Here is another post with five Best of Web links I have found worthy to share with you: An amazing piece giving Advice to First-Time Parents, 18 great American Economy Charts, Shawn Bradley Future, lessons from Black Monday and an amazing Zillow Find…
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The Best of Web posts are much shorter in length with material that is a notch or two above what you see in the regular TBB posts.
Click on the headline for the link!
10 Practical Pieces of Advice for First-Time Parents
This should be read by every first-time parent. Period.
1. Remember that everything is temporary
2. Encourage kids to jump in muddy puddles
3. Ask more than you tell
4. Time is the best gift you can give your child
5. Let go of the myth that kids are fragile creatures
6. Prioritize your relationship with your partner
7. Resist ‘punitive parenting’
8. Create a time capsule of special moments
9. Throw out the parenting books
10. Remember there is no substitute for unconditional love
18 charts that explain the American economy
A fun and colorful way to understand what’s happening. Sure is, these are great. This is my favorite:

Life After 7’6″: Shawn Bradley, Paralyzed in a Bike Crash, Knows ‘It’ll Never Be the Same’
I remember Shawn Bradley playing for the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA for years. This super tall skinny white guy who could block shots. And not much else. He retired from the game after a long career. And then one day he had a bike accident. And life completely changed. Amazing read!
A Day to Remember
The day is October 19,1987 when the Dow dropped 23%. In one day.
The author, William Bernstein, emphasizes the two lessons he learned over the years:
First, a suboptimal portfolio you can execute is better than an optimal one you can’t.
Second, mentally compartmentalize your portfolio.
A few selected excerpts that stood out:
Over the past four decades, I’ve learned that the prime prerequisite for a successful portfolio is that it survives.
The financial markets are a car that conveys your assets across town from your present self to your future self. The roads are slick with ice and studded with giant potholes. If you drive fast, you might indeed get to your destination a lot quicker. But it’s usually a bad idea.
Think you can time the market and avoid these drawdowns? Guess again. There is now almost a century of academic research demonstrating that no one has consistently done so, and the boneyard of Wall Street is littered with the remains of those who gained fame with one lucky call and then made spectacularly lousy forecasts for decades thereafter.
A Zillow Find
The amazing story about this castle in Connecticut. Probably the most enjoyable read of the week, must click.
Hi from Kauai, another post will happen…eventually.
And I leave you with this…

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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Re the 18 charts… housing has increased less than wages?
Hey Buzz, thanks for the links. Haha regarding the Zilllow Find.
Looking forward to the trip report, have a great time in Hawaii.
Looking forward to the report too!
The charts are just great!
Well, there goes my day again, thanks Mr. Market. Time to earn my fees….
No time for trip reports guys, ask me questions and I will eventually respond.
Time to use some cash that has been building and waiting WAY too long.
This is good education for the youngster whizzes.
You think the correction/rotation is over already?
I hope you’re not jumping on crypto or NFTs!
You are thinking short term here.
You know where I stand on crypto/NFTs
Good stuff! Most especially, thank you for posting the article, A DAY TO REMEMBER. Man, you picked a good day to show that one. I needed a good reminder. Glad you made it to Kauai and hope you and the family have a marvelous time there! Do not pet the Monk Seals!
I picked it on purpose.
What’s with all the chickens in Kauai?
I’m heading to GH Kauai next month. Is the lounge open? How are the globalist benefits?
Lounge is open. 6.30 am to 10 breakfast, 12-4 snacks 5-7 hoeu d’ oeuvres 7.30-8.30 snacks
Small selections. Great service. Snacks are lacking. Breakfast and hoeu d’oeuvers has a couple of main entries and then a standard nice collection of smaller dishes. Apparently u are supposed to declare your booze and bill u for it, just fyi. Did not try the desserts.
Confirmed suite upgrade is great, very worth it. If not confirmed, I highly doubt you get one. Rest of globalist benefits are standard I guess. No resort and parking fees.
The resort is great, very glad to be here finally.
7.30 – 8.30 desserts
Great, thanks for the info. I am a 30 night globalist so I don’t have any suite night awards. I’ll just hope for a room with a view I guess. Either way I’m looking forward to it. No resort and parking fees is worth a lot in Hawaii.
Hey, George, this is off topic, but any idea what’s happened to your friend Andy Shuman, the Lazy Traveler? Last posting was Dec 22. I hope he hasn’t finally thrown in the towel.
Has not replied to my email, hope he is too busy and not anything serious…