TBB Mission: To Entertain, Educate and Inspire. Aim to at least do one well!
The ridiculous race is on to get readers to click on the SPG Amex 30k affiliate links! Make fun of them and enter to win two AA Admirals Club passes! GREAT odds, only 20 valid entries! Update: Say anything you want now to enter, the Milepoint people do!
If you like what you see here, please let others know by passing them a link to my blog, thank you!
25 Stunning National Park Vistas

Masterful Mountain Biking. Found at The Adventure Blog. Totally awesome video!
Timelapse of Europe. Found at Gadling. Wow!!!!! You.Must.Watch.Period!
NIGHTVISION from Luke Shepard on Vimeo.
40 Maps That Will Make You Make Sense of the World. By Twisted Sifter. Way way cool stuff! Most interesting #22: “Average age of first sexual intercourse by country“. Most hilarious #36: “Area codes where Ludacris claims to have hoes“. Holy crap, slow down you Scandinavians and…Ludacris!
Craters, gold statues and the Karakum:The crazy land of Turkmenistan. By Two Thirsty Travelers. Very nice post and loved the pictures!
Oceania Cruises has an around the world in 180 days luxury cruise! Prices start at $40k for an inside Stateroom and go up to $115k for the Owner’s suite. You get A LOT thrown in and, please sit down, I think if you have the time and the dough this could be a good value! I do not have the time and for sure I do not have the dough (this blog is not helping…yet!) and I do not play the lottery either lol! (HT to Mileage Update) Free wifi is thrown in, relax!
12 surprisingly spectacular city beaches. By USA Today. Did you know Amsterdam had a beach? Me neither!
If you are contemplating to give Airbnb a try, please read this article at Matador about a horrific experience and absolutely do the steps the author lists at the end!
Travel is Free (is not) wrote “Warning: The Ultimate Rewards ravel booking is never a good deal“. I agree!!!
Done already with my SPG Amex card! I can do more but I am bored.
I need to go through my vacation pictures one more time and start taking out duplicate type pics to reduce the number from about 450. I think WordPress will be choking when I try to upload/save them!
I learned something about affiliate marketing today. One step closer to make Bent Offers come after me lol.
As some of you know I have been playing soccer every Monday night for years. My team’s name is appropriately named Gasping for Air. The league is for over 40 (and not over the hill) men and it is a great joy to compete and shed some calories. We play 8 games in each season. We started the slow summer season 0-2 in a totally embarrassing fashion (we managed to lose the first game 5-4 after going up 4-0, wtf!!!). But then something clicked (pride)…we were not going to throw it away. Noooo!!! We have now won 4 games in a row and are in a two way tie for first! And we finally beat our nemesis 3-2, a team that we have ALWAYS lost EVERY game in our careers! The feeling at the end of the game=priceless. I don’t care how much you made pushing credit cards to sheep yesterday blogger I don’t care…I doubt the high was as good as mine seeing the final score on the board 3-2. If we take care of business the next game, the final game against this team will be a showdown for the championship (yeah, they have won every single one!)
Sending Mrs TBB and daughter to Paris next week. Have miles, will travel. Yeah, they love me and tolerate my addiction:-)
The most expensive house in every state. This is what you call house porn?
Note: This section is intended for long time readers and miles/points addicts who follow the blogs in this space. Readers not familiar with this crazy hobby could skip this section!
It is getting really really old watching the “travel” or “miles/points” bloggers blog about stuff that masquerades as content but ONLY exists to push financial products (credit cards) in a totally non transparent manner (by contract, hey they can not break the contract!). Is it any wonder this is what you see left and right, up and down the blogosphere? They are not doing it to share information, they are doing it primarily to line up their own pockets! You bet my Award Wallet miles balance that if it was not for the lucrative compensation they receive for each credit card approval these posts would not exist. Heck, these blogs would not exist!
Numerous examples abound for blog posts dictated by this perverse incentive ultimately paid by banks! You credit card pushing blogger, you can insist all you want about how fair you are and all that, but I am, heck most blog readers who have been around a while, can see through your “craft” and, frankly, is pissing us off! The more you push this crap on us, the more we are determined to throw you under the bus (meaning: no cc app clicks for you, we will give it to others who treat us with more respect instead of sell sell sell target shooting practice!)
Ahhh there, I feel better already:-)
So, about the Blog Buzz. Ok, let’s start then:-)
One Mile at a Time had an idea suddenly to tell us all about “10 Awesome Uses of Starpoints”. Bologni I say!
