If you clicked this for the free Ebola vaccine…what can I say?
Welcome Nightline viewers! This is your FREE Blog Buzz! Blog Buzz is for long time followers of this hobby and references to blogs/bloggers may not make much sense if you are new to this. You are welcome to stay and read it of course but if you go WTF just remember this note! If you are new here and get lost you are highly encouraged to read the posts NOT starting with “Blog Buzz”. Thank you. Just remember, LOVE is the answer…and snark!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order
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This Blog Buzz Edition covers blog action Friday October 3rd and Saturday October 4th. This is intended to be satire! If you were the subject of satire at SNL and you complained you certainly would look as ridiculous as we aim to make this blog! Feel free to start your own blog to be as ridiculous, hurrryyyyyyyy!
Another Friday Interview – Million Mile Secrets [I wonder if the supply of marginal blogs of “experts” will ever end. I can assure you that the credit card links expertly inserted in these posts will never end though! Some gems:
“I started exploring the fascinating world of Travel Hacking in 2013” – Hey, at least it was not 2014!
The name Chris Guillebeau came up quite a few times, so I pulled up his site and that’s when I was 1st introduced to the idea of travel hacking. I bought his Frequent Flyer Master eBook and also found Million Mile Secrets as well as various other sites about travel hacking, that I never paid attention to before. – [OMG, please beat me with anything you bought with our Amazon link! The sad thing is…these so called “experts’ have no clue of the depths of their expertise cluelessness! Which is certainly not a big deal unless…you go to their site and they already have a “Credit Cards” tab ready to go! And wait, I am sure there will be a “Welcome MMS readers” post and a $25 crappy gift card giveaway shortly. Yikes, seen this movie so many times!]
Just like marrying an American to get a green card, signing-up for credit cards is the easiest way to get a ton of miles, points and cash back. Crazy analogy, I know. – [“What, what? You think that’s funny? It is waaaaay too early to lose it…oh oh”]
If you’re organized and disciplined, you can totally juggle multiple credit cards and reap all the benefits to invest in some free or heavily discounted travel. – [You. Don’t. Say! WOW! Brilliant!]
I would never advise anybody to abuse marriage as a way to get a green card. It’s illegal and not ethical! – [Thanks for the warning dude! For a moment there I thought you were going to warn us about not starting an EBay business so we can avoid getting a card from your site. Soon hey?]
I can’t say I didn’t see it coming, because I read about it on Million Mile Secrets before, but when we called to cancel our Barclays US Airways card after 11 months, they cut our fee in half and threw 10,000 miles at us on top of it. – [OMG. I should try that too! Thanks for the tip! Argghhhhhh!]
I didn’t know how to take better advantage of our miles by transferring them from 1 card to another program. For example, you can transfer Chase Freedom to Chase Sapphire Preferred to an airline or hotel. This I how I merge miles with my United Airlines account in order to get tickets not only for me but also for my daughter. – [Genius! I am so glad I found your blog, this is amazing advice! Just kidding! For your daughter too? I see Titan blogger potential for you!]
I also didn’t know that you can book award flights on another airline if it is in the same alliance. – [Ok, I am trying to be nice here. Really. But COME ON WTF IS THIS? WHY ARE YOU BLOGGING ABOUT MILES/POINTS? JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN START A BLOG IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD. REALLY? MY CAT KNEW THIS YEARS AGO!]
Last but not least I never knew that you can keep your miles from expiring by just having some kind of activity on the account like buying a cheap iTunes gift card. Before, I always tried to spend all my miles before they expired, but I never had enough for a flight ticket. – [Read prior comment. Please. I can’t take anymore experts!]
Not even one comment. For a moment there, I thought I was reading at frugaltravelguy.com. I am not angry. But I think I should be!
Today: Use Your Chase Sapphire Preferred Card on Dining and Earn 3X Points – Million Mile Crap! [Disappointing…not to add the exclamation mark. We like to do it as often as we can as it increases substantially the Amazon orders! If this isn’t the lowest of the low marketing pitches I don’t know what is. Blog has the audacity to pump the “buy your restaurant gift cards with the CSP to earn 3x points” when you can almost always use an Ink card to buy the same restaurant gift cards to earn 5x points. To DH: THIS is what I am talking about….Your favorite blog, really?]
