We bring you a talk about AI galaxy, learn what rich people do, an antidotes map, see ISS with street view and marvel at the 2017 Magnum Photography Awards.
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I slow down blogging down in the weekends, just some selected links that made an impression to me during the past week. Now only on Sundays!
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An Engineer’s Guide to the Artificial Intelligence Galaxy
If you are interested in AI and where this tech thing may be going, you will find this commencement speech very interesting indeed. The speaker claims the next decade will be the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Of course time will tell, as it always does. But stuff like this better make you take notice!
In the next 10 years, AI will replace most factory workers, assistants, advisors, and middlemen. But AI is not limited to simple jobs. AI will also replace many reporters, doctors, and teachers. Your AI assistant will know better than you what you would like to eat tonight, where you should go on vacation, and whom you should date.
But it doesn’t stop there. In 10 years, mechanical AI will become reliable. AI will be safer at driving cars than people, sweeping changes, as it were, brought by the lowly Roomba…. will grow up and cook, wash, clean and handle all the household drudgery for us.
In 10 years, because AI will make so much money for humanity, we will enter the Age of Plenty, making strides to eradicate poverty and hunger, and giving all of us more spare time and freedom to do what we love.
In 10 years, because AI will replace half of human jobs, we will enter the Age of Confusion, and many people will become depressed as they lose the jobs and the corresponding self-actualization. And many of you will become parents concerned with how to improve education in order to prevent your children from being replaced by AI.
It ends with a very touching and uplifting message. You may enjoy this as much as I did. If you did, click my links. If not, click my links. Bwahahaha, good one hey?
What Rich People Do That Poor People Don’t
This is pretty good in case you are interested in the subject…
1. The Rich are voracious readers.
2. The Rich are relentlessly resourceful.
3. The Rich don’t save, they invest.
4. The Rich believe in positive energy and people.
5. The Rich live with big expectations, setting clear easily-definable goals.
6. The Rich learn from other people’s mistakes.
The Antipodes Map
This is fun! You type in your location (or any other location) and it finds the antipodal point (the other side of the world). Play with it, enjoy!
Go Inside the International Space Station using Google Street View
This is super cool, enjoy! Isn’t this better than repeated posts selling you travel rewards credit cards? Of course it is. If you said no, please leave, thanks.
Hummingbirds’ Amazing Drinking Technique
This is super mesmerizing to watch, wow! “…the hummingbird footage was the result of years of planning, months of building fog machines and training hummingbirds, and weeks of shooting.” Must click.
2017 Magnum Photography Awards
Probably the best photographs online right now. Must click. Just click it!

And I leave you with this…
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Here too!
George, since when have you become a Ayn Rand disciple? How about, “The Rich are lucky to be born to a wealthy family.” That certainly explains how more rich people became rich than all of the ass-kissing accolades contained in that article. Exhibit A: #45.
It was a good article still. Most of my clients were not born rich but became rich and did most of what the article states. I found it kind of inspiring so I added it. I am no Ayn fan, can’t believe all that BS 🙂
Hello everyone from the little cafe downstairs at the Fairmont. Daughter’s legs hurt so this has been the slowest/laziest vacation ever. Son joined us for dinner at the Tonga room to blow some Fairmont certs. Mai Tai and the band were great, food not so much. Son interviewing at Palantir (any feedback on this company? I had never heard of it) and Apple this week. Facebook is a possibility too. For next summer internships. At his age I was mostly interested in partying in the summers in college 🙂
glassdoor.com is your best friend.
Yep, he checked that out and so did I! Thanks.
Yeah, as Peteco indicates down below, it does sound shady but it could be like a heck of experience for a summer and resume builder! It’s a long shot it appears.
As far as Apple goes, he does not even use a Mac lol.
The short list of rich people I know weren’t born that way. They made it…. While I’m sure plenty of trust fund babies are out there, I still found the article on the 6 things rich people do interesting. Might’ve even inspired me to build some more time for reading into my day.
Happy Sunday from poolside at the Hilton Orlando.
How is that property? Used to eat at Spencer’s all the time but avoid hotels that won’t waive scam “resort fees” for Diamonds.
Looking around the Fairmont in SF I bet there were a good number of trust fund babies.
Now moved to the Country Inn and Suites in Sunnyvale…no way there are any here lol.
I am staying at the OMNI Championsgate outside Orlando in October. And I had to pay, booooooo! I need to have a talk with them conference organizers, WTF!
Any suggestion about who I should fire next?
Yeah, see my comment above. I hope they want him to hack them ISIS mfers 🙂
And in more 10 years, because AI will far surpass any human intellect, it will decide we are too dangerous for our own good, enslave us to build robots to replace us. When the robots are capable of building more robots, AI will kill us all. You read it here first, we’re all doomed.
Damn it, by then I would have had enough Delta Skymiles for a basic economy flight from Atlanta to Orlando…