There is a blog, Help Me Travel Cheap, that specializes in forcing credit cards down newbies’ throats. It has been around for a long time and the owner has likely done very well. But when he shoves inferior Citi AA cards because there is dinero, ignoring the much more lucrative non affiliate cards, well….I, personally, would never ever EVER give them a click. You hear that Milevalue?
The Points Guy blog does what it does: Pumps out affiliate credit card links resembling a freaking assembly line. It now goes to hit a segment of the population that a new credit card is the last thing they should be looking into: college students! “Top 7 Ways For College Students To Build Credit and Rack Up Points and Miles”. So nice to suggest a basic card; it would come as genuine if the post was not full of pretty much every other credit card available on the rack! And nice job on serving the Bluebird affiliate link too, do not leave a penny behind! And never a disclosure in the BODY of the post. Of course, it reduces clicks dinero!
Roms Deals conveniently picks a reader question to answer. Guess the question. How about this “What is the Best Credit Card for my Family?” The convenient answer is….Chase Ink Bold of course! I can see the lady with the two toddlers answering the questions from Chase about her “business”. Ludicrous!
To give you an idea this is totally out of control…it’s when mainstream bloggers get a hold of it and pounce. Who? Lee Abbamonte wrote ‘My favorite credit card”. Of course it is the SPG Amex card, how convenient! And check out this disclosure language: “The Starwood Preferred Guest credit card from American Express does not endorse my site or compensate me directly for posting this or recommending their product. I recommend this product because I have used the card since 1999 and I love it and I love Starwood Hotels. I may receive some compensation through affiliate ads that are associated with my site but not directly from American Express or Starwood.” Why say such crap? You may, seriously? Last time I checked you get paid only because Amex pays. And that’s that.
Frugal Travel Guy (the blog) wrote “5 Ways to Spend Your SPG Amex Sign-up Bonus”. Why bother to come up with more than 10, it’s too much work!
And Delta Points, right before midnight, posted how FAST the SPG stay credits showed up in his Starwood account and that you have only until September 6th to get into the act to earn some dinero. I always loved the deep, deep analysis and commentary in this blog (that was a joke). No wonder DP is a fan of Chris Elliott and even sponsored CE’s email newsletter some time ago. When I saw that I almost spilled my coffee all over me:-)
It is amazing to me seeing how many “aviation” expert bloggers are out there telling us what they thought of the DOJ lawsuit to block the AA-US merger and yet, I do not remember a single one predicting such a move!
Don’t worry George, the post I just finished writing that posts tomorrow morning has no CC affiliate links!
Ok, it will be so…refreshing:-)
How bout Chuckie Cheese for the local meetup in the Tustin District in Orange County. There’s a Baskin Robbins nearby, ice cream for everyone afterwards, I’m treatin.
ok, I love the handle but have to nitpick on the spelling of gerbil.
thanks, my bad
I prefer Coldstone over BR:-)
Coldstone it is! Love me some mint ice cream with cookie dough and crunch bar. mmm
I’m a fan of Travel is Free. Great content.
Travel is free also offers a great newsletter with content that would be too hot for a blog. That’s much appreciated and rare original and quality content.
Is this for real or an unpaid advertisement? (2) Travel is Free plugs at 1:07am and 1:16am! You both stayed up late to post that. Drew is that you?
Yeah pretty good stuff. Hard working blogger, he is everywhere;-)
I guess Jeff is asleep.
I got grounded yesterday 😛 😉
Oops, I hit the send key too quickly!
Very pithy post. I read with astonishment the airbnb tale; the author let her guard down and should not have. Still, what an awful experience. Glad she and her friend were OK in the end. We actually have an airbnb booked for 8 nights in Turkey! But it is for a complete flat we’ll have to ourselves, the reviews were stellar, I exchanged quite a few emails with the host and I will have my husband to protect me!
I liked Matador – my first time there. It actually had a bunch of useful articles which are very on point for me as I get ready to leave.
Congrats on the soccer wins and bon voyage to Mrs. TBB and daughter!
Yeah Matador is a pretty good site.
I have not used airbnb yet. I have so many hotel points I generally prefer burning them and saving my cash;-)
Beat ya on typing out a Banff Trip Report 😀
Should I have made it a 40 part series?
I compress the pics before feeding them to WP.
Shame we didn’t catch each other while out there.