Noob Q&A: Can you apply for multiple business cards, when will the 70k Ink offer end, & more – Noob Traveler [No, you are not hallucinating. Selling this baby again. Pretense for this pump? Reader questions. Yeah, sure, aha, seen this movie before numerous times. No comments again. Can somebody explain how this blog has Chase affiliate links? Can someone show me how or give me some pointers? I look at the Alexa rankings (yeah, back to check them after months as Ingy stopped reporting them to me lol) and my numbers obliterate this blog! WTF! Okay, back on track, sorry I sometimes lose it…how can you not? Just wait for the Lufthansa credit card carpet bombing below!]
One Week Left to Get 70,000 Points With Chase Ink Plus! – Million Ways to Close [Oh God, we have a countdown now! Spare us all! Go away…or go to Chicago “Seminar”. Nine comments. Ignored. One slipped in “You should inform your readers the ink bold will go away in one month. But then again, they don’t pay you right?” ]
50,000 Miles Sign-Up Bonus for Lufthansa Miles & More Card – The Points Guy [At the end of the last Blog Buzz on Thursday, one of our sources embedded deep into these marketing blogs businesses, warned us to watch out about the next big credit card sale. As you may recall, MMS was first out of the gate. Which leads us to believe that the staff here is really really good or, more likely, they get the affiliate links released to them before the others. And now we see TPG coming out second! Hey all you big pumpers at Boarding Area…you are laaaaaaaaaaaaaate! Just reporting what I see, I am not angry! It is pathetic to watch bloggers pump this card…no, even beyond pathetic actually! At least it’s not the amazing Hawaiian Airlines® World Elite MasterCard®…God help us all! To even supersede the pumpiness…TPG pushes the US Airways card in this post too!]
Perhaps the Most Foolhardy Post I Have Ever Written, or Will Ever Write – Thread Tripping [You don’t see this too often. A Boarding Area blog calling out another BA blogger! In this case Seth at The Wandering Aramean gets called out as a Flame Warrior and a “a cross between a Jekyll and Hide, a Jerk and a Tireless Rebutter.” For purely entertainment value here is the link to the post. And I also learned of a great website, Flame Warrior. Classic!]
What’s In Your Wallet? – Frugal Travel Guy [Wouldn’t you like to know? I wouldn’t trust you guys anywhere near my wallet. Why? Because, I don’t know, you will likely use anything you see in my wallet to sell me some more credit cards? In an unimaginative display of pure genius desperation, writer goes through the cards in his wallet so the affiliate links can be unleashed to the clueless newbies who are the bread and butter of this blog! Here is an idea: Have “consultation sessions” at Chicago with newbies for 15 minutes each (Volume counts!), call them “Show us your wallet” and then get them to apply right THERE, brilliant! Entice them with “all go to charity” or something like that. Don’t give up the meat to “Team TPG”. Think!]
70,000 Chase Ink Plus Business Card – What are good uses of Ultimate Rewards points? – Mighty Travels [Gosh, I hope CNN can contact me again.]
Lufthansa Premier Miles & More MasterCard 50,000 Mile Bonus – One Mile at a Time [Really disappointed at View from the Wing. I can’t believe it was beat pumping this card out by this one? GET IT TOGETHER Gary!]
New Year’s in Europe for 25% Fewer Miles With Flying Blue Promo Awards – Millions Mile Manure [One of the crappiest “deals” in the blogosphere becomes a ridiculous, yet AGAIN, excuse to pump readers who don’t know much better a gazillion credit cards. I wonder, where the hell are the SECRETS in this website? Not even a comment! You think maybe readers there are getting a little tired of the repeat of this template-y post every three months or so with just a different moronic headline? Huh? Should I come to Chicago to learn the ins and out of this “secret”. Sick! (holding the barf due to doctor orders…apparently barfing so much is not healthy…who knew!)]
Frugal Guide to Kauai – Frugal Travel Guy [Please don’t come here for general travel advice, there are so many better websites out there! Come here if you want to apply for credit cards. JUST KIDDING! Thank you in advance to the readers who will stand up in Chicago and shout “Travelbloggerbuzz ROCKS and speaks the TRUTH!” hehe.]
