Welcome Wife Swap viewers! This is your FREE Blog Buzz! Blog Buzz is for long time followers of this hobby and references to blogs/bloggers may not make much sense if you are new to this. You are welcome to stay and read it of course but if you don’t get the jokes just remember this note! If you are new here and get lost you are highly encouraged to read the posts NOT starting with “Blog Buzz”. Thank you.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order
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This Blog Buzz Edition covers blog action Tuesday October 7th and Wednesday October 8th on a first Junk in, first Junk out basis. This is intended to be satire! If you were the subject of satire at SNL and you complained you certainly would look as ridiculous as we aim to make this blog! Feel free to start your own blog to be as ridiculous, hurrryyyyyyyy!
Choosing a Rewards Credit Card: 5 Questions Before You Apply – The Points Guy [Every day we come up with ever more ridiculous ways to sell credit cards!]
Apply at usairwaysmastercard.com for the US Airways Premier World MasterCard before it disappears! – Mighty Travels [You know, I think doing them like this without having to pretend is much more straightforward!]
Get to Hawaii, Tahiti, Tokyo, & More Using Ink Plus 70,000 Point Bonus With Korean Air – Million Mile Secrets [Again. Barf! Thanks!]
Is it Time for the Goverment to Regulate Legroom? – View From The Wing [Oh God no please. More back and forth between two Boarding Area bloggers. Hey dude, at least get the headline typo fixed! Correcting Chris Elliott and pushing Libertarian agenda is more like masturbation aesthetics than contributing anything positive. Or maybe I am just an arsehole! Come on, get me more reasons to apply for the Chase Ink Plus card, hurryyyyyy!]
FTU DC Tickets Still for Sale, with More Benefits! – Hack My Trip [I do not like seeing blogs in the Love and Like lists participating in these mega commercial events, let alone promote them! I may trim my lists when I get around to it and I am still standing in 2015, so there!]
Watching Someone Quit At A Park Hyatt – One Mile at a Time [A private conversation in the lounge becomes a blog post. WTF! I guess we should be glad no photos were taken and uploaded. This is downright assholish thing to do. Are we so disconnected and so stuck in our bubbly world to think posting something like this is cool? WTF! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!]
With Likely Just 3 Days Left, Here’s Why the Ink 70,000 Point Offer Is Valuable To You – View from Chase HQ [Yep, every freaking day now selling this card. There will be another one very soon. This is what expert marketers do you know. Get your ticket to FTU to be pumped in person!]
5 Perks of the Ink Plus Business Rewards Card – Noob Traveler [We are just hoping to get someone to buy this credit card, we don’t give crap about our few readers we have left we pummel to death every day pimping the same cards!]
Big Spenders With AMEX Premier Rewards Gold Face Changes in 2015 – Million Mile Crap [Word in the blog street is that there will be bow ties given out as swag at FTU. If you get one you will look as ridiculous. You have been warned!]
TravelPony Flash Sale – 10% off Hotel Reservations – Deals We Like [10% off wow! Click on our referral link, we love it and pretty much post only what is good for us First!]
Celebrity Chefs in Your Home: Other Ways to Use Chase Ultimate Rewards Points – Million Ways to be Chase-y [And just when you thought there were no more “reasons” to sell the Ink Plus….this business proves you wrong yet again.]
Best Use of Chase Ultimate Reward Points – Deals We Feast [It’s all about being Chase-y amigos!]
Top 5 Things That I Like To Order From Staples.com, Besides Office Supplies – Points, Miles & Martinis [Reason # 546,987 to sell an Ink Chase Plus card. Sick!]
Changing Into Pajamas At Your Seat: Bad Idea Or Great Idea? – One More WTF One More Time [Recounts how he changed into pajamas while sitting in First Class seat. Do people think this is funny? And then asks readers to take a poll question? WTF! We want to add value to your life here, not totally waste it! I wonder what his parents think reading this!!!]
How would you spend $1,675 in travel cash? 3 flexible cards can provide that! – Delta Credit Cards [Only one blog would not stop at selling the Ink Plus and add the Arrival and the Flex cards and get on the headline the totally eye catching $1,675 dollar number! Helloooooooooo? Delta appears to have killed your Delta Mileage Run idea by the way you know! I tweeted this: “Hey, lets go on a mileage run with Delta so we can get Elite status so we can fly….coach. Lol”]
Last Day as a Featured Boarding Area Blogger and a Reader Poll – Travel With Grant [Grant says goodbye to one week being a Boarding Area featured blogger and then this “It has been fun seeing my blog posts show up at the very top of the Boarding Area home page. It is a dream come true. When I started my blog on May 1, 2013, my dream was to join Boarding Area and blog side-by-side with the other blogging legends like Ben, Gary, Greg, Scott, Seth, Stefan, and all the other Boarding Area bloggers.” What?? What??? I am sure Grant can change pajamas without being noticed and can write better headlines than the alarming click bait than his top two Titan legends. Disappointing. Then again, Boarding Area is like a family I hear.]
