We show you a new award tool Award Ace, get Hilton Gold Benefit on the Amex Platinum card, learn how to navigate the Citi ThankYou Flight Search engine, laugh at these Airbus seats, visit Lighthouses, check out Sealand, get upgraded in the 50 best US hotels and more!
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Well folks, you notice something different? Links to Credit Cards and Referral Links in my pump paragraph above are gone. Because I can not have them I am told when I talk about ANY credit card or mention a bank name. Wow. But you know what to do, gracias!
A new award tool for you, AwardAce (HT: The Free-Quent Flyer)
Via Doctor of Credit: Amex Platinum card (both personal and business) now comes with free Hilton HHonors Gold Elite status. You can enroll online HERE. Hmm, I guess I can downgrade my Amex Surpass card back down to the regular Hilton HHonors card when its annual fee comes due…if I decide to keep the Platinum. Just giving some hints out there. Ameriprise anyone? Oh, nobody pumps that hey?
Via Devil’s Advocate at Travel Codex: The Amex Plat airline reimbursements for airline gift cards lives on, we can all exhale now, phew!
Tips on how to use the Citi ThankYou Flight Search engine by Miles To Memories.
I saw this news about a new Airbus seating arrangement they filed a patent for when it first came out. I didn’t think it warranted a separate blog post. And this is why I will never be a Titan.
AFAR List – Lighthouse Love: 24 Views Worth Climbing The Stairs
The bizarre history of Sealand, the micronation on a platform off the English Coast.
The Cruelest Opt-Out Forms. What a riot and oh so right on! The ridiculousness in all its glory! Some of these are a must see! Will TBB ever get a newsletter mailing list before it folds? If this happens and an opt-out form resembling any of these in this article appear you have permission to shoot me!
Tyranny of the calendar. Fantastic piece at Motley Fool.

This guy eats at Michelin-starred restaurants twice a day as he travels the world. Must be nice…Looks like an arrogant ass but I could be wrong.

The Male Beauty Contest of the Sahara Desert. Well, interesting to say the least. Why do all the men look like that pirate in the movie series?
And I leave you with…

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Bunt single. Safe at FIRST!
Thanks Buzz !
Thanks for the tip on HHGold! Will make travel w the wife all that more pleasant…
Doing my best to enhance your travel with your wives ๐
TBB, I’m sorry to say that I had to call you “Fox News”. See comment from yesterday.
Hey, I here to say something when I smell something. ๐
You are so hung up on that chart, get over it, it’s just not a big deal…just a stupid chart moronically titled. Happens all the time lol.
The point was that the 40 year like drop happens so rarely and the 5% drop happens as often as we change underwear. That’s all. I actually do not remember where I saw it….had saved the link to the actual article but somehow lost it. It happens.
Ha ha! You are right. Bad data presentation is my special fixation. Hey, if you manage portfolios, you should know what I mean!
On to more important stuff: personally, I thought yesterday’s frog picture actually looked yummy. Today’s pics look like barf.
If TBB is Fox News, where’s the doe-eyed blonde with ratings higher than her IQ?
Just remember the media axiom. Righty dumb. Lefty smart. Fox doesnt know it but if they installed a mousey looking lesbian she would be hailed as a genius
I miss Rick I FTG calling me names ๐
REgarding the Michelin-eater man: I think he looks a bit of an ass too but I think it’s because I’m jealous. (And because he really fills out that even-I-know-it-is-not-stylish-anymore Polo shirt.)
However, once I looked at the pictures and his travelling style, I thought twice. This travels to places and actually sees the sights. (Unlike many titans). He cares about food, rather than hotel stays or air flights.
So, if you had to pick, what would you rather read about: his meals, or hot nuts?
I am sick of nuts!
An open letter to Travel With Grant. Dear Grant I love you, Buzz loves you everyone loves you! You are a great kid. It seems like yesterday you were asking questions on everyone’s blog. Before you know it you were answering questions on everyone’s blog. Then you started your own blog and in a short time you were putting up great content. Sure, sure there were a few “the sky is failing” articles that were wrong, but on a whole, very good content. R.P. noticed and now you are a boarding area blogger. But T.W.G., what happened? I get Amex Offer updates from you twice a week in my email. Where’s the Beef, Amex offers BLOW and are about as useful as the latest Popa Johns Pizza coupon updates……………Grant, this is said with love, you are like a son to me……please stop with the Amex Offer updates and get back to the very good content you were doing to get to Boarding Area in the first place. Ciao Enrico.
That very good content takes time amigo!
I have it easy in a way, I just find stuff and make fun of it for our entertainment lo.
Maybe it’s a sad state of the Hobby when it takes an AMEX offer to give you a morning glory.
Happens a lot when you’re young.
Happy 45th Birthday to Matt D. over at TheGate.
I had to think about that one for a second…
…and then โ as the ball swished by me; and after a long silent pause โ I heard a faint and uncertain voice call out in a questioning tone…
Comprehensive List of all Amex Platinum Benefits at MileCards: