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Human Towers, Catalonia. See link in Bored Panda below. |
Ok, I am excited now. Hear me out. Yes, all tax returns are done, high five! I am finally getting on a plane and getting out of Dodge next week, it’s been a while. Blogging will be quite erratic most likely. So why am I so excited? I have to make a confession. I am a (long suffering) Detroit Lions football fan. Our long time kicker Jason Hanson retired after a gazillion seasons here. So, the Lions go sign this guy who goes by Kickalicious after his amazing video on youtube went viral (almost 3.5 million views!). Ok, so what you say! Well, the kid is from Stavanger, Norway and that is where I am going next week! You bet I will wear my Lions jersey. Maybe I pretend I am a scout for the Lions and get treated much better, free food and booze? Maybe the Radisson Blu manager is a fan & gives me the Presidential Suite #thinkbig
I received a request to link to a casino site yesterday. Really?
I have a big problem. I have too many miles/points! Just when I finally reached under 3.5 million I now find myself at just under 4 million, actually 3,984,205. It is very likely by the time you read this the number is over 4 million. I am like an earnings machine. I need to burn. But I find myself with no time to burn and spending way too much time trying to bring you a quality blog every day for you to enjoy. I keep hearing my daughter’s words “What about your readers daddy?”. I need to see my therapist again soon:-) How can I have it all? Am I too selfish? Would you like some of my miles/points? Just joking on that last one, hold it right there lol.
Daredevils Building Human Towers in Catalonia, Spain. From Bored Panda. WOW, amazing pictures!
This is why I don’t stay at hostels:-)
The Faces of Laos. From Fly, Icarus,fly. Great portraits of people in Laos.
14 Fun GIFs to Get You Through the Weekend. From Jaunted. These are absolutely awesome!
Please, please…no more pics of toilets in trip reports, thank you!
This is what crying is like in space, wow! From Bored Panda. If I win the KLM space flight prize I promise I am not going to cry after watching this, yikes!
My time at Lehman. Wow, I know this is very odd for my blog but hey, it is in the Oddz & Endz section for a reason!
The 4.5 Billion Year Old Fukang Meteorite. From Twisted Sifter. Wow, I had no idea this existed and looked like this!

Please, please…no more pics of toilets in trip reports, thank you!
We need to keep up the pressure! Together united we will win & rid the internet of such sh*t:-)
Start making comments in those blogs. I agree the trip reports are getting VERY boring. Now I have no need to travel on SQ or Emirates. Frankly, the trips look very sterile. Travel is about getting from point A to B and then it’s about all the fun you do when you’re there.
“sterile”. I think you are on to something! So much concentration about the seats, the menus, the IFE, the food, etc…Without any pics of actual people…sterile to the max!
The 4.5 Billion Year Old Fukang Meteorite
None of your falcon business;-)
Here’s a GIF that’ll make your weekend 😉 NSFW
And your gifs were really good!
I’ve been trying to find a place to take photographs like this- http://www.jaunted.com/files/6193/tumblr_m7m7tfIlrI1qkyzquo1_500.gif
But have so far been unsuccessful.
the 2nd one is totally awesome, I am going to borrow it to repost on my website if you dont’ mind at some point! The first one was awesome too but probably not appropriate for my site…if a Vanilla Reload card somehow was included it would be:-)
Borrow what?
That gif was from the link YOU posted in “14 Fun GIFs to Get You Through the Weekend”…!!!
Ooops, I knew I had seen it before;-)
“I am like an earnings machine.” Teach us a trick or two. Or you have a CVS that you visit every day?
Yes, how about teaching us some tricks? Even with CVS, the potential seems to be somewhat limited to me. The FT thread on MilesBuzz seems to have folks making 400K UR in 4 months…how is that even possible now that OD doesnt sell VRs or $500 GCs? Am I missing something?
Two people churning cards, two BBs, plenty of CVSstores around me full of Vanilla Reload cards, a certain type of vanilla debit card using for estimated tax payments, own business expenses, an amazing devotion to never spend any money without getting some type of return, Bank Direct account throwing off AA miles monthly (darn $12 monthly fee), hitting big promos hard, Amazong Payments (always times 2), etc. So nothing really magical, just hitting the fundamentals really really good AND consistently! Today I stopped by at Office max and Lowe’s for field research:-) You just need “presense of mind” in this hobby, you need to be always ON. Having a good network who will alert you to “must dos” is very important too.
also, it was funny to see the “Miles Professor” asking whether BD has a fee associated with it. :rolleyes:
Where did she ask that, on my blog? She guest posted at FTG and fed him even more revenue, like the site was lacking on it. You would never see me doing anything like that. MMS maybe one day so I can add some spice to the boring interviews:-)
She asked that in the FT thread discussing whether or not people are going to earn 400K miles this year.
Since everyone is ok from the Lion Air mishap in Bali, is it ok to wonder out loud how many bloggers and Points hounds were on board?
Thank You for joining our cause TO STOP BLOGGER TOILET PHOTOGRAPHY! We are also working to end the wearing of sunglasses indoors and at night. Will you join us educating people they look like jerks?
What do we want?
No Toilet Pics!
When do we want it?
Right about NOW!
TBB Readers, join the cause!!!!!
“We are also working to end the wearing of sunglasses indoors and at night.”
Don’t you DARE diss on Corey Hart!
Without wearing sunglasses at night, how else can we watch you weave then breath your story lines?? Without which, how could one possibly even BLOG?
MMS………………please,please,please do an interview with TravelBloggerBuzz, he’s the best. Sure sometimes the truth hurts, but it is ALWAYS THE BEST PATH CHOSEN. (confucious or prof. erwin corey)
The truth is out there
Wow, did you see the affiliate link-fest from TPG today?
Yeah, not even 30. I am just so surprised they only pick questions that are so handy for affiliate link carpet bombing runs! Check out the last MMS interviewee what they pulled out right after that interview.
It’s a free for all.
I think we should all submit reader questions to TPG. The reader whose question gets the most affiliate links in response wins (loses).
Aha! Maybe that is the way to monetize my site after all, Eureka! I know I can submit the BEST affiliate credit card push friendly questions in the blogoshpere. Maybe I should put it on my miles/points resume. Blogger & expert question submitter. I know my own questions, expertely refined, can yield easily 50+ affiliate links in a single question. You haven’t seen nothing yet! Maybe I can ebay myself this unique skill? I know TPG can outbid everyone to win my expertise! I know FTG will not go high on bidding, he is just too frugal.
Wow, it felt like only a few Sunday’s ago that we were mocking TPG for including affiliate links in the actual question part of the SRQ’s.
Now in his latest SRQ (the Chase Hyatt/HH Resrve one) he actually has the links in before even getting to the question. Of course, just in case you missed the links half a sentence earlier, he included it again
Out of control. Check out the guys interviewed on MMS last Friday. They started their site in late 2012 to help friends and family and are now all over the affiliate links.
My cat Fluffy is acting weird lately, I think he is upset being ignored as I spend too much time blogging for nada:-)
Thanks for the entertainment, #priceless