Let’s learn how to change our British Airways Avios numbers in their awards, read a hilarious Amazon Payments eulogy, check out the duo behind The Flight Deal, check out an awesome airline stopovers chart, visit Ladakh and Havana and more!
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How to Change Your Frequent Flyer Number on a British Airways Avios Award Ticket – Points Summary Very useful instructions on how to do this!
In Memoriam: Amazon Payments – Milenomics Hilarious eulogy to the death of AP. RIP
Slow & Steady Doesn’t Make You A Loser – Miles to Memories Great down to earth advice here. Awesome comment by J.
Interview: The Indie Airfare Deals Site That Has Flight Geeks Talking – Skift An interesting interview by the FlightDeal people who are not as shy anymore 🙂
Chart of Airline Stopovers (and More) – Travel Is Free Sad to see Drew slotted next to MMS and TPG and FTG in Chicago #sadface
Picture of the Day: Cloud City Chicago – Twisted Sifter Hey, the Ink Plus pumping is going to be extended…or you can look at this picture and have the same speechless reaction like me!

Photographs of Havana Show the Beauty of Everyday Life in Cuba – Dashburst Cool photographs full of color

7 things you think you know about money — that are actually completely untrue – Salon Some good advice here.
7 money mistakes you shouldn’t make in your 40s – Yahoo Finance Excellent advice here. Hey. is 7 the new 10?
My Experience with CDOs & The Real Estate Bubble – A Wealth of Common Sense This is a must read.

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On your mark…
Third again!
Third again.
fifth for the first time…that counts..or may be not #sadface
C’mon Buzz. Give Drew a break here. If he wants to get some exposure by speaking at Chicago Seminars, so be it. Give him some credit. That’s an intended pun.
All bloggers want to be Titans! 🙂
Thanks to all for goofing around here 🙂
I read that first line on BA award tickets and thought “hey, Jamison did that a while ago; I hope the author gives him a hat tip.” It took me thirty seconds to remember that Points Summary is Jamison. There are too many similarly-named blogs.
So true, so true…
Et tu, Drew?
Well, at least get one of Ingy’s name tags.
Now catching up….did i miss something new?
Mortgage Rates Fall To Lowest Level Since June 2013.
And VIX is up >30%.
“In the short term anything is possible” – TBB
“Focus on what you can control” – TBB
“70k Chase Ink Plus does everything & provides FREE orgasms” – Chase-y Bloggers
Buzz, I know you have no interest in baseball but did you know this? In the playoff series between Kansas City and Baltimore, Mike Moustakas of the Royals and Nick Markakis of the O’s are 2 of the best players on the field. They gotta be Greek!
Yes, I saw these names! I gotta say those two will have the Greek national baseball team starting positions locked up! Yeah, Greece has one…all composed of Greek Americans and some Canadian Americans too!
The wildest news in the world of soccer yesterday was this, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To many LOLs!