Uber Amex Sync: $10 for Free! – Deals We Adore [As soon as we see something that enlarges our pockets we drop everything and we post our links!]
Making the Most of the Chase Ink 70,000 Point Bonus: Transfer to Southwest – Million Mile &^%$$ [To the next interviewee here: Watch out! #youhavebeenwarned #youenabler]
70,000 Chase Ink Plus, US Airways Mastercard, American Express Hilton Honors – Rate my mini ’round-of-approvals’ – Mighty Travels [Click my cards, I was on CNN…#goodtimes]
6 People Who Should Attend Frequent Traveler University – One More Card Upside Your Head [6? How about 0? Unless you want to be pumped in person!]
Another 50,000 Mile Opportunity with the Premier Miles & More World Mastercard – Deals We Pump [Wow, just wow. This is pumping to the nth degree folks!]
Rookie Wednesday: You help me this time – all about renting cars! – Delta Cards [Blah blah blah. Click the Chase Sapphire and Ink card links. Deep!]
Chase Ink Bold Being Discontinued…but When? – Million Credit Cards [Wow, just wow. All these in just two days, we are reaching legendary pumpiness levels folks! Why people would pay money to be pumped is beyond me!]
Free $10 Uber Credit from American Express Sync – The CreditCard Guy [Can you leave some bones for us little ones man, come on!]
Completing the Hyatt Diamond Status Challenge – The CreditCard Guy Inc. [You know it’s filler. So, why is this here? Because I get a kick out of this: “TPG Content and Community Manager Ryan Gaines“. These titles are just way too much! If I ever got a resume listing this in work experience it is a straight three pointer at my waste basket!]
$10 Credit for New and Existing Uber Users – MilevalueBarclay [Taking a break from pimping Barclay cards to get some free rides, hey everyone is doing it!]
10 Great Ways to Use 75,000 Ultimate Reward Points for Family Travel – Mommy Points [Just if you were wondering what happened…Screw them destination guides Mommy, you know the big dough is in the Ink!]
Travel Challenge: Vegas, Baby – Frugal Travel Eeeeek [Vegas, seriously? And so shocking you had the Chase Ink Plus links all over this “challenge”. And just when you think this site could not go any lower…it DOES! Credibility is definitely not an asset here!]
What are you doing next Thursday night? Dinner with Delta Points? #ChicagoSeminars 2014 – Delta Giggles [I can think of many things to be doing next Thursday night. Actually I can think of millions of things to be doing next Thursday night than show up for the, please sit down major humor alert, “best frequent flyer seminar of the year”. It will be so weird…I would rather go to FTU than go to Chicago! I think it should be renamed frequent pumper seminar but then again the FTU may have a lock on that title. So, what I am trying to say is…save your money folks!]
And this marks the end of Blog Buzz. Randy made me an offer I could not refuse so I am joining Boarding Area shortly. Sick of making just $1.69 per day with my Amazon link you guys! I am joining my idols and it is finally time to get compensated for all my hard work. I have already made several posts selling (can’t say pump or pimp going forward, SO SORRY!) the amazing Chase Ink Plus card! To all of you not having a business, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG! YES YOU CAN apply and get it. Screw everyone’s links, mine are coming and they are the best thing since the Valuemags promo (old timers, please stop laughing!). I would like to thank all of you for your support. Bonus: Delta Points had promised to leave Boarding Area if I ever joined…so my dream is about to come true! Word on the street is that he is joining his mentor Rick/Ingy and rebrand as “Frugal Travel Duo” and finally leaving the train airline wreck that is Delta. Always doing my best to help fellow bloggers #winning

Ramsey, I am so sorry…you know I love you. Son is about to go to Stanford, I needed a way to pay for tuition. Be kind everyone, don’t be angry…therapist’s bills are a bitch! And, of course, thank you to my therapist Suzy Q. for finally managing to break my huge mental block about becoming a credit card salesman…I am so grateful for all your hard work. And please hurry send me your referral link! Most of my readers can use your expert services and you will have clients for a long long time! You are the best! Hopefully the humor will continue here…go Chase-y!

Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs I Ignore
Please pass my blog link to your friends and family if you think they will enjoy it too.
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Dang, 2nd.
I’ll take a third!
I had to check to be sure it wasn’t April Fool’s Day…is your son really going to Stanford? One of my daughters is a double alum and the other also went there undergrad. What a great place! Congrats all around!
Woosh. Right over the head…
As much as I hate to say this, but is it just me or has Drew had 2 posts in the last couple of days with affiliate links prominently placed versus 0 in the last few months? Did he join BoardingArea???
Lol- you mean one uber link and one Mr Rebates? He’s almost pimping as much as Buzz.
3 posts then – and 1 BarclayCard. And in each post, he mentioned them a lot more than once. As we all know, this is how it begins.
3 posts then – an Barclays Arrival one too. And he mentioned them a lot more than once in the posts. As we know, this is how it all begins.
No. It all begins when “broke” people start blogging about flying F on Cathay…
What’s next? Singapore Suites? lol
Personally I don’t think he pimps the cards enough. And I had to read through 6 posts just now to find a card link (the arrival) so it’s hardly in your face.
I’ve got nothing against people making money from affiliate links, providing they disclaim them well, and write some decent content. He clearly is one of the best out there in terms of what he produces, and the time and effort he puts into a post are far beyond what has sadly become the standard.
Some blogs out there are ridiculous, without question, but I think we shouldn’t necessarily get the pitch forks out over the what you are seeing here.
It is such a delicate balance!
I see the ridiculousness every day in Feedly, my eyes hurt so so bad.
If you have a quota to keep the most lucrative links…this is what happens…you see it in Blog Buzz…which is for entertainment 🙂
Ink/Chase pumping is the litmus test for BA.
I need a fiftth! Enjoy the coffee – off to, at least, use my discover 5% cash back.
I would say I’m number 7, but there are probably zillions of your fans who posted overnight and were waiting for approval ahead of me. I think that wherever you hang your hat, whether it be solo or at BA (or even at FTG, cough cough) you will always be you. BA doesn’t censure posts, it’s just that there are some like-minded bloggers on those websites who’s pimping is unlikeable to you (and to many of us).
Wow, good luck at Boarding Area!
@ Sam @T.Thumb @tv7: Thanks for playing along. Sam is Numero Uno!
@ smittytabb: No Stanford. But UofC Berkeley is on the app list!
@ Paul: Woosh? Same as in “Just Do It” slogan?
@ Smith: Maybe he is warming up for BA?
@ Matt: I will show the blogosphere how pimping should be done, watch me now!
@ ABC: Top 5 reasons you must have Ink Plus card NOW post coming up later today, BANG!
@ Mel: Thanks. 5% is always good!
@ Kathy: My dream was to be a Titan to be blogging next to true Titans!
@ Nick: If Matt had not spend all the money he had to acquire you he could have had me. We could have been a team. Now I will have to pimp myself to the lowest level unimaginable and it is all your fault. Whatever happens, the Hawaiian Airlines card (come on correct me!) will always be my go to card! You won’t believe whose voice mail I had last night…yep, it’s true! It was form CHASE MARKETING MACHINE welcoming me and telling me they are looking forward to pimp with me!
Good luck, it was nice reading from you. I always thought I had a voice in the travel blogosphere – until now. I won’t be supporting Boarding Area or following you on Twitter any longer. You’re one of them now.
Come on man!
TBB, you mean I have to read Bore-ding Area to read TBB?? Can I still find you on Twitter?
I managed to negotiate leaving my Twitter handle off the BA effect 🙂
You can still see me on Facebook too. Click my Ink Plus link lol.
Go easy on Grant. He wasn’t suggesting he wants his blog to start featuring content similar to what the “legends” are all like lately. He’s just acknowledging their success and reverence in the community. And he has done a good job to be listed among them without becoming a sellout like many of them have.
Besides, I bet he’d be even more honored if you featured him in the “blogs you love” for a week 🙂
Listing those two Titans FIRST was too much…especially after I spent almost the whole Blog Buzz post exposing their supreme pumpiness!
Thank you Jed, since I completed my first dream of making it to the BA home page, my next dream is to make it to TBB’s Blogs I Like page. We can all dream, right?
