Here is another post with five Best of Web links I have found deemed worthy to share with you: A very insightful post about the many worlds of enough and how to prevent greed taking over, an Excel TikToker who excels online as a one-woman operation making hundreds of thousands of dollars some days, the grim Covid-19 future, another version of the ’52 Things I Learned’ series in 2021 and ending with the most amazing shots of eyes you have ever seen!
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The Best of Web posts are much shorter in length with material that is a notch or two above what you see in the regular TBB posts.
Sometimes you can pull up the pay-walled article using the site.
Click on the headline for the link!
The Many Worlds of Enough
Must read. Reading this I kept nodding my head. Because I sure noticed how it applies to me. Maybe I started this blog after realizing I had enough and if I did not and kept going reaching for ever higher monetary goals I would, you know, hurt myself?
It’s the perpetual branching of identity that results from progress, as progress provides you with the confidence and ability to actualize greater things (resulting in further progress). The cyclical nature of this process is what makes it so difficult to stop, and is what prevents us from ever settling on what Enough means.
Enough is elusive because when you reach it, you’re no longer the person that once desired it.
Despite what spiritual gurus might tell you, ambition is critical to the development of a healthy mind. Without it, you will never know what challenges you’re capable of facing, and how you can tap into the best of yourself to solve them accordingly. Ambition is important because it provides a sense of purpose, which is one of the keys to giving life its meaning. Greed, on the other hand, is different.
It’s rather difficult to know where this point is, as the boundary between ambition and greed can be blurry. But for the most part, you’ve entered the domain of greed when you no longer pursue an endeavor because you’re curious about it. It’s when the coldness of utility replaces the warmth of curiosity. Ambition morphs into greed when you stop listening to your inner compass, and start paying attention to what your actions may do for external things like your reputation. Enough is what remains when you remove these desires for approval or praise. It’s when you conduct an honest audit of your needs, and understand what has been conditioned into you, and what is true to who you are.
This is the most important thing to internalize. You must self-adjust your definition of enough, instead of having it forced upon you. Wisdom is in self-correction, while misery is in coerced correction. Identity change is best manifested through small, intentioned steps, and not through a massive, surprising event.
How an Excel TikToker manifested her way to making six figures a day
I am blown away by what this talented lady has managed to accomplish online! Very educational article about doing business online these days.
Kat Norton is a Microsoft Excel influencer. She has over a million followers on TikTok and Instagram, where she goes by the name Miss Excel, and she’s leveraged that into a software training business that is now generating up to six figures of revenue a day. That’s six figures a day. And she’s only been doing this since June 2020.
Kat is a one-woman operation, with no staff or management layer. She uses her iPhone and consumer software to make her videos, and I’ve got to say, she has one of the healthiest relationships with the social platforms of maybe any creator I’ve ever talked to: she thinks of them purely as marketing channels for the video courses she sells elsewhere. That’s a big flip from the traditional creator business model, which is usually aimed at monetizing the platforms directly. Kat’s just not doing that.
This blog is a one-man operation and is now losing money so…I read the first article about having Enough to feel better about myself lol.
Will We Ever Get Rid of COVID-19?
This has been a hell of a surprising virus so never say never. But…No matter how much we’d like to eradicate SARS-CoV-2, it may be better to settle for other forms of control.
Anyway, amid the latest Omicron wave, we have a long way to go to even start thinking about such an eventuality. A pipe dream in my unofficial amateur epidemiologist opinion that many scientists agree with! 🙂
52 things I learned in 2021
Every year during the holidays I publish blog posts with annual best of lists. I have started accumulating them and will start posting them in about a few weeks from now. 10 links per blog post as usual. So, come back here often and click on my ads! Oh wait, I have no ads to hurt your beautiful eyes.
I am making an exception and posting this one here because it belongs in a Best of Web post. This guy has been doing these posts annually and I love them. Talk about educational which is the first item listed in my blog’s mission!
