We revisit the Blogs I Love list and update the descriptions a bit.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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It is time for an update on the world famous TBB Blog Lists! I am leaving the descriptions mostly intact but adding whatever I feel like to express my latest feelings toward these blogs. You know I speak my mind. I could care less if I lose my links lol. I intended to do this for all three lists in this post but no way so sticking with just the LOVE list. Just too busy with personal life this weekend, including major progress on the taxes front! I will do an update on the other two lists when I can. Unless you click the crap out of my links in the next few days so then I do it sooner #lamesellingtechniquesNOTaTitan
Weed in Albania. Communist party headquarters in Bulgaria. Homeless people in Budapest. My favorite travel blogger. I enjoy every post, they are all unique and original! And the pictures are awesome too. Hope he posted more often. Update: Currently traveling in Iran, follow along in Facebook and Twitter hashtag #Iran4Real. Doing small tours. Blog updates have suffered as they have decreased substantially. Still the most interesting pure travel blogger out there imho. I mean, check out this pic from Iran a few days ago!

How can you describe Twisted Sifter? Eclectic appears to be an understatement. I get this feeling that my life being is enhanced with what appears here. Update: Yeah, still awesome!
Ok, not a blog technically. What they do is find flight deals. I recommend following them on twitter. I get their tweets on my smart phone and I get excited every time. I also wished my home airport was not Detroit! Update: Still doing their thing. Hoping Google discovers them. Or Expedia. Or Orbitz. I think. With minus 30 wind chills outside as I type I am thinking of warmer climate and moving closer to better airport for deals 🙂
One of the most knowledgeable bloggers in the miles/points space. Veers to the most advanced subject matters. Full time traveler. I learn from this blog more often than any other. Update: Posting frequency has suffered a little bit, mostly because due to constant travel. Still miles (get it?) in front from other miles/points “experts” and writing keeps improving. Impeccable ethics and if there is one blogger who should get rewarded in a Titanic style Drew is the one. His latest rant about the United mistake fare would have been so more colorful if it named names, he is just way too nice 🙂 I could care less about not committing professional blog suicide by being nice to bloggers I think their content totally sucks and their marketing practices almost make me order (with my Amazon link) an Ebola suit. But what do I know? I’ ve only been around this crazy hobby for 20 years and been reading these guys since, well, Day One for all of them! My point is: Go out of your way to help bloggers you appreciate and make a difference in your life in some way. It keeps them going and encourages them to improve their craft. If not, well, they go all selling out and you see the results everywhere in this space! Or just fold…
Hoping to get back on Monday. Not much going on these days, same old crap: Mistake fares and the same old reactions, Delta crap that never stops, devaluations steadily and surely. Yawn…Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day like we did:

Thank you for reading and supporting my blog by clicking the crap out of my $$ links! Please ignore the troll who must be a reading and typing world champion as he only takes one minute a day to read the posts, then read every comment and then type a response. WOW! Getting excited about the Monday night soccer game, a win means we are champions! For the second time ever!
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Agree with the changes. 🙂
Hubble finds life in space. WE ARE NOT ALONE! http://koin.com/2015/02/10/hubble-captures-smiley-face-in-space/
I wonder if Hubble “gets it” because we have been told we sure don’t get it. I also think nobody gets the pure awesomeness and life lessons you can absorb from watching a soccer game in Cairo 🙂
Totally filler post. Will never get my 120 seconds back.
And ordering an Ebola suite with your own Amazon link won’t earn, Amazon excludes your personal orders from commission and even those simply shipped to your address via another account.
Yep. I admitted it. Like PM&M does in almost every post after pasting a news release and spends the other time in “working” by prepping some affiliate links in it. Come on dude, send suggestion to management.
You mean i can not have a cousin living nearby order the Ebola suit for me? Always hits me up with miles advice anyways and I always tell him to do seven cards at a time and not worry about the credit card debt #kidding
Is the bar you’re trying to beat really PM&M? Don’t get defensive about it, thank your commenters and take their feedback seriously.
If you’re going to lecture the bloggers (and you do a good job of it) you have to live up to the standards you mock them for. Now go get them taxes!!!!
But what about my Alexa rankings man?
Seriously, that page had not been revisited for several months. It was time for an update. Sadly, no additions or deletions to it. Good to have the date updated on it and perhaps some new readers will discover those four blogs.
In the meantime, between your comment and my responses. PM&M posted,err, pasted a news release about someone getting bitten by a scorpion on a flight & pumped Living Social & Uber affiliate links…WOW!
You sound like a titan pumping their monthly top 10 credit card signups post!
“Seriously, that page had not been revisited for several months. It was time for an update.”
“Sadly, no additions or deletions to it. Good to have the date updated on it and perhaps some new readers will discover.,..”
George, you’re spending so much time on your Feedly you’re becoming like the titans.
If I was becoming like a Titan I would not be keeping up some blog lists and going through all the blogs in my Feedly…I would be finding excuses to keep pumping stuff that pays me——>Titan
Comment of the week on Travel is Free:
“What I don’t understand is if the hobby attracts entitled pricks, or if it creates them”. – See more at: http://travelisfree.com/2015/02/13/stop-acting-so-entitled-for-all-of-our-sake/#more-12909
I’ve always wondered that myself.
Yep, that comment was the BEST and I had it added for Monday’s blog post (if I ever get to it). I guess I could have made a whole blog post about the latest mistake fare if I added together all my comments in the TBB comments 🙂 For the record, I totally agree with Drew on this. Going DOTing on this, or,heaven forbid, alleging age discrimination is stuff you do that wins you “integrity” for ever. Eeeek.
You may want to consider Doctor of Credit for this list. I look forward to its articles more than any others now and the site hasn’t even been around for that long!
Thanks for the comment. I think Doctor of Credit is nicely slotted into the Like list for now.
BUZZ, I was surprised to see that almost none of the bloggers have mentioned that ALASKA AIR now offers- scorpion or non-scorpion seating zones in coach!!!! http://www.usatoday.com/story/todayinthesky/2015/02/15/scorpion-stings-flier-on-alaska-airlines-flight-from-los-angeles/23452319/ HT:TravelwithGrant………………………………Weather in PDX this week 61degrees and sunny, time to break out the clubs and bbq the ribs. Not one snow flake this year except in the mountains. How is the weather back in MICH.? GO west young man.
Last night I grilled steaks and drank beer like it was summertime.
Ok, it is going to warm later this coming week. Still like it here, we get no crap from natural events…we get maybe a tornado touching down once every 50 years and that’s it. Besides, tough weather builds character 🙂
Regarding that scorpion “news”, PM&M pasted that article already.
In the meantime, Lucky is trying hard to get the Barcelona W and staff fired…
I actually enjoyed your post. The way you delivered your view/opinion, was very insightful. Your contribution to this community will be very fruitful to us.