We bring you the TBB Best Of Web links: A phenomenal article attempting to explain the reasons for autocracy rise, another beautifully explaining the reasons for diversity strength, meet and salute the 9/11 Rick Rescorla hero, a truly inspiring story about a man who was wrongfully convicted and jailed 27 years and get advice on how to travel to all countries. Enjoy!
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
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Every Sunday I pick the best reads that blew my mind in the previous week. It can be…anything! I like to be eclectic and despise salesy/clickbait/sameold content you read…everywhere else!
As always, click on the headline to be taken to the original source. Sometimes I insert my incendiary comments on article excerpts between [brackets].
If you enjoy my blog, please pass it on to someone you care about so they can enjoy it too. And do some clicking on the colorful linkies above, thanks!
I think you are in for a treat today…
A Warning From Europe: The Worst Is Yet to Come
A fantastic read trying to explain all the phucking right wing nationalist autocratic nuts being elected around the world. Poland, Hungary, USA, Turkey, Philippines…I could go on, sad!
Polarization. Conspiracy theories. Attacks on the free press. An obsession with loyalty. Recent events in the United States follow a pattern Europeans know all too well
I am afraid the author is not too optimistic…
Given the right conditions, any society can turn against democracy. Indeed, if history is anything to go by, all societies eventually will.
As she takes on a fascinating trip through history…while pondering deeper questions…Not going to spoil it here, you should take some time to read it. Stop clicking on clickbait shit and shocking videos, get educated and VOTE damnit!
How is Diversity Our Strength?
Tucker Carlson of Fox News asked that and we get the answer in this AWESOME tweetstorm. Needless to say I agree. And I do not like Tucker Carlson who I find to be a very sad man!
Must read. And it is much shorter than the first link above!
The 9/11 story of Rick Rescorla
If you were not educated by the first story today and not inspired by the diversity piece…is there something wrong with you? Are you a robot or something? Okay, well this one will inspire you GUARANTEED! If not, please leave and go read a Titan credit cards sales blog with “shocking” videos undermining your intelligence and turning you to zombie clicker. Okay, I am going a little bit off here, maybe it is the bbq grilling I have done this weekend. Or something…
This is absolutely awesome…Just a hint:
The 9/11 story that I cannot forget is of Rick Rescorla – the quintessential story of quiet competence and bravery in the face of fire – his life book-ended by two incredible events in our country’s history
Never forget the innocent victims!
He spent 27 years wrongly convicted of murder. He wants to spend the rest of his life encouraging inmates to read
I am determined to inspire you today! This story will bring tears to your eyes. Maybe this is why the NFL players kneel and has nothing to do with the flag? Ummm, I don’t know. But locking up a 14 year old kid for decades smells a little phucking racist to me okay? How can you compensate for something when you ruin a person’s life like that? So glad the guy is trying his best to pay it forward #respect.
How To Run Out of Countries
Lets not forget the travel roots of my blog! Here is the Norwegian dude Gunnar Garfors again with some advice for you aspiring travelers who aim to visit every country!
1. Decide on your goal.
2. Do leave the airport, railway station or bus.
3. Stay at least 24 hours.
4. Make sure you have stories to tell.
5. Don’t only hang out with fellow travellers.
6. Go solo.
7. Speak to locals.
8. Don’t be a sheep, see something unusual.
9. Don’t rely 100 % on guidebooks.
10. Eat local food.
11. Take photographs in every country.
12. Travel with hand-luggage only.
13. Be humble, respectful and polite.
14. Experience each country.
15. Don’t plan your trip to death.
16. Apply for a second passport.
17. Be aware of each country’s borders.
18. Prioritize travel over anything else.
19. Make room for in-trip holidays.
20. Don’t knock travel styles different to your own.
And I leave you with this…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Really? First? Awesome links today.
Congrats and thank you.
You still have a while to catch up to all the (imaginary) gold medals from Scott Castle and DML though 🙂
I am just some anonymous guy on the internet, so obviously my opinion carried a ton of weight. It seems the whole “10 conversions a month or this blog dies” seems a little too all or nothing. Is there no middle ground?
Say you get three conversions this month and some money via PayPal and Amazon, is that enough to do one blog post a week along with a Sunday best of web? Maybe seven conversions with other affiliate money means two plus Sunday?
For those of us who are not applying for cards these days (but when I do, I have used your links) and we don’t know what it would take via PayPal donations or Amazon clicks, it seems kind of hopeless. Maybe give us another way?
Feel free to disregard this whole thing, just throwing it out there.
Thanks for your thoughts!
I have been told I must get 10 cc conversions to keep present cc links. So, I do not see a middle ground, as in I get 3 or 7 and keep going…Unless they do not implement it right away…and I hit 10 someway somehow.
