Lets go on a ride through some airport 5k races, look at some ridiculously luxurious Etihad Airlines enhancements (I can already see some bloggers preparing draft posts selling cards that can get you in these suites!), watch a hilarious SNL video about this Donald Sterling dude, travel to some fairy tale places around the world and to the magnificent state of Michigan. Even get on a helicopter ride from my penthouse suite at the Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel (in my dreams), learn some things investment portfolio managers will not say and look at some dogs.
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Very light action in the blogs over the weekend. Well, other than selling cards that is as usual. So this Buzz post will have mostly non miles/points items. There were some fireworks again in yesterday’s TBB Comments section.
I went for the 60k Chase Ink Bold card for my blog business. Based on my projections for the rest of the year told during the reconsideration phone call I don’t see how I can avoid selling credit cards myself lol.
I have never ran on airport runway but it sure looks like fun. If you are into this, Running With Miles wrote a post with a list of 5k races in airports/runways.
Apparently Etihad announced some ridiculously luxurious additions to its fleet and several bloggers almost had instant orgasms by it. I can’t wait to stop seeing so many Lufthansa First Class trip reports. And please shoot me when I read yet another report from the Frankfurt Lufthansa First Class Terminal. No, please don’t shoot me. Shoot the $%^&$ duckies, I am so sick of them duckies, WTF! Never something so idiotic has achieved cult status. And no I don’t have one! The only time I was in there I couldn’t find one lol.
Donald Sterling in SNL. Buahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
26 Real Places That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out of Fairy Tales. By Bored Daddy.

Pictures of beautiful Michigan

OMG! Cathay Pacific is messing with the menu and, sadly dear readers, I will have to cope somehow without eating the balik salmon (HT to One Mile at a Time). Oh, the inhumanity of it all. How in the world am I going to manage this catastrophe? How about this? I am going to get me access to all these crazy hotel amenities with my credit cards so please click on my links! I am the CEO of TBB afterall (ssshhhh, PLEASE do not mention the ramen noodles part, thank you!). Who needs a Mercedes ride when you have a helicopter?

Some things you will never hear from a portfolio manager. By Pragmatic Capitalism. So true, so true.
Is this how it feels when a new credit card promotion is released to the travel credit card bloggers?

Japan is so so screwed…

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Love the pictures as usual! Great content too
First to claim First!?
Not a big fan of HDR photos, I used to love them but there is something off putting about them now.
One of the interesting things that keeps creeping into your personal finance links is the belief/opinion/mention that Wall Street is full of insider trading, high-speed trading, hidden commissions and unaligned fiduciary relationships, and other unfair advantages that take from ordinary investors and transfer rents (or maybe they’re not rents?) from the unwitting to the sophisticated and well-connected. And I don’t actually disagree, from what I know from friends in finance and what I’ve read.
However, it strikes me that all these financial advice columnists remarking on the fundamental unfairness of the stock market don’t actually propose changing the rules so that such behavior is punished or prevented. There’s certainly a degree of fatalism that the financial sector will keep hiring bright young things and lawyers to beat whatever regulatory rules are put down, and certainly a strong belief (not limited to a single political party) that regulations constraining “the natural workings of the market” are to be abhorred. However, the idea that de-regulating stock markets would engender “the natural workings of the market” is naive and farcical.
I certainly don’t know enough about financial regulation to make a proposal. I am, however, puzzled as to why more proposals aren’t out there, and why financial columnists simply take “the game is rigged” as a given fact.
Oh, and to be a bit more germane to the subjects above: something something something travel. Unless you can manufacture miles quickly, have no commitments, and have no sense of value, it’s a fool’s errand to save AA miles in hopes of the new Etihad suites. The devaluation hasn’t ended yet, and you think they’re letting peons into that space?
Maybe I’m naive, but why is the only lesson learned from all the reports of financial foul play, that deregulation or self-regulation can’t work? The way I see it, the only provable concept is that SEC is highly incompetent, and sometimes grossly negligent (or worse).
What I hate most is the fairy tale that the SEC has us believe, that the markets are safe under their watchful eye. The banks aren’t portrayed by the SEC as carnivorous wolves, ready to pounce on us sheep at any moment. Rather they’re portrayed as sheep that make mistakes when there isn’t enough regulation. Of course, investors get burned over and over again, and the only response is that we need more regulation. Well, it isn’t working, and I believe the SEC may have to be rolled up in order for any normalcy to return.
