We bring you more news that Accor keeps buying anything that moves, more on Internet clickbait, how Amex RATs crack down, meet an ultramarathon man, how most of Japan Airbnb vanished, visit Abkhazia, look at awesome vending machines, go to a cup noodles museum, how the super rich spoil their brats in private jets, the latest AA reduced mileage awards list, how the US Men’s Team screwed up in the runup to the 2018 World Cup, all the ways you can mess up your 401k plan and lots more freeeeeee!
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
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Here is the latest AA Reduced Mileage Awards list.
In travel, this is called…The Purge: Airbnb Axes 80 Percent of Its Listings in Japan.
This is getting absolutely ridiculous, these guys are buying something almost every other day, wow! Maybe they can buy TBB? AccorHotels Buys Catering Tech Company Adoria.
To Michigan readers: The Holiday Inn & Suites property in Farmington Hills is now a Crowne Plaza! After a multi-million dollar renovation. It features a “work-life” model, whatever that is.
Lets go visit the Cup Noodles Museum in Yokohama!
Another ridiculous waste of money…if you got them I guess. Spoiling your spoiled little brats in private jets throwing six figure parties at 45,000 feet, smh!
We are on to sad ridiculous things today…How everything on the internet became clickbait. It is super sad…we are doomed!
The Laurel and Yanny phenomenon was perfect for the purposes of online media. It created drama and competing groups, but crucially, those groups transcended other social divisions, meaning that even your Trumpist uncle might have clicked on it. Everyone knew that everyone knew about it, so you could talk about it with anyone, but writing a new “take” on it didn’t require investing the type of journalistic time or effort that, say, traveling to Flint to keep tabs on the water quality would have. The modern internet is optimized for creating these stories; everyone knows this is insanely stupid, but none of us want to feel left out. And so we end up with a whole constellation of outlets and thousands of journalists whose most consistent money-making strategy is treating every single news story as if it were no different from an inane audio clip.
Crazy, this guy runs a marathon before breakfast! Meet Dean Karnazes – The Ultramarathon Man.
Since we are into sad stuff today, how about this: Own Goal: The Inside Story of How the USMNT Missed the 2018 World Cup. That German Klinsmann guy 🙁 Time always tells…
Your personal finance fix of the day: All the ways you can mess up your 401(k) — even if you max out your contributions. Actually, there are more out there #shocking
Lets go travel to Victory Day In Sukhumi Abkhazia.
Very interesting: The Cost of a Night Out in Selected Cities in 2018.

These are amazing! 21 Vending Machines From Around The World That Are Already Living In 3018. They should probably have the pizza one next to the one selling weed!
Going deep into how AA now treats awards for connecting flights.
When a company spends so much money on RATeams and going after churners…
and not spending the money to take care of basic things like this: PSA: Dummy Booking for AMEX Hilton Business 125k with $50 statement credit may result in an approval for a personal card you know there is something wrong…
The TBB Central Committee places blogs in the penalty box for each time they link to Titan blogs.
Can you guess the blog DansDeals is talking about in this post: AMEX Cracks Down On Credit Card Signup Bonuses Yet Again; History Of Signup Bonus Crackdowns From The Big Banks. Go on, I ‘ll wait. But nooooooo, bloggers will answer the same freaking questions in the email Friday “interviews” and then kiss up any chance they can get! Spare me the BS, it was ALL about da money! Ok, exsqueeze my old habits, my blog critic DNA I guess 🙂
“How we got the Hyatt Breakfast story long”. Really surprised to see this headline at TPG! Anyone know anything about “journalistic commitment”? Me neither!
And I leave you with this…This will never make it into a Titan blog…simply because their readers would not get it. But you do…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Useful links this morning! Interesting how Darius learned things.
Always trying for useful things around here. I could have been posting things like “XX things I like about the _______ credit card” or “Passenger undresses in aisle, we got VIDEO!”
So many blogger asskissers in this space.
Updated credit card link stats this month? I referred someone to use your link and they got approved. I am seeing silence=good news and complaints about a lack of support for the blog=bad news.
Just been busy…
2 conversions this month credited. TPG management is so concerned by my competition 🙂
Hello good sir, we would like to purchase your blog! We are prepared to offer you the $3.50 plus an additional $.30 in Amazon credit for each month you remain with the blog after the sale is complete.
