Here is another post with five Best of Web links from around the web: An interview of epidemiologist Larry Brilliant about the forever virus of course, looking back over the 35 year career and the investing experience lessons of a Chief Investment Strategist, a fascinating interview of a Michelin Guide restaurant inspector and his confessions, a shocking account of the Gatorade drink history and we end with some award winning bird photography, have a great week!
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The Best of Web posts are much shorter in length with material that is a notch or two above what you see in the regular TBB posts.
Sometimes you can pull up the pay-walled article using site.
Click on the headline for the link!
The ‘Forever Virus’ Won’t Go Away Until Kids Get Vaccinated
Epidemiologist Larry Brilliant on the Delta surge, chaos at the CDC, and why the under-12s are key to ending the pandemic. Must read imho. A few selected excerpts, you should read the whole thing.
I think that’s absolutely true about the CDC. Can an organization have PTSD? Post Trump. We didn’t understand how deep it went. You had a bunch of political hacks, going through and changing scientific papers to make them more appealing as they go up the line. It takes a long time to change that.
Now we have the Delta variant. It’s the most infectious disease of our lifetimes.
Our biggest error going forward is a failure to understand that wherever there is a nexus of people who are vulnerable and not vaccinated, that’s where the next variant production factory will be.
I do think that it’s the forever virus, and a lot of people were mad about that title. I wasn’t particularly happy that I wrote it. But it’s right, unfortunately. But influenza is a forever virus and we live with it. Measles is a forever virus and we live with it. I would argue smallpox was forever for 10,000 years—which isn’t exactly forever, but it’s a long enough time. And we found a way to vaccinate people and go about our business until we eradicated it. So I think that Covid or coronaviruses are a new category of forever viruses. But what Covid doesn’t need to be is the forever-virus-taking-all-the-oxygen-out-of-the-air-and-ruining-everybody’s-life-and-stopping-people-with-heart-attacks-from-going-to-the-hospital virus.
Songs of Experience: Reminiscences of a Strategist
I really enjoyed this post by Liz Ann Sonders, the Chief Investment Investment Strategist of Chalrles Schwab & Co., Inc. looking back over her 35 year career. And it has an excellent collection of investing quotes that I loved and I am sure you will too! A few of my favorites are pasted here, read the article for lots more!
“Bull markets are born on pessimism, they grow on skepticism, they mature on optimism and they die on euphoria.” – Sir John Templeton
“Forecasts are difficult to make—particularly those about the future.” – Burton G. Malkiel
“You never get poor by taking a profit.” – Peter L. Bernstein
“If I had learned anything after years in the business, it was how little I could ever know about what the market would do tomorrow.” – Chuck Schwab
Confessions of a Michelin Inspector
Fascinating look back working eating your way through restaurants vying for the Michelin stars! If you are into food you will love this, I guarantee it!
Gaining a Michelin star, or three, isn’t simply a mark of excellence, it means your restaurant status goes automatically from a great choice to a must. We had the great pleasure to speak to Chris Watson, ex-Michelin Guide inspector, about the complexity of this rating system, the weight of allocating stars, what it takes to get the highly-coveted three star rating at the oldest European hotel and restaurant reference guide. Hailing from Scotland where, as a child, he was regaled with some of the world’s best meats and produce, Chris spent his Michelin tenure covering the UK and Europe regions. He is as passionate and insightful on the topic of cuisine as ever, despite leaving the guide to become an entrepreneur, food writer and consultant, now based in Bangkok.
No excerpts from the interview that you can listen to it too, you are going to eat this up! 🙂
Why the University of Florida gets a ~$20m cut of Gatorade profits every year
At the next gathering you have impress everyone about some facts regarding Gatorade! The history how the drink was invented and what happened after that will shock you, I am certain of that. I will spare you the fascinating details, just consider the fact that the University of Florida is making MILLIONS from royalties, a business deal inked years ago and….Just look at this chart, wow! Thank you Robert Cade.
2021 Bird Photographer of the Year Awards
Amazing photography here, enjoy.

Good morning!
The links are particularly good this morning. Thanks!
The support clicks are particularly non existent this month too…
I used to always use the Amazon thing. Wish it hadn’t gone away. 2 New cards in the last 6-7 months, so going slow to stay under 5/24. Still trying to decide on the next Hotel card. I am a sucker for the free night certs! 3.5 week road trip and under $&00 for hotels in total makes me smile!
+1 on Amazon. I’m in a situation where I can’t have new inquiries on my credit for a while or I would have tried your links.