Who will patrol the markets of the SEC were not to exist? I believe there can be a private system of regulators set up. A system where not only the bank or company is punished when fraud is committed, but also the regulator itself. The regulator is negligent in stopping foul play? A) The regulator can and should be open for lawsuits. 2) The regulator’s and company’s brand name will get hurt, and companies will shy away from using such regulators when their reputation is on the line.
Has this type of self-regulation ever worked? Yes, it has, and continues to work in the multi-billion dollar kosher food industry. There are dozens if not hundreds of organizations/companies whose sole focus is to keep companies in line, to prevent them from misrepresenting food as kosher. There’s a great book that is very detailed about the success of self regulation in the kosher food industry. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0674072936 (TBB quickly add your referral tag!)
Can this concept be implanted to the financial industry successfully? I’m definitely not smart enough to say yes. What I am sure of, is that SEC will never be a successful regulator, and therefore we should seriously consider any possible options to clean up the mess.
Deeply honored to have my comment featured. Buzz on, TBB!
@tim2: Thank you!
@yuneeq: Yes, for tim2!
@William Charles: Ok.
@ harvson3: I have A LOT to say on the subject but Monday mornings are always a little crazy around here! The power of the big Wall Street firms lobbying is UNBEATABLE up to now. So much shit inflicted on so many people and we can’t even get the SEC pass the Fiduciary standard for all people dispensing financial advice! So, you have a lower standard, so called suitability standard which in most cases acts as the excuse to inflict upon sheep undue harm. Not that professionals embracing the fiduciary standard can not do the same of course; but, in that case, their ass is on the line and not wiggle out of it by agreeing to a settlement without admitting guilt and paying some fines (fractions usually of how much money was made!). There is a proposal out there by the Labor Dept out there (of all places) requiring advisors helping people invested in ERISA retirement plans to uphold the fiduciary standard. You won’t believe the lobbying against it by the big boys. And guess, what? They are succeeding…again. π
Having said all that, investors CAN make money in the stock market by not playing the WS game…I can go on and on…
I have no doubt that there are bloggers who have already prepared Etihad posts and are checking about available space every day. Not sure it is going to be any but, you know, things happen. Imagine the pics in these suites and how many cards you can sell “You can do this too!”
@ yuneeq: You make some great points indeed. Unfortunately, we have the SEC which can do a much much better job. The new head of the SEC appears to have her head straight unlike the previous one who was a mouthpiece for the worst perpetrators of shit inflicted to the masses by the firms she was supposed to regulate. Great reference about the regulation of the kosher industry, I had no idea! (and thanks for the amazon link idea, don’t know how to do them text links just yet, one day I will, not a high priority for me). In Washington, money talks. But voters can and do make a difference…write/email your Congressman π
@ The Common Man: The honor is all mine. You inspired me to be creative and have some fun with it. I sure hope readers enjoyed this and I am certain it was all taken in an innocent goofy way, the way it was meant π
Gotta run
Drew nails it again with some great content on ANA.
I wish one of the bloggers would do a post on how hard/easy it is to deal with the lesser known, non-US based carriers when changes/refunds need to be made. Or is that just part of the game, that is, sometimes one runs into issues/problems when booking award tickets so just chill out about it.
But I have a sense that there may be some carriers whose customer service record or IT is so bad that we might want to either avoid them all together, or book knowing full well that we could be in for a time-consuming and frustrating experience should we need to make changes.
Lots of bloggers read the comments. I hope one of them adds this to his or her potential post ideas file!
I personally avoid Korean Air and Avianca. Yes, there are a lot of goodies I may forfeit but…oh boy, the hassles that may happen are something I would never wish to anyone. I like keeping it simple, especially now with this darn TBB blog I play with π
I think the usual set of bloggers are too busy selling more Chase and Barclays cards at the moment. From what is happening, you would think the Amex cards just went poof π
And, do not forget, you can use the Chase Ink cards to pay regular expenses! #brilliant
Who cares what Drew has to say about some stupid ANA miles?
Gary put together a superb piece on redeeming a truly undercovered currency…. Chase points
In fact, the piece was so good that he did another one today, and will probably do another one tomorrow and another one the day after that….
did the Chase post include pictures of his food?
he has lately taken to posting pictures of peoples feet.
