TBB is traveling so excuse the spare posts and that some of these news worthy items are a bit stale… We get back to learning about the new Chase card policies, AA Award Routing Rules, guide to airline lounges, travel to amazing swimming pools, the 2015 Paris Air Show and the abandoned Silverdome outside of Detroit.
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I don’t like the news about the new Chase credit card policies. I mean, if the card churning thing goes we should all just pack our bags and go home…Here is a post by Miles to Memories and Doctor of Credit.
You can get the Hilton Amex Surpass card for 85,000 Hilton HHonors points signup bonus per this post Doctor of Credit.
Excellent post about Award Routing Rules on American Airlines via Travel Codex.
Must read and save post: The Definitive Guide to Getting Paid for Access to Airport Lounges by Lazy Traveler.
Breathtaking Instagram account of a National Geographic photographer.

Photos from the 2015 Paris Air Show:

World’s Greatest Photographers share the images that changed their lives. WOW!!!

The abandoned Silverdome 13 years after the Detroit Lions left. Kind of sad to see it this way…
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Welcome back first!
Thanks for posting another great post!
Praying hard and often these Chase change do not affect the Titans bottom line too greatly. That would be terrible………………………………………..Buzz.Did you bring me back any souvenirs? HT Brian @ THE GATE HT MilestwoMammaries
WOW!! More pictures of airline food (oxymoron) from VFTW. He actually went to Dallas AA headquarters for that?? As an AA retiree and stockholder i strong oppose this wasted expense. I hope they didn’t give him a travel pass to get there.
It’s no jive, I’m number five!!!!
Why don’t they tear down the Silverdome?
Impact on the Titans will indeed be interesting to watch. Obvious initial thought is that they now aim for newbies who can get approved. I’m not sure how they do that-do newbies read those long trip reports in which Ben changes into pajamas before take off? Well, maybe.
Another possibility is that they just change nothing and take what they can get fro apps Chase approves. Why not? Maybe add to the mix some more affiiate links from one-off cards to bring in the minnows.
I also wonder about how Chase views thier commissioned salesmen and women. If Chase has decided that churners are not profitable, how do they now view the sales people who cbrought them in and got fat comissions? Of course, in denying the app, they avoid the commish.
Perhaps the wisest thing Marathon Man ever said (and likely the one with fewest words) was that this is all just a temporary gig.
Thanks for the mention, George.
Not overly concerned with Chase. It’s all a phase. They’ll come to their senses eventually. 🙂
I predict that AMEX will remove their “once per card” stupidity, too. Here is to Citi giving them both a run for their money!
Andy, I will respectfully disagree as we have seen an avalanche of opportunities disappear recently as “the Hobby” grows in size exponentially. Many thanks to the Titans and their credit card selling expertise for slowing killing the Golden Goose……………………yes new things will come along but now they go even more quickly. HT ViewFromMyPlate