Silver! For the Pacific Northwest! (now that I am back home). As DML says, really great links today!!
I agree this stupid virus will be with us a long time, but also I see it slowly changing some and once the people who it affects really badly, and more are vaccinated, I think it will become another thing. Hopefully by then we can get back to some semblance of what we laughingly called normal, before.
Considering the efficacy of the vaccines, we have a great opportunity to eliminate COVID, similar to how we eradicated small pox and soon polio. Sure, there may be a future COVID- XY version popping up. At least we’ll have some potentially life saving drugs ready to be used. And as long as we keep investing in vaccine preparedness, our response will be much more robust. More importantly will governments continue to invest in this 10-20 years from now?
The first step is to ban any risky virus research (like the gain of function research proposal submitted by UNC & global health alliance) and stop collecting large amounts of bat poop.
Waiting for Dan from DansDeals to post another article about the Chinese lab was behind it all…. 🙂
We have been so wrong with this virus so many times…We don’t know what is going to happen… developing.
I think it is time for Alan H. to start another rumor about the 80k Citi Premier bonus to vanish ANY day now so please HURRY. But I mean, seriously, 80k AA miles easy…if you get approved, good luck. Anyone? So I can pay some bills around here 🙂
8 miles running today…maybe I have a shot in Athens… BelieveIt
If I had a dollar for every comment I deleted from a certain individual who is obsessed with my blog. And it is not Ingy, he got over it…to his credit (pun intended).
Are you talking about that Frank Fritz poser? He did get you good!
every day he comments here and I delete them…at least Ingy stopped commenting but this guy just keeps doing it. It is…strange to put it mildly.
Will anyone be first this month?
Come on, 100k CSP, best offer ever, it won’t last, hurry!
I have material for a post tomorrow but for some strange reason I am not feeling it you guys…
9 year birthday in a month from now while I am in Greece just feels great in joining Mile Nerd in retirement.
The whining will stop when, you know….
At least we all survived the Great Facebook/Instagram/Whatsapp Crash of 2021…
Debating going for one of the Marriott personal cards to get the elite nights. But then I think I’d start making irrational decisions based on ‘free’ breakfast.
Obviously not eligible for the CSP or basically anything good, seemingly. Probably my next move is taking a Amex Gold to Platinum upgrade offer.
That is, unless you would like to sell me a NLL Biz Platinum link? (Kidding)
Looking back I should have applied for that Marriott card with the five nights, oops.
Rumor: TBB will post again….someday.
Three is a CSP sales orgy going on right now in the blogosphere….
I am disgusted and tired. No post tomorrow.
Friend dropping her dog to watch him for four hours. Pluto time, hope it does not rain for a walk.
I guess I am done until the first conversion in October hits…
Joe Biden, the winner, was nearby giving a speech. In Trump town, taking it to them, finally a Prez who puts America first #zing
Biggest test today for my running…run for 90 minutes, prayers welcome.
View From The Wing: “Passengers Were Shocked When A Monkey Sidled Up To The Bar In An Airport Lounge”.
One Mile at a Time: “Westin Leipzig Accused Of Shocking Anti-Semitism”
This blog has earned ZERO this month and at this time it is in the hole…See you all whenever, so much for trying to have a quality blog avoiding clickbait shit that so many ass kissing bloggers link to smh.
You need to create a sense of urgency. I don’t think the container ship backlog will be cleared before xmas. Shop early this year. And that’s why you have to get the amazing CSP today!
I am out until the first conversion happens. Donations of at least $5 counts too. I already have two posts in October and ZERO brought in.
On the other hand, ran 8.25 miles today so I am starting to believe…
Just tweeted this around 10 pm Wednesday:
No new post tomorrow Thursday. But I will try to do a new post on Friday.
Thanks to the reader who got a CSP with my links, you are FIRST this month, GOLD medalist and no one can take that away from you!
Seriously, quarter end, pushing Nov work to Oct, more running, just no time!
This was asked from me on Twitter, my REFERRAL link for the new Hyatt Business Card:
The only attractive thing about the card is the 75k bonus, nothing else. Definitely not a keeper, unless you are own a business with lots of spend, just LOVE Hyatts and are willing to let other cards rest comfortable in your sock drawers….
Is it “easier” to get the hotel branded Business Chase cards than the Inks?
No idea
NEW Post tomorrow Friday at 6.30 am!
To celebrate my first and only cc conversion in October #winning?