We bring you the Best of Web links: You get Investing Lessons from the one and only “The Dude”, we go undercover inside the Orgasm lab to get the latest science on it, bring you an excellent Bitcoin FAQ because your grandma undoubtedly is asking you about it, teach you about phucking con men and showing you how they operate skirting the law and finally an amazing infographic about disrupting payments. It is your personal responsibility not to deceive and con people FIRST okay!
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As always, click on the headline to be taken to the original source. Sometimes I insert my incendiary comments on article excerpts between [brackets].
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Investing Lessons from the Dude. “Or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.”
One of the most fun personal finance articles you will ever see. Of course it helps if you are familiar with the classic “The Big Lebowski” movie! I haven’t laughed and nodded my head so much recently. Oh, it has some GREAT investing lessons too. Must read. You are welcome.
1.The Dude: “Sooner or later you are going to have to face the fact that you’re a moron.”
2. The Dude: “It’s like what Lenin said… you look for the person who will benefit.”
3. The Dude: “You brought the f***in’ Pomeranian bowling?”
4. The Dude: “Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes… well, he eats you”
5. The Dude: “Ya well that’s just like, you’re opinion man.”
6. The Dude: “Look, pal, there never was any money. The Big Lebowski gave me an empty briefcase, so take it up with him, man.”
7. The Dude: “By the way, do you think that you could give me that $20,000 in cash? My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax…”
8. The Dude: “So if you could just write me my check for ten percent of a half a million… five grand… I’ll go out and mingle.”
9. The Dude: “This is very complicated…. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous.”
10. The Dude: “And, you know, he’s got emotional problems, man.”
11. The Dude: “I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.”
12. The Dude: “I can’t be worrying about that shit. Life goes on, man.” “The Dude abides.”
Inside the Orgasm Lab, What is an Orgasm?
Not sure about you, but for my next gig I would not mind to be an orgasm researcher lol. Actually, this is a very serious article. I am all for science and learning more about such important things! NOT Fake News! Enjoy this read, here are just a few excerpts:
Her focus: sex as a way to promote general health—as a treatment for depression, chronic pain, sleep disorders, even arthritis. Someday, Prause says, doctors could prescribe masturbation. “Natural, free, accessible—what more do you want from your health care?” she asks me.
Translate this to the bedroom and you see why a woman climaxes more easily when she’s relaxed—and why planning your fantasy team helps you forestall the inevitable. In her case, she can more easily shut off those parts of her brain; in yours, they’re being prompted to light up. The gateway to orgasm is in letting go.
All You Need to Know About Bitcoin’s Rise, From $0.01 to $11,000
Well, at press time, this thing was close to $13,000 $15,000. This is an FAQ about what it is, in case you were wondering. I am sure you must have heard about it by now. I do NOT recommend buying it…what the hell do I know anyway? 🙂
Harsh Lessons in Modern Con Art
It takes great courage to write an article about how you (and your mother) were conned. The author spills it all out and it provides great lessons in alerting you how pervasive and hurtful these mother phucker scammers are. And how they take advantage of laws in plain sight to rob people blind. The author pleads with you to take action to hold these phuckers accountable. We need to change the laws so these guys can be thrown in jail where they belong. PLEASE:
It is time for good men and women in this profession to unite to do something, and I can tell you what it is: We must call on Congress to extend the statute of limitations on financial crime. If you decide to take action and voice your concern, simply cite Title 18, Section 3282 of the United States Code. As the law stands today, it motivates the criminal and makes the vulnerable (the elderly and unsuspecting) all the more vulnerable. This is an evil we should not and need not tolerate any further.
…This is a change in our laws that is long overdue and it is lawmakers’ responsibility to ensure that the laws reflect our modern realities. If you want to voice your concern directly to the Senate Judiciary Committee, you can do so directly by contacting Richard_DiZinno@judiciary-rep.senate.gov.
Dear reader, I hope none of you, your family, or your clients will ever have to endure such an experience as my mother has. I have laid my heart bare in this story, and now from that same heart, I have a request. On behalf of all those who have suffered at the hands of fraudsters, will you help me do whatever is necessary to correct this overdue injustice? Let us call on our lawmakers to pass a law protecting the victim instead of insulating the criminal.
As the blog troll has called me a “whiny loser punk” for blogging about stuff like this and not doing repeated “XX reasons I love the CSP card” and “Look at me taking a shower in First Class flying for free on a trip worth $73,000 and you can do it tooooo”….no wonder he would like to remind you that it is all about personal responsibility *&^%#$%!
A Timeline of Every Major Disruption in Payments
Amazing infographic, another one The Visual Capitalist.
And I leave you with this…Goes well with The Dude bwahahaha.
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Doctor of Credit
Hey, lets piss off TBB by extending the links to blogs in his Ignore list to piss him off some more early in the morning…(OMAAT and Deals We Like). For “news”…smh
The Dude walks randomly.
Of course.
The crypto dude walks straight up
I did t call you a Whiney loser punk because of articles like you wrote above, and you know it. I called you a Whiney loser punk because you will deflect, lie and mischaracterize anything to make yourself look better and demean others . You know it. I know it and the readers that have left your site by troves know it. Try it Punkadolous. Try a week without demeaning others. Oh btw : nice conversion numbers in December for all your efforts. You’re getting exactly what you’re worthy
Ingy didn’t you mean to say “the articles you CUT and Pasted above”, all original material that Buzz writes about are plea’s to support TBB.