I turn down all kinds of monetizing offers all the time. I just can not fake my enthusiasm to make a sale of something I do not fully endorse! Just not my thing.
What other way that can get me to minimum wage per hour and pass muster by the readers and me? Paypal and Amazon are fine but it is the 10 cc conversions that get me sometimes close to half minimum wage per hour.
I am all ears!
Meanwhile, I am going on a MEGA purge of marginal blogs to lower the time I spent here to allow me to keep going. More eclectic, more quality. And SHORTER posts (not the one tomorrow though).
Depending on what happens…the solution I may have to compromise with is a Best of Web post once a week and an occasjonal rant.
We shall see what happens as the Presidente says…
Just had a smoothie at Tropical Smoothie…WOW!
I am stubborn…a little 🙂
On your post 9/12/2018 You stated “It is the number I promised my wife I will let this baby go if I don’t reach it ” In the above comment you stated “get 10 cc conversions to keep present cc links”. I am confused.
It is confusing. I will try to explain on Tuesday’s post.
Letting go can take the form of spending less time on the blog #hint
Good links. Yes. Thank you.
Doing my best to keep the quality around here…thanks.
Great round up of stories. Exceptional!
Is this Elaine, we met in Bolivia!!!
Thanks peachfront.
Trying to stay true to the blog mission…
For almost 6 years now…Which is mind boggling actually when I say that!
Great stuff! Today is a great example of why this blog is a MUST READ every time it comes out! The credit card stuff is everywhere but this is the only polace I get all the other cool stuff and “meet” people that are writing the really interesting stuff. If this is the only stuff that stays through the “Evolution”, then I am fine with that!
Thank you Carl.
Actually, you may gave me an idea about my blog’s evolution. I have a post on it this Tuesday!
Taking some steps to lower the denominator (time spent) instead of increasing the nominator ($ earned) to make it a viable “enterprise”. When cc links go down, then I may just do this Best of Web posts only. I enjoy sharing cool stuff I find. You know, educational/entertaining/inspiring.
I am not sure Ramsey finds them very inspiring though 🙂
Today’s post made me gag and vomit. #JustBurnit #BoycottNike
Support your local Police, they put their ASS on the line with every call they respond to.
Can we please have a countdown of the days until your Blog retirement. I want to get my fireworks ready.
and furthermore….
Just thinking…..Perhaps you should leave the cozy non diverse confines of Ann Arbor and do a ride along with the Detroit Metro Police on a Friday or Saturday overnight shift. Better yet do it on the 3rd of the month, any month. That is when the Government checks get delivered.
and don’t leave your wallet under the car mat when you park your car in Detroit again!
Do I still love Trump? Let me check my Vanguard account…….Yes I DO!
What are you going to tell your clients if Bernie gets elected and their investments go into the $hitter. Trump makes you and me look like financial genius’.
I could care less about the strippers (whores) shaking him down or the Russians posting on Facebook to stop the Old Hag from getting elected. The Dems did the same and more I am sure.
Have a Blessed Sunday and God Bless.
Hey Ramsey,
I think you are a little upset. Did I hurt your feelings about that ridiculous Tucker dude?
Hope you read the first article at least and learned something. Or you probably dismissed it as #fakenews lol.
Please take it easy on the sexist shit…WTF Old Hag? Warning!
How come you are back? If only Ingy would be back…I would probably never shut my blog down, you know I like..the challenge woohoo!
Enjoy looking at your portfolio. Never fall in love with the highest number okay?
Yes I am sure the Dems did the same…sure sure, you are right. Smh.
And no it is not Elaine.
You probably think the guy in link #4 was guilty? I sure hope not.
I am only parking in parking structures in Detroit, I learned my lesson. It happens, we move on. I think you will like the movie White Boy Rick, it probably describes Detroit the way you think it still is. It is not, you should visit sometimes.
you ever noticed youve become more isolated and controlling? “sexist shit” for reals? I thought I was following your guidelines for behavior? Is there one set of rules for some and other rules for others?
No I have not noticed become more isolated.
I am finding I am less tolerant on stuff that turns my stomach. Ramsey has a history here. Old hag was not appropriate for a fine lady like Hillary more people voted for okay? 🙂
Past behavior is indicative of future performance so yeah I am more controlling. It is my blog and I can do what I want to! You are okay, please refrain from you know what. I am reminding you tomorrow. Thank you!
Deep down I like Ramsey. And you. We do not agree on stuff but we all want the best for our fellow Americans. I think we learn from each other. Which is good.
you get less free speechy on a daily basis. Ive watched it. Just thought you might wanna hear it from someone outside your echo chamber.
It is my blog. It is my baby. I get emotional about it.
Free speechy – lol
Hey Ramsey-
My Vanguard account doubled while Obama was in office.
