We bring you the Best of Web links: A disturbing article in Wired about the China social ranking techniques, Transient amazing timelapse video full of lightnings, a map of language difficulty in English native speakers, a map of every US President lifespana and finish yet again with another infographic from Visual Capitalist depicting 4,000 years of global history.
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Inside China’s Vast New Experiment in Social Ranking
The speed in changes spurred by technology are even more profound in China where everyone now pays with Alipay and WeChat Pay. I found this disturbing but..can’t do much to stop it…Sometimes I miss the times we communicate with pigeons, sad!
Transient – Best Lightning timelapse ever
Map: Language Difficulty Ranking For English Speakers
Visualizing The Lifespan of Every U.S. President
Visualizing the 4,000 Year History of Global Power
We are on a Visual Capitalist link frenzy today! When you click on this inggraphic to enlarge it, you will be blown away by its detail. It should probably be required reading in schools worldwide if you ask me.
And I leave you with this…Hey, lets not increase the deficit you guys…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Would love to see what they used to determine “relative power” on that chart. The fact that the European countries add to about triple the US and Latin America is about half is pretty absurd. It also looks really old, but the chart goes for 2 sections past 1900, so it seems to end around 2000.
Aaaaaaaand just opened the link in the body of text and see it’s 1931. I had the blown up version open, not the text article. Makes more sense now.
The language difficulty map is really neat. Thank you.
Great stuff! The relative power map is truly fascinating. The world is constantly in flux and we should keep in mind the ebbs and flows of these civilizations over the ages as we think about our own future.
Language difficulty chart is neat, too. Always had an interest in languages (and especially the history of language development).
And still few native births bother to learn a foreign language.
With virtually no interaction with anyone to use it, why would they? Plenty of people in other countries (with much closer proximity to other languages) don’t bother to learn another language.
If you are a millionaire financial planner and still beg for donations on your blog with a DONATE button, please seek help!!
Btw have you ever answer edge why your readers don’t support you?
Now it’s just getting sad…
Sorry, I have to clarify here. I meant you, not George.
what’s an “answer edge”?
Damn auto correct. It should be “answered” not “answer edge”
Have you been drinking, or is “answer edge” a new phrase that hasn’t disseminated its way into basement dweller languages?
Let’s try again so even you can figure it out :
BTW Have you ever answered why your readers don’t support you?
I like “ANSWER EDGE” better! Sounds cool, soon it will replace Millennial hip but lame phrases like Scalable, Hand Crafted and Gluten Free.
While I am at it….Phuck KALE.
Happy Holidays, George. Thank you very much for blogging all of these years, it is always a pleasure to read your posts. I haven’t commented as much as I have in previous years, probably a reflection of other activities occupying my time, and should not be taken as a reflection of my appreciation that your blog still exists in this space.
Cheers to everyone. On to 2018!
Best regards,
MR. Ramsey, Sir I hope you do not mind if I ask you more questions, I am thinking of trying to become a flight attendant and would most welcome your help.
Also, is it true, that flight attendants often have sex on board the airplane while working those night flights?
Thank you in advance if you have time to answer.
Wa-Alaikum-Salaam ATFA
Be glad to help you and YES, sex on board, especially the 747 flights to Europe were something Caligula would of been impressed by. We had ‘Crew Rest’, Crew Lavs and and Crew Closets to play in whole everyone was sleeping. Sex and Coffee is how we stayed awake.
The L-1011 I told you about yesterday had a fairly large lower galley that the crew accessed by elevator…….so night or day you could play…..I would love to check one of those out with a black light, it would look like a Jackson Pollack Painting.
I had a wonderful set of flights on Lufthansa and Aegean, lounge time, great bus ride with two young Greeks (one kid I had read about him in the local paper playing soccer for a German team and he is only 15 years old, the new Messi and the other a chef at a restaurant I sometimes go to!). What a small world it is! And now catching up on some stuff at a cafe near the bus station in Larisa
I will try to get the post up tomorrow….it will be hard.
Ignore Ingy. Or, even better, click so I can report it here so he can lose it some more…if that was even remotely possible #wow
I think the reason is you all live in the basement with credit scores high enough to get secured cards hey woohoo!
And thanks for the kind words.
And, watch out, MMS has a software now to identify the “best” card for you…Remember that gem at FTG? Wait….I feel like I am going to throw up….
I feel bad for Ingy – he clearly sold out too soon and regrets it. He’s now irrelevant and misses the attention. Now, all he can do is skulk around and occasionally pop his head over the fence to throw a rotten tomato at the neighbors while mumbling about old war stories.
He doesn’t even post on FT anymore except the occasional unhinged rant on the EP&M Resources forum.
InternetBrands has turned what should have been his legacy into a basically hollow shell. Heck, there isn’t any mention of Rick having founded and operated the site when you read the “About” section. While a few of Rick’s posts from 2016 and earlier are still on there, there’s no acknowledgement whatsoever of their founder.
Sad, really, to slip into obscurity after being a big shot at the Chicago Seminars, interviewed for Nightline, etc.
So as usual here on Tbb need to set the basement boys straight. The reason there is no mention of me on the site is when I quit after they hired the worst editor I have ever met, I insisted they remove all mention of me in relation to the site. Now you have the facts instead of typical fake news and speculation found here.
are dannythedeal guru and nick reyes the same person?
Equally bad writers, who think their headlines are catchy? Add in that mark dude at miles to mem and you have a trifecta of bad products.
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Are there any credit cards that earn bonus points based on your merchant code? And can I apply for that card with George’s links? TIA