We rip on the new limited Amex Points Match promotion, marvel at some awesome Hawaiian Images, Cairo Chinatown, NYC Chinatown in the 80s and go on a trip aboard US Coast Guard in Alaska.
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0 mile (or less) flights possible thanks to Amex Points Match for American, United – MileCards Very interesting. To play it right as a blogger who likes deals I must say that this is just a horrible promotion, no value at all. So Amex should just roll it out to everyone. If not everyone, please target me. Pretty please! If they kill the deal it was the other bloggers’ fault. SHUT UUUUUUP! 🙂
Real job and my other writing gig is kicking my behind and the whole miles/points blog scene is really making me so bored. I mean, crap like plastics, macadamia nuts and macarons…I can’t even click on this stuff anymore…which is a good thing I guess for my condition 🙂
10 images that show the connection we Hawaiians have to the ocean – Matador Network Some really nice pictures here.

The Delicious Chaos of Cairo’s Chinatown – Roads & Kingdoms Really beautiful piece about the Chinatown in Cairo. First, I had no idea Cairo had a Chinatown. Second, I will eat this stuff way before I ‘ll even consider fatty macarons! I don’t like caviar either. And Krug too. What can I say, I am weird!

Rare Photos Of New York’s Chinatown In The 1980s Captured A Revolution Incredibly vivid pictures capturing this demographic revolutionary shift…

21 Jaw-Dropping Photos Of The US Coast Guard In Alaska Some wonderful pictures here!

31 rules for the financial road ahead – MarketWatch This is a must read. TBB says so.
Top 10 Difficult Decisions You’ll Make in Life (and How to Make Them) – Lifehacker Some good stuff here, maybe it can help someone. If it does, come back and click the crap out of my links. Yeah, right…#nonpumpingbloggerfantasy
One Mile at a Time made yet another blog post about macadamia nuts, wow! View From The Wing blessed us all about this food called macarons. I had never heard of it, they sure look fatty to me!
And Million Mile Secrets had this headline “4 Cards. 110,000 Points, 75,000 Miles, & Something Unexpected!” which had me barfing uncontrollably. Keeps my weight low, thanks!
Don’t get me started on these Points, Miles & Linguinis guys…a little self-respect for what stuff you cut and paste to your readers would be nice. Actually, I am shocked anyone reads their site, I guess they like to be pumped to oblivion!
I have no other links in the queue…Expect even shorter posts. Unless you click my links and inspire me that is #TBBpimpingundercover
My soccer team could not win a 3rd game in a row and keep first place, we tied “Brew Crew” 3-3. Went down 2-0 at halftime and then yours truly went on a mad display of Messi like wizardry and scored three goals to put us up 3-2 with 5 minutes left and then we could not hold it. It is is 12. 30 am as I am finishing this post and my body hurts. And my soul. We won the league championship only once about 3 years ago when I scored with just 42 secs left to win the last game and the trophy (well there is no trophy actually, cheap bastard organizers!). One of the happiest days and the highlight of my 40s! I want to experience it again #winning #justnotintblogmonetizinglol
I want freeeeeeedom…Ouch!