And I saw Bobbie kissing Susie behind the swing set today during recess
This must be an Ingy post – it talks about stalking others
Yep it is. If I change the name from Anonymous will I be accused of censorship? Will someone rush to that FT thread to inform everyone of my cowardly censorship practices?
I thing it is time to take VFTW off the good list, I can’t take more of Chase pump posts…And taking pics of others now, WTF!
Please take VFTW off. I called him out on the absurd number of Chase posts and he censored my comment. I did not use abusive language, just noted that it’s getting out of hand, but I guess his overlords don’t approve of that. He is actually worse than MMS/TPG in terms of content now.
Worse than MMS/TPG? I don’t think so. I think he is on vacation and he has prewritten these Chase posts. But I definitely agree on the absurd number of them. I read GL for his experience industry insight. Lately we have not seen much of that, he was way too lenient on AA, he still fights hard to keep the pro MIles angle ( even in spite of all the evidence that the situation has completely changed on the ground). Then posting about some deals he should know better was a wake up call. And then the onslaught of Chase started. And finally, the pics of others on their cell phones…now, that crosses the line with me.
Anyways, thanks for the feedback. I have not messed with the Lists but I will soon. I just don’t like it anymore but I will give him some time I think after he returns from the….Maldives (naturally). Maybe. Not that it does much of course but….hey, I like it. This is my way of contributing to the hobby π
Yes, what is up with these bloggers taking pictures of others and posting them online, even if the face is concealed or photoshopped. If I was a guest at the hotel and found out that another guest took a picture of me with their camera and post it online, I would be complaining to the front desk.
I think that was a mistake. It is one thing to take pictures in a lounge and/or a First Class cabin and have some people in it (still not cool but ok I guess) and another to focus totally on them and then posting the pic on a blog.
For the record, here is Gary’s response to me on twitter after expressing my feelings about that post:
@garyleff: Yep, got that! Many readers had a strong reaction, definitely made me question the post.
I found Drew’s commentary on ANA well written and properly caveated. These overseas carriers are undercovered, I imagine since there’s no way to monetize writing about them. We need more a material on niche areas like this-Thanks Drew!
And ANA will be covered even less now, because what little coverage there was about it came with “reminders” of all those Amex cards that no longer pay affiliate commission which you could get to bulk up your amex points balance
Who’s Drew?
Is this “Who’s Drew?” becoming as common as “First!” or what? π
Hey, it’s all good. U are all so angry around here, just remember I am doing all this to help my senior friend(s):
“And ANA will be covered even less now, because what little coverage there was about it came with βremindersβ of all those Amex cards that no longer pay affiliate commission which you could get to bulk up your amex points balance”
So good for Drew in writing up a benefit few would find or write about.
I disclosed I got my latest Ink Bold card with Drew’s link. I eat my own cooking π
One of these days I will get my wife to use my links LOL.
“So good for Drew in writing up a benefit few would find or write about”
pretty much
He needs a spot in the “blog i love” list – I struggle to find a single post he wrote in the last month that wasn’t informative and/or entertaining
Even the Chase 60K cards got the coverage it deserved – aka one post, without the need to use all caps or 30 exclamation points, that pointed out the increased offer, and without 25 follow-up posts repeating the same information over and over
….. and then got right back to business with the ANA post, delivering a knockout post that nobody else will waste their time covering because it’s easier to do “travel challenges” to Kansas City using the CSP and Barclay’s card
Yep, I need to get over to the lists and elevate Drew’s blog. I am just lazy and busy with everything. I will get to it, you know I move very slow.
I finally went through the ANA post, Wow! And you nail it once again. I think supporting him and ignoring the mega marketers pimping credit cards every day non stop is GOOD for my dear hobby.
Amen π
My Dearest Steven,
I just read what you said about me yesterday and eyes are still full with tears of joy.
Sincerely Yours, Charles.
Who’s Drew?
First. Oh…wait, I am so confused.
Ah, phuck it…I am going to bed you guys LOL
First2Bord’s @WalletSlot has now regurgitated the Lifehacker/Credit Card Fly post re: loitering outside a lounge and hitting up strangers for guest access.