My trip reports take a long long time to prepare…
Shame we did not connect. Glad we did not do that gondola thing. The trails around Lake Louise are much better. Jasper is awesome too. Looks like I did not miss much on the 1 bedroom suite in Banff. Our Stanley Thompson junior suite was very cute actually, we liked it and the bathroom was much better than yours lol. I agree about the service. The Fairmont in Lake Louise was much better than BF!
Take it easy on the stroller affiliate links dude, ouch!
Lol, there’s just 1 stroller aff link. And the TR did take a long time to prepare!
Suite 942 has 2 bathrooms and they were both very nice. Strange the discrepancy between the different 1 BR suites.
Just too hard to switch hotels between the toddler and the frozen kosher food that make trips for religious Jews so much more challenging. Otherwise I’d have switched in a heartbeat.
And no cc aff links 😉
I combined all the amazon links to “stroller affiliate links” 🙂
There is a wide discrepancy in the suites in Fairmonts from my limited lifetime Platinum experience;-) We were very pleased with the suite change, the first one was horribly located!
I spent every single one dining cert! I even used some gift cards for the parking fees, no cash outlay!
Aiming for the Maui property next year!
Kea Lani Maui and Pacific Rim Vancouver are the best Fairmonts out there IMHO. Although I just had a great stay in Pittsburgh as well.
Pac Rim Vancouver and PIT are both new modern builds that feel nothing like the old Fairmont properties.
Plus Maui will now have a Willow Stream as of this December 😀
I tend to prefer modern vs historic/grand designs.
Kea Lani in 2014 or bust for me!
If you love modern then hit up the Fairmont Pacific Rim Vancouver.
It was actually just rated the number one luxury hotel in Canada: http://www.usnews.com/info/blogs/press-room/2013/07/30/us-news-ranks-the-best-hotels-in-canada
They confirmed us into an awesome suite for free when we went last year. And free 7 series rides. Plus free Willow Stream access for FPC Plats and the spa facilities will blow your mind. Really a top-notch hotel in a really fun city and you can fly via JFK to go CX:
Looks like the Pacific Rim moved up the Fairmont list for me, thanks!
I have a comment/suggestion. All the bloggers are clearly upsetting you with their affiliate links, and I tend to agree with you on most (if not all) of your points. But by writing about them and dedicating entire paragraphs to each of those articles, you’re giving them additional publicity. Granted you don’t link to them, but as they say “any publicity is good publicity.” Why not start posting about blogs that don’t shove those affiliate links down our throats, or at least give proper warning and provide value? Talking crap about them will only get us so far, but encouraging/applauding the others might be a better strategy to create a shift in bloggers’ mindset!
Just a thought. No idea if it will play out that way.
I respect your opinion and I will forward your comment to the TBB Executive Board meeting every night at the Board Room where plenty of beverages (wine) flow as each post is being produced:-)
Remember, this is therapy for me and keeping my therapist bills down;-)
Imagine I used to feature the links when I first started, boo me!
I think my readers are more intelligent than the average miles/points reader and hopefully my blog posts are making a positive contribution to their lives by either entertaining, educating or inspiring. This is the TBB mission. No wavering/compromising on that!
I feature posts (with links) that I find around the blogosphere that, in my own personal judgment, contribute to the TBB mission. I am just not finding much these days!
Is TBB making a difference? If it was not for the positive comments/emails this baby would have died a long time ago;-)
And I can tell you it is making a negative contribution to my pocket so far lol.
What a family centered review by MommyPoints! “They have a kids club, but uh, we didn’t use it because the kid was at home, here’s a sentence from the brochure about it.”
It’s all about positioning in the marketplace;-)
I thought it would be creepy and/or not even allowed to go and take a photo of a club that my kid wasn’t in – and even if she was with us, she doesn’t meet the 5 y/o requirement for the club. I can say that a non-family reviewer of the hotel probably won’t mention the club one way or another. I always try to include any info a family might want when we write about our travel, but it wouldn’t be fair to our 3 y/o to always bring her for these short turnaround trips.
Who said anything about taking pictures? I guess that’s all most of these reviews really are, anyways.
How about: actually providing something about the kids club beyond what is on the web page? Talk to the hotel and get some real details.
Oh look, I guess The Points Guy runs a family blog now too. “The resort’s amenities include an outdoor swimming pool, kids club, spa, fitness center and limousine service”
Would have loved to, but just didn’t have a chance on this trip. Was pretty jam packed already. Just brought my kiddo to a kid’s club this week though…at a different property, so first-hand info on that one coming soon.
