We go off on a rant on the Chicago Seminars, enjoy awesome hikes in South America, sit on the cushiest First Class seats, watch the construction of the largest telescope, eat at the best restaurant in the world and more, much more! Okay, maybe not as much more, it is Sunday after all, get out!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Dead action in the blogs. It appears many are at the Chicago Seminars. Not moi, I went to the first two and I had enough. I am not going to patronize these business men ruining my hobby by mass marketing to newbies and tricking them to apply for credit cards. Why hobbyists continue to patronize these mass marketers is beyond me! Oh, keep the business and personal separate you say? I say bullshit. How can you do that? What do you stand for? The people behind this seminar operation encouraged newbies to apply for 7 travel rewards credit cards in the same day when they were just looking for 1 cash back card WTF!!! And had no clue about some basic features of British Airways program that should be declared a crime in The Hobby. Or maybe I am just still pissed how University of Michigan lost the game against Michigan State. If I see you friend a blogger who can mass shoot three dozen affiliate credit cards links in ONE post and do this repeatedly, I am sorry, I am sure they are nice people but I would not want them anywhere near me as I fear they will slickly try to sell me something. Do I friend the slick dude down the street luring victims to “free” dinners and then selling them the crappiest annuities in the country? HELL NO!!! Rant over.
I am done paying to see friends in “conferences” to learn how to travel for free. Go to small free gatherings you find HERE. Mass publicizing Hobby activities leads to ruining it. Look at the pace of the killed deals left and right in the past several years. Enough! Why didn’t he fall on the ball on that last play, why University of Michigan punter whyyyyyyyy?
I keep up with Blog lists as self appointed blog critic of The Hobby. I will be making changes in the coming weeks and will not be making separate posts, it just feels so lazy. And no you will not see me do 35 part trip reports either, WTF! Actually, I can’t believe I am still blogging nearing the 3 year mark. But I do like my voice and keeps me out of trouble hehe. So, check the lists frantically every day okay? I will delete several blogs from it. We are all so busy I want to solidify my lists, make them more compact. If you have not made it on my daily TBB posts in a long time, you do not belong. Do not take it personally, I do this as a service to my readers and fulfill part of my blog’s mission to educate them. Many friends will be upset, get over it. You must post regularly. Only exception is Yomadic but I am losing my patience with that dude too and may downgrade him as well! I will delete the blog summary commentaries and thinking of adding categories such as: Miles & Points, Travel, General, Personal Finance (new), etc. Any ideas/comments/feedback is welcome.
I feel so much better, thank you WordPress for allowing TBB to vent here. I would also like to thank my mom, my wife and my kids for putting up with me. And thank you all for the support. Now back to regular programming…
The new Residence Inn in downtown Ann Arbor is now open.
20 Places to Hike in South America, great AFAR list.
China is building the largest telescope ever, it will blow you away, it is 500 meters long and the dish is 30 football field sizes long and will be completed in 2016.
The Top 10 Most in Demand Employers in America
10 Cushiest First Class Airplane Cabins. Umm, ok if you say so Business Insider writer.

Dream-Like Autumn Forests By Czech Photographer Janek Sedlář Absolutely stunning!
Eating at the best restaurant in the world: Martin Berasategui

And lets end with vagina emoji for sexting! (HT: Caroline)

