We learn all about how to uncover the best Credit Card offers, find the no minimum credit cards, make money on class action lawsuits & settlements, visit Havana Cuba, Norway, Hawaii and fantasize about our own flying house built only for true Titans!
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How to Make Sure You’re Getting the Best Credit Card Offers – Frugalhack.me Some good information in this post. Best line from it was this: “Don’t use MMS to find the best CC offers.” MMS=Million Mile Secrets
Credit Card Bonuses With No Minimum Spend Requirements – Doctor of Credit Pretty good list!
10 Credit Card Bonuses You May Have Missed – Doctor of Credit One more super helpful post!
How To Make Money From Class Action Lawsuits & Settlements – Doctor of Credit This is an older post I discovered on Twitter (HT: Travel With Grant). Fantastic stuff! That’s a trifecta, wow!
100 Things I Learned From My Recent Trip to Havana Cuba – Points Summary Fantastic post, I saved it in Evernote. Much more down to earth than the romp in Havana by The Points Guy Inc! This blogger is pretty much single highhandedly carrying First2Board or what?
A Photographic Adventure Through Norway – The Adventure Blog So so amazingly pretty…
What Freediving Into a Blue Hole Abyss Looks Like – Twisted Sifter Must watch, you have never seen anything like it. I sure haven’t. Speechless!
15 Instagrammers show us their top spots in Hawaii – Matador Network There are some awesome pictures here!
16 of the most impressive national parks in the US – Matador Network Most impressive indeed!
This is as Close as it Gets to a Flying House – Twisted Sifter Greenpoint Technologies “has been customizing jumbo jet interiors for heads of state and high net worth clients for over 25 years.” If I was selling a Prestige card every day I could afford this one day #sosad #dreaming
This 19th-century sea fort has been converted into a luxury hotel – complete with a nightclub, a mall, and even a laser tag arena I wish you can burn hotel points on this one, screw Necker Island!

Ok, back on track with at least a few personal finance articles that impressed me and/or guess you find them useful:
When keeping up with the Joneses costs a fortune Yeah, be careful out there!
6 Common Money Mistakes People Make in Their 30s Well, I think these are all true!

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Need some AA award ticket help here. I can find 2 out of 3 domestic connections to a returning transatlantic flight. I remember reading that you can call AA and ask if they can make another award seat available for the connecting domestic segment. I called AA but they had no idea what I was talking about and I can’t find the blog posts about this topic. Thanks
Was it this one?
Yes, thanks. That’s the most recent one. I thought VFTW had covered it a year or two ago. Need to improve my Evernote skills.
After screening out the credit card salespeople, I am following a number of sites and twitter as my information source for travel hacks and credit card tips here and there. However, recently I find it more and more uncomfortable to see the hubris and self-assumed superiority in some of the people even among the so-called “good guys.” One says, “I laugh when people talk about domestic first/business class,” while the other said, “I ALMOST feel sorry for those who got stuck in coach/stood in line at the departure gate/without lounge access.” I can’t help but feel that some have disconnected from their readers and formed these “cliques” to re-enforce the superiority of looking over those who seek information from them as if they belong to a higher class of travelers than others.
It’s just a marketing technique…Marks have always been drawn to shiny objects, and grifters often use class envy as a tool.
Yeah, that is a common problem in this hobby. Group think takes effect slowly and messes up your inner compass and you somehow think you are superior or something. I still remember Delta Points calling economy “cattle class” which still makes me shake my head.
I have not read a single post of the blogs in the Ignore list and it is phucking AMAZING. I confess I get VFTW’s and OMAAT’s (daily digest) emails with their posts and maybe once a week I read a post…shaking my head…
And once in a while a reader emails me an FTG post saying you gotta read this (for the laughs)…
It’s a sad state of Titanism out there lol
Hey Buzz-
Great info on how to find and join class action lawsuits. Along the same lines, any blogs that track good dumpsters that are ripe for diving? I imagine the $ per hour are better, and so is the company.
Just sayin’.
Hey come on, of all the crap that is unleashed/blogged out there you found fault in this post which I thought was well done and informative? Probably not for me but I am sure it could be helpful for some readers.
Anyways, this Miles for Family blogger is calling it quits, interesting last post. Worshiping MMS again for being so nice to do a Friday interview of her without realizing of course that it is just good business practice and the mega cross linking to his stie she has been posting paid off way more than ever imagined…
I should do the same one of these days…
My mother in law rule forbids me to click on a MMS link.
This is rare….you should keep her 🙂
I read and like the Doctor.
While class action lawsuits serve a worthwhile purpose in some cases, they have become in large measure another way in which we have outsmarted ourselves. Find a crack in something (possible product flaw, or misspelling in warranty or other error which harms few), and the world jumps in to pry open the crack and get some money. Here’s another example: Patent Trolls. Can you say “Mistake Fare and DOT?”.
I received an invitation to join a class action a month or so ago, It was for a back-up disc drive that I bought for around $70. Now unless the drive is going to explode in my hands and send hazardous materials throughout my house, why would I want to join a suit against the manufacturer? I know, I know-it’s found money, free to me. No it’s not-you just don’t know what it costs each of us for the lawyers. courts and administrators to oversee this industry, nor what it costs for businesses to build fortresses to avoid these costs.
Pumping this stuff for content was not the good Doctor’s finest hour. As Spinal Tap said, it’s a fine line between clever and stupid.
It’s original content! Not my cup of tea but I am sure it was informative for some readers.