Not seeing anywhere that George is demeaning anyone. I do see you demeaning him repeatedly (and not very creatively even).
I don’t think anyone here is, or ever was, against blogs advertising or making money. Folks only have an issue with shady and misleading business practices, which the P&M blogosphere has too many of (e.g., omitting information about better offers besides the blog’s affiliate link and censoring any comments that mention such). Plenty of the readers here are happy to support blogs that bring value in an honest manner (e.g., informing readers of a better offer available outside of their affiliate link).
So your repeated histrionics over TBB having affiliate links and such, is missing the point entirely.
Buzz demeans our President
And bitcoin is now $17500.
The Bubble of all bubbles. This one has momentum.
It’ll be fun to watch the bubble burst
Or watch as it hits 50,000.
I should probably edit Ingy’s comment and make it very supportive of me to piss him off…
but why mess with the mission of the blog to entertain…
I should do a collage of some selected Ingy comments and do an advertising campaign to get that conversion rate up….it’s the ONLY thing he understands fully lol.
When you have lowered yourself to “punk” status there is nothing you can do or say to piss me off. How could you. You’re nothing but a punk.
Typical deflection when you suggest all I understand is conversions when it’s you whining, pumping, and now I see begging with a donate button. It seems what you accuse others of, you are a master of yourself.
Remember the time I put the P.I. (the Duke Brothers hired), Clarence Beeks, in a male monkey suit, bound and gagged him and locked him up with that horny female Gorilla. It was that New Years Eve nite we were on that party train! WHATA PARTY!
1st I thought of Bo and Luke Duke. Then i remember it was Trading Places. Then I remember that pervy Franken was in it. I still dont know why Mr. Rapey stepped down if he didnt do anything wrong? Must be more info that is ready to pop out
I showed my wife the artilce on the Orgasm Lab. She said “Now that’s real FAKE NEWS”.
My dictionary defines a ‘Trove” as:
“A store of valuable or delightful things”.
Maybe you meant ‘drove’. (And D and T are not next to each other on the keyboard.
One other thing, Mr. “Quit at the Top”-What do you think of Richard Kerr’s Facebook group that has over 30,000 members and added more than 1,000 in one day recently?
Let me get my punk mode on Sam to answer that…
“I am nothing but a punk”…could be a great country song. An angry one at that woohoo!
Can you imagine if I went on a REAL pumping spree? You know, like the Thought Leader just did:
How to Get the Best Credit Card Signup Bonus Out There
Or MMS all day today:
Don’t Get Stuck With a Massive Bill! Why Medical Evacuation Insurance Is Worth Considering
Simple Strategy to Save Money on Airfare Expenses (GUARANTEED!)
I wonder if Rene has Ingy blocked for trolling my blog…
The bitcoin story is for the ages of all motherly bubbles #wow Should I let Ingy do a guest post to advise us on bitcoin or how to increase conversions?
I know, I know…
but hey it’s my blog and I can blog what I want
I should turn on Spotify and play some punk music 🙂
I think Richard Kerr does a great job as evidenced by the number of supporters. I know the “punk” is jealous, but he chose his own road to nothingness.
who is Richard Kerr, Miranda Kerr’s (Nice Ass) husband?
The guy who co-wrote “Mandy”:)
Trove/Drove?? It’s called autocorrect. Where do you find these guys?
I am so jealous I am going to get going on the TBB Facebook page any.year.now.
MVP commenter/troll
Dear readers: Please refrain from using names.
I have nothing at all against Richard Kerr. For the record.
I want to run something by you.
You know how just about every college campus you visit has a statue of the college founder, usually in a prominent place? I was thinking about how it was you that put on the first major league conference for points hobbyists, and there really should be a way to honor you for that. The problem is that FTU doesn’t have a campus, so how could it have a statue?
The it came to me: We could have a life-sized blow-up doll, made to look like you. Then every time there’s a conference, the organizers could just blow up the doll and string it up on the flagpole outside the hotel where the conference is taking place. You might even make a buck by having the doll drop some credit card apps down whenever someone stops to look up at it (assuming your non-compete has run out).
It’s only fitting that we remember whose shoulders we stand on.
I am linking to your comment tomorrow #priceless – TBBManagement: Maybe not, it may be perceived as encouraging him 🙂
I was going to honor the credit card pioneer by donating all the conversions dinero for the month to the Wounded Warriors “charity” and then, please sit down, matching it dollar for dollar after cashing in my bitcoin stash at my Coinbase account (when I can access it, they have been a little busy lately…just a little haha).
But I like your idea better woohoo!
It’s snowing here and I can’t get a hold of my snow plowing service guy #ohnoooooo
This made my day!
This may be a better idea. Why don’t all 11 or 12 of you regular readers meet at a Starbucks in Ann Arbor. I’m sure you basement dwellers with scores so low you can’t support your idol will get your parents to let you out of the basement for a couple hours to have your gathering. You can raise an effigy if George and chant “Punk George. All hail Punk George Punkadopolous” He is our moral straight arrow leader, copy and paste master, and whiner extrodanaire. You’ll need about two booths and at this event somebody will actually care enough to ask George his opinion. The rest of the hobby sure doesn’t.
And more good news, if you are real whiny, mean and complaining on Friday, I’ll comment again and Punk George will do another weekend post for you.
Naaaah, I think we are good with the Ingy blow up doll, thanks!
You guys just have a great time whining!
Winners laugh and tell jokes, while losers piss and moan
It seems like there is only whinner in this thread. Don’t you agree?