I read this about 20 mins ago while waiting at eye doctor’s office (it was time). I couldn’t believe it. Perhaps WS felt so bad for the (well deserved) critique it has received here for pumping cards and nothing else 24/7…so it decided to mix it up? Who is behind this blog? Lets just say I would not recommend it π
Why is it so hard for a blogger without Chase links to link to the non affiliate card webpage at Chase to help its readers “fly for free”? And instead when they click on the link for “business” cards they are taken to the blog’s affiliate card page (with a few non affiliate links buried at the bottom). How sad is that?
I can promise you that I did not have an βinstant orgasmβ with the ridiculously luxury additions announced from Etihad Airways, George:
In fact, I almost always prefer to be left alone than to have people dote on me…
Actually, come to think of it, not many blogger will admit to that LOL.
Anyone who could afford $42k for a rt to London probably already has a private jet. I think it’s ridiculous and excessive.
:”ridiculous and excessive”
there’s an app for that = there’s a market for that (probably) π
I guess there are mega-rich in Abu Dhabi who will pay for such products, but I find it awful. We’ve commented here on how our hobby increases our carbon footprint. Using that much space in a plane for just one or two people is over the top to me.
I find many US taxes awful (like the Alternative Mimimum Tax) but it is not going to change anything π
There is some money in the Middle East no doubt. There appears to be a market for this. We shall see if it ever comes to fruition. If it does, lets see how successful they are with it.
Ridiculously grand indeed.
I would appreciate more coverage of non-US programs like ANA and details on the sweet spots of some of the other MR/UR transfer partners. Although I wonder if somehow people are getting kickbacks over Avianca Lifemiles with all the (over)hype about their latest promo. I think it is only a great deal if you have an immediate use to book those miles and are absolutely sure that your plans will not change. Otherwise, the risk-o-meter is quite high for speculative purchases with all the incidental reports about customer service issues. You’d be better off doing an “app-o-rama” with Ink+Wells Fargo+US Airways+Lufthansa (maybe the old “2-browser trick” works LOL).
Excellent points about having an immediate need to book and being absolutely sure that plans will not change (and availability too I may add!). Along with the risk-o-meter too! Bingo. Exactly these reasons I have not gone the Avianca route. I am glad for the ones who have had these miles work for them. We pick our spots I guess. Thanks Erik.
I used them successfully last year SJO-PTY and PTY-LAS. The first one was originally booked on Lacsa and the flight was cancelled several weeks before my trip. They wanted to put me on SJO-SAL-PTY with a whole day wasted so I called them and got them to put us on the direct Copa flight. No problems.
I haven’t used them for non Americas routes but considering they fly to lots of bird-rich areas they are on my favourites list.
I’m gonna defend Avianca. I booked 2 awards with those miles (I had to cancel unfortunately)
and it was painless. Canceling was painless (and cheap) too despite some stories out there.
After United died they are the only Star airline to be useful today IMO. I have also tried
Lufthansa (yeah, the famous 50K offer LOL) and although I did book a hard to find LAX
flight, they are ridiculous as a program, not only expensive fees, but impossible to cancel
or change, which to me is the biggest advantage of any mile program.
Also now as there is so few options to book high Star awards, Avianca might be even more valuable. The only thing which sucks is that you can’t combine 2 different classes,
so to flight First you basically have to book this segment as a separate award. But it is
probably the very last way to book First on Lufthansa or Asiana.
For Business, it’s the best program out there.
I had booked a ticket on the United website from Arequipa, Peru to Houston with a connection in Lima. The Arequipa-Lima leg was on Avianca (TACA), and the Lima-IAH leg was on United. The Arequipa flight was cancelled due to weather, but Avianca (TACA) absolutely refused to help me reschedule the connecting United flight. I had to go to an internet cafe in Arequipa and Skype with United to get my flight rebooked. So much for being part of Star Alliance. I won’t even go into was a clusterf**** the Avianca ticket counter was after the flight cancellation–the worst I have ever seen! I guess they’re fine during normal operations, but during IRROPs look out!
thanks for all the insights with Avianca! I still don’t trust airlines who sell miles so often π
That would be the point.com affiliate commission you’re talking about?!
If people really fill their boots it is almost as good as selling them a credit card.
I predict that HACK MY TRIP’s Bengali will do a pictorial of The Toilet Bowls of Cabo in his Cabo trip report.
I find BMG to be a ghetto version of TPG trying to emulate the playboy lifestyle backed by questionable practices.
The kid knows a lot about this hobby for his age.