Limited Time: 50,000 Mile Sign Up for Lufthansa Miles & More Card – Just Another Points Traveler [Looks like the links finally were given to Boarding Area! Pump away everyone!]
Upcoming Chicago Seminars Plus Chance To Win Tickets! – The CreditCard Guy [“Team TPG and I will be heading to…Chicago...” Team TPG??? If you needed yet another reason not to waste your money consider this! “This will be my third year co-hosting this event with my good friend Rick Ingersoll. known as The Frugal Travel Guy” I see, we got two of the most prolific credit card pumpers co-hosting the event! If you are attending you are contributing to the problem of our favorite hobby being polluted by these prolific serial credit card pumpers who never saw an affiliate link they did not like! Funny how a few souls are asking for information on how to Manufacture Spend in the comments. MS advice from TPG? LOL]
70,000 Point Bonus for Chase Ink Plus Ending Soon, Act Quickly – View From the Wing [ Screw you guys, the Lufthansa card can wait. This one pays so much more! “Press template InkBS#2″. Not even a comment! Maybe readers are finally getting it? I wish and…I doubt it!”]
Ending Soon – 70,000 Bonus From Chase Ink Plus Card – Points, Miles & Martinis [Is it just me? Or shouldn’t this blog be titled “Points, Miles & Credit Cards?” Does anyone ever comment? How can this blog have Chase links? Mystery! Darn Fight Club!”]
American Responds: Bringing Back Some Meals and Improving Snacks – View from the Fancy Class [THANK GOD THE WARM NUTS ARE BACK! LET’S ALL REJOICE. THANK YOU LORD! And dude maybe you should not be so passionate about the Sundaes, they are calorie bombs! So, let’s cut the crap! What is wrong with you? Where is the amazing Lufthansa credit card man??????? You are late, I gave my app to another blogger lol.]
Positive American First Class Catering Changes Coming – One More Credit Every Time [Yep, less than an hour passed, BANG! More warm nuts, hooray!]
Lazy Traveler’s Handbook does a phenomenal job taking down Chris Elliott and I love it with “What Is the Difference Between Ebola And Air France Pilot Strike according to Chris Elliott?” The “consumer advocate” does himself in this time trying to take advantage of the Ebola buzz! Andy writes “Your whole article is a bullshit keyword-based marketing gimmick. Or, maybe not all of it. You have also managed to throw a few affiliate links into the mix, like these:___” Amazingly he throws in some Amazon affiliate product links but hey, it is all to help consumer advocacy and pay his bills wow! Maybe I should try that too here 🙂 And Andy concludes: ” Since I’d had enough, I left him this message:
You have just blown my state-of-the-art bullshitometer into a thousand pieces
I suggest slotting him in Boarding Area between Delta Points and Points, Miles & Credit Cards underneath View from Up High and One More Warm Nut Every Time!
Miles & More Credit Card Signup Bonus Jumps: Up To 50,000 Points! – View from F [Thank God Gary is fine. I was afraid something was wrong! All is good, just took a little longer to pump the latest “deal” ordered to by the banks.]
Cultured: 10 Museum Exhibits You Must See Before They Close – The CreditCard GuyTeam [Written by “TPG Assistant Editor Melanie Wynne“. Wow, how many work in this joint?]
Simple Trick to NEVER Pay Full Price at Amazon With Chase Ink Plus! – Million Mile BS [ Barf! Yep, I just could not go on and finish a Blog Buzz post without one! Can someone ask this to this expert marketer? “How come you tell us to buy Amazon gift cards at office supply stores to earn 5x points with our Chase Ink cards and only use our Chase Sapphire cards every First Friday to earn 3x points?” Please do so in a non angry fashion! End it with “TBB rocks!” Why pay money to watch generators of this crap is beyond me!”]
Learn about Miles and Points Face to Face! – Mommy Points [No thanks. Is this for FREE?]
The Very Best Travel Tricks and Tips – View from ClickBaiting [It sure made me click on it! What a click bait headline! It’s just your typical “here are all the links from the previous month” lazy post. “Very best travel tricks and tips”? Hardly! This makes me angry but I can always control myself…by taking my revenge here!]