I picked a few favorites to excerpt:
The world’s second most popular electric car (after the Tesla Model 3) is the Wuling HongGuang Mini, which costs $5,000 and outsells vehicles from Renault, Hyundai, VW and Nissan
The median estimated body-mass index of cabinet ministers is highly correlated with conventional measures of corruption.
Clean rooms used to make semiconductors have to be 1,000x cleaner than a surgical operating theatre, because a single transistor is now much smaller than a virus.
A community of 100 Zimbabweans have been clearing mines in the Falkland Islands for the last decade.
The entire global cosmetic Botox industry is supported by an annual production of just a few milligrams of botulism toxin. Pure toxin would cost ~$100 trillion per kilogram.
Your Beautiful Eyes
This site posts close up shots of eyes. And you won’t believe your eyes how they look, WOW!

And I leave you with this…

Good morning Buzz,
Thanks for the links and have a great weekend
Yes, the links are terrific!
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Management Note: This blog has earned ZERO since November 22. I think my credit card link days are numbered. And so is the blog. I can tolerate not making much here but losing money to Educate/Entertain/Inspire is a bit much for my inner peace and psyche. Have hit dry spells before but this one takes the cake, WOW!
Covid has struck my family.
As I said, we are all going to get this phucking virus eventually…
No details will be revealed until…we are in the clear.
Wishing a speedy recovery to the TBB family! Get boosted as soon as eligible, if not already done!
Sending good vibes your way!!!
Yikes, wishing y’all a speedy recovery. Got my booster last week, I figure we’re all going to get it eventually so may as well be prepared.
Hope for the best.
Thanks for the pimping. Just used your link to sign up for a credit card.
Also, son currently in Thessaloniki after a brief stint in Santorini. I asked him how Thessaloniki was and he went into a story about being harassed by aggressive trinket sellers. Apparently, they impressed him with their advanced skills.
(He harassed them back. Probably, thought he was crazy!)
DAMMIT! I am sorry the Covid has hit your family. Best wishes to all of you during this! Hoping for a super speedy recovery!
As far as the Enough article, it took me over 60 years to realize I “had enough” and could stop constantly worrying about the rest of my life (financially, anyhow) Great article!
Take care!!!
Hoping for a quick and easy recovery for you and your family.
Also, I have seen things about that Excel ‘influencer’ the last few months. I’m probably just jealous if it’s real, but it’s really off-putting how much it’s mentioned that she’s making ‘six figures a day.’ Who is paying that? Do they not have Google?
Holy Ann Arbor Batman, the kid hit gold today, miracle of miracles.
All kidding aside, I wish you and your family all the best and a speedy recovery.
Covid is a bitch, pardon my French, but I think you speak the language.
I’ve been dealing with it for 18 months now, and I just wanna go to the beach and have a sweet cortado. Not being able to smell Thanksgiving dinner for 2 years in a row should be considered a punishable crime.
Never had allergies or asthma in my life. I’m 60 years old and my pulmonologist says my heart and lungs look like I’m 29. I’m still inhaling steroids and using an inhaler every single friggin day. Yes, fair to say I’m a little frustrated at this point…and that cortado.
After all this, I’m thankful to just be alive, most of the time.
Thanks for listening, I apologize in advance and sincerely wish you Godspeed.
OhMyGod I will be praying for your familily to return to good helath. I have not met anyone who has this virus yet hopefully it passes quickly and quietly. When all is well agiain in your home, perhaps you can share tips on how you handled it without getting sick for youer wife and you. that would be helpful to others my father George.
Hoping like hell that your family gets and stays well.
Some good news: inflation-adjusted college tuition is finally starting to fall:
Meanwhile, inflation getting out of control
Thanks for the comments.
Family member is doing fine, mild flu symptos except for one day really bad flu symptoms… #developing
I am posting a new blog post this Monday morning if I can finish it.
Thanks to the two regular Paypal donation readers supporting the blog for $35 month to date. It goes to pay my WordPress guy, he charges $36 per month. CC conversions have dried up since November 22. At some point I am going to come to my senses and join so many ex bloggers in retirement…until that day, enjoy reading my posts.
Be right there with you. 🙂
Till then…