We weep together over the 169th Aeroplan devaluation, dream that Concorde may fly again, we GoPro the craziest wingsuit flight ever, read an amazing Andrei Agassi interview, visit bizarre hotels, laugh at Sparta and nothing else!<—-you still get exclamation marks because it’s just cool.
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This will be a short weekend post. Get out and enjoy it!
The big news was (another!) devaluation by Aeroplan which is a stand alone entity now and just happens to operate the frequent miles currency of Air Canada. Back in the good old days, this program rocked. And then in 2011 it was massacred. And yet they take another whack at it. And you all take it like morons just like you take the crap from Delta Skymiles. Maybe you all have a problem? 🙂 Anyways, read the gory details over at this post by MileCards: “The Aeroplan Awards You Should Book by December 15“. Tic tac on The Hobby… #sosad
Ok, here is the revised Aeroplan Award chart with a comparison with what is changing. Try to get that from Delta, huh!
A group of fans are trying to bring the Concorde supersonic jet back – Well, not sure what to make of this one! I was just shocked to learn that “a group of Concorde fans (“Club Concorde”) raised $186 million in the hopes of getting a Concorde to fly again by 2019. The group plans to buy two Concorde planes: They hope to restore one plane for flying use and to turn the other into a tourist attraction that will reside near the London Eye.” The article gives a pretty good history of the Concorde but just can’t see how this one can have a good ending with all the obstacles this effort is faced. Good luck!
Life’s Work: An interview with Andrei Agassi at Harvard Business Review. Makes perfect reading on a slow Saturday day. Enjoy!
This is the Craziest Wingsuit Flight I Have Ever Seen. And probably the craziest video filmed with one!
17 Bizarre Hotels Around the World We have seen some of these here before but not all.

And I leave you with this…

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FIRST! Back to sleeping in…
Thanks for sharing the agassi article. His book is really great too for those looking for something to read. His vs Sampras book is also an interesting contrast in personalities as those two players were on the court.
Wingsuits are fun to watch, but I think they’re a bit like devaluations. It’s not if you’ll have a bad accident, it’s when.
Checking in.
Yeah, that Agassi interview was a great read!
Agreed on the wingsuits! I like other excitement because I like my life!