For best blogging practices, under the category: How to Respond to Criticism, you are the winner! I just wanted you to know that;-)
Too bad some others focus on the negative and get….angry:-)
George, you sound so “Angry” I love your premise of better content, but your threat of your readership not supporting blogs that pimp cards is going unheard, The big blogs develop more new readers on a day than you have uniques in a month. You are like the four Yale fans at a home game in a packed Michigan Stadium
fight the good fight George. Ban all blogs that started after the card explosion. (Oops u can’t do that)
“And acceptance is the answer to all your problems.”
WTF>>>>>>>>>>>>>“And acceptance is the answer to all your problems.”>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NO ITS NOT!!!! Who told you that Rick? L. Ron Hubbard? What are we a bunch of FOX NEWS watchers w/o brains? ………………………………….George fight the good fight, don’t forget TBB mission statement item 2 “EDUCATE”. I for thank you for opening up my eyes to the world of these charlatans. I make my applications now with the good guys (FM) in this mockery of ill respute.
Futhermore….Note to self….self, you are a few years younger than Rick I, be sure to swallow a full bottle of sleeping pills if you get this out of touch in the next few years.
Rick, what an elitist attitude. And of course you are missing the point altogether. The point is that we have options. Very rarely is an affiliate the best offer. If I have a choice, then I can exercise my preferred choice. I don’t want to support a process that I do not like. It is that simple. Whether it changes anything is not the point. The point is that I do not want to support something I do not like.
Rick: I am never angry, I may sound angry but I always aim to have fun in everything I do:-) You may be right but I do prefer fighting the good fight. I want to be like the dozen Appalachian State fans beating University of Michigan in the Big House a few years ago:-) I have accepted that blogs are not going away and the perverse affiliate cc link orgy is not going away…that is progress:-) I will do my thing, make fun of me, I like it:-)
Carlos: Thanks. And please, I am a few decades younger than Rick, not just a few years!!
Scott: Bingo!
>>>>>>The big blogs develop more new readers on a day than you have uniques in a month
But this one does very well when we compare comments! Me answering every comment has absolutely nothing to do with this simple fact lol.
I smoke the FTG (the blog) when it comes to comments. Another moral victory for TBB;-)
That is because ingy censors all the negative comments 🙂
Wrong. I don’t read the comments anymore. They are read by the new owners that bought the blog nineteen months ago
Of course you Have the most comments. You allow and contribute to negativity. Most others delete them. Congrats on your comments victory. Will that buy you a roasted chicken at krogers?
Again, you win the king of the angry comments and if “that” is your victory: pitter patter and have at her” the rest of the bloggers will concede victory by forfeit.
>>>>>>You allow and contribute to negativity. Most others delete them.
Oh please allow me to lol. The sad thing is that you…believe it, even though it is NOT true. And this is the reason we will never see eye to eye. And that’s ok.
TBB does not censor. Who am I to silence people who want to express themselves:-)
The TBB comment section is so much more entertaining when Rick I is off his meds. 🙂
Sorry, TBB. Can’t believe I am saying this, but you were good when you started but you have gone downhill lately. Think you’ve jumped the shark. Go ahead and play it out until your anniversary, but nothing you have to say about the blogging world is either productive or unique. I have to say that I think Rick has mellowed a lot in the last couple of months and has learned how to handle you. You can’t get a rise out of him anymore and you end up sounding like he used to here. Congrats – you’ve arrived, I guess.
Hiker: Take it easy:-)
Andy: I thank you for your comment, I sure appreciate it. When I first started, if I had maintained that pace, I would not be alive today! At least now all I am messing up with is just my eyebrows:-)
I have been playing it out ever since I started!
I think I can make it to a year!
I say what I say. Actually I am shocked more than a few close friends and family members read me. As long as TBB sticks to the mission and I have some fun at it, I blog on, this is a personal journey and thank you for coming along for the ride.
If I can make a contribution to improve blogging practices in the meantime, well it would be awesome indeed.
Actually, I could care less if you think what I say about the blogging world is productive or unique and I do respect your opinion. And I won’t censor you because I do believe you are giving me honest feedback and I am trying to learn from it. Sooooo…how can I improve?
It does not take much at all to get a rise out of Rick and…he knows it. He is just fascinated by my blog, he can’t stop reading and commenting. My #1 fan:-)
I have not arrived. I will arrive when affiliate links honor this blog (in its own separate tab hidden away of course) and I expect to be teased to death by Rick to…eternity.
