We bring you an awesome article about bubbles, an alarming article about our vanishing attention spans, meet the scarface of sex, learn about delayed orgasm, see how spiders rock and a dancing gorilla and see how a popular blog handles the comments.
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I slow down blogging down in the weekends, just some selected links that made an impression to me during the past week. Now only on Sundays!
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The Reasonable Formation of Unreasonable Things
The title of this article can be summarized in one word. Bubbles. It is probably the best read of the past week. If you are interested in investing and bubbles in general, this is it! Yeah, it is long, nine pages in pdf format. But as you are probably not doing much this weekend, you could be wasting your time reading crappy blogs with the same old cheery recycled content or learn something at TBB. Just love the tagline after the headline above:
An explanation of market bubbles that doesn’t blame greed or incompetence, and a strategy to protect yourself from their inevitability.
In my career I have been through two bubbles. And all bubbles burst. And there will be another one. If some bozo warns you that a market crash is imminent or just around the corner, ask the for the date and time please. Note I am NOT saying we are in a bubble now. We always know about that stuff in hindsight. So…diversify!
Why Our Attention Spans Are Short
What is happening? Look around you! I am at Starbucks TBBing a lot…I sometimes watch the people in line, they are all glued to their phones. It’s happening everywhere around us. Anyways, THIS is what this article is all about, must read imho.
Our technology continues to find ways to attract our attention because this is what brings “eyeballs,” and the common marketing wisdom is that eyeballs bring money. As you glance at your iPhone you see little red circles with white numbers indicating that something awaits you: four unread email messages, 10 Facebook notifications, and so many reminders that your mind is overwhelmed with which icon to tap first. Your iPad does the same, as does your laptop, which particularly taunts you with numerical notifications of unread messages, flashing icons telling you that you need to back up your computer files, and on and on.
…younger adults switched from task to task 27 times per hour—once every two minutes—the older adults were not all that great at maintaining their attention either, switching tasks 17 times per hour, or once every three to four minutes. [Let that sink in for a minute…]
One interesting aspect of this penchant for combining tasks is that we seem to have lost the ability to single task. Glance around a restaurant, look at people walking on a city street, pay attention to people waiting in line for a movie or the theater, and you will see busily tapping fingers. We act as though we are no longer interested in or able to stay idle and simply do nothing. We appear to care more about the people who are available through our devices than those who are right in front of our faces. And perhaps more critically, we appear to have lost the ability to simply be alone with our thoughts. [That last sentence, in bold for emphasis, captures it all #sad]
We are most certainly impatient, which you can verify by watching a group of people all checking their phones every three to five minutes regardless of what they are doing at the time or who they are with. [I deleted all notifications on my cell phone recently, it’s GREAT! Do it too! Fight back, RESIST]
Another report on the studying activities of students found that the reason behind the constant task switching is a desire to feed emotional needs—often by switching from school work to entertainment or social communication—rather than cognitive or intellectual needs.
Good luck to us all…
The Scarface of Sex: The Millionaire Playboy Who Murdered His Way to the Top of Porn
Someone blamed me some time ago that I rip on bloggers for click bait headlines involving sex etc. I sure do. And then he blamed me for doing the same. I do but I do not sensationalize my headlines and scream shocking video and stuff like that. Anyways, this story is educational for the young generation that has accessible online anything they can get when, back in our days, the huge thing was, please sit down, peep shows. Millennials just went, peep what, WTF! Yes, peep-shows! The story about this guy is just wild. How he started and what he did along the way. Ended up dying in prison, too bad our tax dollars fed him all these years. Anyways, very well written story. You don’t read stuff like that in the blogs we are dealing with during the week. If you not are interested in the subject of sex and/or peep shows, feel free to skip. Did I ever say I loved the movie Scarface? I just did.
Delayed Orgasm: The Sexual Technique That’s Better Than Sex
If you have not figured it out by now, let me break something out to you. I like edgy topics and humor. I thought following up a link about peep shows with one involving orgasm…it would be a riot! Well, I think it is. And it is my blog…and I can do what I want (that sounds like a song…). And of course learning about orgasms is both educational and entertaining. And this one may even be inspiring too, it fulfills the mission of my blog to the core, high five.
Ok, enough intro. Well, I must admit I had never heard of this before. Maybe I did but not to the lengths being mentioned in the article. If you read it and it works for you, let me know, it will make me feel so satisfied (pun intended). Ok, you are ready for some excerpts? Here we go with my comments in brackets as usual.
Her followers don’t call her ‘the Jimi Hendrix of strokers’ for nothing [Wow, we could take private lessons?]
