We learn how to spend Chase Ultimate Rewards points, earn free Barclays Arrival points, marvel watching the amazing Alex Honnold, visit Austria and Myanmar, learn slang and other stuff like that.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
You can support TBB by shopping with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK or click on the Amazon Banner on the right side, thank YOU!
Last post in this TBB format you have come to love. See mega post tomorrow on the next evolution of TBB. Hint: noFeedly
40 Ways To Use Chase Ultimate Rewards Points – Travel Is Free Somehow I missed this the first time, sorry about that. Use their affiliate links if you are not going to use mine, don’t let the real pumpers win. Update: As of 11.27 pm Saturday night, I am adding this link, probably the last link TBB adds in this format, I will miss you all! Best East Coast Award Flights to Europe.
New Way to earn BarclaysArrival Points – Giddy for Points Hey, free points is the best kind! Next time you log into your Barclay account look for this if you want them. Insert my big sexy deep Barclay Arrival card link I was offered but turned it down to keep using my sucky ccdot bomb links because I did not want to be accused I was a sell out. Absurd hey?
Picture of the Day: Solar Eclipse at the Isle of Skye I am in love with Twisted Sifter and this picture. Orgasmic?

The Heart-Stopping Climbs of Alex Honnold – The New York Times Magazine You must click this. DO IT. I will miss sharing stuff that blows my mind…
A Hyperlapse Tour of Austria Made from 5 TB of Footage Shot Over 2 Years – Twisted Sifter I LOvE this site, it is good for my eyes and soul.
18 Highlights of Austria: Mountains, Castles & Lakeside Villages – RearViewMirror Some really nice pictures. Loved the country side. Not Vienna, not my kind of city.

20 epic Instagrams from last night’s northern lights spectacle – Matador Network So beautiful…
12 images that show the grit and beauty of Myanmar – Matador Network I may have shared this one before, still pretty awesome pics I shall say.

Your Guide to Slang in Other Countries – Conde Nast Traveler You may need to use these one day when you travel for free by clicking on cards elsewhere 🙂
26 charts and maps that show the world is getting much, much better – Vox These are just awesome. Be positive. Not when you portray yourself as a critic as being 100% positive makes you look like an ass who likes to kiss ass!
We end this crazy TBB blog review Feedly endless binge with a quote:

Join over 3,485 TBB followers on Twitter @ FlyerTalkerinA2 and add TBB on Google+
Back from vacation first!
Good for you, George. Evolving TBB! Making us proud!
Third! It’s been a good run!
It’s time to move on boys and girls. The 3 month experiment because I was bored turned into a monster lasting 28 months and going. Time to set new goals in my real job and stop turning business away to keep reading way too many blogs, back to MSing and miles burning. This will be a hobby blog with an occasional rant or observation whenever my time permits.
I just deleted all blogs in Feedly other than the ones in Love/Like list…And it feel sooooooo liberating!
Going out with a Bang in tomorrow’s post.
The format you see here is done. It’s time.
Thank you.
TBB Management
P.S. You can still click my links #LOL
Good for you George. I’ve been reading this blog since week 1. I really enjoyed the early ranting format. I think it struck a nerve that many were feeling at the time and that’s why your blog became so popular so quick. It’s become clear that the early passion for the blog turned into a grind and TBB lost steam. The blog turned into a regurgitation of feedly and then complaints about people not clicking your links. I think getting links also turned off a lot of readers and then the lame attempts at pumping further turned readers off. I’m happy to hear you are abandoning that path.
George, you have a ton of experience in this hobby. People came here because they recognized that experience and appreciated and respected your opinions. I bet you will find greater reader engagement, like what you saw a year ago, when you just post your thoughts on the hobby. For me, and I bet I’m not alone, it was those opinions that brought me here and the discussion in the comments that followed that kept me engaged. Best of luck.
I’m ready for TBB 2.0. (or 12.0, as the case may be)!
I just took a whole bottle of sleeping pills.
I am on a major wipe out mission of blogs in my Feedly list, down to 311 from abt 355. I am also unfollowing people on Twitter accounts, nothing personal. The wipeout process continues.
Not having to come up with a blog post the next day is incredibly liberating. Yes it became a major grind lately. Time to ungrind (is this a word?).
I would still like to share really good things I find online as I am keeping many personal finance blog feeds on Feedly along with selected travel miles/points blogs. Aiming to halve that blog number to way under 200. Again, nothing personal.
Interesting thoughts by Matt on MS: https://saverocity.com/travel/the-hamster-wheel-of-manufactured-spend/ I follow what he says but he discounts the entertainment of MSing (or the addictiveness to it lol). Oh how I missed that!!
Find the first tweet of any account: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-find-your-first-tweet-2015-3
I am surprised there are TBB readers out there who do not know who I am in real life 🙂
And go Michigan State!
Hey George, I think I read a while back that you were upto 600 sites/blogs in your feedly.
I’m sure there are some gems in there so hopefully this request is not too late. Is there any way to get a full list of all the sites you used to follow? As many as possible. Or anyway we can tap into your current feedly even though it’s severely depleted now?
I’m hoping against hope that somehow, somewhere you atleast saved a screenshot of the hundreds of blogs you used to follow once upon a time. I ask cause I barely know/follow a couple dozen. So when you started talking about the 100s of em out there, I figured they were atleast semi popular to be on your radar.
Would be great to have that info for posterity! Also good luck and best wishes for the new direction this site will be headed in! I have enjoyed this format quite a bit, learned and laughed a lot. It will be missed.
Oh man…I wish I had seen your comment before I blasted them all away!
This came up a long time ago and I asked readers how to do it. Someone told me how to do it but it was not that easy and then…, you know, had to catch up with Feedly unread counts so I forgot in which blog post it appeared so…I never did it.
If anyone knows how to do that AFTER wards (maybe there is a history saved somewhere?) please let me know.
I could have saved them in a file, got it in some type of ebook format and sell it on Amazon…why I don’t think Titanically huh? 🙂
I could do screen shots with the Snipping Tool. The ones I kept I am sure you all know. Yeah, it was a massacre 🙂
Somebody please check on Ramsey and call 911 if not responding. Hurrrryyyy!!!!
And Feedly is now down to just 163 blogs, woohoo! Of these ONLY 82 are miles/points/travel related.
It feels AWESOME!
Way. To. Go.
I’m cutting way back on my reading of even the blogs I like. Too much other real life stuff and I am starting to realize how much time I spend on the web, on crap.
In Paneras now about to finish my 1 hour self imposed browse fest. Bye for now.
Yeah, this hobby can be too consuming…Maybe it is time for all to step back, it’s healthy.
I agree with Scott above. Glad you are feeling liberated and I look forward to whatever comes next, whenever that is!
Down to 165! Of those, 79 are miles/points/travel blogs…I am on a giant roll!
I took a few days off and look what happens: rants from other posters, a dissertation on the hobby, and a new George emerging forth! 🙂
You got into this hobby to be able to afford great travel, right? You created this blog to vent about the bad side of this hobby, right? You’re a husband, dad, businessman, etc. too, right? Well, it’s time to go live the good side of life! 🙂
Thank you for helping to open up my eyes to a part of the world that I never knew existed: thru amazing photo links, current news discussions, pitfalls about MS….
We human creatures evolve, adapt, and grow. To remain static is unhealthy. So please, shed all the weight that is holding you down. You’ve carried the burden of standing up for the right things, and now it is someone else’s turn to carry it.
Newbies, like me, should research. Research. And more research. Why? Because we don’t understand that sometimes when encountering obstacles in this hobby, one needs to stop rather than go forward. You’ve helped to give newbies and oldies in this hobby tools to help them travel.
Thank you.
And if for no other reason than the whole Vendomning experience with Dia, it was truly awesome to be here.
Looking forward to your new version of this blog.
Go Red Wings!
Wow, thanks a lot for your comment, so appreciated you would not believe!
It’s been a good ride. Most enjoyable part is interacting with readers like you. So thank you!
Dr. Kervorkian is making a house call to my house. Wouldn’t help me until I told him I can’t live without my TBB. Said he’d be right over. ……………..This is dedicated to TBB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXTwB5Rgcks
I heard Delta Points is shooting off FIREWORKS in celebration!!! Where is Old Man Ingy and his I told you so condescension.
Lol, please come back and be Ramsey, we love you here!
Thanks for the kind words.
No doubt DP is celebrating. Had to keep my head intact from so much shaking reading his stuff. It was one of the goners in my blogs, felt so good. He can pump away his affiliate cards blogging about the “mothership”, life is too short. No more….
On the contrary, I kept FTG because a good friend still writes for it. And it is so entertaining seeing what other ways they can come up with to pump more plastic.
Or maybe this is a plot to get the troll back in here. Hey, TBB is primarily about entertainment 🙂 I have no doubt he will come by and let me have it.
I gotta tell you it is so weird….I had all this available time today and knocked out some projects, even did some CE credits online to renew my CFP license and not having to scramble in the last minute.
I may be sharing some of the stuff I find in the comments so stick around to help my Alexa ranking numbers 🙂
I hope you didn’t delete Frugal Travel Guys, NoobTraveler or TheHorneyTraveler.com…………….yesterday my Starbucks Barrista wanted to talk about race, I told him I like my coffee like my woman, Hot and Black. I think he might of spit in my coffee. WTF. Doesn’t anyone have a sense of humor anymore?……………………..Substitute TBB for MTV in the following important video lyric dedicated to INGY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAD6Obi7Cag
You make me feel old. I had LPs by Dire Straits!
Lol, about Starbucks and “Race Together”. I asked my Barista if she was into interracial sex as much as I was the other day. Expectedly, she said yes (I know her lol).
Oh man Dire Straits, that goes way back…