We learn about the Amex slowing problems which is not a good thing for our inherent right to travel for free, laugh at a hilarious story about Misadventures in Air Travel, marvel at a video about wanderlust, visit Amsterdam, train stations and crazy Russia and more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Slowing charge problems at American Express are a sign of a broader blight – The Economist HT MilesMath: Could this be the beginning of the end? “…the amount of revenue from each transaction passed back to the customer has been growing for years. In 2012 it put it at 47% for three of the biggest issuers, up from 39% in 2010.”
Gary Shteyngart’s Misadventures in Air Travel – Travel & Leisure Hilarious account of flying Kuwait Airways, Varig and Aeroflot! Excerpt: ““I think the bathroom exploded,” he said. Indeed, a trickle of greenish liquid soon began to crawl its way toward business class. I set down my cold meat. “Devushka,” I said to the flight attendant. “Miss. There appears to be waste spilling into the cabin.” The flight attendant looked as if she was in her early thirties, but working at the world’s goofiest airlines, with their ravenous flies, missing landing fees, and exploding bathrooms, surely makes for centuries-old wisdom. “So lift up your legs,” she said. And I did.” LOL
Warning: Watching this video will induce irresistible wanderlust – Matador Network You have been warned!
Amsterdam XXX, prostitution and coffeeshops – Loyalty Traveler Why go to Amsterdam when you can go to…Denver 🙂
The 11 Most Beautiful Train Stations Across America – Thrilllist Dig it!
31 stunning photos from Sony’s World Photography Awards Stunning indeed!

Everything you always wanted to know about condoms — but were afraid to ask Wow, incredibly educational indeed! I had no idea!
Jack Bogle’s success principles to live by – CNBC Fantastic read.
TBB is going to publish this blog review type of post three times a week from now on. This time we will stick to it. Life is getting in the way and it’s all good things happening! Time to dial down TBB as the click support pretty much died in the month of February. And I am just not going to turn into a pumper, just not my thing you know. This baby is on its way back down to a pure part time hobby, not like it was ever a commercial operation lol. I guess my crusade is not getting through. And that is kind of sad. The pumping sellouts win because it is “all about conversions”. Or maybe I am saying all that to get the troll to go off again #mysterious TBB. I also want you to know that I wasted a precious hour of my life on Saturday night trying to burn my remaining Skydrachmas to Australia with some horrific results…as usual.
I had my Feedly shot of the worst blog posts over the past few days but I need to get going on some more tax returns and writing for that other blog that is causing way too many people to call me and I don’t like it because it takes away from TBBing (translation: because I am an idiot).
Thank you for reading and supporting my blog by clicking my $$ links! Especially to the ones who use my Amazon link. For the uninitiated, one credit card usually is more than one month’s worth of Amazon clicking, just fyi #educating #sad #really?
And I leave you with a whole bunch of crazy pictures from that crazy place called Russia:

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1st…Finally !!!
We always remember our first time 🙂 Congrats!
Imagine my surprise at reading the train station link and the hometown station is the first one. Cincinnati’s Union Terminal is beautiful…but…only because it has been saved by the taxpayers and repurposed into a museum complex. The multi-track concourses were torn down years ago (and their murals moved to CVG airport). The actual Amtrak waiting area is now a small room off to the side and there is no way in hell you could take a train to Akron. There is only 1 passenger train and it goes west to Chicago or east to West Virginia. Also, you had better bring plenty of snacks because the train (if it is on time) rumbles through between 1:00 and 1:30AM (an improvement from a few years ago when it was like 4:30AM-5:30AM). The place is effectively dead after the last OmnIMAX movie. You will reach Chicago in a blistering 9.5 to 10 hours – don’t try to race a buddy in car because he will win (driving takes only 5 hours). It would really be nice if we had modern high speed trains as a viable option like in Europe.
A looot of freight moves on that line (which connects the NJ ports with the mid west BTW). Imagine what would happen if that would be on the Interstate. Hence no space for pax trains. Them crazy murricans prefer their humongous SUVs anyway. Imagine the comments you would get if asked to sit 3h in a 28-30 inch pitch on a high speed train? :p
Speaking of which I’m sure the Greeks would gladly sell their hiigh speed trains they bought for the Olympics 🙂
Fascinating stuff Erik, thanks for the education!
And for you Oliver, let me just say something Greeks hear a lot these days!
I want to laugh but when I really think about my mother back there I want to cry instead…
Interesting posts. The matador travel video is more about extreme/action sports than actually travell ing, but I would definitely like to do some of those activities.
Do them while you are young 😉
I found that video to be a vanity shoot. “Hey guys, we’re all rich! Let’s travel around and do a bunch of fun stuff and then I’ll shoot a video and then we’ll get back and I’ll set it to a sick beat and then recite a bunch of lame platitudes that attempt to make me wise…”
Can anyone do one of these videos, but in a classy, humble way?
George…are you as good at hiding “income/taxes’ as the avg. Greek? If so, I might want to hire you to do my taxes..lol
You won’t believe how much grief I get about that? I just tell everyone I am not like them Greeks back in Greece lol.