The Best of Web posts are much shorter in length with material that is a notch or two above what you see in the regular TBB posts. It also gives me a short break midweek because I need it. Here is another post with five links about how we will be dealing with the aftermath of the pandemic, too many crazy coins floating around these days, the legend of criminal Dagobert in Germany who evaded police for years, there is a real estate frenzy going on too and possibly the best storm picture ever. TBB on!
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What Happens When Americans Can Finally Exhale
The latest by Ed Yong of The Atlantic. He reminds us that the pandemic’s mental wounds are still open. I think we are all trying to come to terms what we are living through, we are all changed. Must read to try to make some sense of it all. link if you need it but please consider buying your own subscription, it is well worth it imho. This archive linking shortcut is not working on iPhones it appears, sad.
A sweeping and continuous crisis produces two almost paradoxical phenomena. First, people become inured and apathetic to suffering at a mass scale, experiencing what the psychologist Paul Slovic of the University of Oregon has called psychic numbing. But people also become sensitized to further traumas in their own life. Silver has repeatedly found this pattern among people who experience successive disasters, such as 9/11, Hurricane Sandy, and the Boston Marathon bombings. Many didn’t habituate: Each new blow brought more stress, not less. “Around the one-year anniversary of COVID, a number of journalists asked me, ‘It’s been a year; why aren’t we adjusted to this?’” Silver told me. “I found that question very unusual.” The pandemic hasn’t been a one-off disaster but “a slow, recurrent onslaught of worsening things,” adds Tamar Rodney, from the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, who studies trauma. “We can’t expect people to go through that and for everyone to come out the other side being fine. People suffered in between, and those effects must be addressed, even if we’re walking around maskless.”
Inside the Rise and Fall (And Rise and Fall) Of ShitCoins
I have been blogging away here screaming to the void how totally insane some areas of the current investing environment are. Welcome to the era of “pump and dump,” where investors bummed about missing out on getting rich with Bitcoin are being taken for rides by online jokesters pushing tokens with nonsensical names and no clear value. I must warn you to try to keep your head steady reading this as it may shake violently, you have been warned!
If this all seems a little ridiculous, it’s designed to be. The entire premise of shit coins is to play on people’s anxieties by inflating every aspect of the coin in question. Think of it like theater, in which the entire internet is the stage, and every social platform, messaging app, and meme is at the disposal of the actors who are trying to pump up the value of a specific coin so they can make money, and then run off with the proceeds before everyone else realizes they’ve been conned by a group of rogue investors.
There is a certain genius to the shit coin market. It’s not just odd and infantile names, or the pump-and-dump scammers who manipulate the space, but every aspect of the coins are meant to create the ultimate sense of FOMO, and also a promise of extreme wealth. One example is the sheer number of coins out there. While traditional cryptocurrencies operate on a supply-and-demand metric of economics, where there is a limit to the number of available coins in the marketplace (there are currently only about 18 million Bitcoins in the Bitcoin maker space, which is partially why the price is currently so high), shit coins take the complete opposite approach, flooding the market with as many coins as their algorithms can create.
Where are the regulators, looking at you SEC!
The Strange Story of Dagobert, the “Ducktales” Bandit
I had no idea about this guy, what a fun story…and what a character, wow! In the nineties, a frustrated artist in Berlin went on a crime spree—building bombs, extorting high-end stores, and styling his persona after Scrooge McDuck. He soon became a German folk hero. There has to be a movie about this guy, Bill Murray will be perfect imho. This would never happen in the US, they would have shot him dead way before he became so famous and made the German police look like a joke. Here is the Link.
The police, meanwhile, were beginning to look like fools. During one money handoff, officers ambushed Dagobert on a grassy embankment in Berlin. One officer tried to grab him but slipped and fell, and Funke managed to escape on a bike. The media reported that the officer had slipped on dog poop, creating gag headlines across the country. Ulrich Tille, a lead investigator on the case, said that Dagobert was making his officers “the idiots of the nation.” The police tipped off the press to their next handovers, hoping that the journalists would see a heroic capture. But, in October, 1992, the press watched several more train handovers in which the police failed to capture Dagobert. The journalist Zand-Vakili recalled that, at one point, he saw a police officer kicking a pillar in anger.