In orgasmic meditation, or OM (pronounced so that it rhymes with ‘home’), the stroker’s skill lies in slowly bringing his (or her) partner to the very brink of orgasm and then keeping her there, continuously surfing on the crest of ecstasy, for minutes, even hours, without allowing her to fall off into climax. Regular OMing is supposed to have all kinds of positive effects, from increasing energy levels and reducing stress, to restoring hormonal balance, lifting depression, increasing libido, creating a deep connection with one’s partner, and even curing frigidity. Plus, it makes one feel very, very good, obviously. [Exsqueeze me, did she say hours? HOURS? I found my next passion after The Points Guy buys my blog LOL]
OMing opens up neurological pathways through the tip of a man’s finger, so strong that his pulse and breathing will become locked with those of his partner, and she says that through these pathways the ecstatic high is shared. [Great, no need for drugs then, all natural baby…organic!]
Vetterlein…was a scrawny 75-year-old from Novato, California… For half a century, he had done little, apparently, but give women deep, sincere, life-changing orgasms. Vetterlein died in 2011 at the age of 85, and towards the end of his life he had come to see sex as a purely spiritual act. Sexual energy, he would say, was the same energy that joined the stars together in the cosmos and atoms together in your hand, the same energy as the electromagnetic or the strong and weak forces or gravity. Eventually, he learned to make a woman climax just by gently stroking her earlobe, touching her arm, placing his palm on her belly, or even by looking at her from across the room, or so he claimed. He could sustain orgasm in a woman for three continuous hours. ‘I don’t know what the limit is,’ he told an interviewer once. ‘I don’t think there is any. [Dear Lord, did he just say three hours? THREE HOURS? RIP Superman!]
As the writer William S Burroughs said: ‘There is the pleasurable orgasm, like a rising sales graph, and there is the unpleasurable orgasm, slumping ominously like the Dow Jones in 1929.’ [I am waiting for the MMS dude to pen something like this lately. Waiting….zzzzzzzz]
Hope you learn something after reading this. And you can then go an an extended clicking spree of my links here because you are so grateful of me opening up your horizons. Buzz it up!
Comment Policy – The Big Picture
The Big Picture is a very popular blog in my industry. The blogger just UNLOADS on the trolls big time. It is so vicious I must admit I was taken back a little myself. For those who know me, this was surprising because I can take it and dish it out. Whatever. This does not apply to the comment section of my blog as my blog is not a commercial operation to attract thousands. Heck I have not logged into Google Analytics in years and I thought SEO was an airport code lol. I don’t even have a Facbook page for my blog. Anyways, there are some good observations in this post. Here are some excerpts:
Managing blog comments has become an increasingly time consuming job. Policing the spammers, trolls, haters, and other purveyors of falsehoods has become a larger time suck than I am willing to accept. Dealing with such cretins hardens your outlook and shortens your temper more than I care for. Perhaps this is the reason so many high profile blogs have closed down their comments altogether. [ I noticed how some big blogs have shut down the comments. I just can’t see myself ever doing that, I think it is one of the most enjoyable aspects of blogging. What would I do during the day if I did not have any comments at all? I would probably focus on the actual blog content more but it would not be as enjoyable! I do read every email and comment. Other than the honorary #1 blog troll Ingy and a few times I had to kill a few comments when two readers went at it each other, the comment section has been a true asset here. I am amazed by the brain power of my readers, you are obviously not newbies to fall for the tricks of the enthusiastic snake oil salesmen out there. Besides, I think Ingy contributes to the overall entertainment levels here, a main mission of my blog. Sometimes I miss him, it’s a strong love-hate relationship. Ok, mostly hate lol]
Trolls and Asshats: This may be a free country, but The Big Picture is my personal fiefdom. I rule over all as benevolent dictator/philospher king.
I will ban anyone whom I choose from posting comments — usually, for a damned good reason, but on rare occasions, for the exact same reason God created the platypus: because I feel like it.
This is far less random than it sounds. After 27,348 Posts and 405,516 approved comments, you get a pretty good feel for asshattery and instinct for douchebaggery. Neither is tolerated.
I encourage a broad range of perspectives, philosophies, sexual orientations. Dissent is good. I want to see a debate of views, a battle in the market place of ideas. (That Thomas Jefferson guy was onto something). You can post on nearly anything, so long as it is at least tangentially related to the topic at hand.
I reserve the right to edit any comment for length; If you annoy me enough, I will edit it to make you look a fool. On occasion, I will “unpublish” a comment if I feel it is too impolite, harsh, ad hominem, inappropriate. Off-topic posts are mercilessly slaughtered, and will be unpublished en masse. Do not publish 20 comments out of blog post’s 60 total. (It takes ~3 seconds to un-publish em all). Do not snipe, or flamebait, or engage in a private irrelevant debate. If you find yourself publishing way too many comments, consider this: This humble blog is my forum for expressing my ideas. Perhaps it might be best if you were to get your own fucking blog.
