We bring you the best treks in the world, learn how United bribes, visit the Ghost City of Ani, weep over the deflated Prestige card, fantasize about visiting the new Conrad near Bora Bora, marvel at some amazing ancient architectural wonders, go to Namib desert to check out the stars at night, laugh at baby Rocky and bring back reader favorite BLOG BUZZ with some random thoughts that come to my head as not much action lately in the miles/points world…
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
BLOG BUZZ returns way down in this post. This happens when there is just not much going on in the miles & points space π
Conrad is rebranding a Hilton on Motu Toβopua, an islet off the coast of Bora Bora in French Polynesia. Rumors are running wild that each night will cost 678,000 points for the absolute worst room in it.
If you were interested to read more about what United did and why it was prosecuted for bribery, you can read this at Cranky Flier.
16 Ancient Architectural Wonders. An AFAR list. Those Greeks are so amazing π
10 Best Treks in the World. I saved this into Evernote for the time I sell out for millions hehe.
10 Predictions About the Future That Should Scare the Hell Out of You. Ok, I am scared!
Jaw Dropping Timelapse of the Night Sky in the Namib Desert.
Baby trains like Rocky Balboa. Mega LOL material!
Your personal finance fix of the day: The Two Biases That Keep People From Saving Money. They are: “present bias” and “exponential-growth bias.” Some great observations here. It also applies to our hobby as well. Everyone wants to travel for free without lifting their finger expecting it all to be spelled out with pics and arrows…Ok, I better stop #beingpositiveLOL
2016 iPhone Photography Award Winners. Here is: Junfeng Wang From Shanghai, China, 1st Place, Nature. I no longer use my digital camera, only my phone…
The Ancient Ghost City of Ani. No Hyatt anywhere near, love it! Below you see The Monastery of the Hripsimian Virgins, in the ruins of the city of Ani, Turkey.
I love Twisted Sifter. I probably said it a million times. Why? Because it brings to readers’ attention stuff like this…More similar pics like the one below HERE
Hey, read the title of my blog: “Travel BLOGGER BUZZ“. So…I am the unofficial blog critic of the space, keep observing it and bring you whatever I think is worthy…ALWAYS keeping the mission of the blog as my main goal!
We all survived yet another round of ridiculous pump jobs selling the Citi Prestige card. Only to take a breather for the next credit card promo…Of course, the pumping never stops, suck readers in with misleading click-baity headlines and then pump them with the same plastic cards they sell every day #sigh.
I have a dream…
This is getting absolutely ridiculous, the pumpy emails keep coming, seriously Award Wallet?
A reader informed me that there have been no posts by Rick I and Howie at Frugal Travel Guy for a while. Not that I ever go there anymore. The one FTG “newsletter” email pumping me more plastic is enough…Just can’t.go.there anymore. They probably moved on.
There is not enough worthy miles & points news happening. MS (whatever is left) has gone underground with lips sealed. Too many bloggers hunting to stand out in the crowded…crowd! Economy doing well. Planes full. Banks fat and happy tightening the noose around our necks steadily. Highest hotel occupancy rates. Hugely sad mergers (Marriott buying SPG and Accor buying Fairmont REALLY hurt). Award seats disappearing (looking at you AA). These are not good times for us…but hey, your investment portfolio is doing well! Riiiiight?Β π
I love Michigan grown cherries!
Uber loaded a 50% code for 10 rides until August 1st. I wish I could send it to you guys…I am good here.
Mailing list can’t get over 400 because…I have not logged into Mailchimp for 2 months. The daily email though goes out like clockwork now. Screw you GoDaddy #goodriddance
I should do a giveaway or something…
Thinking of having a college student I have helped get into the hobby (going to another trip next week, Spain!) do some guest posts from a perspective of “Hey, I knew nothing about this and this is what I have managed to do and this is what TBB has taught me”. So many ideas, so little time.
And I leave you with this…
Please help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links, thank you!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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Happy Hump Day! It’s gooooolden…
It’s baaaaack.
Delta β $330: San Francisco β Hong Kong / Taipei. Roundtrip, including all Taxes
The kid basketball gif looks like its been featured here once before…
I was afraid of that…Did not move the gif to “Past TBB Gif/Pic” folder.
