Blog posts will be MUCH smaller due to the holidays and upcoming trip to Hong Kong.
We show you how we can get free money from Capital One Bank, get free IHG Rewards points, watch a magnificent video shot over the Canary Islands, check out some beautiful European Scenic Rails, visit 6 prisons in 6 continents, read about a classic investing mistake and, thank you for your patience for taking a day off from the Blog Buzz, but we are back with a mega dump backup to show how they still sell, sell, sell 🙂
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
You can support TBB by shopping with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK or click on the Amazon Banner on the right side, thank YOU!
Get $100 FREE by opening a Capital One 360 SAVINGS account with $1,000. Open by December 1st. New customers only. Do NOT open the Checking Account, only the SAVINGS account! I have had an account here (former ING Direct) for over 10 years now and I am keeping it! I get $40 per referral, click HERE. This happens a few times per year, please be gentle. Thank you! Back to our shy non pumping mode. Taking notes along the way how this stuff works, always learning…
In case you were living under a cave and did not have an IHG Rewards account, here is your chance to open up one and get 2,000 IHG Reward points right away. IHG Rewards points do NOT expire. Your mother in law has one?
Dark Skies in Canarias – The Adventure Blog “Dramatic, beautiful, and breathtaking. Those are all words that I would use to describe this video, which is a timelapse shot over the Canary Islands. It is two minutes of pure bliss. Enjoy!”
14 of the most scenic rail routes in all of Europe – Matador Network Wow, these look awesome!

6 prisons to visit on 6 continents – Matador Network Hey, this one below sounds like a “really” nice play to spend time in…Yikes!

The real roots of midlife crisis – Quartz Really good and long read on the subject…
If You Missed The Rally, Then You Just Made The Most Classic Mistake In Investing Excellent read and some excellent graphs here!
Ok, lets move on to some blog buzz action! This section is intended to be satire and is mainly targeted to long time miles/points hobbyists. Do not take anything personally but if you do, I advise you get a therapist.
Credit Card Strategies for Holiday Shopping – The Points Guy Amazingly, it involves charging and, omg, here are the credit cards you can use to charge!
7 Ways to Get Great Value from the British Airways Visa – The Credit Card Guy Amazingly how this business always finds a way to sneak into each post even more cards than the one on the title. As in…”Other options”! Yikes!
Which Hotel Credit Cards Offer the Most Free Nights – Frugal Travel Guy Doing what the site does best….Pump its readers to oblivion with plastic!
The 2015 Alaska Air awards chart – IN YOUR FACE DELTA! – Delta Points Starts with “Gosh”. Continues with “a bunch”. …And…click on BofA cards!
Why You Should Get the Chase Freedom Car – Frugal Credit Card Guy Because it pays them. You can bank on that and everything that comes out of this “objective” site. Your credit remains their most important asset. I am not angry but if you read this you should be!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! – View From The Wing No blogger making money from selling credit cards has thanked the institutions who are paying for their “expertise”. None. I find that as hypocritical as me not thanking Amazon lol.
What days this year did Delta visit the blog the most? Just what do “they” care about? – Delta Credit Cards We are faking disgust about Skypesos. Hey, click on the Delta Amex cards we are selling you…because…the program is about to destruct or something like that.
Announcing two Delta Points dinners with readers in 2015 – MSP & ATL! – Delta Credit Cards Non Stop Hey, come to my dinners and don’t be shocked if I ask you to get credit cards using my links after we are done.
Another Friday blogger interview at Million Mile Secrets. Another edition of something we have seen a million times. Too lazy to even change one freaking question! I can’t stand bow ties, I refuse to wear one. Because I am an original. Or I sure would like to think so lol.
How I’m Using Credit Card Rewards for Family Holiday Travel – Frugal Credit Card Guys Hey, whatever pays the bills, keep pumping!
How to Use No Annual Fee Cards to Earn Points that Transfer – The Credit Card Guy Jason Steele at it again. About 15 credit cards or so. We leave the light on for your….next pump. Amazingly no credit cards that do NOT pay the site ever make into these articles, whatzup with that huh?
10% Discount On Hyatt E-Gift Cards – One Mile at a Time One sentence would have sufficed. Instead, we get a whole post “explaining the deal” and a whole bunch of credit card links to go with that. So ridiculous…
UNADVERTISED $20 off $300 in Mastercard Debit Gift cards at OM! – Delta Cards The brain trust of MS chips in with…hey, click my Chase Ink Cards!~ &%$^$#.
Okay you guys….Do I stop this? It is getting ridiculous. Preaching to the choir here as I am not targeting newbies. But I do get new readers all the time who need to be educated about the whole charade of the “travel” “miles/points” bloggers…

Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
Please pass my blog link to your friends and family if you think they will enjoy it too.
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Small business Saturday first
Dang… You just beat me to it!
It happens a lot 🙂
Why shouldn’t you open the checking account? There is no hard pull as long as you opt out of overdraft protection. Capital One 360 even updated their FAQ’s to help try to battle this for the independence sale (found here:
It’s also worth noting that the checking bonus has been as high as $125 in the past (2013 & 2012 Black Friday sales) so it might be worth holding out for it to go back up. They generally go up twice per year. Once for Black Friday and once for Independence day.
Would be nice to see you give a bit more coverage to bank bonuses in general as well, George. U.S Bank & Wells Fargo both have good bonuses at the moment and there are lots from smaller credit unions. I did $1,000+ in bonuses within three months at the start of this year. Very easy way to get some spending money for vacation time.
P.S you forgot to mention that bank bonuses result in a 1099-INT being sent out and you have to pay taxes on them.
Good point on the overdraft protection, thanks.
There are a lot of bank bonuses out there, I only highlight a few I have some personal involvement in. Nothing beat the Huntington Bank business account I opened and they gave me $750 in a week! I also highlighted the Charter One $500 bonuses in the 2 accounts I opened there. Capital One is a company I had the account in for so long and I do like the company. I must have some involvement in these things. I generally do not advocate just doing that for small bonuses. Simplicity is under rated. It’s a mental burden keeping track of all these bank accounts. Must keep it simple and pick your spots. That’s how I operate 🙂
Good point on the taxes, totally forgot about it. But most people who have been doing this for a while know this. My target readers are not newbies. Sometimes I wish…
Twice a year I pimp this, it is worth it for all 🙂
Thanks again
I wasn’t criticizing you for pumping it, it’s a good deal and the bonus is generous. I don’t think it’s the best bank bonus this year or even close to it. I appreciate that you do highlight bank bonuses sometimes, I just wish you did it more often.
Will be interesting to see if the savings/checking combo is one chex pull or two. If it’s only one then this is a great deal. If it’s two then it’s so-so IMO.
My guess is it will be two. I can handle more saving accounts than checking accounts which tend to crave more attention in general.
I am always on the lookout for bonuses that will make me move :& take action 🙂 And now excuse me but i think I should call a few places to reserve a swipe time for my AMEX cards lol. I think I ‘ll split them between a Korean and Indian restaurant because doing them all in one may require a really loooong time lol.
Thanks again and lets all take a moment to be thankful for American Express!
Buzz is it time to go contrarian and sell my airline stocks and buy into energy/drillers?
Why not go all the way……Russian stock market.
Bol’shoe spasibo Comrade
TBB does not provide investment advice here 🙂
I was long Amex all day today 😉
Taking out home equity loan, backing up the truck & tripling down on Putin’s ruble. Because I love a man with tigers…big bad bears too!
Free Ukraine!
Hope you get lucky 🙂
I’ve taken part of the Rhine Valley Line in Germany! It was very beautiful but I was afraid I was going to miss my flight the whole time!