We learn how to get the Chase IHG Rewards card for 80k points and $50, we confirm the devaluation of the Barclaycard Arrival Plus card, revisit the least visited countries in the world, marvel at the new Gulfstream G650ER private jet, and checkout one of the best Maui & Lanai Trip Reports ever written!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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If you see a blogger pumping the Chase IHG Rewards credit card and it is not the one that gives you 80k points AND a statement credit for $50, make a mental note they are assholes, click away and vow never to return and see how you can get that superior offer in this post by Frequent Miler.
Across the pond we have Head For Points making it big in another mainstream publication! Here is the article at National Geographic. No sensationalism, no Kim Kardashian at the cover, no handjobs. Wow, we have had it so good at this side of the pond with the US banks’ signing bonuses!
Barclay’s Arrival Plus has confirmed the negative changes coming to the card. The changes become effective to the current card holders as of November 17,2015. Boo! I plan to keep it, it’s my go to card…for now anyway. Here is a direct link to the card with all the new changes for new applicants.
The 25 least visited countries in the whole wide world by Globetrotting Galore by Gunnar Garfors. Some updated statistics. Least visited country is Nauru with just 160 visitors. Sadly, no Hyatt anywhere in sight.
Video tour of the new swanky Gulfstream G650ER private jet. It will set you back only $66.5 million. Click my links to make me a Titan so in another life I can give you a ride for Free hehe. Looks incredible, wow!
Here is an amazing photo at Vagabond. “The Blue Ships of Doha Port, Kuwait”
Something Fishy over at Dan’s Deals has written an AMAZING 10 part trip report of his trip to Maui and Lanai. All 10 links to each part of the trip report can be found in this page at Post #224

Here is another one….like I said, you are in for a treat!
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Darn it, scorned by the internet gods.. Tisra now..
2am? :p
Did the Greek vote include any legislation on A3 M&B?
Friend told me maybe it is better to just post again every day, even though there may not be enough content as usual. I need to get over the mental block that each post must have “enough”. Working on it…
Regarding Greece passing laws…it was never a problem. They just have a real problem implementing them 🙂
Whaaaat??? You don’t say….! :p
Dude. You need to shit or get of the pot. First it’s I’m quitting (and you don’t, twice now in fact) now maybe I should post every day. Are you this indecisive in real life?
Yep, it seems he wants to be featured in RS now. 🙂
Well, I intended to start posting daily. Then stuff happened suddenly (including still not being able to access my blog from home, f u to Comacast!). Plust not much happened on Thursday. I can assure you I am not as indecisive in anything but obsessive hobbies that interfere in my life not allowing me to reach my full potential. You know, like making it into Rolling Stone bwahahaha
At Chase Reeducation Camp:
1. You must post about the end of First Friday every week pumping all Chase cards or you die.
2. Chase Sapphire Preferred card is the best card in the galaxy, now repeat after me, again and again. Who cares about content, just fake it and SELL SELL SELL!
3. Newbs should be sold our plastic every day. You hear you minion bitches, every day! Remember the quota, remember the quota. If you do not meet the quota you are worthless.