We register for the Amex Small Business Saturday to get FREE Money, Delta (please sit down!) improves its award search engine, leaving United Airlines letter, new award booking, travel to Portugal and China, go into a Siberian Crater, learn about Fiduciaries and Finance words & phrases.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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In case you were living in a cave, you can now Register for the AMEX Small Business Saturday promotion. What is better than money? FREE money, up to $30. There are numerous posts about this and serving you Amex credit cards with said posts…Yikes, I guess I will refrain from mentioning THAT link lol.
Delta Improves Award Search Calendar – DansDeals Can this be really happening? What’s the catch here you guys? There is a catch somewhere…it has to be. Oh wait, waiting for the announcement “due to the increased costs to improve our online award calendar, prepare to bend over”…one more time soon? Enjoy it while it lasts. For them elusive domestic 25k award seats on Delta metal…keep searching! Hey remember when Delta announced the initiative back in…2010?
Why I Left United Airlines – The New Yorker This showed up in so many places, interesting piece.
Portland Travel Tips (by longtime reader Scott) is offering award booking help for a flat $45. Monetizing blogs is not an easy task, he calls me out too and I am honored 🙂
I gave up on any miles burning to a warm place over Christmas so I again proceeded to burn British Airways Avios to NYC from Detroit: 4 RTs for 36,000 Avios and $44.80. Kids like their cousins so taking another one for the team lol. This brings total miles/points burned in 2014 to 1,020,114 #winning. And yes I plan to spend several hours at the La Guardia Amex Centurion Lounge!
Portugal: a Timelapse Excursion Through Diverse Landscapes and Vibrant City Life – Dashburst Yep, another fantastic timelapse Vimeo video! If you watch this you would want to visit, I guarantee it!
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Their Homes and Toilets – SaveSpendSplurge This is the China you can’t see from the lounge in the Intercontinental. Disturbing…
Exclusive new pictures INSIDE Siberian crater – The Siberian Times Remember that huge hole on the ground that suddenly appeared recently? These guys go inside it!
Find a financial adviser who will put your interests first – The Washington Post This article does an awesome job laying out the two standards out there: fiduciary and “suitability”. You should know the differences! Let’s just say our little miles/points corner here is miles and miles away from reaching a fiduciary like status of the advice given in the blogs…sigh.
Words & Phrases That Should Be Banished From Finance – A Wealth of Common Sense This is some great stuff. And I am not a foodie 🙂
And I leave you with these…

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Delta improved first. Never thought that was possible
Lol, yeah really. I read all the details about it at Delta Points today…oh wait, he wrote about self gloating of his blog lol.
I don’t believe this.
Dammit. Should have typed faster.
This has happened before…several times. It’s okay 😉
Cuatro again? Geeez
Again? Whatzup with that?
Well at least now it doesn’t take as long to see that Delta has no award availability on the flights I want.
Same old story…I can book the trip to Australia online now…but can’t find me low level seats to…LAX lol
NYC for Christmas sounds lovely!! I love NYC. #jealous.
Been there many times, family stuff. I am only going there for a few days.
When will u be at LGA?
Dec 24 in and Dec 26 out. Like, you know, In-n-Out burgers lol
Thanks for the mention George. Hopefully I don’t get inundated by crazy TBB folk.
Crazy or geniuses…there is a fine line 🙂
They usually go hand in hand.
First in your hearts, that is. Small Business Saturday is for losers. CSP 4EVER!
I am so sorry for cheating you CSP…but this Amex company keeps pumping me with targeted offers via snail mail….What about YOU start doing that too, we know you can!
Buzz, today is the day. I am going for the SWA Biz and then Pers card.
So, I spent the 30 mins of research to figure out that I wanted Biz Plus card and then went to your CC link site to apply for it. BUT your site has no Biz Plus card offer. Sucks!
I think that also explains why the bloggers are not really talking about the Plus, only the Premier. . No commish. As far as I can tell, the Premier card is about the same as the Plus (esp for my purposes), but costs $30 more to sign up.
What great thing am I missing about the Premier that should make me go for it (at $99) instead of the Plus at $69.