One of the reasons you come here is to be entertained. I bring Dagobert to you! 🙂
Thread on Current Real Estate Frenzy
…a Bethesda, Maryland homebuyer working with Redfin included in her written offer a pledge to name her first-born child after the seller. She lost.
Inventory is down 37% year over year to a record low. The typical home sells in 17 days, a record low. Home prices are up a record amount, 24% year over year, to a record high. And still homes sell on average for 1.7% higher than the asking price, another record.
For low-tax states, 4 people move in for every 1 who leaves. For Texas, this ratio is 5:1; for Florida, 7:1.
And I leave you with this…Found here. BEST shot, WOW!

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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
It’s fixed!!! Gold for the Pacific Northwest! 🙂
Great stuff today! I can be slightly risky in investments, but wouldn’t touch any of this Coin stuff with a ten foot pole. No way!
Thanks for the articles as always!!
What a great storm photo!
Some warned that that housing bubble in 2007/8 would pop. We may end up with a pricing bubble here. The ultimate bubble is Canada. I feel sorry for the young Canadian generating looking for a house/apartment. You can thank the central banks for this. With permanent low interest rates, a “strawberry picker” can afford a $500k house. Interest payment in Canada are only $7.5k year! Dirty cheap!
Enjoyed the Dagobert story – thanks
Keep preaching the gospel on the shitcoins! A lot of people are getting / will get burned.
Had some scare in the morning with site tech stuff. For some unexplained reasons formatting was way off and comment section was messed up. But things cleared up…I wonder how many conversions were lost due to this downtime——>LOL
Bubbles are always obvious…in hindsight.
So, I guess I am not hitting up Nick for my TBBCoin coming soon 🙂
Thanks for the comments.
Rams: You are banned here, do something productive other than trolling blogs you do not like, stop wasting our time, thanks.
Burning it up!
Wife wants beach and so do I so…Miami Beach Confidante Hotel it is.
Gotta love the Twitter Hyatt team, amazing service!
Now off to book the tickets, wish me luck.
Good luck Buzz
Dagobert was a great read, thank you!
Buzz Coin…got a nice ring to it…
To infinity and beyond…bankruptcy
Movie: Dagobert—> Bill Murray
Actually, there is an ETF with symbol BUZZ now…so I am going to stick with TBBCoin 🙂
I enjoy Bill Murray as much as the next guy, but dude has been on cruise control for approaching 20 years. And it’s probably fair to say he’s earned it. I’ve never been one to fault an artist for accepting money someone wants to give them, even if it is for Garfield. But I’m curious what you would think his last actual good movie or performance was.
Depending on your mileage of voice roles (Isle of Dogs, Fantastic Mr. Fox) or cameos (Various Wes Anderson or I guess the first Zombieland), you gotta go back pretty far. Non-Anderson Division I’d say you have to go back to Broken Flowers.
Yeah, no doubt I agree!
But I still think playing this Dagobert dude…may fit him so well that he may actually wanna do it and come out of his funk 🙂 I can just see him working alone making little bombs and then calling the police with instructions and running/getting away from it 🙂
Yeah….not happening
Am I alone in seeing a certain resemblance between Bill Murray and Andy Shuman, of The Lazy Traveler?
If you take away the moustache…yes!
How legends are born 🙂
Actually friend’s dad went to an audition for the hell of it when he was almost 60. And has been acting ever since, I think he is 91 now… If that happens to Andy, he will thank TBB one day when he accepts the Oscar 🙂
Oh shit, I am not done with tomorrow’s post yet! Guess I will do it early am tomorrow
Oh, I don’t know. Andy’s neither that old nor that good-looking.
And: “ link if you need it but please consider buying your own subscription.”
Come on George, that’s like saying fly free but consider buying your own airline ticket. 🙂 Not how my brain is wired… Just open the link in Chrome Incognito and voíla.
Seriously, I can’t subscribe to every publication that’s begging me for money. When some college kids build a Netflix-type empire for print media, I’ll pay $7.99 a month for an ad-free plan.
Never give up 🙂
Last good Bill Murray: Lost in Translation.
But in his latest by Sofia Coppola, he plays a silly parody of himself…like usual.
That said, I too see him as Dagobert. Unless Andy wants it. 😉
I can’t believe there has been no Dagobert movie yet…as far as I know