The fastest way to lose posting privileges is to misrepresent your host’s complex and nuanced views in some inane bumper sticker comment. Doing so gets them deleted and your own ass tossed out.
Other fast tracks to getting banned:
– Knowingly posting false or malicious material;
– multiple postings under different names;
– generally engaging in troll-like behavior;
– misquoting your host/overlord;
– being impolite in the extreme;
– using fake/mislabelled URLs;
– ad hominem attacks;
– being an asshole.
[Clap, clap, clap. Brilliant. I am copying it going forward. This is a warning. To Ingy 🙂 ]
Spider Shoots Web 80 ft Across Water and Builds Giant Web to Catch Prey
Ok, enough about bubbles, attention spans, peep shows, delaying orgrams, asshats and trolls. You MUST watch this video. I have never seen anything like this before. Spiders and what they can do is AMAZING. Ok, since you may not click on it, here it is. For you! #BlownAway!
Deeper Underground
An incredible video filmed in the London Underground. Must click. Ok, here it is. For you!
Viral Dancing Gorilla Video Gets the Most Perfect Soundtrack Ever
We are on a roll with videos today. You probably saw that viral video with the dancing gorilla. Well, of course, the internet out there dressed it up with that song in Flashdance. Maniac. Mega LOL attack, enjoy! Click on the link for this one.
And I leave you with this…Down with the clown bloggers. And soccer players too 🙂
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Hello from the Jersey Shore
Hello from the porch.
From my home office…
Saw this great band in Ann Arbor last night…for freeeee of course:
Red Baraat
and I became a fan.
Today all day working on quarterly invoices and will try to do Monday and Tuesday posts…
Maybe I will get to that Paypal donation thingie #priorities
Weird July 4th falling on a Tuesday….so weird.
Buenos días. Slow start for this Sunday and then the Donald delivered. This is becoming surreal
I have always said that this dude is mentally insane.
And he has the nuclear codes!
I wonder how long will they keep excusing his insane acts…Especially the women around him. What an embarrassment…on the 4th of July holiday too.
Just sad….
Hey, how about her emails lol
ARE kidding me!! This is my kinda guy! I love Trump, that old Pussy Grabber nut. I
t’s almost as if I was elected.
I love how they turn it around as Trump Promotes Violence Against CNN, it’s a joke for God’s Sake. Obama always talked and acted like he was on ludes and it drove me crazy that he never got pissed off.
TRUMP, I LOVE YOU!!!! I want to party with you, Dude!
ps…..who wouldn’t wanna smack around in the ring Anderson Cooper?
LYING STINKING Anderson Cooper and Fat Rosie O’Donnel in a tag team match for the ages VS. DONALD The Destroyer and Ramsey The ALL American BoneCrusher.
George you want something to be pissed off at, here is something important and relevant to get you steamed…..OFFICE DEPOT limits it’s new DUD Rewards Program to $4 back in gift card purchases.
Yeah…I saw that…sad day!
Amazing to me more bloggers keep doing Friday interviews at MMS and we dont see many quitting…This hobby has no future!
I am worried about you.
Just sad…you keep excusing this guy! Unbelievable really, WTF man!
I have no doubt he will hurt you too because he does NOT give a shit about you. Hard to believe people fall for his shit…
One day you will come here and say you were sorry. I will forgive you.
Phuck it, it is watermelon time!
For me no Saturday posts are a real delayed orgasm.
I am on the floor…
Did you see that some Fairmont folks are getting an extra FREEEEEEEE nite cert in honor (honour) of Canada 150? Check your accounts, eh?
MMS is giving away 6000 UA miles (yes SIX THOUSAND). Not sure you can get a magazine for that. Guess the photo shoots of Emily are seriously hurting the marketing budget. Zeus knows it’s NOT going to her wardrobe …
Yep, got it. But (there is always one right?), fine print says…it is 3rd night free, meaning I got to pay for the first two nights. And that’s likely not going to happen.
No comments about that wardrobe….Ok, phuck it. My mother has better taste in style, WTF!
Oh man, it was another good quarter. Another record. Thank God for the day job.
I wish I can say that for my Amazon haul. Got paid $41 and the June month brought in…, well, too embarassed to look, last time I checked it was less than $20. Phucking JetBlue!
this will brighten your day…………………………….ribs
Thank you…
Very distracting…trying to work here man!
I wonder if Alan H. grabs this one 🙂