Just a quick update before I get to the gym and then try to finish a long Buzz post tonight trying to incorporate all the blogosphere drama of the past few days and then try to find time to pack for Charlotte.
Changes in Blog Review Lists
I elevated Travel is Free to the Blogs I Love list (from the Blogs I Like list): Long overdue. I think Drew (yes, let’s get this name right now lol) keeps proving is the best miles/points blogger with a genuine travel addiction as he has been doing it full time for a while now. He could be pumping credit cards left and right every day like so many bloggers in my Blogs Ignore List do all the time! Instead, he pumps quality content that truly adds value to our lives!
I deleted View From the Wing from the Blogs I Like list. I liked reading this blog for the industry insight. Lately, not much of that! And what industry insight we get imho is not as good as it once was. I am not sure what is going with Gary, maybe he is just bored. There are many blog posts that gradually led me to this and what sealed it was the post “American Spokesperson Blasts Boarding Area Blogger, Throws Partner Airline Under Bus” which led me to tweet this from my twitter account @FlyerTalkerinA2: “I think your post unnecessarily puts a job in jeopardy simply for expressing a personal view (which I agree with) My 2c“. Gary will be fine, I am sure this will cost him one credit card apps per month at most ๐
Charlotte Mile Madness
Looking forward to meet as many readers as I can and see some old friends. Time is short and there will be enough people there (certainly a LOT LESS than FTU and Chicago meetings!) that we may not get to meet in person. So, if I do not get to personally say hi and thank you for reading my blog I would like to apologize in advance. I am sure we will see each other again in another meeting.
If we find the time I would not mind to hear from you (or tell me in the comments too!) a few things:
-What do you like about my blog?
-What you can’t stand about my blog? (speak your mind!)
-Give me ideas to clone myself to do more for the blog.
-Take an oath that you along with all your friends and family will use my TBB Amazon link for every single order!
-Ok, was kidding about the last two. But seriously, any ideas to monetize without selling my soul & is not even more time sucky I am all ears! I am OPEN to anything that preserves my credibility (not sure it’s possible but…hey, this is why I like to hear from you lol).
If you can’t stand my blog and want to call me names that is perfectly fine too! I am tired of being called names only by the resident troll ingy here and would love to hear some new insults. Come on, make it entertaining ๐
And as youย know education is part of the mission here so I give you the amazing Insult Project. It generates insults and it’s very entertaining indeed, enjoy!
I am beyond angry right now, I am furious! The reason? I left a little bit of this awesome watermelon I bought at Trader Joe’s in the refrigerator and just noticed that someone else ate it all! I absolutely hate it when that happens! Other than that, no reasons to get angry.

Buzz post coming late tonight…
May the Miles Force be with you.
TBB out!
Thank you for reading and supporting my blog!
Please pass my blog link to your friends and family if you think they will enjoy it too.
Join over 2,668 TBB followers on Twitter @ FlyerTalkerinA2 and add TBB on Google+
There’s also a pic of this hedgehog in a fowl after a bath on Reddit.
But what credit card is the best to buy Trader Joe’s watermelon?
The Carnival Cruise Line Visa.
I see that milevalue got scammed out of $0.90 on an uber fare and complained to customer service. Where do the hundred of readers who got scammed by his inferior links complain to?
I have an AMAZING money making idea that is akin to the Insult Project. Basically a simply App with four large buttons- when someone pisses you off you hit one and it comes up with a witty retort or insult verbally. It’s money.
“Drew”, I’m sure I read something with this name, but “who is Drew?”
I think he’s the guy that got voted off Dancing with the Stars a couple weeks ago.
I’ll nominate my blog to take Gary’s spot on the blogs you like page ๐ pretty please George, how many Panera gift cards will it take to buy your love? PS check your twitter page for 20% off one Panera order ($1 off $5).
Glad to see Drew upgraded, not sure who he is but he seems like a great blogger.
Teacher: “Class, can you use Ingy and Drew in the same sentence?
First student: “First”
Second student: “Ingy drew 7-2 offsuit”
Third student; “Ingy drew.”
May your days be filled with anguish and your demise be timely, you distasteful pea brain. Yours is the only blog I ignore. Oh, and have a great night!
What, no new additions to the “Blogs I Ignore”? Surely there are new candidates for this worthy honor. You’re slacking, LOL.
Actually I have a more positive suggestion: how about a “Blog of the Month” award? Drew (who is that mystery man LOL) is killing it lately… he could win by a landslide for May.
Drew’s stuff makes my eyes roll back in my head. But for those who geek out on that stuff, I could see the attraction.
I think Saverocity’s Empire does the best job for those more interested in the earning side (MS). If Matt could snatch up The Free-quent Flyer and Frequent Miler, would be a must read every day (like TBB). Maybe after CLT we’ll hear about some M&A?
Yeah, why aren’t crap blogs like MommyPimp on the Ignore list? No better than MV or MMS. Pimping out her daughter for “content” for years. Now buying J tickets for the little one ’cause traveling with a 4 year old is such a hassle, er, joy, but so “educational” (not) . What happened to helping families on a budget? Now it’s round the world trips in J paid for by pimping affiliate links nonstop. Contemptible.
Amen to deleting VFTW from your Like list. He gets a pass by many folks for whatever reason, but he’s a dried up shill. There are other, better sources for industry news anyway.
Lucky’s bleg stunt is pathetic. Speaking of pathetic, DeltaPoints’ bat-crazy rants on that thread on FT got deleted, but were hilariously sad to read.
I thought maybe your angry comment had to do with your categorization by Ingy and DeltaPoints as one of the “Angrys” (sic) as DP puts it
Hmmm, so Ingy’s employer, who happens to own FlyerTalk, seems to agree with Buzz on DeltaPoints being a bat-crazy tool
I need to start packing, it’s midnight!
@Sky: Awesome hedgehog!
@ Spencer F and Dia: You crack me up LOL
@ David: Good question! Hope they get a one freeway at least…on AA lol
@ Matt: Brilliant! Let’s do a Kickstarter ๐
@ Grant: I usually buy a small coffee at Panera, free refills! Thanks ๐
@ William Charles: Dude, I see you in every blog’s comments! Drew is the main speaker at the Ann Arbor Art Fair FT DO in July. Sold out.
@ KennyB: Love the originality!
@ Erik: Good suggestion. But it may get boring after a while ๐
@ P: I think Free-quent Flyer will be a good match at Saverocity. I think FQF is willing to give it a shot as a full timer first. FM is not moving I think. I am moving but the offer must be big enough so I can do a big charitable donation to save on taxes and tell everyone about it ๐
MP is not at that level. Sorry, my blog, my rules. Now if you bought a banner ad I may change my mind LOL.
@ Lemongrab and Steve: Thanks for the feedback ๐
I may have missed one or two. I am sorry. I need to leave my home office like NOW!