As someone who has gone to several FTUs and travel conferences, I can’t remember the last time there was credit card pimping going on. It is hard to pimp to people that pretty much have every credit card. Other than the cost of the ticket (which has slowly gone up and up over the years), it is a good excuse to travel for a weekend and catch up with “close” friends who live all over the country/world.
P.S. Congrats on making it to BA, too bad you did not make it to #BACon14, you would have had fun 🙂
Cant wait to go to BACon15. See old friends, my buddy Delta Points, and get all the swag!
I went to one FTU and I attended the “credit card session”. MMS and VFTW and FM. Asked a newbie a question after it “So, do you know how these bloggers make their money”…They said “Ummm, advertising? Maybe they make some money from the credit cards readers apply?” I said take a guess how much this would be “They said $5, maybe $10”. And THIS is why these are held primarily, to make a lasting impression on these people because the have LOTS of cards to apply for!
I believe you told me that story before, but I honestly think that that type of person is in the minority. There are a lot of very smart, up-to-date people at the conferences. They read many blogs and various forums. There are also many bloggers (big and small, mostly small) in the audience. I have met some app developers as well, the guys from Lounge Buddy and Stay Angel. It is a great way to become beta testers and try out new programs. Lots of networking goes on. It is still probably not worth the cost, but hey, its fun and you can’t put a price tag on fun!
I am angry that you are going to be a Titan of Travel at BoredingArea, and I am outraged at the fact that I didn’t read the whole post! Goodbye forever, TBB Sellout!
Thank you for taking the time to comment. I gave up man…and it is time to change tactics now! Fight the system from…within 😉
Hope this post is a fucking (bad) joke
What if the whole site is a joke? Are you implying posts can be a joke but not the whole hosting platform? Oh, the affiliate links are a joke here too!
Never forget the first part of the mission here 😉
For a moment…due to my fading eyesight…thought this was Ingy congratulating me in my move lol.
that’s the worst insult imaginable!
you angrie!
Thank you for your voice of reason!
And thank you so much for extending the Ink Plus sale and give the Boarding Area tech team time to get me up and running. My unique patented method of pumping will make you proud!
Hmm… can’t find that tweet in the feed of BA. Are you sure they sent it out? 😉
What are you implying? We don’t do stuff like this around here, credibility is indeed our most valuable asset. Are you angry? Take some personal responsibility you don’t know how to search perhaps?
I thought my credit was your most important asset.
Buzz ………..PLEEZE DON’T DO IT……………… Stanford is O.K.,I guess, chicks aren’t that hot. I can save you a ton of dough (and self respect) and help get your sun onto my ole skool, Nassau Community College on Long Island (who needz to learns how to spell nowadayz wit spell chek). The chicks there aren’t that hot either but they are easy……………. I have a couple of contacts I can call on if they are still alive. I used to (Harvson, is it use to or used to?) get high with the Dean of Admissions and he still owes me money for an ounce of Golden Kush. He would be about 90 now, so if he croaked I can look up my old Pysch 101 teach who I would bang after class, she would be about 80…… I think it is still only about $300 a semester.
Also, I had nothing to do with PeeWee’s bike ending up in the basement of the Alamo!!
You are killing me, Golden Kush and more LOL
Gleff on “Is it Time for the Government to Regulate Legroom?”. What’s next from him “Is it Time for the Government to Regulate Airline Meals?” How about food trays in hotel hallways?
Sorry Buzz for all the coments, I’m on a roll, I promise not to comment for the next week after today……………………View From The Know-it-all … just posted this “Do flight-attendants-deserve to be paid for their time-spent-boarding your flight?” Buzz they are paid, when I left (forced to retire by AA in 03), we were paid $1.60 an hour from the time we checked in, an hour and a half before flight until block out/push back. Same rate of pay $1.60 an hour from block in until check out 15 minutes later. If you were laying over away from Domicile you would get an additional expense money of $1.75 per hour until check in the next morning…………..BUT you did get way over-paid when you were in the air, up to $100 dollars an hour during holidays. It came out to $65 k a year which was awesome for a 12 day work month. God I miss it, dam those skynazi’s.
I’m waiting for Gleff’s call for a Department of No Stinky Bare Feet Allowed In Front Of The Bus (NSBFAIFOTB) to be included in the Department of Homeland Affairs with initial $3B funding.
All these posts about ‘nada” are just a smokescreen to take readers’ minds off for a few posts about the next credit card barrage. Even Lucky managed 8 credit card links in a post about….Uber!