TPG is descending into parody territory. Hey look, here is how you can redeem points for the new first-class residences on Etihad/Emirates…all you need is around 2 million Barclays points (insert link) or 1.6 million Amex MR (insert link)….and so on.
I am waiting for MV to top it somehow by inserting the LH card into the mix.
“If you need to make position flights for you Etihad residences trip, you can use the Frontier card [insert link] to book it”
I hope it was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek post. The quote on using 1.6m URs “The 40,000 point signup on the Sapphire Preferred is 2.5% of the award and the current limited 60,000 point signup on the Ink Bold and Plus is a whopping 3.8%!” is just over the top.
When I made a comment about “I bet there are some bloggers who are preparing a post about that” I had no idea that TPG would be already posting about it. It was good for some more cc links, some bozos probably applied off them. And that is how the mega blogs keep the best cc links π
the more I observe the blogs the more I find myself developing angry habits…when I am the last person in the world to get angry. Perhaps I need to visit my therapist more?
Tweet by MMS: @MilMileSecrets: New to the US? You Can Still Get Credit Cards! – link
My tweet reply: @FlyerTalkerinA2: How about old to the US? Dogs too? Illegals? RT
Follow up by @jayhawknj: Family pets? Wildlife in the yard? Sea creatures? Credit cards for all!
If I had more time I could make my site A LOT more fun…now I just can’t keep up with these salesmen
I’ll gladly add any or all of the above as AUs as long as there are AU bonuses! http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/american-express-membership-rewards/1494399-targeted-prg-offer-my-dog.html
My mother-in-law is in Amex’s marketing database as three different people with different iterations of her name, so she often gets three of the same solicitation. Her income’s not high enough for a whole lot of credit card fun, but I still wonder if you could get three targeted solicitation bonuses if you applied simultaneously.
@KennyB: Wow, the dog LOL! I may add that to a blog post, sure laugh producer, thanks!
@Nick: Sure sounds intriguing.
Has anyone called out Dan’s Deals for not disclosing that instead of buying Chase UR for 0.47 cents through Staples $200’s, you could be getting payed $3+ per card and getting the points for free? I know he wants to get that Staples affiliate money, but this just seems like an egregious example of a blogger not telling about the better deal and basically costing his readers $8 per $200 card they buy.
Surely this is a job for TBB?
I tried to but he censored my post. I tried to point out that he “forgot” to mention getting more pts thru the UR portal but it never got past moderation. His stock went way down for me, but I’m still getting the WSJ free because of him…….
George will not call him out because he is a DD fan and Dan has to feed his family (I’m kidding)
Some people on his forum have pointed it out as well but were scorn by more senior members who said that one must use his link. Apparently the Jewish laws order you to use his affiliate links and screw yourself at the same time.
As much as TPG is one of the worst pimp and VFTW is following his footsteps they don’t delete/censor comments preventing people to letting the reader know that they are being screwed over.
Thanks for pointing it out. Dan reads my blog. He is probably hurting a lot after losing the Amex links. No doubt his blog has been the more pumpy from all blogs in my Like list.
Having said that…I don’t see anyone else in the Ignore list producing a blog post that comes even close to his 22 points about Avios blog post! And nobody else has done such a job with a forum. So, YES, he gets away with a lot.
At the end of the day guys, I am only one guy blogging away for nada here and only for your love, Amazon clicks and a strong desire to lift the current awful state of the blogging world. I gave up the strong criticism after one year because THIS IS TIRING and I am only one guy who has many other priorities! I am doing my best to produce a quality blog and change the world and entertain you all and primarily myself.
If the troll was not around to keep inspiring me I would have likely folded months ago! Blogging is VERY tough, I had no idea, it consumes you! Especially if you are proud of what you put out there and not giving in to the easy cc money.
I pick my spots and want to leave some comments based on what I see that makes me pull out my hair. And I AM biased. I am human. I just can not single out every single wrong thing I see because that alone CAN BE A FULL TIME JOB! The phucking pump blog posts JUST KEEP COMING NON STOP AND I JUST CAN NOT COMMENT ON ALL OF THEM.
There are days that my personal and business life just gets very busy and I feel like giving this crazy blogging thing up. And then the troll will appear to give me renewed energy π
I try to look at the overall picture of what a blogger offers. And I get the WSJ too π
But I got the message and I hope Dan did too.
