We learn how to use Avios better in case you still have some left, travel to Iwo Jima and Utah, some deep thoughts about pilots after the Germanwings crash, look at some amazing World War II pictures, and for laughs learn of an amazing job as a Brothel Tester…ok, I am laughing now hard 😉
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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TBB is evolving to a blog bringing you truly eclectic stuff I find in my daily surfing around cyberspace. Aiming to publish three times a week before I go weekly haha.
Got another idea, maybe post when I find at least ten worthy links always adhering to the TBB mission to Entertain, Educate and sometimes Inspire.
When I get some additional time I will do what is best for moi so occasional brilliant pieces (joking) may still happen but as you have noticed those don’t happen too often. I mean, do you really want another blog to read how to earn more miles, there are so many out there now!
Going back to the roots of keeping this baby personal and as an avenue to express my thoughts and adhere to therapist’s orders to “let it all out”. It is VERY entertaining being accused of pumping, especially by bloggers who wrote the book on pumping lol! Whatever…Nevertheless, the daily pump in Twitter (thank you Buffer app) and the pump at the bottom of each post will be discontinued. Just one at the top of each blog post and perhaps the monthly Support TBB blog post. Up to you readers to reward bloggers who deserve it and prove pumping does not work (it does and that’s why you see it so much everywhere lol). This blog post “Personal blogs used to be a whole lot more personal” was instrumental for this policy.
Thank you for reading, hopefully this blog brings a smile on your face and you learn something.
You will also likely see less emphasis on miles & points here as the whole scene is boring me to death lately…More on travel and a wide variety of stuff that I think are worthy of appearing here, you know, truly eclectic stuff!
You can not imagine how more calm I have been ever since I deleted all the TBB Ignore Blogs off my Feedly! You are not going to miss anything, I suggest you try it! Stop rewarding hideous pumping! Stop rewarding businesses who do not stop pumping the hell out of their readers. Reminds me of the “No Soliciting” door signs…if you delete them, problem is solved! High Five!
Onward from Madrid, Dublin, Berlin – The Free-quent Flyer Excellent post on how to best use Avios! Due to the latest mega hack at British Airways, I hope you still have some lol.
7 Scamy Things I Hate About Airline Miles & Hotel Points – Travel Is Free I think Drew nails it, I hate these so much too!
Iwo Jima 70th Anniversary: The Island – Rapid Travel Chai I really enjoyed this post. Would you rather reward bloggers who bring you stuff like this or reward mega credit card marketers like these huh?
Stunning drone video captures the beauty of Canada’s oil province What can I say? I think I am in love with drone videos!
15 photographs that show the diverse beauty of Utah – Matador Network Amazingly beautiful wow!
What a life: The world’s most traveled man, who’s been to all 195 countries I found this post in an English language Greek newspaper. It is an amazing read, what a life indeed!
Pilots on the Germanwings Murder/Suicide – The Atlantic This is another fantastic read on the latest tragic aviation disaster. This quote is thought provoking, to say the least: “When people start looking for whom to blame, the answer is simple: Joe-six-pack who wanted a $99 flight from New York to L.A.”
World War II: After the War – The Atlantic Absolutely stunning pictures here, wow! Must click! As I get older my memory is starting to fade…as I get the sense I shared this link before. If I did, you can ask for a refund for wasting your time bwahahahahaha!
TBB has a job for YOU! How about this? “Berlin’s looking for a ‘Brothel Tester” Can you imagine the questions asked in the interview, LOL! What are your strengths and weaknesses? Where would you be in five years? Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor.
This dog belongs to the Greek Ministry of Finance, they are so busy reforming and fighting tax evasion LOL.

One way to respect your readers is to try to respond to all emails and comments. I have mostly done that ever since I started this blog. What I find amusing is that some bloggers out there find time to read and type comments (all in under 1 minute per day lol) in blogs they despise and then absolutely never respond to the few reader comments and tweets they are asked. And then have the audacity to accuse bloggers of pumping when in almost EVERY post they write the pumping is off the charts. And this is why blogging here is so entertaining, it is just #priceless.
Let’s go Michigan State! If not them, Wisconsin! #loyalty #Michigan #Big10 #Midwest
Have a great week everyone!
Join over 3,519 TBB followers on Twitter @ FlyerTalkerinA2 and add TBB on Google+
Go Utah 1st! Lousy Duke…
And regarding that Atlantic quote: blaming customers for wanting low prices is like blaming gravity for plane crashes.
Actually, in a broader sense, I agree with the “Joe six-pack” observation. We have the airline industry we want. No, not the one we talk about, I mean the one we really show we want by buying tickets the way we do.
Ever find yourself at an airport at 5am? I have a few times and I was stunned by the crowds. Why are they there? Becasue they went on Travelocity and asked for the cheapest flights. And like the GPS that sends you through a suburb because the highway is 100 feet longer, you save $9 by taking the 6:10 am departure instead of the one at 8:45 am. You want cheap? Here you go.