OMG, what have I done!!!!!!!
If this is really not some joke, I’ll withhold judgement until I see your content on BA. Are you actually moving TBB (without the point blog/credit card marketing critiques) or starting a new blog under a different name? Maybe “Pimping Points For Affiliate Cash” is available, LOL, and then you can be fully transparent. 🙂 Will you totally sell out and become a lead speaker at the next FTU?
Cheers to RP, if you can’t beat the buzz then buy him out with hush money.
Seriously speaking, good luck and hope it works out for you.
TBB is me typing on my phone 🙂
My first post hammering DP and the two Titans is currently under review by the almighty BA Review Board. I ‘ll let ya know.
I was asked to present in the next FTU on “Amazon Link: How to maximize it”. I wanted a cash advance, they said no. Negotiations under way.
Hush money was my business plan all along #brilliant #hinting
I do this and the market tumbles…maybe a really bad omen?
How much hush money?
Our agent can speak with you privately, thank you!
TBB site is a joke people…come on!
Amazing how clueless so many are! No wonder the CC Pimping Machine is such a blazing success for so many…blog as if your readers are idiots and you can’t go wrong…
I am AMAZED by this too! All this work on the Blog Buzz content makes it sooooo painfully clear we are dealing with mega pumpers who only care about their own pockets FIRST. Yet, they are the ones who keep all links and keep pumping.
TBB broke double digits today with Amazon link so we gave the staff the whole day off so they can all go cry about the huge market drop lol.
Life is not fair at all! Makes me angry sometimes. When it does I call my therapist Suzy Q, she is always there for me 🙂
Man are some people gullible.
Oh, and since you opened by welcoming Wife Swap viewers… You know swapping is next to godliness, right?
Lol…the link is pure dope, lol.
I guess people need to pay closer attention to twitter. https://twitter.com/PFDigest/status/519984633904369665
Can’t believe so many fell for it!
Really puzzled by one of MPs suggestions – if I read it correctly – 1 ticket one way from Houston to Moscow……how the heck is that family travel? More like, I want to run away for my family……even if it is return, seems like an odd suggestion……
Too busy doing the Uber and Ink Plus posts to edit? 🙂
Ebola, coming to a Boarding Area credit card peddler near you.
Southwest and Spirit didn’t seem to pick up those west African routes so we’re good.
I saw this come in Feedly and I tweeted it. And said watch what happens….
It exploded and never got an HT!
This happened many times…of course I can not prove it but Feedly don’t lie 🙂
I guess I should stop and make a separate blog post and do a click bait “armed gunmen storm plane” type headline but I just can’t. Maybe that is why I will never be a Titan 🙂
You will always be #1 in my eyes.
Think about all of the traffic you could generate with the “Fly Southwest and Avoid Ebola!!” headline. Heard the flock baby. All they need is a little nudge.
Thank you 🙂
Not a cool thing to post about grant — one of who I think is the best , good natured, most helpful bloggers out there. So what if he posted that he was honored to be on BA? He should be. He’s not saying he approves of cc pumping, it’s not like he sold his soul to the devil, he had the simple honor of being featured on (for better or worse) one of the leading collection sites for travel blogging. Most importantly in this world of credit card pumpers, pretentious bloggers, and not to mention vicious/angry bloggers who really don’t do much other than provide entertainment by reporting others’ work and have no original content of their own, grant actually gives a crap about his readership, posts original content, had helpful guides, and takes time to answer questions. Most importantly he is genuinely a nice good guy and that itself should make him an example for the whole travel blogosphere to follow.
Who are you? Are you Grant’s mother or something?
I love Grant and he does not need your defending. What bugged me was he put the two Titans FIRST and then the others…if he had only reversed the sequence we would be just peachy!
There is SO much “original” content out there someone has to report on it & critique it and put some funny spin to it, this is my schtick. You don’t have to read it you know.
You sound angry amigo. To reiterate, I love Grant! I ‘ve been around and can judge character and talent. I really want to hire him myself but that would mean I may have to sell out to Chase so I am again having a mental block. My therapist Suzy Q. is on it…thank you for your support.
Thank you Alex, I don’t take offense to anything George says. We are friends and communicate often about “the interesting world of blogging.” I can see how my list upsets George. If you look passed the credit card posts, they do a great service to the travel community. I owe Gary a lot for linking to some of my posts when I was first getting started. As always, I appreciate your feedback.
PS it’s gunna be a rainy day in Seattle for my Amtrak train ride :/