Georgie Boy, If you quit, I’ll quit commenting on your blog. We’ll both win as will the hobby π
A Win Win Win Situation and you’ll get your life back.
Or maybe its those “comments” you are cashing in on. Will U of M take “comments” for tuition?
Love ya brother
PS: I wouldn’t worry to much about Dan doing OK. Based on the size of his audience, we are all paupers
As much as TPG is one of the worst pimp and VFTW is following his footsteps they don’t delete/censor comments preventing people from letting the reader know that they are being screwed over.
See my message above. Thank you for the comment. You may like the new Twitter account who followed me: @DansDealsTruth “This is a parody account and not affiliated in any way with DansDeals. Exposing the truth he doesn’t want you to know one tweet at a time. Cleveland Sucks!!!”
Another thing that I learned about blogging is you got to have thick skin and having trolls or people who hate you is all part of success π
Again, please read my message above you.
And please consider that sometimes messages go straight to the spam folder for whatever reasons. Please alert the blogger about it and if you still get ignored then you definitely have valid ground to NOT use his links. Which is probably the best way to express yourself in this hobby.
“5 Reasons to Get the Chase Ink Bold or Plus Cardβ¦..and Fast”
FTG.com kindly asks that you don’t forget about them whenever you’re talking about descending into parody
Only to be followed up by:
“5 Highest Current Credit Card Sign-up Bonuses”
At least they threw out a few non affiliate links on that one. I am losing count how many Chase Ink links I am seeing lately everywhere! Hey, how much does each app pay? I DO keep secrets who tells me such things π
Isn’t something VERY wrong for FRUGAL and a never ending streak of credit cards to go together?
Thinking out loud…
VFTW surveys the state of the hobby. I couldn’t wait to get to the end as I was sure Gary would say it ain’t worth it and we should all get cash back cards.
Another premium post today was Ben-glad I saw the photo of the Coke machine at the
lounge in Vancouver, otherwise I might have walked right by it.
Best advice of the day, albeit to a narrow market, comes from Mommy Points, who writes on how to deal with jet lag and kids. See, if she just had known what that Coke machine looked like………
Time to flip the calendar, Buzz. This one’s a goner. But only 2 days now until Marathon Man re-invents amazing.
Very funny about the Coke Machine π
VFTW will be the last blogger standing and defending what we do…to his last breath π
MM-reinventing amazing…Oh My. Can’t wait!
I find myself spending less and less time on the blogs that I use to read. Seriously, Ben’s posts have devolved to the point that it’s sad. Way too many pics and geez, I really don’t need to see another toilet picture. Gary has developed a foot fetish. MMS will push a credit card to anyone or anything that breathes and has two legs. I await his links for 4 legged applicants. I can go on an on and on but that’s George’s job and he does it very well. the good news is that I spend a lot less time reading blogs I use to read as I now stay on a page for maybe 30 secs. Nit sure if that is reflected in the blogs numbers when they go to get advertisers.
George, you have been very helpful and I appreciate all the time you out in, for free. You save me a lot of time I I pretty much agree completely with your Love, Like, Hate blogs. thanks!
Thank you very much. It is comments like this that make blogging so rewarding to me.
The troll has 342 approved comments as ingy. Many more as anonymous! All on a blog he despises. There is something awfully wrong and sad with that stat.
See you in tomorrow’s blog post. Don’t be angry old man!
My kid is a 4.0 student with 34 on ACT. I think he can go anywhere he wants, no problemo. But thanks for the fake concern.
Are you obsessed with me George. Did you actually go back and figure how many times I commented? You need to be spending more time taking care of your clients George.
My numbers of comments is:
less than the number of times you whine about how tough blogging is
less than the number of times you threaten to get links and show us how it all should be done
less than the number of times you criticize others while being a long way from, perfect yourself
less than the times you pimp that Amazon link.
Far less than the number of times your readers comment with outstanding content like, First, Second, Third
And lastly, less than the number of times you talk about quitting but never do.
Talk about regurgitating content. You do it almost every single day.
Why not do us a favor and try something new like just complimenting the good work people do and ignoring the bad? If you look for the positive, you’ll find it everywhere.
And its not fake concern. You can so many things so much more productive with your life.
Can’t wait to hear what you come up with tomorrow. Maybe I can be first π Wow
That makes 343 by my count
All four of mine got a 34. Good solid score. Lots of options.
Great job. I am not worried about it. Even if he goes to Stanford π