That was so cathartic. I now need to go take a shower! When I am done I will apply for the Lufthansa credit card. NOT! Found here
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First! Got ya!
You suck TBB!
You cheating bastard.
If you have something bad to say, just say it!
And thank you for taking the time to comment here as always!
Shelly was right, George, what kind of man are you? I am speechless too!!!
not fair!
Life is not fair too!
Hey I got first last time, so I win, whoo!!! =D
Everyone is a winner here!
Keeping it to the content, I have to disagree here about one of these. Mommy Points linked in detail to FT4RL in her seminar post, which was a go out of the way nice thing to do.
Yes. You should sign her up to speak about mileage running as a family and how to travel to Maldives for FREE 🙂
I am at Panera helping my daughter with her 7th grade paper and they did something to the heating unit…and it is FREEZING! And a bunch of angry looking people who are not as cheery after UofM’s 3rd loss in a row. OMG! Even God tweeted this!
@TheTweetOfGod: I am the Lord thy God, King of the Universe, and I command the University of Michigan to fire Brady Hoke, because come on
I’ve always been an earn and burn type of churner. I view credit cards as tools in a tool box and pick out the one I need for the job. I never had much interest in the Lufthansa card until I learned Condor will be operating direct flights from Portland to Frankfurt. Now it has some relevance.
Ok, sounds good.
George, how are you and Miles Professor going to get along at the DO in Scottsdale?
cat fight! meow. Buzz better hope she does not bring Svetlana, Natalya and Tatyana to PHX for help.
Other than the two noted so many times I have no personal issues with anyone else. It’s all about the content in the blogs…and the sell sell sell mantra 🙂
Waiting for S to unload on the meow sexist mark!
I hope they come – a foursome would be awesome…
Is it just me or can anyone else perfectly envision Miles Professor throwing a glass of wine in Buzz’ face??
I may look fat but I ran FAST…she can’t catch me!
She’s Russian, it’s gonna be interesting…
Thanks for the mention George.
In case you or any of your readers ever find yourself without a bottle opener but in need of a glass of wine:
Thanks 😉
I think you should set your cat up for a 15 minute consultation with Rick in Chicago.
You and your pussycat nose.
My cat will be told to start an EBay business for sure so they can try to sell us the Ink Plus. For totally FREE travel I have no doubt, NO DOUBT, the Barclay Arrival card will also be pushed 🙂
That Kauai write-up at FTG is really weak, even for that site. “If you’re willing to rent a car”. What’s next-“If you’re willing to wear short sleeves and look at the scenery,”
19 minutes on Trip Advisor is a lot more guidance.
Hey George, do I get $25?
Ariana will have competition though. MommyPoints is now writing an entire ebook about Hawaii. She’s now an expert, having spent around 12 total nights spread across three islands.
Sam: You should start sending a few paragraphs and ask for your $25. I am sure they’ll take them! 🙂
TJ: Unbelievable huh? Everyone is an expert these days! What audacity to think of yourself as an expert after discovering travel hacking in 2013 or visiting a place a few times! I think it is disgraceful to portray yourself as an expert when you are not really….or maybe I am just an arsehole!
Alexa rankings are terribly unreliable. At least speaking from other areas of the web (not travel) lots of ways to get visitors that don’t show up there.
And why do you want pointers on how to get affiliate links? Isn’t the point to NOT have them here?
Yeah I know but they do give a very GENERAL public view of site popularity available to all. Do you have a better indicator?
The point here is to provide entertainment 🙂
I have several blogs in the Love and Like lists that do have affiliate links. Nothing wrong with having them. The issues are pummeling the readers to death with them while portraying themselves as “experts” doing all this for friends and family! And of course driving the content!!!
Would the blogosphere be better off without any credit card affiliate links? YES! But the fact remains they provide the ONLY MEANINGFUL way of being compensated for the time someone spends working on a blog!
Case in point. TBB blog revenue yesterday:
Amazon: $2.03
media.net ad: $0.69
I spend more time on my blog than many of these cc pumpers COMBINED. Not fair? Sure. But I am okay with it…for now. If you actually think about it what I am doing is incredibly idiotic….
Maybe I just like to laugh at myself LOL.
Thanks for clicking on my Amazon link by the way 😉