You can ask for compensation…go ahead! Lol.
“Top 4 Credit Cards for a San Francisco based traveler”
Really? If you fall for this bullshit, you are asking for it at this point…
Yeah…waiting for the Duluth, MN version!
Buzz, are people really upset that Melania Trump may have only written the “Hello my name is Melania Trump” part of the speech and not much else? Shocking! What will happen if it comes out that she MAY of had a little plastic surgery?…I don’t care either way, “Lets Make America HOT Again” Vote Trump.
Looks like congratulations may be in order for that new blog ‘North Korean Klock Lady’s Free Travel Secret’s Others Are Afraid To Tell You’. Word on the street is that Brian Cohen’s TheGate and the other fine investigative journalistic blogs over at BoardingArea will be teaming up with N.K.K.L.F.T.S.O.A.A.T.T.Y. in the near future. I will keep you up to date on this TBB BREAKING NEWS STORY. Fingers crossed!
Whatever happened to Kumar? Like Rick I and Howie he has not written much lately.
Is it me or are the funniest GIF’s the ones where some gets clobbered by something. Buzz it may be time to break out your best GIF ever. The male fashion model wearing high heels that trips, falls and knocks over all the stage props. Now that’s entertainment.
On a more serious note, I absolutely respect the abilities of Hillary Clinton to serve as President. Hopefully she will stand up for our law enforcement community more. The one thing about her I do not respect is that she stayed married to a man who poking every woman he could. I know all marriages are different but I would have a lot more respect for her if she had dumped him after they left the White House. Running for President someday must of been the plan all along and why she stayed with him, not so cool. That being said I believe Bill Clinton (horny bastard) was the best President of my lifetime, 8 years where it seemed all is right with the world.
Yesterday I RT’ed this on Twitter:
Donald Trump “is intensely loyal…he will never let you down.” –his third wife
Oh that gif, yeah one of all time favorites, I will repost it again when the queue is depleted! Just found an excellent source of art with a byline that is super hilarious, MANY of them.
To me, this Trump clown must lose and lose BIG. Lose in such way it will be amazing. I do not like Hillary but when the alternative is Trump….no contest!
I agree about Bill. I don’t care about his personal life…really liked his years as President. Let make America Clinton like again….Just messing with some hard core Republicans here π
When Trump Jr mentioned “blue collar” I almost threw up in my mouth. Then, he mentioned how comfortable he feels driving a Caterpillar and….I went to grab a towel, huge mess lol.
Kumar: Where are you?
Rick I. and Howie: Don’t care where you are, nothing personal! π
If either #PantSuitonFire or #realOrangeBuffoon wins, I’m moving to Costa Rica… ;~}
Seriously what a shit show US politics is, has been, will be…
Hillary blows. As long as she loses Im ok. Trump isnt my guy but anyone but Hillary works for me. Hey as long as that Fed keeps pumping, we can pretend the MsMarket and the Economy is doing great.
Well, if she blew well….
I respectfully disagree. I just think Trump is such a blowhard dufus that the Republican party should be ashamed of jtself. Not even close man!
I like this economy. Trump’s non sense is a grave danger to it. Could it be better for a portion of the popularion that represents most Trump voters? …Yes! But they will likely get hurt more by this narcissist buffoon!
To me, it comes down to voting for the one who suck less, sign of a true democracy lol. And in my opinion, in this election, it is not even close.
I am not going to change your mind and neither you will change mine…so we are just wating time in da internet π
Only difference is you seem to drink a lot of lefty KoolAid. Thats ok, I just disagree with your water carrying for Democrats. We can move on.
OMAAT is now pumping the Citi Executive card. Didn’t everyone get several of these for the 100K bonus? He claims it now has an “increased value.” #conversions
#Pumping the ability to bring your whole family tree into the AC fer cryin’ out loud. Leff does the same f’ing thing — and when that benefit goes away??
Looks like the AA Executive card is the plastic de jour now…
Anyways, this space is just dead these days…
Classic Buzz post today, yeah baby !
“Jaw dropping”
iPhone photo
mini-rant about pumping
Michigan cherries
Hong Kong fare (but I’m flying biz class)
Basketball gif
third wife
OK that was my blog post reviewing today’s bloggerbuzz.