However, I’m not sure I see a straight line from all this to having mentally deranged pilots. And I also don’t know how, in today’s wacky world, we insulate ourselves from these madmen.
Sam and Nick: I enjoyed the article. I would love to know how much the Germanwings pilot was earning vs the Lufthansa pilot (who like to strike a lot). I am also amazed how Lufthansa it appears dropped the ball on this guy. I am fine with health privacy laws but it is nuts when it concerns commercial airline pilots
The more you learn about this guy the worse it gets.
4U and LH pilots earn the same if the 4U pilot has a contract under the so called KTV. The non unionised 4U pilots have a different pension plan.
Dear Mr. Pumpsalittlelessonus, Congratulations for agreeing to removing your second beg for clicks in your post. Now if you could just DEemphasize the larger font and all CAPS in the top BEG (think of that bulging eyeballs photo), you’d be all ready to rock and roll. NO clicks still, but not such a pimpocrite.
And the twitter feed showing on the blog page, with continued negativity is keeping Alexa away from you. So she much wants to give you some lovin’ and maybe even a click or two if you continue cleaning up your act 😉
I love you man. No “hate or despise” from me my friend. Just wishing you continued success and improvement in your personal, non commercial blog 🙂
LMAO @ “Pimpocrite”. You won that round though pumpsalittlelessonus is funny too but below the belt.
“Below the Belt|” ??? With the terms the pimpocrite uses to describe other bloggers, there is no “below the belt” when dealing with that guy. Whore, Pimp, Douchebag, Slut… He’s used them all.
I know you say you love him but man you got a weird way of showing that.
Honey, I only hit you cause I love you.
THIS IS FOR RICK http://news.yahoo.com/selfie-stick-east-village-explosion-site-nyc-182256693.html
FTG theme song…………PLAY IT LOUD RICK!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpKetOQ-wLo
What is love?
I love that video. There is a 12 hour youtube version of this which repeats itself over and over. In the summer when my neighbor doesn’t shut her kid’s primal screaming and I am driven away from enjoying my backyard, I blast it from my back window really loud and leave for the day.
Please ignore the troll. I must admit he is an integral part of the TBB blog mission…to entertain.
In the meantime, amazingly, his latest blog post pumping the SPG Amex and the Amex Platinum credit cards managed to gather ONE comment which will not be answered personally because he is busy trolling blogs like this one he despises. Perhaps because responding to reader questions does not compensate him lol.
George I love you so and you sound so “Angry” Are you going back to your “angry” phase because the blog is not paying you enough? Or is it because I am constantly calling you out for your crap?
We can call a truce anytime buddy. You cut out demeaning others, and I’ll quit giving it back to you.
As Patrick Swaze (sp)said: “Just be Nice” Is that so hard for you to do? Tell us about your anger issues George. Tell us why you need to criticize others so often. Or Truce???
Come on George, dont try to beat me in to this therapist stuff. I know you dont have one 😉
These Citibank cards are still to show up in your link. I am ready for the TY Premier but damn it the card is not listed there. I would have gone for Cap One VR but the denial that is < 3 months (that i did through your link last time) is on the back of my mind and i would like to wait out the 90 days for some psychological reason.
Don’t wait for it. If you gotta get it I am sure you can find the best link elsewhere. No idea when it will come back!
Don’t worry about Cap One VR, I am sure there are other better offers out there. I went for it when it was at 100k. At 40k it just does not move me much. Besides I have a crapload of Arrival points. Just signed contract for a new roof and all of it is going on that baby!
Now let me morph to a blogger in the Ignore list: You should go for 7 cards at once 🙂
“If you gotta get it I am sure you can find the best link elsewhere”
Me: “What is ‘an ethical thought that Ingy has never had”
Alex: “That’s correct for $100. Next pick?”
Me: “I’ll take ‘Former Titans with afternoon alcohol problems’ for $1000”
Here’s an example of why I don’t jump into unregulated cars with strangers:
Got censored over at Milevalue. I don’t like to “troll” on others sites, but he pumped the 30K bonus on the prestige card about 10x without mentioning the 50K or 60K offers. I called it disingenuous and that his readers were missing out on $320 to $480 of value by clicking the link (nothing combative). He edits the comment so it just mentions the other offers and includes my sentence that I agree its a good card. If you aren’t going to post comments you don’t agree with, then just delete them. Editing them is misrepresentation. I guess lesson learned on my end.
Ignore it like I do 😉
Not surprised at all…
He’s just self absorbed in pumping more cc offers. I purposely go direct to the cc company page or call to get the best offer just so the likes of him get no credit
Help the ones in the Like and Love lists, keep them going!
Gee, I love this place:
“If you gotta get it I am sure you can find the best link elsewhere”
Me: “What is ‘an ethical thought that Ingy has never had”
Alex: “That’s correct for $100. Next pick?”
Me: “I’ll take ‘Former Titans with afternoon alcohol problems’ for $1000″