We bring you another good guide on how to get to Australia New Zealand with Amex Membership Rewards points, check out the best waterfront cities, travel to Kolkata and Hong Kong, freak out with the record of the worst mutual fund in history, laugh at a dude running for Congress with super hilarious ads, shake our heads with a crazy guy who owns a rock in Pontinha, along with some disturbing findings in the Blog Buzz section. And more!<——-obligatory exclamation mark
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
I really like this series at the Points Jet Setter blog: Getting to Australia/New Zealand Using Your American Express Membership Rewards points.
The Crumbling Glories of Kolkata. Good story, amazing photography!
An interesting post. Walking through Hong Kong
Did you know that the first thing bought and sold on the internet was some weed? Well, now you do. You are welcome.
For your personal finance fix, hand picked by someone who others think I am an expert but I always felt so weird about that, I am just a human being searching for the truth…WTF, I went off, where was I ? Oh yes, this is a fantastic post about the worst mutual fund in history and so many other little nuggets of wisdom. Not KFC nuggets, come on!
This is just hilarious. This guy is running for Congress. In Maine. And stars in his own ads. With an ax. And other hilarious parody like things. MUST click. If you like to laugh that is. If not, why are you even here?
The best waterfront cities in the world. According to some list.

Another bizarre story. Ever heard of the Principality of Pontinha? Well, you have now. Apparently, this guy bought this rock for just $25k and has been bothering the Portugal government ever since with his shenanigans.

Warning: if you carry gift cards around in Oklahoma there is a bounty on your head and can solve the state’s budget problems! The commission that is built in is shocking to say the least, wow!
So all Amex Blue Cash Preferred cardholders will be hit with a $95 annual fee. This company is slowly and steadily becoming irrelevant…
See some of you in Brooklyn and Manhattan this weekend!
Stop the presses! You should take a few minutes to read this post by 1readyset2go how he was pitched a Centurion card. The scammer said, among many things, “Please you should research it and then you will see how great this card is just GO TO THE POINTS GUY WEBSITE and read all the rave reviews there! You can even apply via the links there.” Phuuuuuuck meeeee! This is disturbing to say the least. Wow!
And I leave you with this…

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On a running trip one time, I checked a bag of jugs of water – that was it, just water. 🙂 That last photo reminded me of that.
Trying to find a small Greek island I can buy cheap. Then I can be the king of something. Will let you know when you can visit, I will even get you top tier elite status for island access. 🙂
Oh, I guess I got Gold today! First blog win for me!
Sleeping in for the silver.
The BRT coincides with the running of the Belmont Stakes at Aqueduct; is anyone stopping by there?
Belmont Stakes at Aqueduct? Is Belmont
Park closed?
You’re right. Don’t know what I was thinking.
1. My hometown, San Diego, doesn’t make the Top 25?
2. The copyright on the ads page for the guy from Maine:
© 2016 Home Box Office, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This website may contain mature content.
Things that made me go hmmmmm on a Friday…
Happy BRT!! (extra obligatory exclamation point)
Not a watcher of the show “Veep”, I take it? 🙂
It’s a character from the show who is running for Congress in New Hampshire.
It’s a funny show, everyone should watch it.
Getting my fees worth in food and drinks at the LGA Centurion Club at the moment….may be a while 🙂
Very disappointed with (some of) the TBB crew today. The political ‘ads’ are a parody which a simple google would’ve shown.
For that you are not allowed to make fun of the next 3 politicians who mistake an Onion article for realsies.
Dude…my whole blog is a parody!
Listening, like “politicians” do lol.
Typing this in the back of an Uberx….an Escalade!
Sorry to “disappoint” (some) here today.
I watch an average of (maybe) 5 hours of boob-tube a week – even counting watching La Sele get hammered and the Stanley Cup Finals. My Life is too short to be wasted (IMNSHO) on what passes as “entertainment” these days…
Besides, I live in Paradise… Much more entertaining things to do here than veg on the couch…