@Scott – “Very rarely is an affiliate the best offer.” Now that really makes you sound ignorant. With the exception of the AA/US Air/Priority Club offers, most of the best offers in the last several years are indeed affiliate offers. Remember the huge 100K Amex MR offer in January that a ton of people got in on? AFFILIATE OFFER! You know the highest offers for the Sapphire, Ink cards, Delta cards, SPG cards, Lufthansa cards, Arrival cards, Hilton cards – AFFILIATE OFFERS!
As far as supporting something you do not like, good luck with that. You pay taxes? Happy with the direction our government is falling to? How about what the various stores you visit support? You support all of those? You realize how many charities are supported by stores and have enormous percentages covering “administrative” salaries and costs? You like supporting that? If not, then stop getting all dramatic about the bloggers. The real problem in this space is the banks and what they do. Every time you sign-up, you support their “deceptive” practices.
As long as I am on this rant, many of you go off sometimes on the bloggers for pushing, and I agree that many get pretty desperate sometimes. BUT, many times they are doing better than the banks do. Think about when you are walking by the credit card kiosks in the airport or getting the drill on the plane from FAs – they are all spewing that you can get enough miles with this card to fly anywhere in the US (HAH!). Many FAs are even saying stuff like it will give you upgrades and other nonsense. Now take the bloggers you can’t stand. They demonstrate practices that allow you maximize the miles you do get so that you are not stuck with an empty promise from credit card marketing by the banks. Think about that next time you rail on a blogger and try to sound all righteous about applying right from the source. The banks are the biggest pushers and more deceptive than any blogger – by using their direct links, you are giving them even more money. Nice job. /rant 🙂
Benjamin: Thank you for reading and speaking your mind.
Re affiliate links and best offers or not: I think Scott tried to make a point. Lets not get too picky on the numbers of the offers that are or are not. Minor details.
>>>>>>The real problem in this space is the banks and what they do.
Oh yes it is. It would go a long way if they standardized the offers across all channels.
I expect them to do better than the FAs or the ones at the cc kiosks in the airport. COME ON! They are the ones who are positioning themselves as “experts” and deceptively selling bad advice while pushing their credit card links. Well at least with the FAs or the kiosk staffers you know what you are getting. With the bloggers (fresh example I just read: Delta Points trying to explain what happens to a checked bag and then smoothly inserting all kinds of amex cc links hoping some idiot will click on them…and I am sure they do!) you are supposed to get good content/advice but how much of that is actually happening really? They all pretty much repeat themselves to death and then they go nuts when a new (SPG Amex) cc promo happens! This is why I say support the ones who you benefit from and they don’t try to sell you to death every day!)
Or, like Scott, go direct! Got no problem with that at all! I would love this crap to be away so most bloggers can go back to their day jobs (except Grant of course
>>>>>>>>>The banks are the biggest pushers and more deceptive than any blogger – by using their direct links, you are giving them even more money.
The banks have unloaded the deception part to the bloggers. If you use their direct links, they do not have to pay Bent Offers and the bloggers——>less marketing expenses. Then perhaps some of these expenses can (and I suspect they will) go TOWARDS HIGHER SIGNING BONUSES AND CARDHOLDER BENEFITS. Follow me amigo? You can say that the bloggers are taking away the much bigger signing bonuses from us miles addicts? How about THAT huh?
I earned $40 house/dog sitting this weekend, not bad for 2 days work 🙂
You need to aim higher! 🙂
A f*&# dog scratched my leg bad when I went to pick up my daughter from this house she goes for dance lessons. It is “how she says hello to strangers”. Bloody situation
@Benjamin, I suppose I was imprecise. What I meant is that you don’t often have to use an affiliate link to get the best offer. Most of the offers you mention are available directly from the bank and no need to sign up with an affiliate. As for paying taxes, shopping at stores, etc… I don’t mind paying taxes, I am selective where I spend my money at stores. I, like many Portlanders, more often than not try to support local businesses as much as possible. I am socially conscious about where I spend my money. As for your point about signing up for credit cards and supporting the banks, you got me there. Maybe collecting points is my way of getting back at them. I’m not trying to be holier than thou, I just make choices. One of those choices is I don’t use affiliate links.
>>>>>>>> Maybe collecting points is my way of getting back at them
It sure is for me. My friends and family too:-)
We shouldn’t be funneling our apps to bloggers who treat us with respect, instead, we should not be using any affiliate app regardless of who is shilling it. I know you are on record saying you don’t mind affiliate marketing per se, just they way bloggers abuse it. The problem is that affiliate marketing encourages the practices that we object to. I don’t blame the bloggers, I blame the marketing system that encourages mindless posts selling credit cards. Additionally, we are all going to have differing opinions on who treats us with respect, so that even milepoint…well maybe not milepoint, but most bloggers will still benefit. If you want to protest then stop using affiliate links completely.
