We bring you more news on AA Elites, some simple tips using Google for travel, go over credit card bonus complexity, say goodbye to Captain Denny Flanagan, show you how to use United’s website to book award flights, visit Hong Kong, go inside cockpits of US Air Force planes, check out some old pics from the TWA Stewardess school, and more eclectic stuff for YOU!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
The Blog Buzz section at the end of the posts will be reserved for more advanced topics, personal updates and just talk about…blogs. You are very welcome to let me know of news/links that I should be aware of. I make the final call.
This post by Crankly Flier summarizes well what American Airlines did yesterday in “enhancing” AAdvantage…
How to use United.com to find award flights with your MileagePlus miles.
The final flight by United by Captain Denny Flanagan. Well done, enjoy your rewirement!
Many are thinking to leave American Airlines for Alaska Airlines, should you? Because, you know, the Elite disease can be so addictive. We are pretty much down to the hard core elites. End of an era. I may give away a Southwest drink coupon to the reader who guesses the date Alaska Airlines joins the rest of them in this revenue based tsunami engulfing us free loaders 🙂
A collage of one sec shots of Hong Kong!
The NSA’s guide to the internet. From 2007. Beyond weird reading!
Four tips for using Google Effectively for Travel:
Exchange Rates Just type: “€149 in US dollars“ (amount of foreign currency in currency you want exchanged to)
The current time in distant cities Just type: ““Time in Vienna (name of city)”
Google does weather Just type: “weather in (name of city”)”
Google can translate Just type: “Where is the post office in German” or any phrase you want translated. Works okay.
Best World Cities for Traffic: Dallas-Fort Worth, Kansas City, Indianapolis and Richmond. According to some study…
This is a wonderful personal finance post. Eleven Signs You Own the Right Portfolio I respond Si 🙂
1. You’re so well diversified that you always own at least one disappointing investment.
2. Your livelihood isn’t riding on both your paycheck and your employer’s stock.
3. If the stock market’s performance over the next five years was miserable, you wouldn’t be.
4. You can remember the last time you rebalanced.
5. You have no clue how your investments will perform, but a great handle on how much they’ll cost you.
6. You don’t have any hot stocks to boast about.
7. For every dollar you’ve salted away, you have an eventual use in mind—and the dollars are invested accordingly.
8. Jim Cramer? Who’s that?
9. A year from now, you plan to own the same investments.
10. You never say to yourself, “Wow, I didn’t expect that.”
11. You take tax losses when they’re available—but they aren’t available very often.
Amazing photos from the inside of cockpits of US Air Force airplanes, enjoy!

For TBB reader Ramsey, look at what I found! TWA Stewardess School! Click on more images on the top right.
Credit card bonus complexity, good info.
Amazing how the big bloggers, just after a day faking outrage about the AA Elite changes, they are slowly coming around saying it is not that bad Hey, did they get a phone call form AA PR to cool it, if not no more access? I am thinking out loud…
It was great watching the USA Men beat up on Costa Rica 4-0 in Copa America, wow!
I need to get it together. Or maybe a good reason to fade away…But fading may reduce the eclectic quality here. So maybe sudden death will be better. Oh phuck it, gotta get some sleep. Hey haters, is this considered whining?
And I leave you with this…
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Top of the morning, but is he top of the comments?
Ah Sam
He is quicker than I am
Since the medals were discontinued due to ridiculously slow sales, the fistfights for them have been greatly diminished
Pretty sure young Ramsey is the one on the left with the sign reading “Elderly Lady.”
The size of those trays is what gets me. THat’s about 4x the square footage of what you get today! (I’m taking coach of course…would not know what you guys see up in the front!)
Very Funny Harvson3, but I think I might of banged the sexy one with ‘child’ sign around her neck. It was many years later though, when she was old, on portable oxygen and used a cane. She had to remove her dentures if I correctly recall…………………All the “GREATS” are dying lately, I wonder if any Pizzerias have named a menu item after Kimbo Slice, RIP KS………………Be sure to click on Ramsey’s Rants and Mile Secrets for the latest underground point/mile secrets.
WoW RAMSEY! Thank you for that totally cost free- scalable MS trick, looks like a game
changer. Let’s hope it does not get destroyed by the bloggers but I think that may be
impossible, it’s that good. TBB will never be able to say “travel isn’t totally free” again.
Thanks to you for sharing that. Eddie
PS If you are ever in the East Village, stop by, you know where to find me.
So in short when the sign was more accurate.
I am going all in on Foley catheters.
Time to scale UP!
I learned from the baker who made our wedding cake the real pro tip to keeping it moist: They douse the thing in simple syrup before icing it. A cake is essentially sugar and flour, baked, soaked in sugar and water, then iced with sugar and butter.
Love the video of Hong Kong, you’re going to have a great time there. Because I was only on a 13 hour layover, I just barely made it up to the peak, but it’s absolutely beautiful at night, as is the Tsim Sha Tsui promenade.
Last time I was there I did not get to do the hiking, I may do that. Depends on son’s schedule, he has class on Thursdays and a lab. Oh yeah, TST promenade, will be kicking back at the IC bar drinking (hopefully with a free drink coupon) and another epic $45 hamburger (thanks to Arrival points again!).
Love that IC bar. Best view in HK!
Keeping them moist, that’s what I’m talking about, stewardesses and chocolate cake.
For currency conversions, you can use the shorthand (i.e. “Fjd160 to usd”) but you need to know the three letter shorthand and sometimes it doesn’t work. Also, just “discovered” that you can do similar thing on a Mac using spotlight search – just type 160 euro and it will show you the conversion to USD right away. Seems to be more limited than google in the currencies it supports thou.