 day streak is over, still smaller than the Detroit Pistons streak, sad lol. The blog rolls on not giving up on being discovered, even that Miles Earn and Blog was discovered (hint for Friday post). Thank you, this venture goes on until…they take away my cc links (wondering why they are still bothering keeping them!).
@ DML: Thanks, there is some good stuff in there I agree 🙂
@ Carl: As a Greek, I prefer goats…Oh wait, that did not come our right, woohoo! Well, if it is not goats, sheep will do 🙂 Actually, I just now remembered, I think I posted that pic of the shepherds before in my blog, still a phenomenal one!
@ Christian: Yeah, I agree. I wish they invented a device for my foot, you know, like the smart cane.
Friday post is about 75% done.
Next Tuesday post with Edition #2 of 2023 Annual Best lists is 95% done, just need the headline and first paragraph. I have material for a third edition. I am not sure I should do edition #4, maybe I add everything I got in Edition #3. I will need to speak to the TBB General manager about what to do, lol.
Hyatt hit 60 elite night credits, Globalist mission accomplished, I need to sit down and plan some trips…
I had no idea Poland had highlands. According to Google the highest point is ~8,200 feet above sea level, which is higher than anything in the eastern US. Today I learned!
8,200 feet???
I had no idea, thanks for pointing out.
Got a CSP via your link.
Ho ho ho!
Thank you!
Hi from Brooklyn, New Yoak…where the long ride on a Lyft took forever due to traffic and accident and then took daughter and 2 cousins to dinner and I am already gone by the December blog revenue wow!
I miss Ann Arbor already 🙂 OH, Thailand too.
2 booked credit card sales this month, is the tide turning you guys? Will the big bloggers send their legal teams to buy me out? Or should I hold out like Ingy never did and leave millions on the table? Lol. Getting back to reality, it really helps a lot to know that some readers knew enough to help this blog venture keep going as a viable “business”, cough.
Anyway, trying to control myself from eating too much here in Brooklyn, NY. Those bagels they have here are so amazing…I wonder how come no one in my Greek hometown Larissa never opened a shop selling them. Well, a lot of domestic competition for sure. Anyway, interesting contemplation while I am hanging out with my daughter at a coffee shop with our laptops and Jim Morrison of the Door is signing “Riders of the Storm” which gave me an excuse to give her another music lesson. We are having a family dinner tonight as son is here staying with friends and wife is coming from New Jersey at her brother’s. I need to put the finishing touches of this blog post by end of day today.
Can’t believe how expensive everything is in NY. Saw an ad on a realtor office selling a little dump about 900 sq. feet for $925,000. WTF!!!!!!!
On the Air France “deal”: Amazing anyone thought these will not be canceled. And of course bloggers feasted on the screaming deal and….noobs fell all over it, page views and ad revenue went way up and….bloggers laughing all the way to the bank and the noobs screaming for the injustice while sweating buckets refreshing their screen and trying to get their miles back and even getting bank points back and…good luck with Air France customer service lol.