Oops-sorry to interrupt a good rant with facts.
Hey Sam, I heard Ethereum is a buy at these levels. Some Maria at CNBC said so. She comes highly recommended if you know what I mean wink 😉
right on. I believe the rule of 72 says it should double in 8 yrs
Sam, my butler informs me that only the poor use Vanguard. As my former broker EF Hutton always said “People! Listen”. While I haven’t checked it lately, I’m sure my Lehman account is up Yuge! I’m depending on all the great company stock dividends that’s have been paying for decades to provide for a sweet ass retirement. Solyndra, GreenTech, Fisker, Sheer Wind, Beacon power… That green energy is going to be green in my pocket…. Oh wait…
Seriously though, my Fidelity account has quadrupled since February – almost back to even after the government bailout and subsequent non-jailing of bank executives from the 2008 fiduciary incident.
I have yet to recover from my yuge crytocurrency losses. Hopefully i make it up on weed investments.Tilray is up 500% so I thought it would be a good time to get in NOW. Valued at $10B and revenue at $50M/year. What could possibly go wrong?
I remember when SNL spoofed the EF Hutton commercials, LOL.
Can you imagine if Trump came in back then instead of Obama? Would we even be here now?
I am perfectly confident that Trump will fix Obama’s huge mistake not to lock up any banker.
Okay, I had to go outside Starbucks because I could not stop laughing at that line and people around me looked really annoyed.
We are living in crazy times…tweet, tweet!
George, I enjoy your blog and stories posted! They are informative. The story on GeorgeA friendly suggestion to you my friend is to back off on being negative/condensing with your into comments to a story is to not be so condescending for those of us who voted, but not for Hillary in last election. It does not affect me, but it does help IMO as that t I read many of them, as I think they are very informative. With the cc deals going down hill these days you seem to be posting mora lot of political stories. I may or may not agree with some of the parallels they make but that is fine as I strive to get my news from diverse sources.
Sorry – with last! Definitely challenged by technology. The following is what I meant to cut and paste…
George, I enjoy your blog and stories posted! They are informative, and I strive to get my news from multiple sources, most importantly those that have different POVs and agendas. Together they make me most informed. I could not suggest more highly everybody does the same!!!
I find some of your comments up front before anti-Trump articles distracting to your blog. It is most certainly your right to do so, but I suggest to you sir to tone it down a “lil as it does not help. The story you posted “A Warning From Europe: The Worst Is Yet to Come” was interesting, and my main takeaways was that the author could not speak with her former really good friends due to different POV. Those are most disturbing and a really bad sign of times to come IMO. I know this a fucking crazy thought for the internet but how about we all just look to be UNITERS?
I truly believe this is exactly what you are trying to do, but please realize that (almost) half the voters, voted for Trump, and the vast majority of those that did, are not evil.
Thanks for your thoughts, I appreciate it.
I have been told readers like my “intros” and/or my snarky comments with most links. Plus I try to make them entertaining.
I am all for it about diverse stories. If you find a worthy article with an opposite view from the stuff I usually post here, please send it to me! I agree with you on this.
I am all for uniting dude. But I am not seeing it happen, I am sorry. Not when the President just tweeted out that we have the best economy numbers EVER and if the Dems win in November we are all going poor. And then recommends Maria at CNBC is a must watch TV show. I mean, it is stuff like that that drives me nuts and I am going to throw in my snarky comment. I AM trying to cool it a little. But it is HARD!
I never said Trump voters are evil. I understand why they did it. The Dems must really understand it as well and try to address their issues if they want to govern again. I think a lot has to do with education though and the first part of my blog’s mission is to EDUCATE.
Educate/Entertain/Inspire – I never wavered from that #consistency Or #stubborness if you prefer 🙂
Again, thanks for the feedback!
George, long time reader. I grew up in Hungary, live in the US, but I do go back every year and have a large family there. Your link “A Warning From Europe: The Worst Is Yet to Come” is trying to portray a balanced view but in the end it comes across as very biased (at least definitely when it comes to Hungary).
Don’t be an echo chamber…
Thanks for taking the time for the feedback. Very interesting. I should probably go there to check it out myself. That Hilton in Budapest looks so nice.
I would love to read QUALITY articles from the conservative point of view. Feel free to send me. But please no conspiratorial nut job material, so many out there lately!
I still believe the article was great in trying to explain WHY this is happening! And it made my cut for “Best of Web”. I make these decisions. Not my business model lol.
One thing that stood out to me though. I do keep up with Greek politics. And the conservative party leader recently did something that was unthinkable, based on the party’s history. He came out and said “we have nothing in common with the party right now governing Hungary”. Which is unprecedented actually. I hope this guy wins the next elections because the current morons governing Greece, formerly leftist radicals, are sending the country decades back!