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A post at Loophole Travel about some good Amex offers incognito style. I keep doing that and nobody will click on MY Amex links #facepalm #it’sok #readercomesfirst
The Citigold checking account for 50k offer is pretty good, you can read the details on this post by Miles to Memories. I first saw it at reddit if you want to get deeper.
Transaero Airlines is going out of business soon. It was Russia’s second largest airline. I really feel sorry about the staff working there and counting the days.
So anyone care to comment about Milepoint? There was a lot of hype leading to some type of relaunch this weekend. At press time I hadn’t noticed much. Update: Looks like Milepoint is now Inside Flyer.
There were reports of a huge party at Delta Headquarters. That blog with Delta in its name changed its name! I visited it once after many months to read the news, shook my head repeatedly and left…

Well, it was a matter of time, it happened again. Gun Violence in America in 17 maps & charts.

I am no longer a landlord! Bought current home end of 2007, rented old home since then until today. I am not a market timer but hey that was pretty good! Feels incredible, what a huge relief! I don’t have to deal with all the crap anymore, yes! Has anyone noticed a big hit on their credit score if you paid off your mortgage debt? I am very close and don’t want to be denied on some of my mileage earning credit card apps lol #sick
WTF does this mean???

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Don’t call it a comeback. Ive been here for years. First!
Would like to do that AA 50K Citigold offer but apparently you must already have a Citi AAdvantage MC.
Hmmm . . .
Still thinking about how this would fit in with Chase, they will cut you off if you have 5 new cards in 2 years IIRC (I have two new ones). Buzz I think I read they said it looked like you were just doing it for the miles, before that I had the idea to open another Ch United card, for business though and rake in another 50K points with them.
Still like taking things one step at a time though, get too much on my plate and I’m liable to forget something. Maybe that’s how they make money on these deals ? Checking account monthly fees or minimum balances, credit card annual and late fees.
It occurred to me that the business model might actually be to figure in the cost of miles as the price of getting new customers. Do the cc companies actually pay for the miles, or only for the miles actually used ? And exactly how much do they pay for them ? And if they do pay for them, why do the airlines care if you use them, unless the redemptions go far beyond predicted.
Another question, this one about award flights and “premium airfare deals”. People on FlyerTalk and elsewhere are scouring the airfare/flight engines for available seats and flash sales that last for 24 hours to a couple of weeks for various routes and so forth.
It is like a big shell game where everything is kept secret from the consumer. I suppose that’s the only reason that some people are able to get great deals. If everyone knew they’d be gone in a matter of minutes. It just seems funny though. It reminds me a little of buying a record in the old days, out here in the west at least there wasn’t the opportunity to listen to the whole album before buying it. So sometimes you might buy an LP based on the strength of a song or two, only to find the rest of the record wasn’t up to par.
Maybe that wasn’t the best analogy but I felt that it fit.
Wouldn’t it be easier to have some inside sources who could just tell us “pssst hey we will be putting these routes on sale next Wednesday at midnight for just 48 hours if you want to make reservations”.
With Volaris Airlines (Mexico) you can sign up for their “club” for $49 per year and they will send you notices of their sales, which actually are worthwhile. They have had these $69 round trip to wherever they fly which is rather amazing. I happen to be located near enough to Tijuana to be able to fly from there.
Anyway I think you see my point. Hasn’t there got to be some better way to get info on flight deals than all this scouring through flight engines and so forth ?
Thank you.
On the credit score: I got rid of mortgage last year in August and did not see a difference so far. What made a difference was a missed payment on a Barclay US Air card in Feb 2013. I only had the card for the bonus and charged on it also the Internet provider. I think there was an incentive to bill pay or similar. I charged Internet maybe twice and next changed the billing at Brighthouse and forgot about it. I did not track in Mint everything back in the day. Now I do. Brighthouse, of course, charged one more time and I did not notice until 2 months later. Paid, closed the card. Several months later my credit score dropped from about 770 to 730 and has been hovering here ever since. Apparently it takes close to seven years to have the late payment removed. Yet the past 2 years have been very fruitful and I have little currently over 30 cards opened and am running really strong game with the 730 credit. No problems even at Chase (just this year: 2 x southwest 50k , 1 x sapphire 40k, 1 x united 50k, 1 x BA 100k – will receive shortly and work on the spent). Mortgages are lame. It is a way to keep poor people working hard. We better play and travel hard 🙂
So many people here in Oregon, Buzz, especially the further South you go in this State, proudly display their NRA membership sticker in their car’s back window. It has always pissed me off, now more than ever………Obama talking about Roseburg the other day, just reinforces to me what a good man he is. I can only imagine how great a President he could of been if the Right did not do everything in their power to stop/discredit him. RIP Roseburg victims….
Just saw this…Jeb = idiot http://finance.yahoo.com/video/obama-responds-jeb-bush-stuff-211827671.html
Obama not good. Scary that you’d trot that lineout there. He has furthered the States control of its citizens. and yes RIP Rosenburg victims.
I wish I could say I was surprised by your anti gun rhetoric, but instead you try to further your political agenda due when a crisis manifests. Stalin and Lenin used to do the same. Stay classy George.
You know who else did the same?
FDR in 1941
Suharto in 1965
GW Bush in 2001-3
McKinley in 1898
Tirofijo in 1964
Gandhi in 1975
George is all of these rolled into one.
Thanks, though, it’s been a while since we had a patently idiotic comment on this blog.
Where would you like to go on an award?
Mr. Reefer, thanks for your interesting comments, thirty cards, wow !
Sam, I’m heading to Hong Kong next Sept-Oct (2016) for a conference. Have a new girlfriend in London but not sure it is going to work out, but that’s actually the reason I jumped into the FF game. That was my first trip to Europe/UK however and it is such an interesting area that I would like to go back again, girlfriend or not. Sort of waiting to see how things work out and then regroup.
Just realizing I’d even rather blow a couple of grand on a trans oceanic flight than fly coach. 😮 Too painful ! 😀
Hi to all,
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Taking some time off from responding to each comment as I am way too deep into some personal work stuff, third quarter end work. But I did manage to sneak out another post on Sunday, hooray!
Just saw the shooter’s wife come out in support for more gun control, he had no idea his son owned so many guns. Just because it is the right of every citizen to own more than one gun. Or whatever. Still sickened and I obviously have a political agenda, WTF. At least it is not an anti TSA rant.
Have a nice Sunday!
but it should be an anti TSA rant. at least that is valid
No worries Buzz.
My mortgage closed in mid June and it’s still not on my credit report.
Sorry, forgot to add that I can’t figure out why that is. I figure there’s so lag but this is a bit excessive. It’s my first home so I haven’t experienced this before.
Transaero is not closing doors, it’s been punished into being swallowed by Aeroflot. Doing business in mother Russia is anything but boring.