TBB, as your internet advisor, I recommend you take this. They clearly believe this blog is worth 150% more than it really is and that is double what Ingy got.
Hmm, tempting you guys.
But I am not going to sell so early like Ingy did and miss the yuge upside!
Demo versus reality:
Fixed the link for you…looks about right 🙂
Love the vending machines!! Especially the fresh baguette one.
I think Accor is planning to just buy up the world’s supply of hotels! Too bad their loyalty program sucks big time.
How are they going to merge all these different companies they are buying into one…is beyond me! So much cash available…makes no sense. They are either on to something big ahead of their time or….in a few years this company is going to crash BIG!
I’d better on the latter!
I’m surprised none of the Titans used the Laurel/Yanny thing as an excuse for a CC-pumping post!
If you heard Laurel—>Amex Platinum card link
If you heard Yanny—->CSP
If you heard both——>BOTH!!
LOL. Nice!
Why did you hate Anthony Bourdain so much?
whos gonna be the first to put CC links in the Anthony Bourdain RIP article ?
I liked Anthony Bourdain. Not a super fan of his show though…an occasional fan is more like it. But I did like the guy…so sad!
To add cc links to his death…I would first look at TBB’s Blogs to Ignore list! 🙂
Several TBB readers have asked if the tribute blow-up doll of Ingy wil be greeting students at this weekend’s Frequent Traveler University (“FTU”) session in New York. We had planned to unveil this permanent salute to one of the hobby’s founders who hit so many benchmarks before fading away.
I am saddened to report that, due to a disagreement among the folks in the TBB basement, we have failed to reach a consensous on one aspect of the doll’s design. I can’t go into details since we really need Ingy to come back on TBB and help guide us through this tough choice. But I can say that the issue surrounds respect. Yes, respect. R-E-S-P……..
I also want to give a hat tip to those who asked if there is a scholarship fund to help those who want to attend FTU but just don’t have the means to do so. What a grand gesture to want to help less fortunate TBB readers travel for FREEE! The answer on the scholarships is ‘not yet’, but apply for a card or two on the TBB links this weeknd, ‘cause one good deed and you never know what will come your way. Or something like that.
Finally, I must say that the list of speakers at FTU is very impressive. The only weak spot I saw is the Sunday morning session “Why I Will Never have Affiliate Credit Card Links on My Blog” by blogger Diogenes. What a kill joy.
Clap,clap,clap. We are not worthy! Sam wins the internet today. Thanks for the LOLs!
I do actually have a massive chunk of (artificially manufactured) Capital Loss Carryover which somehow my old buy-out shop managed to gift me when the last fund I was in was wound up ….
What? You have the same stupid tax law there too?
We have all the private equity ones, yes. My net tax rate during 11 years in private equity was well under half the proper rate.
Here, you lose them when you die. Which is an insult on top of such a bad thing!
Silicon Valley is notoriously full of founders who exaggerate, dupe investors and the media….
How do I invest?
It is preposterous this person is not in jail!
While TPG does a faketears post for Bourdain…we still have:
Considering the Best Buy Credit Cards? We Break Down the Benefits and Explore Alternatives! – MMS
with Emily holding a box that looks fuzzy and may be contain vibrators
Hideous RenesPoints (I made the stupid mistake to click on it, I am sorry!!!) now has a pop up box with links to support him with his credit card links, lol!
Lawyer Says Delta May Have Destroyed Evidence in Case of Dead Dog; Delta Denies – TPG
no worries, back in form!
The Obvious First Card Choice After Dropping Below “5/24” – MMS
burning the midnight oil today over at MMS. Keith’s wife will not be undone by Emily, she models the Ink Business Preferred card
Can someone tell me why PointsWithaCrew exists? They are even slower than TPG!
I swear PM&Ms physically hurt if they post ANYTHING that does not bring any $$ for them! EVER!
Sunday post has been scheduled:
money brain stuff
cpa cartel
midlife crisis
solve middle east problem
crypto fraud and more frauds – warning: Anti Obama and proBush WTF!!!!<----oh, hi Mark Anyone in Ann Arbor? Come to the Greek Festival tonight! http://www.annarborgreekfestival.org/
Made it on the list again! Thanks for the share!
Je suis sucker for noodles! I did not know that place existed, so thanks.