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Love, love, love the 1980s Chinatown photos. Great link, thanks!
Yeah me too! I wonder if they sold macarons in the street back then 🙂
wow. that free AMEX program, best deal of 2015
It will be if I get targeted for it…and I won’t. I can fantasize about it though cancelling all the trips I was going to book and carrying credits for several thousand dollars and flying really for free up front you know 🙂
Why all the hubbub about AMEX… I mean the second word is “targeted”… Seriously bloggers, most of are NOT targeted, can’t charge $1m on our personal cards for work expenses and won’t ever get to be in this group… I think I need a macaron! WTFC’s
@TBB Sorry about game 3…
I had typed a response but it somehow vanished in cyberspace.
Now I don’t remember what i said. I am sure it was a dig against some bloggers who just LOVE “news” that allows them to easily sell their merchandise. Anyways, this appears to be so targeted that is a fantasy for almost every one of us.
Yeah friend goalie I play against next week is taunting me at FB that I am not going to score on him…I am so sore at Panera this morning…
I miss Hawaii already.
I have Kaui as my next Hawaii island to conquer. Not sure when, maybe 2016
Buzz how many times/email address did you do at Panera online videos for the free Broth/Coffee/Dessert….
None, had no idea. I never log in the website. Unless a reader sends me their receipt with the code 🙂
Buzz my good man, what’s cracking. Sorry for my hiatus, times are a-busy
Are the bloggers about to lose their chase links? Looks like Dan will at the least. Too bad if it’s just him. For as much as I can’t stand some of the bloggers (dan isn’t one of them) I would hate for them to lose their chase links while TPG, FTG and MMS keep the monopoly on them (like with Amex last year) just because their blog is entirely dedicated to preying on people who don’t know any better (aka google searchers)
Why do we think Dan is losing his Chase links?
Post of his says that his Chase links will not work as of 5 pm EST today
I have mixed feelings about bloggers losing links. There are bloggers I really cannot stand like MP who is the most hypocritical one I’ve ever seen. On the other hand, it would really suck for TIF if he’d lose them.
DD tends to be on the pumpy side but there are so many other ones that post worthless garbage compared to him.
Right, obviously nobody wants TIF losing his links. And I’m not even sure I’d want the DD’s and VFTW’s of the world to lose them if MMSTPGFTG get to, as the former at least puts in some effort into producing quality content to surround all the pumping (or to drive the pumping….) whereas the latter has mailed it in more than a UPS truck
Steve, how are you doing, so nice to see you back!
Can’t keep up with this direct cc linking business. The non transparency is just deafening! The fact that the MEGA pumpers keep them and the others don’t is probably the worst injustice, only second to that NFL game where some refs decided to pick up the flag 🙂
I know DD does not do business w/ the main player Bankrate for the direct links (I think …again). I am not sure what is going on but I still see the regular direct links with the BA blogs. I keep ignoring most of them these days, there is only so much my eyes can take. I take it out on Twitter for the most part to make me feel better about myself lol.
What I have never understood is how PPM and DWL can keep them if they are expected to do 100 apps per month!!!
All I know is that the indirect creditcards dot com links are not big sellers and not big payers. TBB sold one this month. Very shortly they will put me out of my misery I think…I would lol.
Too bad there are not enough readers to sustain smaller blogs. Or we aim on the wrong market, the non-newbies.
It’s a cruel world out there.
In the meantime…I am so sore is unbelievable!
Looks like you’re right. Links no longer work on DD, but you don’t need to scroll very far down VFTW to find a working CSP link
Too bad. DD is far from the first choice for who should lose his affiliate links
What’s up shitbag? Get rid of the genital herpes yet? I had hoped you were dead but alas. Eh you’re my favourite idiot anyway.
Keep up the crapjob George.
I got a tiny throw away mention on FTG today (thanks Howie) and was stunned by the clicks. Readership must be far bigger than we think.
I got one too way early in my blogging career. I still feel dirty about it 🙂
Gleff, he is so modest………………View From my Plate offers a link to an article http://www.wendyperrin.com/best-flight-frequent-flier-miles/ touting him…………..I guess he has a deal with his pal Wendy, to keep writing about each other.
Those two have been scratching their backs with macaron and pancakes for a long time 🙂
Macarons are actually really awesome.
Of course, Laduree is the best. VIsit their tiny store on Madison in NYC.
I feel like GLeff is trolling me, since I called him out on his PHV post!
Hey, where’s Dia? Gleff has been VENDOMING!!!
Is is me, or do we all just now do a collective yawn when anyone posts about the PHV?
Never heard of Laduree either!
yawing at PHV Vendoming posts for over a decade 🙂