“What great thing am I missing about the Premier that should make me go for it (at $99) instead of the Plus at $69”
Nothing. Gives a few extra points a year. Otherwise, same card but without the affiliate commision. You answered most of your own questions in that post
Yeah, what Steve said.
Only the personal Premier has had an affiliate link. So only 1 out of the 4 50k Southwest cards has an affiliate link. This is why you pretty much ALWAYS see the personal Premier one mentioned and the others…not so much. It just gives you some more points per year is the main draw. Just make sure you don’t get it within 24 months.
Where is the Best Offers Patrol when you need it!
50k Southwest Personal Premier is located in Page 3.
Going back on Patrol
Thanks, Steve and NTBOP.
(“Nearly the”…)
BOP means well, it is that darn site, please check the MN link or inquire with TBB management lol
I didn’t think anything (not counting anything you might find on TPG, MMS or FTG) was more pathetic than Lucky’s obsession with Hello Kitty, but Gary’s investigative journalism on chocolate chip cookies just might top that. The latest incarnation was scone shaped. Someone should investigate whether they are affiliated with ISIS.
Preview of tomorrow’s leading post so far on miles/points…
Why Revenue-Based Loyalty Programs Aren’t the Right Answer – The Cranky Flier This is the analysis you used to read at View From The Wing. All you read there now is the last credit card promos (50k offers anyone?), cookiegate and repeats of news found elsewhere (Delta award search engine, etc.). All I know is distance based is not the answer and airlines are moving away from it and going to the right direction for THEM. Is this the right way? Probably not. Is CF’s way of three different ticket “buckets”? Probably not. We shall see what happens….it is fascinating to watch it all develop!
The pimping decibels by the Ignore blogs are surpassing even my lowest standards today, WOW!
It sure seems like there’s some sort of asshat competition between LuckyTheEntitled and DisgruntledCookiePudge. I think the latter pulled into the lead with not only another cookie rant, but a coffee rant AND a line-breaking tutorial.
I imagine a conversation between the two:
L: Do you know who I am?
G: Do you know who *I* am?!
L: Do YOU know who I AM?!!
No comment 🙂
I am wrongly perceived as angry at times…I don’t know why. If you saw all the blog posts that come through Feedly every day you would be insane not to marvel at the crap unleashed in da internet…I should ask for compensation, maybe send a question to Chris Elliott so he can advocate for me. HOLD.THAT.THOUGHT.
Wash, rinse, repeat
Dan got his Freedom links first as usual. Then no other blogger posts about it for hours because they don’t yet have their affiliate links…. then wait for it….. every blogger known to man will post about it within 30 minutes of eachother, tripping all over themselves about how good an offer it is. All while it has been live for hours with no one bothering to post about it
Surprisingly long gap today, going on 6 hours. Good thing I bribed my rep.
I want to be Dan…
Get such good affiliate manager.
Sell 320 tickets for seminar…what is next, Madison Square Garden?
Groupies…he must have groupies no?
I learned all about how to do the Finnair trick for Avios trips you guys at FTG shaking.head.violently
The groupies can be scary.
Sadly, not exaggerating. You have no idea.
It also appears that the 13th seminar is setting off a small scale religious war due to the locale. This should be lots of fun. http://chabadinfo.com/crown_heights/mixed-event-in-crown-heights/
“Tremendous damage”?!!!
Good thing the seating got fixed!!!!
I wasn’t told the seating had been “fixed” but hey, why tell the person who’s donating his time and thousands of dollars of ticket sales anything more than he needs to know. Oh well, life of a hasidic blogger I suppose.
Gary invited me to come speak at the FTU. Somehow I don’t think I’ll have these issues there, though I’d have TBB flaming me instead 😉
You don’t need FTU. Why share all the potential market participants with the other bloggers when you can keep them all to yourself?
One day I will attend your seminar…one day.
Eh. Most of the good stuff from my seminar is dead anyway.
Deleted out a good 40 slides. Sad.
I think FTU would be fun, though I have no idea how to chop down a 2.5 hour seminar into under an hour or which topics to even talk about. I’m the odd duck out though not being able to attend Friday night/Saturday seminars.
The new Chase Freedom Card with $200 bonus:
Cash Back cards on the left/Page One
back on Patrol TBB!
I had only clicked on the Business Cards on the left hand side menu. Thanks BOP for the support!