We show you some of the American Airlines AA changes, detail the Airbnb offer, no go on Apple Pay gift cards, visit Sydney & Yangon and more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
You can support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS, please consider doing your shopping with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK and clicking/forwarding any of our REFERRAL LINKS. Or click on the Amazon Banner on the right side, thank YOU!
Interesting how we all get “leaks” all of a sudden of the impending American Airlines AAdvantage changes. Which don’t sound too bad but lets wait to hear the actual news okay? I have been saying this for a long time. We are in a new reality in the air with just 3 legacy airlines left. The move to revenue based earning is not reversible. And the move to revenue based burning is coming across the board. Tic tac. If you care to read some of the unofficial changes read this by the Loyalty Traveler. Or this one by the Doctor of Credit.
Looks like the rumors were true, no more juicy bonus with the Apple Pay for gift cards.
All you needed to know about that lucrative Airbnb Amex Offer.
A pretty good case of Bye Platinum, Hello Prestige? And Bye, EveryDay Preferred, Hello ThankYou Premier? If you are convinced, please get them here and be First in almost a month woohoo!
Mile Nerd‘s End of Week post.
10 Interesting Photos To Help You Celebrate The End Of The Day
The Ten Commandments of Investment Behavior. Very good personal finance piece.
Yangon’s architecture is a window into Myanmar’s rocky past

And I leave you with this…

Must limit daily post to no more than ten items and be happy with picking up a few quarters per day. This is a hobby, this is a hobby, this is a hobby….treat it like one, treat it like one.
Waiting for creditcards.com to take my links away due to no clicking #sosad #FTGlaughs #socruel
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Follow me on Twitter @ FlyerTalkerinA2 and add TBB on Google+
P.S. Crossed 4,000 followers on Twitter, wow! So the press trip to the over the water bungalow offer will pop in my email any day now right? Right? #losingit #messingwithy’all
First. Bummer on Apple and AA.
Second on Saturday streak stays alive…
Hey George, how are you, my friend? Will settle for bronze for now
I would award you the real medals but with 77 cents in the last 3 days we just can’t lol.
Hey Kumar, what’s up man, good to see you are still around!
Love your blog – it’s entertaining and informative, and it’s on my mental “blogs I Love” list.
I wish it was more lucrative for you – I know blogging takes l-o-t-s of time and h-a-r-d work. Unfortunately I am not looking for a new credit card at the moment (otherwise, would have definitely used your links to support the blog), but I will be using your Amazon links for my purchases.
Also a suggestion – maybe you should put a “donate” button on your page. Many bloggers do that, and hey – every little bit counts…good work should definitely be supported…and your readers can use their favorite credit cards to donate (which will earn them some points/miles – a win-win! 🙂
Please keep your blogs coming!
Thank you Irene so much for the kind words. If it weren’t for those this blog would have folded long long time ago!
The Donate button has been suggested several times. But I just can’t do it, it feels like begging to me while writing, or whining as it comes off, is much better for my psyche I guess, even though it pisses some readers off 🙂
This is all a game to me, learning about blogging, online and keeping myself entertained and out of trouble. You mentioned “good work should definitely be supported”——>THAT is what it should be all about. And when not even ONE gets just one cc in almost a month it definitely feels darn awful. Because if it happens to me here I think it happens everywhere else online. And that is sad because it implies awful pumping bloggers get rewarded and keep their direct cc affiliate links while all the good ones deal with the pennies. And eventually there comes a day that these good ones give up. It happens so often. Definitely one of the most cruel facts of blogging.
If I had the time to do this full time I would really make my blog the #1 blog after learning so much about how this online world works. And do it the right way and not resort to selling out and lowering quality standards. But I have come to realize doing this on a part time basis is just not feasible. And I am okay with that. Just a click here and there is perfectly fine for me, it’s when I get neglected for almost a month it makes it REALLY difficult to carry on.
All right then, it is time for me to use my own links then and be FIRST lol….
Laughs TBB provides—–>priceless
And now watch who comes out of a hole…
I would still consider that “donate” button…nothing wrong with that…after all, not everybody can open a new card every month, but most of your readers – I am sure – would love to occasionally treat you to at least a latte or two (or something stronger) 🙂
Besides, looks like the only game in town is Paypal and I REALLY can’t stand this company!
I wish people can just send me money to my Starbucks and Panera accounts as I am there pretty much every day 🙂
“The Donate button has been suggested several times.”
Or you can add a ‘Blog Subscription” button just like The Free-quent Flyer.
$15 a month will give you all the secrets from travelcon2 including a list of the best hookers and blow in Vegas.
That’s a hell of a deal if you ask me 🙂
Thank you for the link, George!
I love reading your blog – especially the personal finance stuff. I’ve found many good nuggets of info here!
Nice series on the Prestige card, hope you get some clicks. I am thinking to go for it so I can be FIRST using my own links lol.
LOL that makes both of us!
Looking forward to hearing what you make of it!
“So the press trip to the over the water bungalow offer will pop in my email any day now right? Right?”
Never say never. PR folks seem to be finally getting that travel hackers are a valuable niche. Definite uptick in the last few months.
I have noticed an uptick on spammers wanting to offer me help with my website design and SEO services only #sosad #getnorespect #orclicks 🙂
Last, still a day behind, and now onward.