I am traveling in Greece these days and trying to help my mother with some outstanding issues while doing my best to be a tour guide for my familia. Time is short so here are some pics from Meteora Greece, about an hour away from my hometown Larissa.
Meteora is a breath taking place of monasteries built on some amazing rock formations. In the middle of a valley which makes the place look surreal. You can learn all you want about the place from the Meteora Wikipedia page.
Great photos of a happy family in a beautiful place.
Live it up, amigo!
Second from Kuala Lumpur!
Keep on Travelling…..Nice photos…
3rd is the closest I ever got 🙂
You picked up a great photographer with that Mercedes?
At least Greece beats Germany on the weather front. They are still wearing jackets in das Vaterland.
Come again? It’s bikini weather here this weekend!
What can you say about these “columns of the sky”, about this miracle of nature that rightly belongs to UNESCO World Heritage!
Nice work George! Enjoy your trip in your hometown!
The pictures remind me of a James Bond movie. For Your Eyes Only, I think.
Are Greeks clearing out the ATMs yet? Looks like Brussels says “Oxi”!
It’s a really unique place to visit indeed.
The James Bond “For your Eyes Only” was filmed here.
Alexandra is the owner of the airbnb place we stayed in, great experience.
I am back in Michigan, July 3rd and am distraught with what is happening there, I left just in time I guess.