And I leave you with this…
Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
Follow me on Twitter @ FlyerTalkerinA2 and add TBB on Google+
First. Now I can retire
Sounds good!
Yawn. George Ranty von Peterson up there with the anti-Chicago stuff!
Oh, and, Segundo.
Ranty von Peterson lol
So, I saw travelisfree did a trip with mms. That’s too bad. FT is becoming more and more my go to “blog.”
I share your sentiment 🙁
AWESOME Rant! I started in “The Hobby” a few months back. Learning much as well as now have a “Poor” rating on the credit reports from applying to too many cards. (The rest of the credit ratings is still very high though. I pay my bills) Was I urged on by some blogs, Not so much, but at the same time, there was not too much in the way of cautions for the newbie, etc.
I enjoy the rants and as I learn and gain points and have started planning trips, I enjoy this kind of post more as well as the good constructive things you say as well.
yes, I know as well as anyone how hard it is to keep blogging. There are days when you feel you are empty, but the words have to come out anyhow.
Thanks very much and please keep on with this. I truly enjoy your hard work and words.
Having cautions does not help cc conversions. And “conversions is what matters” said one old Titan.
In a sense, I have it easy as I don’t put out my thoughts much, I focus mostly on curating great stuff I find online and keeping bloggers in line hehe. I feel for the full timers, this is not easy work.
My blog has never wavered from the mission to entertain, educate and sometimes inspire.
Thanks a lot for the kind words. Sometimes I feel like all the feedback was negative so I can then retire much much easier 🙂
I guess I am lucky they were not Penis Emoji’s…………………..Please Buzz, not before I had my breakfast.
Lol. Man I am getting some hits today after people surf for “whores”. The sad thing is they are not searching for any whores but specifically for “Sri Lankan whores”. WTF lol.
You are doing a great job Buzz, keep up the good work ! Not just a blog critic but the meta blogger !
I feel kind of bad not having booked one or multiple of those BA AA etc US to Europe flights but so busy right now, other deals are sure to come along, one hopes.
Vagina mojis, my goodness !
Deals die but they never stop
Site brought in 59 cents yesterday. The day before it was $0. I need intervention 🙂
Thumbs up for vagina emojis lol.
I rarely visit boardingarea but happened to notice that Deltapoint has changed the name to renespoints. Maybe this happened a long time ago. Sometimes you’re better off diversifying.
other possible changes IMHO GrantsAmexOffersUpdate ViewFromMyLAV BengaziMilesGuru BetYouDidn’tCare WearingMyPilotHeadsetToimpressYou Dan’sDiaperDeals RamseyMakingAnAssofHimselfAgain MattDamonMiles OneConversionAtATime FrequentTripsToTheBathroomMiler any others?
Yeah, DP rebranded some time ago. Better for cc sales 🙂
DollarChaser, TravelisNOTFree, MillionBSNonSecrets, OneHandjobatatime, LinksValue, Travel Codak, MilestoCoasters, MommyClickMe, WanderingOutThere, WillTakeOverYourCity, TravelBloggerBonehead,
Bonehead? Lol
These are great!
I posted a little game matching the tag lines with their BoardingAea weblogs…
…and changing the tag lines might actually be more fun than changing the names of the weblogs themselves.
Let’s see someone improve on Living Doesn’t Have To Suck or imagine a more creative title…
Is this a test? Can you grade on a curve please?
“Living Doesn’t Have To Suck”. Seriously? Is there a life coach guru in BA now or what?
How about a TBB seminar?
I would love to go to that, would I get my ass kicked?
Like I have time for that? Besides, charging tickets and all that kind of jazz is just not…me.
Did the hike to Fitz Roy from the Afar list this spring. Constant rain with zero visibility at the pond in the picture below Fitz Roy, but got some views of the peaks when the clouds broke in the middle of the hike. Trail was waterlogged in a couple of spots and we helped another American couple build a crude bridge with tree branches to get across. Rangers let us know the trail was closed as soon as we got to the end. Still one of my favorite experiences.
sounds like a true adventure!
The Buzz proclaimeth:
“Deals die but they never stop.”
Words to live by. And I do.
Earning some UR points, local OM is 2 mins away, next to Stabucks. I was reunited with my ex girfriend Kate yesterday, she looks…the same, phew! 🙂
…so which of these articles are your favorite?
Definitely the one with the vagina emojis lol
Hey — I am just trying to generate some comments and clicks for you, George.
Check out this article in USAToday. Sounds like people are finally waking up….
@Paul, there’s some truth in there but Christopher Elliott has had a “hard-on” for pretty much everyone in the travel deals and what not industry for a long time. I think his attitude is about as slanted by his prejudices and anger as what he writes about being slanted.
Chris Elliott, there is only one. I liked the dig about being “thought leader”ish lol.
There ARE some truths in the article and it’s good for people to know about them!