We bring you the never ending mainstream coverage of the Chase Sapphire Reserve cult, visit stunning twisted towers and the best European museums, watch some awesome nature videos, show you how you are going to save you by not following some myths, watch all the earthquakes of the last 100 years, visit terrifying tourist attractions, whine about the incredibly pathetic and rampant credit card shilling going on for so long and seeing it intensify & more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
Pretty good review of both of these cards, both available here, no red arrows needed, I have confidence in you that you can figure it out π The Chase Sapphire Preferred vs Barclaycard Arrival +: Go big, or be frugal?
This is the article that made the cat of Personal Finance Digest famous! Value-Seekers Warm to a $450 Annual Credit Card Fee.Β New York Times baby, we are not worthy!
Has Chase started the tightening already? Chase Quietly Removes 3 dining bouns categories: Bakeries, Caterers, & Dairy product stores. I hope that does not include Panera; if yes, no reason to get me the CSR card lol. Speaking of the CSR, what is the lowest income an applicant has been approved with? And how to long to wait after getting the CSP? Asking for a friend…
The 15 best museums in Europe, according to Trip Advisor that is.
Awesome series of videos celebrating America’s national parks: Wide Open. Directed by Jared Leto. (HT: harvson3)
I really want to save your life. How cool would it be if I ever got an email telling me “You saved me because I read this post at TBB”. #dreaming. Anyways, this is great and educational: 10 survival myths that might get you killed. Don’t go on sucking that snake venom out now, okay?
Animated map of where the largest earthquakes have occurred in the last 100 years. Pretty cool…unless you were there!
What a Time to Be Alive. Stop your whining!
11 most stunning twisted towers around the world. These are awesome!

14 Terrifying tourist attractions. Well, I have done the Stratosphere X-Scream and it was awesome toooo!

Hilariously Bizarre Insults from Around the World. My favorite is the one from Armenia, what’s yours?
Do NOT try this at home! As in applying for 24 credit cards in one day. WTF! (HT: Patrick)
And I leave you with this…
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Plane 2 Port
Miles. Points. Cruising.
Miles. Points. Cursing.
Ralph, that’s funny!
It is.
George, the insults are a fake list, I know 4-5 of the languages/countries, and can confirm never ever having heard of those insults.
The museum list is mostly the typical ‘murrican ‘London/Paris OMG’ stereotype.
The NYT article was rather balanced, the only thing missing was to add one more sentence behing the following text: ‘One travel blogger, The Points Guy, posts monthly calculations, down to the micropenny, of what he considers each cardβs benefits to be worth.’ I would have added: ‘This obsessive documentation of cards and the highlighting of their features has an added benefit for the travel blogger: each application processed originating from their website earns them a substantial commission.’
The English one is correct.
Why not just go with minger?
Chinese mandarin one is correct.
βThis obsessive documentation of cards and the highlighting of their features has an added benefit for the travel blogger: each application processed originating from their website earns them a substantial commission.β
And yet again…the media keeps crawling to him…
You know, in the early 1800’s, there was an earthquake centered around New Madrid, Mo that was around an 8.0. It was so strong that it caused church bells to ring in Boston, reversed the course of the Mississippi River and created Reelfoot lake. At that time, the area was sparsely populated, now Memphis and St Louis would be devastated.
And somewhat of a mystery as its location is nowhere near a plate boundary.
There’s a New Madrid fault that most people underestimate.
I am not moving there then!
By product of blogging that keeps me at it: learning from readers!
TPG is reaching new levels of divahood.
Yeah, unbelievable, what a machine…
Must read: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-sec-bankrate-idUSKCN11L246
“seriously β oyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.”
Long long ago in another era (aka the GoGO ’80s), I had a small community bank as a client. Think they had 3 branches, mostly served small businesses, maybe a small retail footprint. One day the founder’s wife calls me and wants to know if I will come over and “chit-chat” about some travel they want to do.
Nice house on Back Bay (Newport Beach, CA). Wonderful views, nice cocktails and pupus. Bob had decided to close the bank – not sell the bank – close the bank and they wanted to spend “a couple of years” traveling. Bob was “an older guy” — at least to an upstart like me in those days (maybe 50 he was?), very mild mannered. Out of curiosity, I asked:
“Bob, why are you closing the bank instead of cashing out or selling to a bigger bank”?
His reply has stuck to me like glue:
“The banking industry is full of ********** ********** ******* and ******* and I don’t want my good name ever associated with such swine. If you roll around with swine you are going to get covered in pig **** and smell like pig ****. **** them all the ********** ******** ********”!”
True then, true now…
What’s with twisty towers? I don’t get “it”?
Yeah I understand π
Amazing how the Chase bank manager changed her demeanor towards me when I told her I am interested in Private Client and am willing to bring my fat Roth IRA in it and then how her face, along with the advisor, dropped when I say I want to keep my Vanguard ETFs and manage it all myself because this is what I do for a living π
The proprietary products and “research” just did not do the trick for me lol.
They are just…twisted, they look cool!
just send a link of CSR to a friend via your link. hope you will get credit.
Thanks amigo, much appreciated. Sure helps, 41 cents yesterday ain’t cutting it. Combined with $1.08 the day before and does not even pay for my coffee at Panera. Small π
Hope you get both CSR credits. And hope they are at least $100
Got one, maybe the second one was not instant approval? π Yes, thank you.
Lucky pumped the Amex BRG 50k and touted as a great deal. Surprisingly, the majority of the comments called him out of this bullshit and said that there are higher semi targeted offers (75-100k) floating around. I haven’t seen a single fanboy trying to defend him.
I don’t go there anymore….I get his one digest email per day, scan it, barf and move on. I also see some tweets that I use for shooting practice. What is amazing he and Gary just keep cranking them out, amazing work ethic. Every day they out post all of Savrocity, First2Board and Hackr combined π
Read the link above…