We visit the place of worship, err, excuse me, the Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder 2015 Annual Meeting, we go surfing in Australia, base jumping in Dubai, read a very touching story on Chernobyl, laugh at some animals freaking out, and ask for your help in regards to an Avios household account question.
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I am not finding any miles/points posts worthy enough (based on my incredibly high standards hehe) to share with you. Is this what the hobby has descended to lately…
Quotes from the Berkshire Hathaway 2015 Annual Meeting – Rapid Travel Chai Ok, Warren is awesome but this has turned into a ridiculous cult in my humble opinion #controversialTBB
Awesome video shows surfers taking on one of the world’s most dangerous waves Yeah, awesome indeed!
These guys did a base jump off the world’s second-tallest residential tower Totally nuts! Princess Tower in Dubai.
30+ Unbelievable Places That Look Like They’re From Another Planet – Bored Panda I may have shared this one before, don’t worry about it. Still pretty cool to look at these!

The Chernobyl Story – imgur You have NOT seen these pictures from Chernobyl before. Must read. Haunting! Take some time to read this.
10 heart pumping places – Trip Advisor Ok, not the greatest source but still….a nice collection of awesome places to visit!

20+ Astonished Animals Who Are Freaked Out By What’s Happening – Bored Panda These are pretty fun. It’s like the look one gets when a post at Frugal Travel Guy gets published that puts the reader first or yet another hideous click baiting headline at View From the Wing… #badTBB #usobad #biteme

Answer These 10 Questions to See If You’re on Track to Retirement – Money Actually, this was pretty good!
This is the age of the average midlife crisis, according to big data – Washington Post All right, I am spilling the beans, it is 42. And I am past it so it is all smooth sailing from here woohoo!
How long does the freaking Citi Premier take to get it on my hands after approval? This is ridiculous!
Apparently, my wife does not even bother me anymore booking flights with Avios. And I knew this was going to hit us at some point. We have a household account (covering four). She wants to fly her parents to Detroit so what do I do? We will never likely need to do this again for them so I hope we avoid setting up new BA Avios accounts for them. I remember there were some enhancements with this householding feature at BA somewhat recently. I have already transferred into Avios from Amex so they have my Avios membership number. But I do have a “dormant” Avios account…hmmm, any feedback?

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On the Avios question, why not submit a question to one of Titans? You know: “Ben, a friend’s parents want to go to Detroit……..”.
I transferred 100k MR to my second non-household BA account, gave wife my log info and tell her to go at it.
This just in:
United offers a patina of sophistication to First and Business:
Buzz-How big is a patina? If I had 2 patinas of margaritas, could I still drive?
And how do you convert patinas to the metric system?
No idea what patina is but I do love margaritas!
This was my first Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting. The fawning adulation is in the programmed events like the Friday cocktail, Saturday picnic, I peeked at those events as a matter of course and did not linger. The famed Q&A was worth it to me. Aided by superb weather I also really enjoyed Omaha and as the crowds are so condensed geographically, you can enjoy much of the city as if nothing special was going on, great food and beautiful riverside parks. You can also wander in to events like the Merkel brunch, now wildly popular itself, that has good Q&A, we even crashed a Chinese investor one with a very condescending, young presented. I will go back.
I always wanted to go but the last several ones are reaching way too much cult-like status for me. And I think whenever I decide to make plans the dude will die so I don’t do it. More to the point, with so many people there, how did you do the hotels, fess up!
@TravelBloggerBuzz – I was surprised hotels a few months out not so bad. Booked 15k nights at Holiday Inn Express by the airport booked there because friends there, we all overlooked the even cheaper for awards Country In down the road.
The tough hotels are the Hilton (connected to the exhibition center), the Hilton Garden Inn up the block and the Embassy Suites by Old Market. All open 50 weeks out, but for instance Embassy Suites must be booked through hotel and first priority to prior guests. Garden Inn says you can book online. Hilton need to call and sounds like always blocked out even for cash rates.
Wow, I am surprised ANY rooms are open for awards! Very helpful info, thanks!
One born every minute…
You can add non household members to a “family/friends list” and use those to book the flights, up to 5 people.