Lets’ go on a wild ride checking out an awesome chart of airline fees, visit majestic Norway and many world sculptures, watch how the Arrival card should be sold, ponder to myself that there are too Many Blogs, watch all 159 World Cup Goals so far, and let me remind you about some tax breaks you should not miss!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order
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Awesome pdf “Ultimate Guide to Airline Fees“. Let’s see…
Norway, nothing like it. 10 Photographs of Paradise in the Arctic. At Dashburst

25 Of The Most Creative Sculptures And Statues From Around The World By Bored Panda. These are just super awesome!

My Top 25 Travel Experiences. By Travel is Free. Interesting stuff.

Matt at Saverocity pimps the new Arrival card in a very entertaining way. At least this made me laugh when all other credit card pimping posts bore me to death! I loved the ending “Think” LOL And if this pic does not get you to click on this amazing card I don’t know what will!

This Matt at Saverocity dude is on fire, maybe it is all the creative flow that comes with changing diapers (he is a new dad). “Don’t fall into this blogging trap“. Some great thoughts in here and I empathize. To me, this blogging thing is an outlet for my creativity and a chance to change the world (ok, if not the world, my dear quirky hobby at least!). You can call me many things but bank bitch ain’t one!
Blogs just keep coming. This new venture Prior2board by Randy Petersen to get another blog aggregating site up and running got started with twenty blogs right off the bat! And new ones keep coming. If you are looking to make a name for yourself and make mucho dinero you are sadly mistaken. Perhaps your time should be better spent elsewhere that has a much higher probability of improving your life conditions. Nothing personal. It’s just more likely that your niche is covered by now and your writing is likely not that compelling so what happens is that so many blogs repeat the crap of other bloggers. I can’t believe how many times I saw pictures of a train wreck that happened to carry some airplane parts or whatever, some video from a near collision of two planes in some freaking airport somewhere, etc. I just hope nobody repeats that awful “news story” about that child who died left alone in a car and trying to somehow make a blog post about it, eeeek!
We got ya! You can post but you can not hide (HT to Rapid Travel Chai)
Watch all 159 goals in the World Cup so far here!
5 Real Tax Breaks You Must Not Miss. Yeah, really. Capture these por favor!
Thank you to all who signed up for the Capital One Bank with my link. Love taking money from banks!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs I Ignore
Please pass my blog link to your friends and family if you think they will enjoy it too.
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Wow, Second — must be a holiday weekend!
saverocity is decent I guess but the man crush is getting old.
@anonymous, Disagree. Saverocity keeps getting better/ and who dosen’t love Buzz’s man crush, I think it’s sweet.
I want to be 7th, to match the number of All Stars the A’s have! And those photos of Norway are so pretty it makes me want to take advantage of one of those dirt cheap Norwegian Airlines fares.
Some funny stuff over on twitter tonight where new twitter handles have appeared for F2C @First2Copy and @DepartureArea: Alternative Travel for an Alternative Lifestyle. Also saw some snarky tweets re: the new Prior2Boarding earlier in the day. I hope we don’t have warring websites coming our way.
I too was appalled at GLeff’s blog post on that poor child. I avoided it for a while but finally clicked in hopes the upsetting title had a happy ending. His blog really has been going down hill but this is an awful new low.
Some great photos. A good week to all!
“Kevin said,
Don’t sweat the haters, the internet is full of them.
Perhaps their feigned outrage at your post will be the last straw and they’ll stop reading and commenting!
Gary Leff said,
@Kevin that would be nice, wouldn’t it? :)”
This is his last comment under this post and it shows what kind of a@@hole he became…
Its all about visitors, pageviews, average retention and ads. As a blogger you post a bit of controversy once in a while to get people excited, they comment about and tell others (see above), then people step in to comment about comments, and you lean back and watch the show and appreciate the numbers. Really smart ones step into the comments and add a bit of fuel to the fire if things die down.
I don’t even read those posts. The ET 787 review was mildly interesting to see how airlines use the same seat hardware and floor space differently.
@ KennyB: You deserve it! 🙂
@ Trevor: True…but you can do better, I believe in you 🙂
@ anonymous: why man crash on saverocity and not on Travel is Free as TIF has made it many times more huh? Wearing my ingy hat: do you have a personal agenda? hiding behind anonymous handles online, would you say that to the bloggers’ face? Why are you so angry? Haters gonna hate…let me go back to pumping more credit cards. You CAN apply for 7 cards at once 🙂
@ Philz: Love readers who aim high 🙂 Yeah, Norway is so beautiful. Read a review of a Norwegian Air flight, they charge for everything but hey, the price is right…hope they continue operating! Check out my trip report if you like: http://travelbloggerbuzz.com/travel-reports/norway/
@TWA44 and Andrew: I wish the F2B people focused on serving their own bloggers more, they sure spend more time than necessary imho complaining about other competitors! I hope they do not go the legal route on the Prior2Board name…I used to feel guilty placing VFTW in the Blogs I Ignore…not anymore! Check out this last sentence in the post selling the Chase Saphirre credit card “…Disclaimers are needed because haters gonna hate, and that’s why we can’t have nice things.” Wow!
@Oliver2002: You are absolutely correct. My blog catches fire when I posted about my rants and got the troll to come out which I tweeted about it and got more views, people love this controversial stuff 🙂 I was amused by it too, sure added into my own entertainment. But I am glad he is staying away and thankful for the extra time to devote to matters that are more important. At the end of the day, we have WAY too many blogs out there and not really much value added information that can enhance readers’ lives. Probably includes my blog too lol. I think Germany will beat Brazil. But my record is not so good so probably Brazil will find another gear and somehow squeeze into the final.
Win? Brazil can only loose the game, no team can win against them and 200 million screaming fans.
I wasn’t here for the 2006 cup, but recall everyone being a happy host and not super emotional about what the Germans were upto :rolleyes: all this crying and sobbing and chanting team songs at other games is ridiculous!
Yeah, there is no comparison between Germans and Brazilians when it comes to emotions 🙂
I love the World Cup and all the crying and sobbing that comes with it man!
Here’s a new source of photos for you, George. I found it while reading through articles on Super typhoon Neoguri. The typhoon is drawing up surface moisture from as far away as Australia and India, but will probably not hit the largest Japanese cities directly. I hope the damage stays limited.
Wow, great photos, I followed them!
The whole blog war thing is kind of funny to me, I do see Prior2Boarding as a rip-off of First2Board but wasn’t First2Board a rip-off of Boarding Area when it started?
It is a one big convoluted mess. I think if bloggers were offspring and hosting was the equivalent of marriage, somebody would be singing “I’m My own Grandpa”
Yeah it is getting a little messy out there. Great song 🙂
If Saverocity’s DO was able to sell out in hours, while the Seminars and FTU which have every big-box blogger need to endlessly hype the event just to get across the finish line, there is hope yet for our community
Glad to see that Matt won’t need to resort to weekly “meet the speakers” puff pieces to trick…. er I mean convince people to go
Less than two from what I hear! I hope Delta Points does not do yet another “get your chicago seminars ticket now…it’s going….”fast”!
Time for the MMS empire to start up a group pimp site like BA et al. All those “interesting” Friday newbie interviewees in one place would be a juggernaut of mediocrity and repetition.
I would not be shocked about it….looks like that site is written by a robot or something. Eeek
Thank YOU for the Cap one signup links. Signed up with your link, then I referred wife and signed her up, $76+76+40. Free money/stuff without having to get a CC? I wonder why other bloggers didn’t tell me about it first? 😉
That is just awesome! Love taking money away from banks…miles/points too LOL.
They didn’t because it does not pay nearly as well 🙂
Man, TBB, you are just raking it in from Cap One. I may just have to start using someone else’s Amazon link to spread the wealth around. If I knew who Drew was, I’d use his.
Drew who? 🙂
Wow. This is the first I’ve seen Prior2Boarding. Original names too. I’m thinking the money is no longer in blogging, but owning a blogging platform. Why are these people joining? Crazy.
Although, whenever I start to feel down on the bloggers for lack of creativity in the blogs, I read MV. I was dazzled how a trip to South Pacific can be done for 50k! Amazing! More than average! And you don’t even notice when you don’t mention the roundtrip price! AMAZING!
We need more blogs like that.
Boarding Area could get tricky though. Blogs who relied on the BA home page to drive traffic will be squeezed by the expansion.
I would also be surprised if a couple of bigger names have not had discussions with Amex about whether they would get their links back if they left BA.
The deals I learn from MV are so dazzling 🙂
Bloggers keep coming to Prior2Boarding, wow!
I think they have issues with the new design, not so easy on the eyes me thinks!
What I found remarkable is that the more popular blogs in BA have chosen to stay intact and not go independent. I am sure they can stand on their own as their cc sales skills are superb 🙂
VFTW keeps amazing how many angles he can find to sell the same darn cards!
The Norway pictures are stunning. It was painful to see the result of the German vs Brazil game. I was not even a fan of either team, but could feel the pain of the Brazil’s fans. My guess is the German vs Argentina in the final. Thanks.
NO! Argentina is awful, they play some anti-futball, horrible. They don’t deserve
to be in the semis, so please no finals for them.
The game was amazing to watch, Germans played so well, they were relaxed, precise,
absolutely stunning. Brazil is nothing like their good teams in the past.
Everyone knew Brazil will miss Neymar and Silva…but to that extent it is beyond shocking!
I had no doubt Germany had the better team even with these two playing today. To be able to be so lethal in finishing and the Brazilian players collapse in such a fashion was something truly stunning to witness.
Scolari called it the worst day of his life. I even think the government may be brought down due to this black day in Brazilian history.
I am no Germany or Argentina fan by birth. I always liked Brazil but I am not a fan, especially of this very mediocre flopping “team”. Besides, they never supported Greece in any game which surprised me and still upsets me. I can’t stand the current Dutch floppers either but, due to the fact that Netherland was my favorite team in the 70s and is the best team that never won the World Cup I do hope they do it this year!
Germans scored so much ESPN had to scoll down to fit the names!
The feed for all TV channels is the same, George.
Cute how you are scrambling to find a team to support 😉
Yeah I know…kind of sad.
So….I am going with the Dutch because the 1978 crime should be paid back 🙂