Sorry meant milevalue. I actually like milepoint.
I hear you and I completely agree. But, they are not going away unfortunately. So we need to make peace with them…must find a way.
I equate it with (oh I am going to be flamed about this..I am ONLY using it to make a point!!!) terrorism. You can take ALL kinds of measures (TSA anyone?), aggressive or defensive, but terrorism will not go away as there will always be some psychos out there hell bent on destruction. The point is…there will always be a monetization aspect to online blogging and the affiliate marketing system pushing credit cards has become THE go to method. This is why you see all kinds of bloggers cropping up (except this one…yet) So, as with terrorism, we need to make peace/compromise with them and encourage best practices.
If there was no way for Frequent Miler to get paid in this manner he would not be Frequent Miler. Sadly that for one FM you get 99 pseudo experts pumping crap!
Like I said, acceptance is your answer.
the banks really know how to turn information into misinformation. Now they have turned the bloggers against the general public. We are reduced to finding needle in a haystack with so many infomercials on these blogs. I just get my updates from you and http://www.freefrequentflyermiles.com/index.htm
Any other place that I should be looking?
Mine is fine:-)
The FFF site is fine, just could use some editing/udpating. Info there is massive.
I mean to do a post about my favorite sites but…just never manage to get to it. I will one day!
Yale last played Michigan in 1939. The good guys won.
Fun logic sequence:
TBB: I get more comments!
Ingy: That’s because you do not delete negative comments. Others do.
Conclusion that follows: if bloggers listed all the comments they got, you’d see a lot more negativity toward their work than is currently shown. Censoring keeps this down, at the expense of comment volume.
This result would undermine Ingy’s previous notes that he gets overwhelmingly positive feedback and thank-yous, but let’s give it a rest. I’m not looking for an argument, only bemusement.
On a side note, many bloggers could use statistics refreshers. They could stop drawing inferences from small samples (e.g., three portal searches != good test of which portal finder is best) and could understand what censoring is in statistics. Then again, if people on the internet stopped making stupid mistakes, the internet itself might shrink by 75%.
Bemusement is my middle name.
Oh, fiduciary too—->antithesis of “sell, sell, sell”
I need to go to sleep!
Kroger makes a mean roasted bird, my friend. Leave them out of this fight!
I don’t like Kroger, for the record
Hikert, actually on my meds today, and thanks for caring.
I wish I could send George and some of his commenters some cheese. It goes well with their Whine. (Wine)
I hear Dave may still have some cheese left.
Rick: If you were able to take criticism as well as you take praise perhaps your CVS (pharmacy) bills would not be so high:-)
Thank you amigo, you are a big part of the TBB mission (hint: it is one of the two E’s)
I took a nap today, amazing how clearer everything becomes. Woooohoooo!
“I have not arrived. I will arrive when affiliate links honor this blog (in its own separate tab hidden away of course) and I expect to be teased to death by Rick to…eternity.”
George can I send you my address so you can send me some of that truly fine cocaine you are smoking? You REALLY think you are going to get affiliate links? This still cracks me up. There is zero, zero, zero, zero, zero chance you are going to get approved for anything but the shittiest of links. Oh woohoo you can be Milevalue 2 and pimp shitty Barclaycard offers to try and impress your affiliate manager you are worthy of the amex/chase links. LOFL. Sorry maybe I didn’t take my meds but I am actually beginning to think you are really serious in thinking you will be able to do this, in which case back to my first point – I really need whatever drugs you have as they must be damn fine
Why is everyone getting the creditcards.com site then? I could probably get that too and let my readers find the particular offer and apply if they want to help my site. If Grant can get it so can I…I think. I am not thinking of Bent Offers shiny links, I can’t stand these guys.
I have a Credit Karma contact name and number for months, never got to it.
It is getting near the end of the year. Need more revenues to justify my tax deductions:-)
Maybe I should start with Adsense to avoid the cc murky situation, it does make me feel dirty even thinking about them lol.
No drugs have been involved in this post.Wine perhaps,yes yes!
If you need help with creditcards.com, you know who to talk to…
Who, so many cc experts these days;-)
Must have been a weird moon lately, the bloggers and hackers are ranting more than usual. It’s quite amusing!
This whole scene is way too amusing. I have been following since…1999
FT is all pissed off – people are taking themselves way too seriously!